Chapter 16: chapter 16
"There is no such thing as a fair fight."
Three weeks and two days since joining hestia familia.
The labyrinth city of Orario stood as a testament to divine influence and mortal ambition. Ever since the gods descended to the mortal realm, Orario had basked in an unending Golden Age.
The city was the spearhead of technological advancements and the economic heart of the world, carrying the torch of endless prosperity.
The Guild, the city's main bureaucratic body, thrived alongside Orario's unparalleled wealth. Yet, even an institution as organized as the Guild couldn't account for every corner of the adventurers' city.
Over the centuries, the streets and structures had been demolished, rebuilt, and reshaped countless times. This constant cycle of renewal created layers of forgotten history beneath the surface—places that had slipped from maps and memories alike.
One such forgotten and ignored relic was an ancient sewer system, its decayed tunnels snaking beneath the grand Amphitheatron. Long overlooked and neglected, it had been deemed irrelevant.
After all, what significance could a rotting, abandoned sewer possibly hold?
The answer slithered through its dark, damp corridors—grotesque, plant-like monsters moving with unnerving obedience behind their master.
The "master" was cloaked in black, their appearance obscured. They held a flickering magic stone lantern, its dim light pushing back the shadows. Their goal was singular: reaching the Amphitheatron's foundation.
"I hope you know what you're doing, Enyo-sama," the figure muttered, their voice echoing through the oppressive darkness.
Their master had entrusted them with this rather daring mission, but the questionable strategic importance of it would not diminish their resolve to see it through.
Now, which way was the stadium again?
Captain Shakti Varma—alias Ankusha—watched the small task force scramble into formation with a calculating eye.
Her posture was calm and relaxed. After all, what was there to panic about? Years of experience told her this situation was well within their ability to handle.
The silverback was the only monster that might pose a threat to this small task force of Level Ones.
She could make quick work of the entire monster horde if she joined the task force. But that would interfere with the image they were trying to build—to make it seem like this monster outbreak was simply part of the festival.
This, she decided, would also serve as a valuable opportunity for the Level Ones to gain experience in battle formations and teamwork.
Her calm demeanor was quickly tested as a familiar voice reached her ears from behind.
"C-Captain! Please, let me explain myself to you!"
Shakti's piercing gaze shifted to the trembling form of Izik, one of her more... disappointing Familia members.
Behind him stood two equally unreliable members, Baz and Zak, both fidgeting nervously as they avoided her stare.
Shakti's spear slammed into the stone floor, shattering the tiles beneath it. The sudden display of power shut Izik up instantly, and he took a hesitant step back.
Shakti's jaw tightened. If she weren't so confident in the squad's ability to handle the situation, she would have sent these three idiots straight to the heavens for their disgraceful desertion of their designated posts.
Zak, taking a nervous step forward, gave his partners-in-desertion a reassuring look that clearly said, 'I've got this!'
"Allow me to tell you what really happened, Captain!" he declared with a confident smile.
Shakti raised an eyebrow. Was her message unclear for these idiots to get it?
Sighing, she decided to give them one chance to explain themselves. "I'm waiting," she said.
Zak smirked... and then pointed directly at his two companions. "It's their fault!"
For a moment, the other two didn't register what had just happened.
Baz smiled confidently. "Exactly, Captain!" he agreed enthusiastically. "It was jus—wait, what the fuck did you just say?!" His voice suddenly broke into a furious shout, his face twisting in outrage as realization dawned.
"I only told the truth!" Zak said defensively, raising his hands in innocence.
"You piece of shit! I'll kill you!" Izik lunged at Zak, hands outstretched to strangle him, but Baz managed to hold him back just in time.
"Look, Captain! They're trying to silence the witness!" Zak exclaimed, shielding himself dramatically with his arms as though pleading for protection.
Shakti's roar cut through the commotion like a whip, silencing them instantly. The three dropped to their knees without hesitation, their faces pale and dripping with fear.
"Y-yes, ma'am!" they stammered in unison, their voices trembling.
Shakti sighed heavily, turning her back on them. "I'll discuss your punishment with Lord Ganesha after this is over. However..." She paused and glanced over her shoulder. "If you 'willingly' join the task force and pull your weight in this subjugation, Lord Ganesha might be lenient with you."
