is it wrong to try to build a criminal Empire? Danmachi x MHA

Chapter 2: chapter 2

"Every quirk I've taken was a step towards my perfection."


One day since joining hestia familia.


All For One stared at the "Pantheon," the headquarters of the Guild, with disappointment.

He had expected the governing body of Orario to flaunt its power through an architectural marvel, something to reflect its dominance and influence.

Instead, the building, while grander than the surrounding structures, failed to meet his expectations. It barely qualified by his world's standards.

So far, the only architectural "marvel" was that towering building called "Babel."

Stepping through the entrance, he allowed his gaze to sweep over the interior. The layout was organized: rows of counters lined the spacious hall, attended by staff assisting adventurers with whatever they needed.

He noted that some of the counters were designated for exchanges—likely for the magic stones he recalled from the memories of the boy. These stones were the most valuable spoils monsters could drop, as far as the boy knew.

The faint murmur of conversation filled the air, punctuated by the occasional clink of coins or rustle of papers.

All For One's attention was drawn to an elf attending one of the counters.

Heh, Tomura's favorite.

Pushing the thought aside, he approached the elf, whose demeanor shifted as she noticed him.

She placed down the paperwork she'd been holding and greeted him with a professional smile. "Welcome to the Guild! May I know what business you require?"

"I'd like to register as an adventurer," he replied, his tone polite yet direct.

"Of course!" The elf retrieved a form from beneath the counter, placing it before him with practiced efficiency. "Please fill this out, and we can get started, Mister…?" She trailed off expectantly, awaiting his name.

"Bell Cranel," he answered smoothly, taking the form.

Glancing down at the parchment, he noted the strange, Latin-like script that formed the written language of this world.

Fortunately, Bell had been taught to read and write in this language—the only good thing that old pervert of a grandparent had taught him.

The questions were elementary: confirmation of his status as a Level One, whether he wanted to take out a loan for the Guild's starter pack, and whether he desired an assigned advisor.

He filled out the form quickly, leaving certain sections—such as his preference for an advisor's race or gender—blank.

The idea of a "starter pack" struck him as a blatant corporate gimmick, a ploy to saddle newcomers with subpar equipment in exchange for unnecessary debt.

He'd seen and employed such tactics in his own businesses back in Japan.

When he handed the completed form back to the elf, her professional smile faltered slightly as she scanned his answers.

"I highly recommend reconsidering your rejection of the Guild-issued starter pack," she said, her tone tinged with a hint of concern. "It's very helpful for beginners."

"I'm certain of my choice, Miss…?" He gestured for her name, his expression polite.

"Eina Tulle," she supplied, her professionalism slipping back into place. "If you don't mind my asking," she continued, "since you've applied for an advisor and left your preference blank, I'd like to volunteer. I believe I can be of great help to you as you navigate the Dungeon."

All For One studied her carefully. She had attempted to change his mind about the Guild starter pack and was now trying to be his advisor.

Either she's corporate to the core or she really cares about adventurers safety.

In either case, he could use her to his advantage.

"I don't mind at all, Miss Tulle," he replied with a charming smile, one calculated to put her at ease. "I look forward to learning under your guidance."

Her face brightened at his words, clearly pleased by his response.

Oh, indeed he looked forward to it...


All For One's eyes carefully scanned the approaching, child-sized, ugly monster.

From his brief first lesson with his new advisor, he identified this one as a goblin.

It was considered the weakest monster in the dungeon, and an even more pathetic version of it roamed the surface, terrorizing local villages.

Refocusing ahead, he watched as the goblin shrieked, advancing toward him with mediocre speed. Not bad, considering it looked like a child that had been left to die in the wild.

The goblin lunged forward, claws outstretched, eager to tear into its soon-to-be prey.

All For One lazily sidestepped the creature's clumsy movements and stabbed it through its child-sized head. A quick and efficient kill—there was no need to drag this out.

While he had relied heavily on quirks, obliterating enemies without lifting much more than a finger, that didn't mean he was incapable of fighting without them. His combat skills were more than adequate.

The goblin collapsed to the ground, motionless.

Now the gross part starts.

All For One crouched down near the creature's body and stabbed its chest open, slicing through flesh to extract its magic stone.

Eina had informed him that most monsters' cores were centered around their chest. The most efficient way to extract them without damage was by cutting directly into the chest.

