Intertwined Destiny

Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Seirin

Chapter 6: Seirin

Entrusting Kuroko into Kise's hands, Akashi had a bad feeling this would not end well. No one at that time realized Kuroko's departure will be their last time meeting Kuroko. Akashi was fairly worried and concerned that his dear Kuroko will not return. Unforeseen disaster would befall, in a form of curses and unfortunate. Danger was encroaching closer cloaking the land of Teiko in a mass of negative emotions. It was prophesized destiny had been preordained signifying the world shall suffers in the hands of the tyrant rulers of Kirisaki Daiichi. Kuroko leaving the lands of Teiko was concordant to capitulating the hope of Teiko. Sun will not rise, crops do not harvest. Teiko was faced with tremendous shower of pelts, Scotch mist had hovered over the lands of Teiko, making it difficult for Teiko to be found, as if protecting Teiko in absolute defense before Kuroko returns. Humans who defy the law would be found themselves in a labyrinth, hallucinating through the thick mist dying of hunger. The lands of Teiko had been a forbidden land the elders had preached since the ancient days, humans of the present have defied their teachings, evolved to survive the world filled with evil, betrayal and deceit. The people of Teiko were also left with sadness and longing for their light to return. Although Kuroko was human, the people of Teiko had treated Kuroko like their own kin, unlike humans who did not possess the ability of conscience, ruling and dictating through authority and fear. Akashi's feelings influence the current plight of Teiko, as the master ruling the lands of Teiko. Like the people of Teiko, Akashi awaits eagerly the day his wife would return to Teiko.

"Kuroko-sama!" Kise stood in front of Kuroko, in attempts of protecting Kuroko at all costs. "Please stand back! Akashi-sama will not forgive the world if something were to happen. I will protect Kuroko-sama with my life!"

Kuroko had glared at his uncle. "Uncle Amaya, please get out of the way. What I do with my life is none of your concern." His voice was strained and insouciant. Kuroko was a specialist in making use of people's behaviours against his opponents. Because of his natural extraordinary observant ability, Kuroko was unable to express freely filled with colours, a variety of expressions. Many, like Midorima could never get a hang of what Kuroko was always thinking, keeping everything to himself and doing the unexpected. "Afterall, you abandoned me and made me a sacrifice to the devil."

Kuroko and Kise's clear irises had reflected pure hatred and anger, mirroring the tormented feelings of anguish harboring deep within themselves. The intensity of their stare had flinched humans sent to assassinate Kuroko. Not even in Kisaragi Amaya's wildest dream one day his nephew would be the fated child who will to stop his evil plans. He had cursed the child and his father for taking away his dear sister. To his surprise not only his nephew would be the one to stop his plans, his nephew was alive. Kisaragi Amaya then realized his nephew was no longer human. The spiritual energy waves emitting from within Kuroko had changed its pattern. Individuals with spiritual strength possess waves which serve as a biological imprint of identity from birth. He had been taken by the devils. To him, Tetsuya was just a walking corpse obeying the orders of his master.

"Did your master order you to kill us?" Kuroko's uncle had sneered. "What an imprudent child. Even after dying, you are still causing me so much trouble. Why can't you just die peacefully?"

Kise strung wires swiftly with great expertise around Amaya's neck, reappearing in the shadows of the cursed humans. "Say another word, I shall toss your head into the River of Styx." The humans were terrified. Humans beg for their life and promised the best when death is just beyond the reach of their feet. "You pathetic excuse of a human. How dare you talk like that to your own flesh and blood. Have you forgotten the warning I had gave you so many years ago?"

"Tetsuya.... please... help me!" Amaya pleaded. "I promise we'll tell you the truth! The truth of your origins!"

"Kise-kun, please don't kill him yet. We have things we must interrogate him." Kuroko sighed. "Even if we kill him, Kirisaki Daiichi will send another pathetic fellow to complete the mission my uncle had failed to do so."

Amaya and his team had taken a step backwards, turning pale white from fear and terror. Their bodies had displayed the symptoms of psychological fear and nervousness vividly, such as excreting cold sweat, rapid and increase pulsing of heartbeats, choking sensations and the visible tightness in their chests. Kise's strings had prevented any of the enemy from escaping.

"Don't kill them, Kise. We still have much use for them." said Kuroko. "Uncle Amaya, are you afraid of death? The man who sacrificed a child who had just turned seven years of age is afraid of the dark, I see."

Kise bowed. "Yes, of course, Kuroko-sama."