The trio exchanged nervous glances before scrambling toward the supporters without a moment's hesitation.
Shakti shook her head in disappointment before refocusing on the assembled squad. Her sharp eyes swept over them, taking in every detail. Ten Level Ones in total—more than enough to handle the situation.
She tapped the ground with her spear to get their attention. "Beyond this corridor lies the arena. Your highest priority is the safety of the civilians. Eliminate the threats quickly and efficiently. No unnecessary risks—work together."
Her gaze lingered briefly on the three idiots, who stood among the group, trying to look useful. She resisted the urge to glare, then raised her spear high, pointing it toward the corridor. "Move out!"
With a roar of determination, the task force surged forward, their footsteps pounding against the stone floor in unison.
Shakti remained behind for a moment, watching them disappear into the arena. She exhaled slowly, gripping her spear tightly.
Hopefully, this mess would be solved quickly.
After a beat, she began walking, her pace steady and deliberate as she followed the squad. Her presence wasn't needed—not yet, at least.
Her ears picked up the distant roar of the silverback and the faint cheers of the crowd.
The show had just started.
"Fire!" shouted a Ganesha Familia member, his voice cutting through the cacophony of battle as he nocked an arrow and released it in one fluid motion.
His two companions followed suit, their bows twanging in quick succession as arrows sliced through the air like deadly whispers. The projectiles found their mark, piercing an incoming orc's skull cleanly. With a guttural roar cut short, the creature collapsed onto the bloodied arena.
"Bullseye, Lilian! That's the fifth one!" one of the archers exclaimed, his voice bright with a sense of triumph.
Above, the crowd erupted in cheers, their voices a tidal wave of noise. Cries of "Kill them all!" and "More blood!" grew louder, drowning out even the sound of weapons clashing.
Lilian, however, remained unimpressed. His sharp gaze scanned the battlefield. The lesser monsters were being handled quickly. Their fellow Level Ones were fighting the last major groups of them, while a group of three was keeping the bigger threat at bay.
His eyes briefly caught the silverback... breathing fire?
Shaking his head, Lilian dismissed the unusual sight and focused forward. "Let's stop wasting time," he ordered. He drew another arrow from his quiver, his movements precise. "We were trusted to stay at the rear, and we're not about to let the main force be flanked."
Lilian turned his attention to a pack of hellhounds weaving through the battlefield toward them, their sleek black forms darting erratically.
Strange. Hellhounds were notorious for their aggression, yet these seemed hesitant. Their usual fiery breath attacks were conspicuously absent.
"Take aim!" Lilian barked, unwilling to let their odd behavior distract him from the task at hand.
His companions hesitated for a moment, one of them muttering under his breath, "They're acting weird…" The archer's voice carried a hint of curiosity, his gaze lingering on the hellhounds as if searching for an explanation.
Lilian's eyes narrowed, his grip on the bow tightening. "We don't have time to play detective. Fire!"
The command snapped his companions into action, and their arrows flew in unison. The hellhounds howled as the projectiles found their targets, one by one. Their cries echoed pitifully before they collapsed to their demise.
"Get down!"
Baz barely had time to react before diving to the ground, narrowly avoiding a blast of searing flames. Heat washed over him as uncontrolled fire spewed wildly from the silverback's mouth, igniting parts of the arena.
"Since when do monkeys evolve into dragons?!" he shouted, scrambling to his feet and taking several hurried steps back.
He, Zak, and Izik had managed to corner the raging beast, hoping to put it down for good—and also to make themselves appear heroic enough to earn Lord Ganesha's forgiveness.
"I have no damn idea!" Zak shouted back, hastily nocking an arrow to the bow he'd been handed by one of the archers. He pulled back the string, his eyes squinting as he tried to line up a shot. The beast's erratic movements and bursts of flame made it nearly impossible to get a clean hit.
And, unsurprisingly, he was a terrible archer.
"Give me that!" Izik snapped, snatching the bow from Zak's hands.
"Hey! I was using that!" Zak protested, looking genuinely offended.
"Shut the hell up!" Izik shot back, already taking aim. Unlike Zak, his stance was solid, and his grip on the bow showed clear experience.