A rather distasteful process, but a necessary one—considering he was getting paid for those stones.

Spotting the magic stone nestled within the fresh cut, All For One snatched it from the carcass and immediately tossed it into the pouch at his side.

The monster began to slowly turn to ash, its body crumbling as its source of life was removed.

All For One watched in slight fascination as the monster disappeared completely, leaving behind... a claw?

This must be a drop item. Eina had mentioned them; they were considered rare and could be used to make various things.

Ah, if only he had paid more attention to Tomura's endless babbling about RPG games. That would've been far more useful here than he ever anticipated.

Suddenly, the wall above him cracked open, slowly spitting out a newly born kobold.

Another fascinating thing about this place—it was alive. Entering the dungeon was literally like stepping into the belly of the beast.

A beast that spawned endless hordes of smaller beasts inside itself.

He didn't bother giving the kobold time to orient itself after its fall. Taking a quick step forward, he crushed its head underfoot.

Bigger than a dog, but not much tougher.

Though he suspected a direct hit from one of these might fracture a bone or two in his current, embarrassingly weak state.

Just to be sure, he stomped the kobold's head again, the sound of bone crunching echoing faintly around him. Then, with precision, he began extracting the magic stone from its chest. The process was just as distasteful as it had been with the goblin.

He continued his methodical pace, isolating lone goblins and kobolds, stomping or stabbing their heads for maximum efficiency. He wasn't sure how much time had passed, but from his aching body and internal clock, it had to be at least three hours by now.

Deciding he'd had enough, he turned around and headed toward the dungeon's exit, his breathing slightly labored.

He really need to work on the endurance of this body...

"Good dive?" said a passing adventurer.

The man had a lean build and medium-length blond hair combed backward and held together neatly. On his shoulder protector was an emblem of a spider with eight legs.

His quirk could sense an ability within him, much like how he could sense quirks back in his old world.

Perhaps this one's a Level Two?

He ignored the man entirely, uninterested in chatting with strangers in the dungeon.

"What a dick," All For One heard the adventurer mutter to himself, clearly displeased at being ignored.

Unbothered, he simply continued forward.


"Mr. Cranel! How was your first dive into the dungeon?" Eina's voice rang out the moment he set foot into the guild hall, catching him slightly off guard.

Was she waiting for him?

"It was good, Miss Tulle. Your lesson was very helpful," he answered politely, his tone soft and measured.

She beamed at his response. "I'm glad I was able to help!"

Her eyes, however, quickly landed on his gear—or more accurately, his lack thereof. Raising an eyebrow curiously, she asked, "Where is your weapon?"

"It snapped against a goblin's skull," he replied flatly. "A kitchen knife was not the best choice of weapon," he added.

Her reaction was... less than professional.

"Huh!? A kitchen knife!? Are you serious!? I thought you refused the guild's starter pack because you already had a proper weapon!" she exclaimed, her voice frantic. Her eyes darted over him, scanning for any possible injuries.

All For One's eyes twitched slightly. Was this overreaction truly necessary?

"Doesn't the guild provide knives as one of the options in the starter pack?" he asked calmly, already knowing the answer but enjoying watching her squirm.

Eina stared at him blankly for a moment, her face slowly turning red before she coughed lightly into her hand. "Yes, Mr. Cranel, you're right. Apologies for my overreaction."


"It's alright," he said softly, offering her a small, polite smile. "I need a new weapon. Do you know anywhere I can get an affordable one?"

She placed a finger on her chin, her expression turning thoughtful as she considered his request.

Finally, with a snap of her fingers, she answered, "How about you meet me in front of Babel tomorrow? We'll find you something proper."

"Sounds wonderful," he said with a nod. "Thank you, Miss Tulle. You're truly a wonderful advisor." He followed the compliment with a charming smile.

For a moment, she seemed flustered, her face turning slightly red. With another cough, she responded, "O-of course! It's my job, and I take it seriously."

After exchanging his stones for valis—the currency of Orario—he bid her farewell and headed toward the guild exit.

As he walked out, he bumped shoulders with someone.

"Hey, watch it!" the person snapped in annoyance.

All For One ignored him entirely, focusing instead on making it back to the church before sundown.

Then he heard a muttered complaint from the person he bumped into: "That bitch again..."