"Amaya, are you sure that invisible kid was your nephew?" One of the humans had whispered quietly. "If it wasn't for the fox, I wouldn't have noticed him!" Amaya's fellow soldiers agreed.

"I and Hanamiya sacrificed him to Teiko, nine years ago." Amaya had replied. "He resent humans. Teiko's devil master must have raised him, and made him his wife after he reached the maximum growth of adulthood." The soldiers had paled. This was the truth that Kirisaki Daiichi had hidden for nine years. Sacrificing a young boy no older than seven years of age to the devil master said to purge all beings who defy him.

"Don't sympathize, you lot. Kirisaki Daiichi will take advantage of whatever it takes to grant us victory. He is no different. He was used to bring prosperity to Kirisaki Daiichi. Kuroko Tetsuya is dead." Amaya scolded his men. "Kill him!"

"Don't make excuses for yourself, uncle. You have always abused me and had taken advantage of me since I was born. Just because my mother died, you take out your hatred and resentment on the living soul that my mother left, me and the Kuroko family." said Kuroko, materializing out a long sword from thin air. "The Kuroko family was untouchable, because of the abilities they possessed. So you hired specialized assassination mercenaries to murder the entire Kuroko family, and kidnapped my half-brother. My brother must be taken advantage by Kirisaki Daiichi by being slaved into doing pathetic tasks for the tyrant ruler."

Kuroko draw the long sword from its scabbard, its sharp edges was against his uncle's neck. "Where is my brother?"

"Why, I didn't know you were this smart, Tetsuya. If I had known, you would have more value that your pathetic brother." was Amaya's poor attempt of denial. Kuroko and Kise glared at him with everything they had. Kise wondered what kind of life this man had led for his soul to be tainted with such blackness of evil. A fallen soul of the deprivation. The man had willingly plunged into the manifestations of evil.

"Spill it now before I send your head rolling." Kuroko had threatened his uncle. "It's too late for regrets."

"Commander!" Amaya's men were frightened with fear and terror. "How could you kill such a fine man?!" They had readied their weapons and opened fire. Kuroko had deflected every bullet with his slaying sword. The slaying sword was a gift from Akashi, who had personally crafted it for his wife as a reward upon completing his training.

"Peasants. Don't you do anything if you don't want to die." Kise had threatened them. "You must have a distorted definition of good and evil. Humanity is done for. Realize your mistakes, humanity will be saved. But at this point, eventually even you will be plunged into the darkness of deprivation." The soldiers had wondered and glanced at each other, skepticism and doubt were evident in the soldiers' expressions. Kise's words had thrown their consciousness into a world of confusion, releasing the bloodlust and their weapons lay forgotten on the solid ground.

"Hmph. Why go through all the trouble when you already know?" Amaya had glared at his nephew. "Afterall, you are cursed with that gift of the cursed family. You have already sensed your answers the moment you left Teiko. The human lands are filled with evil and desires, so strong you can even sense it from the borders of Seirin." Amaya broke free from the Kise's bindings, whipped out his gun and fired Kuroko. The bullet fired had pierced through Kuroko's right shoulder. "That is a feat only cursed being are capable of. No human can do such things, Tetsuya."

"Kuroko-sama!" Kise had rushed to Kuroko's side. Embracing Kuroko into his arms, Kise had glared at the humans standing around before him. "You cursed humans! He's your flesh and blood!"

Amaya pointed a gun at the retreating Kuroko and Kise. Kuroko's sword had vanished the moment he had been shot. "He is no longer mine, the moment my sister had married into that cursed family. The Kuroko family are a family of spirit descendants! My sister was blind in love and wouldn't reconsider my warnings! And now he had decided to enter a marriage with another spirit. Unforgivable."

The soldiers have been terrified. Their commander had fired at the target they were supposed to capture. Kirisaki Daiichi had defied the mighty Teiko, roaring the anger of the boy's guard, a divine spirit. A fox spirit is a divine spirit that guides humans to their fates and destinies. Defying and angering them is a bad omen of the ancients, fox spirits are revered as messengers of the divine Gods. Humanity is at its end.

"Hmph. You spent all your life plotting war against a single child. What a poor soul you are. I guess my existence must have traumatized you, Uncle." Kuroko had grabbed a piece of cloth, in great attempts of stopping the blood flowing from the wound, his body was pulsating, feelings of extreme pain and numbness had crept its way into his nerves, slowly experiencing symptoms and conditions, a state of emphysema. "I must have such great powers that even humanity fears me. Maybe I should have used them to torture all of you vile humans."