The arrow flew true, piercing the silverback's menacing red eye. The beast halted mid-motion, letting out a pained, guttural roar.
Smirking, Izik turned to his companions with a cocky tilt of his head. "And that's why I'm your superior!"
Before anyone could respond, the silverback let out another ear-splitting roar. Flames gushed from its maw, scorching the arena as its remaining eye locked onto them with pure, unfiltered rage.
"Uhh… you were saying?" Baz muttered, taking a slow, cautious step backward.
The monster charged, completely unfazed by its injuries. Wild flames erupted from its mouth as it barreled toward them like a wild boar.
"Shields up!"
The three men tensed, quickly forming a defensive stance with their shields raised.
Zak barely had time to react before a blast of fire engulfed his shield. The metal instantly warped and melted under the intense heat. His face went pale.
"Oh, we are so fucked," he muttered, a sentiment quickly shared by his companions.
The beast drew closer, its stampeding footsteps sending dust flying in its wake.
"Hold it!" Baz barked, bracing himself for impact.
But the attack never came.
The ground-shaking footsteps had stopped.
Hesitantly, the three opened their eyes—only to find the silverback held down by a single hand.
"Holy shit," Izik breathed, staring wide-eyed at the sight before him.
The captain stood before them, gripping the massive monster effortlessly. Her expression was calm yet curious, her sharp eyes scanning the burns along the creature's jaw.
"What are you?" she murmured, as if speaking to the beast itself.
The silverback growled, thrashing wildly in her grasp, but its strength meant nothing against a Level Five adventurer.
A torrent of fire erupted from its mouth, completely engulfing Shakti's upper body in flames.
"Captain!" the trio shouted in alarm.
But their panic was short-lived.
As the fire died down, Shakti stood completely unscathed, her clothes barely even singed. She dusted off her shoulder as if brushing away an inconvenience.
"What a fascinating abnormality," she mused, raising her spear. "It's a shame I have to put you down."
With that, she released her grip on the beast.
The moment the beast stood, she spun her spear forward at such an incredible speed that the sheer force sent sand flying in all directions. Then—
A heartbeat later, the silverback's head hit the ground with a heavy thud. The rest of its massive body followed, lifeless.
And just like that, the abnormally fire-breathing silverback was no more.
Then came the cheers.
The roar of the crowd erupted in thunderous applause, their excitement evident. Whatever panic had gripped them before was gone.
For them, this was just another thrilling spectacle.
Directly Under the Amphitheatron
The robed figure stood in the suffocating darkness, its gaze fixed on the jagged path above them that led toward the stadium stands.
The air was damp, carrying the cloying scent of mildew mingled with the acrid tang of the monsters around him. The oppressive silence of the underground tunnel was punctuated by the soft, unsettling sounds of the creatures' movements. Their plant forms twitched and swayed under the dim, flickering light of magic stone lanterns.
Enyo-sama's orders were clear: release the monsters into the stands.
The figure's gaze turned toward the creatures. Their pulsating, organic forms seemed eager.
The figure raised a finger towards the path, the motion snapping the monsters to attention.
"Go through that hole," the figure commanded, their voice calm but razor-sharp. "Attack anything that moves."
The creatures obeyed instantly, slithering forward with grotesque, unnatural grace. Their writhing vines scraped against the rough walls as they surged upward, disappearing one by one into the darkness above.
The muffled cacophony of the arena grew louder as the monsters neared their destination. Soon, screams of terror would echo through the stands, and chaos would reign.
The figure stoically turned, clutching their lantern tightly. Without sparing a backward glance, they vanished into the shadows, leaving only the lingering sound of their footsteps to fade into the gloom.
What a disappointment.
That was the singular thought running through All For One's mind as he watched the circus unfolding below.
From his vantage point, his eyes carefully scanned the silverback monster in which he had placed one of the Hellhound's magic copies as a test to his ability to give away abilities in this world.
Turned out it was the same process, although the Hellhound's magic did not seem very adaptive to the Silverback's body, judging by its obviously painful movements after every burst of flames.
The Ganesha Familia, to his surprise, was managing the situation with commendable coordination, dispatching the escaped creatures with practiced efficiency. Perhaps he had underestimated their capabilities—a mistake he resolved not to repeat.