The words made him pause, turning his gaze curiously toward the speaker.

It was the same blond adventurer he had crossed paths with on his way out of the dungeon earlier. The spider emblem on his shoulder was unmistakable.

Deeming the encounter an irrelevant coincidence, he resumed his walk.

There were far more important matters to attend to.


"Here you go, Bell-kun!" Hestia said cheerfully, handing him his first Status update. Her wide smile radiated pride and encouragement.


Bell Cranel, Level 1 Adventurer

Strength: 12 I

Endurance: 7 I

Dexterity: 8 I

Agility: 9 I

Magic: 0 I

Skills: All For One


All For One scanned the sheet carefully, his eyes narrowing slightly, a flicker of annoyance flashing across his features.

"Why is it so slow?" he asked, his tone betraying his irritation. The progress was far too sluggish for his liking.

Hestia tilted her head slightly, then she gave him an understanding smile. "It's normal not to gain too much Excelia after just a few hours in the dungeon, Bell," she explained gently. "You've only been there once! These journeys may start slow, but they're always fruitful in the end. Besides, this is actually a very promising start."

His eyes twitched slightly. Who designed this idiotic system?

For someone like him, used to near-unstoppable power through the absorption of quirks, the idea of a slow, gradual climb felt inefficient.

He needed to get strong fast.

With this weak, unimpressive body, he wouldn't even be able to command a gang of thugs, let alone regain the influence he once wielded.

He sighed, the sound heavy with restrained frustration. Turning toward the staircase leading out of the cramped church basement, he spoke curtly, "I'll be out for the night."

The words carried no explanation, no room for discussion.

Hestia's face fell slightly, her concern evident. She hesitated for a moment, as though debating whether to say something. In the end, she let out a small sigh of her own and called after him, "Stay safe!"

She watched him ascend the stairs, her expression troubled.


"It's almost nighttime now," Ryuu Lion commented casually, her voice calm and quiet as her gaze swept over the bustling streets of Orario.

Beside her, Syr nodded enthusiastically, her energy a stark contrast to Ryuu's serene demeanor. "Tonight will be a busy one—I can feel it!" she said, her tone brimming with excitement.

The two stood outside the Hostess of Fertility, fulfilling a task Mama Mia had unceremoniously assigned to them.

It was basically rush hour for adventurers, and the streets were filled with the weary, triumphant, or battered adventurers returning from their ventures into the dungeon.

The sight of two women standing outside the establishment served as a subtle invitation. Tired or victorious, adventurers couldn't help but glance their way, often leading them inside.

For Ryuu, this task was mildly humiliating, though she bore it without complaint.

Syr, on the other hand, seemed to not mind the attention at all. Her enthusiasm was baffling to Ryuu, though she had long since stopped trying to understand it.

"So~ Ryuu~" Syr began teasingly, her voice lilting as a smirk spread across her lips. "What type of man do you prefer?"

Ryuu's expression remained unchanged. "Please focus, Syr. Mama would be disappointed if she found out you were slacking off," she replied, her tone calm but firm. She reminded her friend of their assigned task: standing as pretty dolls to attract customers.

"C'mon, Ryuu," Syr said, her tone feigning defeat as she turned her attention forward. "At this rate, you'll never find a suitable par—"

Her words stopped abruptly.

Ryuu frowned, her brows knitting in confusion as she turned to her friend. "Syr?" she asked, her tone questioning. Syr's wide-eyed expression startled her.

"Syr, are you well?" Ryuu tried again, her voice laced with growing concern.

Syr didn't respond, her gaze fixed on something—or someone—in the distance. Ryuu followed her line of sight, her eyes landing on an ordinary white-haired human walking along the street.

There was nothing remarkable about him at first glance, yet Syr's reaction was too uncharacteristic for Ryuu to dismiss him.

"Syr, what's wrong?" Ryuu asked again, her concern mounting as she placed a hand on her friend's shoulder. The touch seemed to snap Syr out of her trance, and she jolted as if startled.

"Huh?" Syr turned to Ryuu, blinking as if trying to reorient herself. Slowly, a sheepish smile crept onto her face. "Oh... sorry! I'm fine, don't worry!" she said, her tone suddenly cheerful.

Ryuu didn't buy it, but she chose not to press the matter. Instead, she turned her attention back to the approaching figure.