Kise growled. "This will be remembered. Remember, you have declared a war against Teiko."

Kise and Kuroko had vanished from the scene. Nothing was remained except Kuroko's blood when he had been shot. Kise had fled, desperate to find help, Kuroko's deteriorating health was first priority. Kise had refused to imagine the aftermath of Kuroko's death. Akashi would destroy the world. The miracles would purge the humans. The world would be overrun by spirits and devils, killing every human regardless of their innocence. In fear of the possibility of that future, Kise had crossed the border, entering into the lands of Seirin. Upon seeing the lands flourished with happiness and joy, Kise had collapsed in front of the heart of the land, the castle of the Lords ruling over Seirin.

"Sir! What have you done?!" The soldiers were beyond terrified. Among humans, there still exists community who believes in the divine powers of the spirits. The spirits have been revered with utmost respect, offering guidance striving for a world without evil manifestations of malice. "Not only Kirisaki Daiichi will face great dangers, but the entire humanity will face the destruction of apocalypse!"

Amaya had a frozen stare at his subordinates. "You believe in such bullshit? The age where humanity lives in the shadow of monsters is over! We now have the strength to bring them down. The cursed lands of Teiko!"

The soldiers stared at his commander in horror. This was the man who regarded his flesh and blood a monster. A small child who have yet to understand the world was sacrificed for sake of strength. The people in the ancient times have believed coexistence of both species. Spirits are just a community of people with born with special traits unique from the rest of the people. They are renamed 'spirits', 'monsters', 'devils', names alike do not matter. They were chosen to take on the tasks ordained by the divine Gods.

"Help.... he's been shot... He needs immediate help..." Kise had pleaded to the people of Seirin. The kind souls of Seirin were appalled at the sight of the dying state of the young boy, worriedly had called the ambulance for help. Both Kise and Kuroko were drenched in blood, the sight of blood had caused a disturbance, stirring feelings of being nauseated and revolt especially among young children. Kise had breathed in a sigh of relief as he saw the quick arrival of the white ambulance vehicle and its loud siren, signaling and notifying people of the extremely dire of the situation, the unconscious Kuroko being carried into the ambulance, providing first aid before he was rushed to the hospital ward.

"Sir!" Kise had felt his energy drained and collapsed to the ground, startling the people surrounding him before capitulating into the darkness and nothingness. Kise found himself in a hospital ward after regaining consciousness. Kise had felt the pain coming from his headaches.

"What happened?" He had implored the attending nurse. The nurse noticed he had regained consciousness, had called for the doctor. Kise noted the nurse and the paediatrician had worn the traditional uniform of health professionals. The doctor on duty had ran a quick examination, declaring Kise was in perfect health, had given Kise approval for discharge. The cause of his concussion was just fatigue and stress.

"Where is he?" Kise had asked the nurse worriedly. "Where is my ward?"

"Do you mean your companion?" The nurse realized Kise must have been talking about his injured partner when he had been discovered collapsing in front of the heart of the nation, the great Palace of Seirin. "He had just got out from surgery. He is now resting in room 3104."

Kise lay back on his bed when he received the good news. Kuroko-sama is safe. He sighed in relief. Thank goodness, Kise had prayed for guidance and hope to the divine Gods. He could not imagine the aftermath beyond Akashi's wrath, if something were to happen to Kuroko. He pulled out the needle from his right wrist connecting to the IV drip, draped his hakama over his shoulders and left for room 3104, just as the nurse had told him. Kise was a fox spirit. Human technology could never work on him, fox spirits have regenerative abilities. They do not need medical help.

Kise entered room 3104, the view of Kuroko sleeping peacefully had brought peace to Kise's heart. Kise took a chair and sat next to Kuroko's bed. Kise made a mental note to write a report on what had happened at the borders. Fate had begun to move. Akashi and Teiko will have the power to stop Kirisaki Daiichi. But first, he will stay by Kuroko-sama's side, until he is fully recovered from the gunshot Kisaragi Amaya and soldiers of Kirisaki Daiichi had inflicted. Kise was deep in thoughts, determining and reviewing how they should approach the world with their current resources. Kuroko regaining consciousness had pulled Kise's consciousness back into the physical world.

"Kuroko-sama!" Kise had gasped. "You're awake!" Kise had gave Kuroko an embrace of a bear.