His musings were interrupted by a sharp, whining voice slicing through the din.
"This is boring! We see Level Ones kill monsters every day! I wanted to see monster taming!"
Tiona Hiryute's voice carried across the crowd, pouting like a child denied her favorite toy.
All For One suppressed the urge to roll his eyes.
Returning his focus to the arena, he observed as the blue-haired woman pinned down the Silverback and easily killed it, marking the end of his experiment.
What a waste of abilities. He should have just kept it for himself.
Turning to Eina, seated beside him, he noted her pale complexion and uneasy expression. Unlike the raucous crowd, reveling in the chaos, her discomfort was palpable.
"Are you alright?" he asked, leaning in slightly. His voice was calm, smooth, but loud enough to cut through the surrounding noise. "We can leave if you want."
Eina hesitated, then offered a shaky smile. "Y-yeah... This is getting out of hand." She rose from her seat.
All For One mirrored her movements, eager to leave this circus behind.
"Ehhh?! Bob, you're leaving already?!" Tiona's voice rang out again, loud and obnoxious, drawing their attention.
'Is she doing this deliberately?' he wondered, irritation sparking in his mind.
Eina, bless her soul, answered for them both. "Yes, this isn't really the taming event we were expecting." She glanced nervously at the arena, where a so-called "taming" process was being held—consisting of repeatedly whipping the massive boar monster until it collapsed.
The sheer lack of sophistication was appalling.
"You ain't wrong," Tione said, standing and making her way through the crowded stands. "We should head out too."
Lefiya, the elf girl, eagerly agreed. "Yes! Maybe we can find Ais-san and enjoy the rest of the day together!" she said enthusiastically, following Tione.
Tiona hesitated for a moment but quickly relented. "Fine! We'll head out. They ruined the event anyway," she pouted, trailing after her companions.
Throughout the exchange, All For One remained silent, his blank expression masking his growing irritation as he waited for them to clear the way.
Eina gave him a nervous smile. "Let's go," she urged, motioning for him to follow.
With a resigned sigh, he moved to follow her—only to pause as a faint tremor rippled through the ground beneath his feet. It was subtle at first, almost imperceptible. But his instincts screamed at him, alerting him to danger.
The vibrations grew stronger.
Others began to notice, murmurs of confusion spreading through the audience.
"What's that shaking?" someone nearby asked, their voice tinged with unease.
All For One's sharp senses flared. Trusting his instincts, he pushed through the throng of civilians, making his way toward Eina. She was the only individual here worth protecting.
Without a word, he reached and pulled her into his arms, startling her.
"B-B-Bell?!" she stammered, her cheeks flushing as she struggled to process the sudden physical contact.
Ignoring her protests, All For One leapt into action, using an empty stand as a stepping stone to vault higher into the stands.
A deafening screech split the air, followed by an earth-shattering crash. The stands beneath them erupted in an explosion of stone and debris. From the gaping hole emerged a swarm of grotesque plant-like monsters, their writhing vines and gaping maws radiating pure malice.
Screams erupted as the creatures surged forward, lashing out at the panicked crowd. A woman's desperate cry was silenced as a creature clamped down on her torso, spraying blood across the seats.
"Run! RUN!" a man bellowed, shoving others aside in his desperation to escape, only to stumble and fall directly into another monster's waiting maw.
Chaos consumed the amphitheater as the creatures advanced, their relentless attacks scattering civilians like leaves in a storm.
All For One landed gracefully on a higher ledge, far from the monsters' emergence point. He set Eina down, her legs trembling beneath her. Her face was pale, her wide eyes fixed on the unfolding horror below. Screams of terror echoed through the stands as civilians scrambled for safety, their efforts futile against the chaos.
"Stay behind me," he said, his tone calm yet commanding, his voice cutting through her panic like a knife.
Eina nodded wordlessly, clutching at his sleeve. The trembling of her hands betrayed her fear.
Meanwhile, the Loki Familia sprang into action. The sight of the grotesque plant monsters from the 18th-floor incident—an unwelcome memory—emerging beneath them sparked immediate movement. Tiona and Tione readied their weapons, their playful demeanors replaced by deadly focus.