The white-haired human was drawing closer, seemingly oblivious to their presence as he walked past the establishment.

Before Ryuu could make sense of Syr's odd behavior, her friend stepped forward, her cheerfulness seemingly restored.

"I'll get us a customer!" Syr declared with a wink, her tone playful. "Take notes, Ryuu!"

Ryuu watched stoically as Syr giggled and made her way toward the white-haired human. She could already guess her friend's intentions.

Syr was likely planning to perform her old magic stone trick.

"She really needs new tricks," Ryuu muttered under her breath, shaking her head slightly as she observed her friend in action.


Frustration etched across his face, All For One wandered aimlessly through the bustling city streets, weaving through crowds of adventurers, merchants, and townsfolk.

His mind was calculating ways to salvage the dire situation he found himself in. The reality of his weakness gnawed at him with every step.

"Mr. Adventurer! The one with the white hair!"

The sudden call snapped him out of his thoughts. Turning toward the source of the voice, he was met with a girl dressed in a maid outfit. She had bluish-gray hair tied into a small ponytail, and her matching eyes sparkled with an almost disarming cheerfulness.

Narrowing his eyes suspiciously, he responded in a measured tone, "Yes? Can I help you, ma'am?"

Unfazed by his cautious demeanor, the girl smiled brightly. "You dropped this, Mr. Adventurer!" she chirped, holding out a small magic stone toward him.

No. He hadn't dropped anything. This was likely a trick. Still, free money was free money.

"Thank you," he said, taking the stone from her outstretched hand. He turned to leave without another word.

But before he could take a step, her voice rang out again, this time tinged with a touch of panic. "W-wait, Mr. Adventurer! Would you be interested in a meal at our fine restaurant?"

His gaze followed her gesture to the nearby establishment. It was loud and bustling with activity, the chatter of patrons spilling out into the street. With the sun dipping below the horizon, the place would only grow more crowded.

It wasn't appealing, but it beat another bland meal of fried potatoes at home. And there was a potential upside—gathering local information, especially the kind Hestia wouldn't know.

"Lead the way," he said, his tone polite but clipped.

The girl's face lit up with excitement. "Follow me, Mr. Adventurer!" She led him inside, weaving through the throng of patrons. With most of the tables already occupied, she guided him to a seat at the counter.

"What would you like to order, Mr. Adventurer?" she asked, gesturing toward the menu hanging on the wall.

He scanned the options and settled on the cheapest meal: meat soup with bread and a glass of water. His appetite was mild, and his funds even milder.

As he waited for his food, the girl remained by his side, her cheerful demeanor unrelenting. "So, what's your name? I'm Syr Flova!" she said, her smile wide and inviting.

"Bell Cranel," he replied flatly, his tone devoid of enthusiasm. He hoped his disinterest would end the conversation.

But it didn't.

"I've never seen you around before," Syr continued, undeterred. "And I've seen a lot of adventurers. Are you new here, Bell?"

All For One hummed in acknowledgment, adding nothing else.

She tilted her head slightly, her curiosity unbroken.

"Don't you have work to do?" he asked, his tone sharpening with annoyance.

"Oh! It's my break time," Syr explained, unfazed. She leaned forward against the counter, her smile unwavering. "I've got a few minutes left."


Thankfully, his food arrived, delivered by a cheerful cat girl with brown hair. "Nyanjoy your meal, nya!" she chirped before bouncing off to another table.

All For One's eyes twitched. He had always hated cats.

He began eating, the meal simple but hearty. Syr, however, refused to take the hint and kept talking. She prattled on about how much she loved meeting new faces and hearing their stories, her words spilling over like a broken faucet.

This girl clearly thought she was being subtle with her attempts to extract information.

She wasn't.

Deciding to turn the situation to his advantage, he fixed her with a curious stare. "Can you tell me a little about the familias around here?" he asked, his tone neutral.

For a moment, she blinked in surprise, then her smile returned, broader than before. "Of course, Bell!" she said brightly, launching into an explanation.

As Syr rambled on about the various familias in Orario, All For One half-listened, carefully filtering the useful details from the noise. At least he'd walk away with something valuable.

Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted the same blonde adventurer from the dungeon. Their eyes met briefly, a flicker of recognition passing between them.

Sitting beside him was a man with a visible prosthetic arm, speaking in calm, measured tones about something All For One couldn't make out.