Kuroko had given Kise a blank stare. "W... who are you?" His voice was devoid of all emotions. It was as if Kuroko was a walking zombie who had gave up all hopes of life. Kise had stared at Kuroko in trepidation of pure horror and torment. The delicate boy who had become Teiko's most cherished treasure. In a blink, their light was gone.

"Kuroko-sama? You are joking, aren't you?" Kise did not dare to believe what he was witnessing before his eyes. In that moment, Kise found himself falling into darkness and despair. Their treasured light was gone. Kise made himself clear that not all hope was gone. He pressed the button with shaking hands located above Kuroko's head, which was a communicating system installed built into the wall, summoning for the doctor and the nurse. It was amnesia. Kise did not have the willpower to face the reality. Kuroko's amnesia was because of him. He was the reason why Kuroko had been injured, all due to his lack of strength. Kise could not make a return back to Teiko with Kuroko in his current state. Not only it would be a suicide, Kuroko-sama may have a high chance of turning his sword against him, believing him to be the enemy instead. The doctor had explained the high chances of a concussion. The condition may not be permanent, how long before Kuroko's full recovery was uncertain. It varies from one individual to another, the paediatrician had deduced and explained that only time could tell.

Kuroko had denied Kise's attempt of revisiting his memories through stories. It had caused Kuroko severe headaches, Kuroko had entered the stage of refusal and denial. Kise realized Kuroko's memories had degenerated. The pediatrician had run several tests and diagnosis, in hope of discovering the cause and key to regain memories. The efforts were in vain. The paediatrician had concluded it may have been the defensive mechanism that was activated had prevented hurtful and distressing memories from damaging himself. The health professional had advised that Kise should make a decision soon.

Kise made his decision. Kise and Kuroko would have to remain in Seirin for quite some time. It would be dangerous to travel across the lands with an amnesia Kuroko. Kise sent a report on Kuroko's uncle, and the unfortunate incident that had occured prior arriving Seirin. Kise feared of Akashi's wrath, had ensured his comrades that Kuroko was safe and out of danger's reach. Seirin was a peaceful country. Without Kuroko's lost memories, Kise could only watch Kuroko from distance. Kuroko had led a fulfilling life in those three years. Kuroko had believed himself to be a graduating student of Teiko Middle School, had made a decision of entering Seirin High School upon graduating Teiko Middle School. He had believing the generation of miracles was a team of basketball geniuses, and he had a role in assisting the miracles to victories.

The report Kise had sent back to Teiko was frozen in the hands of the devil master. His wrath had caused earthquakes of the lands, tsunamis of the oceans, tornados of the wind, and eruptions of the volcanos. "Akashi! Calm down!" Aomine had pleaded. With the absence of Kise and Kuroko, the remaining miracles had to deal with the wrath of the Teiko.

"Calm down, Akashi. Kuroko is safe, just as Kise reported." Midorima had reconfirmed the facts. "Kuroko will be unable to return as long as his memories aren't recovered."

"What are the best chances of recovery, Shintarou?" Akashi asked, his wrath slowly depleting as his advisor had made sure of Kuroko's safety. "I knew it was a bad omen. Yet I ignored it, and had placed both Ryouta and Tetsuya in danger!"

Aomine sighed. "Don't be stupid, Akashi. You're not a spiritual medium, or someone who possess spiritual powers like both Kise and Kuroko-sama. Even Kise's stupid sensory and infiltration squad don't possess such high-level powers like them. They may have known something."

Midorima had made a soft click as he adjusted his metal glasses. "I suggest three years. I have no knowledge what may have happened, but considering Kuroko-sama's regenerative abilities, parts of his memories may return sooner."

Akashi nodded. "Three years it is then. Ryouta would be there to collect Tetsuya. He will return to me. And by now, quite some time must have passed. It will be soon he would be graduating Teiko Middle School, if he still believes he is human. It's time for Teiko's generation of miracles to make their final act."

Just like Akashi suggested, Kuroko had met the miracles one after another with such inspiration, had become close friends with them through their passion for basketball. Kuroko must have felt the strange connection with the miracles, as if he was mysteriously drawn towards them. The miracles felt for the first time that three years was a long time. They wondered if this was how humans have coped through their fulfilling lives. Their invaluable experiences and gratifications were worth their efforts and patience. Spring was a new start, new admissions for new students, and a new semester. Kise had entered Kaijou, in hopes he would unite with Kuroko once again in the near future.