"Where did they come from!?" Tiona barked, her confusion clear as she gripped her massive Urga tightly. "Were they brought here for the taming event!?"
Tione's sharp gaze swept the chaos, landing on Lefiya, who stood frozen, horrified at the sight of civilians being devoured. "Lefiya! Snap out of it! Find a safe spot and start casting something—now!" she ordered, her tone leaving no room for hesitation.
"Y-Yes!" Lefiya stammered, her legs carrying her toward a vantage point even as fear gripped her heart. She knew the plant monsters would sense her magic, but she had to act. The screams of the dying civilians rang in her ears, spurring her to move faster.
One of the grotesque plant monsters had cornered an unfortunate civilian. The man backed away frantically, trying to escape the gruesome creature.
"Help! Please!" he shouted, his voice cracking as the creature advanced. Its gnarled, vine-like appendages lashed out, creeping closer by the moment.
The man's cries went unanswered as the beast lunged, its maw wide open and ready for another snack. He threw his arms up instinctively, expecting a painful death.
"Hyaaa!" Tione descended like a storm, her kukri knives—Zolas—flashing in her hands. She slashed the plant monster in one fluid motion, cutting it clean in half.
"Get out of here, now!" Tione barked, her fierce expression leaving no room for argument.
The man nodded frantically, pulling himself together and running toward the nearest exit, barely managing a shaky "Thank you!" as he fled.
Tione ignored him, her sharp eyes scanning the stands. Civilians swarmed toward the exits in a chaotic stampede, but the monsters struck relentlessly, plucking one or two at a time. A woman screamed as a maw snatched her leg, dragging her toward the beasts. Blood splattered onto the nearby seats as another beast tore into a fleeing group, scattering their bodies like ragdolls.
She gritted her teeth. 'Dammit! We can't save them all!'
"Tiona!" Tione shouted, her voice cutting through the chaos. "Be done with those already! We are running out of time!"
Her sister, grappling with three plant monsters at once, gritted her teeth. "I know!" she yelled back, spinning her Urga with ferocious strength. The weapon's massive blade decapitated two monsters in one sweep. Still, more emerged, their screeches blending with the cries of the fleeing masses.
"You annoying, overgrown weeds!" Tiona snarled, stepping between the monsters and a cornered group of civilians. She spun her weapon again, a whirlwind of destruction that bought the terrified people precious seconds to escape.
In the chaos, one monster clawed its way onto the stands, lunging at a terrified woman.
"Aghaaaaa! Help!" she screamed as the beast's jagged maw closed around her. Its sharp teeth grazed her shoulder, and the grotesque creature prepared to devour her completely.
Before it could finish its gruesome work, a streak of blue tore through the air. Shakti Varma, captain of the Ganesha Familia, rocketed into the scene. Her spear pierced the monster's core with unerring precision, disintegrating it into dust.
"Thank you!" the woman sobbed, collapsing in relief after her horrifying brush with death.
Shakti didn't pause to acknowledge the woman's gratitude. She had tasked the Level Ones with getting the injured out—they would take care of the rest.
Her gaze swept over the battlefield, cold and detached. Her body moved with unwavering focus, but her mind churned with guilt.
'This is all my fault,' she thought grimly. She shouldn't have been so confident. She should've deployed a stronger force than just a bunch of Level Ones. She should've seen the bigger motives behind the monsters escaping. It was obvious this had been orchestrated.
Her jaw clenched. 'I was blind, and now innocent people are paying for my foolishness.'
Her bitter self-recrimination was interrupted by a new wave of grotesque monstrosities surging forward. She steadied her grip on her spear, her cold expression unchanging, and propelled herself forward with all her might.
She cut through three monsters in a single motion. Each strike was swift and merciless, her Level Five reflexes and strength reducing the creatures to dead weeds.
As the last of them were eliminated, Shakti paused for a brief moment, surveying the battlefield. Her sharp eyes caught glimpses of the Loki Familia rallying to contain the chaos she had unknowingly helped create.
Without hesitation, she launched herself toward another cluster of beasts, her spear a blur of deadly motion. Each strike was delivered with unwavering precision.