He'll need to keep an eye on that one.

For now, though, he shifted his focus back to Syr, offering the occasional nod to keep her talking while his mind worked in the background.


The streets were dark as All For One made his way back to the church, but the city remained alive with the soft glow of lanterns powered by magic stones.

His thoughts lingered on the earlier conversation with Syr. The information she'd provided only reinforced how dire his position truly was. The familias she spoke of—Loki Familia and Freya Familia, for example—were veritable juggernauts. They commanded vast wealth, hordes of adventurers, and first-class adventurers who likely could obliterate him with ease in his current state.

Still, the situation wasn't unsalvageable. But time was not on his side. He needed power, and he needed it fast.

Then, his quirk stirred.

His senses flared, detecting a faint but distinct ability nearby. Narrowing his eyes, he followed the pull, his pace quickening as he moved toward the source. Whoever possessed the ability was close—likely in one of the nearby alleys.

Cautiously, he approached, his sharp ears catching fragments of a conversation.

"Yes, I'm feeling well," said a familiar voice.

Peeking around the corner, All For One's suspicions were confirmed. The speaker was the same blonde adventurer he'd encountered in the dungeon. Of course, it had to be him—this fool seemed to be everywhere.

The blonde stood alone this time, speaking with visible irritation. "I tested it in the dungeon. It works perfectly," he muttered, seemingly to no one.

'Does this world have communication devices?' All For One mused, noting the man's apparent lack of a conversation partner.

Then the blonde moved closer to the wall, grumbling, "You can kiss my ass, bitch," with palpable disdain.

All For One's curiosity turned to incredulity as the man unceremoniously relieved himself against the wall, whistling a tuneless melody.

The opportunity was too perfect to ignore. He weighed his options for a moment before deciding. He could walk away, avoiding suspicion—or he could seize this chance to test his quirk in this strange world and gain an addition to his currently empty arsenal.

The choice was obvious.

Grasping a nearby rock, he moved quietly toward his target, careful not to alert him. The blonde continued whistling, utterly unaware of the danger approaching.

Then the whistling stopped abruptly.

"What do you want now? I'm peeing here!" the man snapped, irritation evident in his voice.


All For One swung the rock with all his strength, the heavy blow connecting with the back of the man's head.

"Argh!" The blonde cried out, collapsing to the ground in a disoriented heap as blood trickled from the fresh wound.

All For One smirked, his lips curling into a cruel grin as he loomed over the fallen adventurer. "That was easy," he said, his tone dripping with amusement. "And here I thought you might actually pose a challenge."

"You… fucker," the man spat weakly, attempting to crawl away. "I'll… kill you…"

"Oh no, my dear boy." All For One's voice was mockingly gentle. "You'll serve a far greater purpose for me."

The man struggled to raise a hand, a small, pitiful flame sputtering past All For One, missing him entirely.

'Magic,' he noted, intrigued by its similarity to quirks.

Without hesitation, he knelt, placing a firm hand on the blonde's head. Black lightning crackled and surged from his palm, enveloping the man in an agonizing pain. The adventurer's screams echoed through the narrow alley as All For One forcibly extracted the ability from his body.

The process felt familiar yet strange. The emptiness within his quirk filled ever so slightly, accompanied by a flood of new information. The Falna on his back must have facilitated this transfer, providing insight into the stolen ability.


He stood, a wicked grin etched across his face. "I thank you for this… opportunity," he said coldly, his eyes gleaming with malice. "But your services are no longer required."

Raising a hand, he muttered the required chant for the magic he just stole: "Fireball."

This magic roared to life, a large, searing orb of flame forming with precision and power. He sent it hurtling toward the man's face, the flames consuming him with terrifying speed.

"Aghaaa!" The blonde's screams were short-lived, fading into a grotesque gurgle as fire devoured his flesh, leaving only a charred skull behind.

All For One flexed his fingers, the sensation of using magic still unfamiliar. His head throbbed faintly, a side effect of the new power.

"One ability attained," he muttered, satisfaction dripping from his tone. "One step closer to perfection."

Without another glance at the smoldering corpse, he slipped out of the alley and into the shadows of the city.

It had been a productive day.


The end


Second chapter successfully rewritten.

IMPORTANT NOTE: I don't hate cat-girls.

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