The following spring, Kuroko had made his grand debut as the human Kuroko Tetsuya, introducing himself as a third-year student at Teiko Middle School. Kuroko had settled himself comfortably in an apartment near the borders between Teiko and Seirin. With the help of the people from the hospital, Kuroko and Kise had managed to settled down nicely after they had been discharged from the hospital. Although their choice of residence was distance away from the city, with affordable transportations, people are capable of travelling easily to the city. Seirin was a nation equipped with advanced technology assisting and satisfying in people's daily needs and leisure have become the proud culture of Seirin. People of Seirin do not crave for wars, nor they do not wish to hurt others. All they wish for is peace. Convenient transportations that can get people anywhere within the country, convenient stores, shopping malls, theme parks, street courts, parks, theatres, shrines, cafes and street food. Kuroko and Kise had begun adapting to the foreign land, Kuroko had appeared in Teiko Middle School as a transfer student.

"Hello, I am Kuroko."

Their first impressions of Kuroko were gloomy and shabby had made it hard for both parties to approach each other. Students who have come from lands of Teiko had harboured trepidation that fuels Akashi's wrath. Students from Seirin had a fear of Kuroko's invisible presence, was revered and treated like a plague, the human body of their peers were unable to keep up with people special abilities. Kuroko managed to make friends two months after his transfer. It was his neighbour who happens to attend the same school and the same class as Kuroko. Kuroko had a hard time dealing with him, but as he spent more time with him, Kuroko had slowly transformed into a more likeable person, learning more about on importance art of communication. Thanks to them, Kuroko was no longer treated like plague or epidemic, although his gloomy deadpan way of expressing himself still has not changed much. His peers also began approaching Kuroko, their wish to connect a deeper bond with Kuroko, making genuine efforts to understand his sufferings had made them realize that Kuroko was more unfortunate than most of his peers had experienced.

Teiko Middle School was located right at the border of Teiko and Seirin. Teiko Middle School was an exceptional academy that allows people from Seirin to attend too. Teiko Middle School was built upon Akashi's orders several hundred years ago. The goal was to train the people of Teiko to adapt, train and survive among humans. To perfect their techniques, exchange knowledge, and attain new strengths. Many of the students came from Teiko, had similar vision as Seirin. People of Teiko do not resort to aggressiveness without reason, people of Teiko do not move without Teiko's order. Kuroko's new appearance in Teiko Middle School had stirred mixed feelings of trepidation among themselves, students and staff alike. There was no individual alive in Teiko who does not know the wife of their master. Kuroko Tetsuya was the maiden name of the wife of their master, Akashi Seijuurou.

Upon graduating Teiko Middle School, Kuroko started to experience nightmares. There was times Kuroko could not sleep at night, and times he was heavily burdened with severe psychological distress. Despite being from lands of Seirin, Kuroko had made a true friend, with the exception of the generation of miracles. His name was Ogiwara Shigehiro. They had spent a lot of time together. Many students at the school had often lost to his diminishing presence, and were surprised when he had talked to them, earning a devastating reaction each time. Kuroko had been labeled as an apparition or peculiar by his peers and those around him, earning the nickname: The Invisible Boy. His best friend was coincidentally also Kuroko's neighbour living in the same apartment, four room down Kuroko's floor. Ogiwara had noticed Kuroko's symptoms had increased by the time graduation had turned around, had advised Kuroko and took him to see a doctor. His visions and nightmares had warranted the concern of the doctor, suggesting they could be suppressed memories of his missing past.

Kuroko had visioned of the same dream each night, each night the dream becomes more vivid and realistic. A man with red hair under the moon. Fangs. Blood. Vampires. Wars. People fearing the Kuroko clan. His uncle. And... he was being kissed by the man with red hair.

Kuroko had feared the fiery red hair of Kagami Taiga upon transitioning into Seirin High School. Red hair.... Kuroko had conflicted feelings, the feelings of dilemma of Kagami's fiery red hair. Kuroko convinced himself that Kagami is not the man in the dreams. Starting anew, Kuroko made decisions of forming new bonds with Kagami, learning more about each other, resulting of their common passion of basketball and entering the basketball club. Their exceptional skills had made them the core players of Seirin basketball team. Kuroko's psychological conditions and well-being had just begun its recovery, the appearance of Kise Ryouta had ruined everything. His return to the lands of Teiko, a furious Akashi, and Akashi's drastic efforts had plunged Kuroko's submerged memories back to the surface.