"At the very least," she muttered under her breath, "I can avenge your deaths."
Her voice was quiet, almost drowned out by the cacophony of battle, but her resolve burned fiercely as she pressed on, determined to rectify her mistakes.
'I have to succeed!' Lefiya Viridis thought desperately as she climbed higher into the stands, her breath hitching at the slaughter unfolding before her. Tears pricked the corners of her eyes, but she pressed on, her determination outweighing her fear.
"Help!" a voice cried out, filled with terror. Lefiya flinched but forced herself to keep moving, weaving between panicked civilians scrambling for the exits. 'I'm so sorry,' she thought, guilt clawing at her heart.
Reaching a good vantage point, she steadied herself, glancing over the chaotic battlefield.
The stands had become a warzone in a matter of minutes, overrun with grotesque plant monsters. She spotted Tiona and Tione down below, their movements a blur as they fought ferociously against the seemingly endless horde.
Nearby, a blue-haired woman darted through the fray with incredible speed and precision, cutting down monsters left and right.
"It's up to me now." Lefiya took a deep breath, closing her eyes to block out the chaos and steady her mind. A wide-range magic attack could turn the tide, but only if she succeeded.
"Proud warriors," she began, her voice trembling but steadying as a glowing magic circle appeared beneath her feet. It pulsed with power, marking the start of her incantation. "Snipers of the forest. Take up your bows before the advancing plunderers."
The air shifted. The monsters in the arena froze momentarily, their grotesque heads snapping toward her in unison. They sensed the surge of magic and were drawn to it like moths to a flame.
"Hrrraaaaackkk!" one of the beasts gurgled, abandoning its prey and charging toward her position.
Lefiya heard the guttural sound, the slithering of their movements, but she kept her eyes shut, focusing intently on the chant. "Answer the call of your brethren and ready your arrows," she continued, her voice rising above the din.
'So many lives depend on me.' Her heart pounded as she pictured the devastation below. 'I have to succeed! I have to stand beside my comrades as an equal!'
"Tinge them with flame, the lamplight of the forest," she pressed on, her voice trembling with raw emotion.
The monsters were almost upon her now, their hideous forms leaping over obstacles to reach her.
"Lefiya! Look out!" Tiona's voice cut through the chaos, but the Amazoness and her sister couldn't reach her in time.
With a surge of resolve, Lefiya opened her eyes. The magic circle beneath her glowed brighter than ever as she completed her chant. "Release them—the fire arrows of the fairies! Falling like rain, burn away the savages!"
"Fusillade Fallarica!"
With a flourish, she pointed her staff toward the advancing horde.
Golden, fiery arrows erupted from the magic circle in a dazzling torrent, each one precise and relentless. They rained down upon the monsters, piercing through their bodies with deadly accuracy. The horde charged mindlessly into the storm of arrows, only to be reduced to piles of blackened ash. The air grew thick with dust and the acrid smell of burnt foliage.
Lefiya gritted her teeth, her hands trembling as she poured everything she had into sustaining the spell. Her head throbbed, her mind reserves rapidly depleting, but she refused to stop. 'I have to kill them all!'
The onslaught seemed endless, but so was the strain. Her concentration wavered, and with a sharp crack, the glowing circle beneath her shattered.
'No!' she thought in horror as the spell abruptly ended. The monsters surged forward once more, emboldened by her lapse.
One creature barreled into her, its grotesque body slamming her into the wall. "Aghh!" she cried out as the air was forced from her lungs.
"Lefiya!" Tiona and Tione shouted in unison, their voices filled with panic. They tried to rush to her aid, but the unrelenting horde blocked their path, forcing them to fight them first.
Shakti, noticing Lefiya's heroic attack, surged forward to help her comrades. "I'll Help!" she called out to the amazoness sisters, her spear flashing as she joined the fray. Lefiya's efforts had significantly thinned the horde.
Lefiya groaned, her vision swimming as she slowly opened her eyes. "Did… did I save everyone?" she murmured, disoriented and barely conscious.
The screech of a monster jolted her senses. She glanced up, her blood turning cold as she saw its wide maw descending toward her.
"No… no!" she screamed, trying to move, but her battered body refused to respond.
"Kiiiik! Kiik!" The plant monster sounded almost delighted, as if savoring the moment.
Lefiya's eyes filled with tears. "Help," she whimpered, her voice trembling with despair. "Ais-san! Help me!" She sobbed, clinging to the hope that Ais-san—anyone—would come to her rescue.
The monster's maw loomed closer, its grotesque form casting a shadow over her. She closed her eyes, resigned to her fate.
"Fear not," a soft yet firm voice cut through the chaos. "I am here."
Lefiya's eyes snapped open just as an intense blue flame erupted, engulfing the monster before her. The heat was so intense she could feel it from where she lay.
Lefiya blinked in disbelief, staring at the spot where the monster had been. Who…?
"Are you alright?"
She turned toward the voice and saw the human who was with Eina-san—Bell cranel, she recalled, getting closer to her, his expression filled with genuine concern.
"Did he… did he do that?" she wondered, dumbfounded.
"Lefiya, right?" Bell asked gently. "Can you hear me? Are you okay?"
She nodded slowly, too stunned to speak.
He smiled in relief. "Good."
Without another word, he glanced at his hand with a curious expression.
Lefiya watched him, still reeling.
Now that he had saved the elven girl Eina so desperately wanted to help, All For One could finally focus on his new goal: testing these new flames.
He had considered stealing the elf's abilities, but the numerous witnesses made that plan unfeasible—for now. Perhaps another opportunity would present itself later.
Looking over the battlefield below, All For One couldn't help but think, What a sight.
He smirked as he observed the chaos. Civilians were trampling over one another in their desperation to escape, while the remaining monsters fought valiantly against the "heroes."
Truly a magnificent sight.
"Now... let's see," he muttered, shifting his focus to materializing the flames once more.
This Hellhound magic was truly fascinating. It required no chant—just a thought—and the flames would appear wherever the user desired, making it far more versatile than he originally thought.
He wondered if the Falna had something to do with this. From what he had seen during the Silverback experiment, the flames seemed uncontrollable, only bursting from the mouth.
Perhaps the "Blessing" was forcefully adjusting the monster's magic to suit his body?
No matter. He had managed to stack up all five remaining copies he had taken from the Hellhounds earlier, intensifying the flames to the point of turning them into blue fire.
Unlike some blue flame users, these were surprisingly harmless.
Though, the range of the attack had been less than desirable.
The attack had resembled an intense flamethrower with a disappointingly short reach. Still, it was strong enough to kill a monster that had proven troublesome even for Level Fives—though its plant-like nature certainly worked in his favor.
Glancing down again, he noted the dwindling number of monsters. Perhaps he should end the show with a grand finale?
An idea sparked in his mind, and his expression brightened. "Of course, how could I forget about that?" he murmured, a sinister delight creeping into his tone.
Closing his eyes for better concentration, he summoned his fireball spell into his open palm. At first, it appeared insignificant, just a small orb of flickering flames.
He then slowly manifested the Hellhound magic and began infusing it into the fireball spell.
The fireball trembled, its surface writhing unnaturally. The warm orange glow deepened into a vibrant crimson, and sparks crackled like miniature fireworks as the energies merged.
That definitely powered it up, but it wasn't enough.
Furrowing his brow, he forced the two magics to meld completely, bending them to his will. The crimson flames began to shift, turning blue as their heat intensified. The temperature became so ferocious that even All For One felt its searing bite against his skin.
"Now this is acceptable," he mused with a satisfied smile.
Magic combination was far more difficult than combining quirks, but its potential was undeniable. This technique would prove invaluable in the future.
A sudden, shrill screech interrupted his musings.
His gaze snapped toward the sound. The last remaining plant monsters, still engaged with the Level Fives, had suddenly turned their attention toward him. They broke into a frantic charge, barreling through the battlefield with unnatural speed.
"O-Oi! They're heading for Bob over there!" Tiona shouted, alarmed as she noticed the white-haired figure standing alone.
"Lefiya's near him too! Let's go!" Tione called, urgency in her voice. Without hesitation, she sprinted after the monsters, her sister and Shakti close behind. They were determined to put an end to this nightmare.