"And the rest is history, Kagamin." Momoi gave Kagami a smirk. The hall was heavy with silence, Kagami had yet to wrap the bombarding information around his mind. It now explains and matches Kuroko's weird behaviours since Kise Ryouta's appearance within the grounds of Seirin. Kagami had remembered once a ring had fell out of Kuroko's gym bag. Kuroko had panicked had treated it with utmost care. Kagami had felt that the ring was an invaluable symbol. The ring was made from pure gold, displaying its intricate carvings adorning the metal band. Kagami had sounded that Kuroko must have unconsciousness felt the importance of the ring. He must have felt great attachment to that ring, despite his lost memories.

"His body still craved for blood, even after losing his memories." said Kise. "It was a surprise he had unconsciously suppressed for three years. The extreme sweetness in the vanilla might have temporarily dulled Kuroko-sama's senses of craving as a vampire, the natural instincts still remains. It had taken a huge toll on his mind, experiencing extreme nightmares and hallucination arr side effects of blood withdrawal. No vampire can survive without blood. There was no clear evidence that vanilla had contained substances to dull spiritual senses, I find it unbelievable."

"The ring in question was Kuroko-sama's wedding ring." Aomine had satisfied Kagami's queers. "Of course he would have felt great attachment to that ring. That ring is like a part of himself, losing it is like losing a part of himself."

Kagami had found himself stunned at the miracles. The first friend he made since returning from America, the only chance of possibility he felt he could unleash his potential had vanished. Kuroko Tetsuya, a seventeen-year-old high school student was already engaged. He found it unbelievable, but after witnessing tonight's incidents, Kagami told himself it must be true. The miracles serve Teiko, they will have gained nothing if they had provided Kagami with a fake story. Aomine had tugged at Kagami's chains.

"Alright. Party time is over. You're going back to your prison, Tiger." Aomine yawned. "It's time for bed."

"Wha-" Aomine had dragged Kagami off his chair and was returned to the basement cellar. "Bastard! Can't you be gentler? I'm not a sack of potatoes!" Kagami had protested and yelled at Aomine. "That's not it! Where is Kuroko!"

Aomine had tossed Kagami a I-don't-care attitude. "Huh? Kuroko is with Akashi. They haven't saw each other for three years after all. Y'know, some husband-and-wife bonding time." Aomine continued explaining. "I don't mind taking you there if you intend on interrupting them having sex, or you'd like to experience Akashi's wrath personally. Feel free to do so, just tell me you wanted to be roasted by the great Akashi-sama."

"I know that much! You don't have to explain what it is!" Kagami retorted at Aomine. "Are you an idiot?!"

Aomine had scoffed. "Hmph. I thought you were an idiot. I bet you got zero marks for your Japanese Language."

Kagami had flushed, the redness had mantled his face was the mirror image of his fiery crimson red hair. "My Japanese test has nothing to do with this, you kidnapper!"

Kagami had sighed. He had wondered why he was still kept alive by Teiko. He wondered if the devil master had other plans for him. What skills could he possibly offer the devil? He found himself staring at the window, the only thing that could reach the cold floors of the basement was the reflection of the moon.

Kagami had sighed to himself, wondering what had happened to Kuroko after his friend away had been piloted away by Akashi, along with his high intensity of intimidation. Kagami spent the entire night reviewing on the multiple incidents that had occurred. After listening to the miracles' tale, Kagami come to realized Kuroko had been heavily burdened and influenced with determining what Kuroko had felt was important, achieving answers only he could and vowing to protect them, yet he still strive to save Seirin from time and time again. Unlike Kagami and his fellow peers, Kuroko did not have the opportunity to develop and mature in a normal environment. Influenced through years of training and mentoring, Kuroko felt secure and safe by the side of devils and spirits of Teiko where he could call home. Ultimately, Kuroko had fell in love with his captor, who was also his saviour. Akashi made sure Teiko would be the chain that Kuroko will return without fail. Kagami had felt the trepidation dawned on him after realizing that his dear friend Kuroko could never be able to fight for humanity. Kuroko's vanishing characteristics and deadpan way of interaction were suppressed strengths of someone belonging to the spiritual world. Kuroko belongs to a clan that possess the unique deadpan and straightforwardness, utilizing those characteristics in their vanishing arts. Kyoka Suigetsu. That was the true identity of Kuroko Tetsuya.

No, his true name is Akashi Tetsuya.

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