'Hmm... they must be drawn to concentrated magical energy,' All For One deduced, watching the approaching monsters. It was an annoyance, but one that worked in his favor. His target was now rushing straight toward its demise.
The blue flames in his hand continued to grow, swelling larger and larger as he poured more Mind into the attack. The heat was unbearable, radiating waves of scorching intensity. The flames illuminated the surroundings like a miniature sun, casting flickering blue light across the arena.
Sweat beaded on his brow from the strain of maintaining the spell, but he held firm. This attack would be worth the effort. Aiming at the incoming cluster of monsters, he softly muttered, "Fireball."
The blue inferno roared to life as it launched from his hand.
The massive orb of flames, nearly as large as the monsters themselves, sped forward with blinding speed, leaving a fiery trail in its wake. The plant creatures, mindlessly approaching their demise, were engulfed instantly.
"Reeeeeiiiiiihhhhk!" Their agonized screeches echoed across the battlefield, drawing the attention of any survivors brave enough to have not escaped yet. The blue flames tore through the cluster, incinerating everything in their path.
"Shit," Tione muttered, wide-eyed.
The fireball didn't stop with the monsters. It burned through their charred remains and continued onward, catching the incoming "help" from the Loki Familia and Ganesha Familia's captain in its destructive path. The attack only dissipated when it struck the arena floor below, leaving scorched stone and sand in its wake.
All For One, barely standing, surveyed the aftermath with satisfaction. The plant monsters had been reduced to ashes, their cries silenced.
An excellent attack.
Turning slightly, his gaze fell on Lefiya. She was still lying on the ground, her wide eyes fixed on him in stunned disbelief.
On the outside, Lefiya appeared shocked but calm. On the inside, though...
'What the hell was that!?' Lefiya's thoughts were racing. 'He didn't even use a long chant! How did a human manage such a destructive attack with a mere short chant!?'
Lefiya Viridis, a proud elf and mage of the Loki Familia, felt her entire understanding of magic unraveling. This human had just unleashed the most devastating short-chant spell she had ever seen—perhaps would ever see—in her entire life.
His expression was calm, unnervingly so, as though the destruction he caused had been effortless.
Her pride as a mage shattered further. How could she ever measure herself as an equal to Ais-san when a non-mage was capable of such magical destruction? The thought brought stinging tears to her eyes, though she refused to cry outright. Wiping her face, she glared at him.
"I won't fall behind you, Bell Cranel!" she vowed fiercely.
Her cheeks burned as she realized she had spoken aloud.
"What?" All For One questioned, raising an eyebrow at the declaration.
She froze, mortified. "N-NOTHING!" she stammered, her voice high-pitched with embarrassment. She couldn't let him think he had won.
All For One seemed curious for a moment but eventually shrugged it off.
Phew, that was close.
"Lefiya!" Tiona's voice rang out, brimming with concern.
Relief flooded through her. Her comrades were safe! She turned toward the voice, wincing in pain as she moved. "Tiona-san! I'm glad you're—"
Her words caught in her throat as she froze in horror. There stood Tiona, completely naked, her body exposed to the world. Behind her were Tione and Shakti, equally unclothed, though they tried to shield their modesty with their hands.
"What's wrong? Are you hurt?" Tiona asked, concerned.
"Ah?" Lefiya barely managed to reply. Her head spun, and she gladly embraced the darkness of unconsciousness to escape this nightmare.
"Lefiya!" Tiona cried in alarm, rushing to her friend's side.
Meanwhile, All For One simply stared at the trio of strippers, questioning whether the heat from his attack had fried their brains along with their clothes.
Still, the fact that they were completely unscathed—that blue-haired woman included—was surprising.
The durability of a Level 5 is truly something else.
"What the hell are you looking at, huh!?" Tione snapped, her voice dripping with menace.
With a sigh, All For One turned away, ignoring her outburst.
What an eventful day.
The End
Updated version: what changed?
Shortened and fight scene changed because why would it be so long? I hope it's more fun this way.
Also, Instead of anansi familia releasing the monsters, I've changed it into Enyo because it makes more sense.
I planned on updating this yesterday, but I was too busy making this:
I started honing my drawing skills, although I doubt they would reach any astonishing heights.
Hope you enjoyed this, reader.