Chapter 13: Beast Arena...
"students today we will be checking the beast arena as the name suggested it's an arena were beast master let there beast fight for them, at every victory you recieve reward money you can also bet on who will win"
There home teacher valck stand infront of the beast arena entrance as he explain about the place but right now three people were busy staring at another girl.
Who is looking at the ground like it's very intersting "you said betting is gambling" Akasha said accusingly to Midori.
"But but it's true" she try to explain herself but they didn't look at her inorder to prove herself she raised her hand to question.
"Yes Midori do you have any kind of questions" she nodded her head.
"You said we can bet on people but isn't betting same as grambling" he chuckle at her words and spoke.
"Well it's similar but not same in gambling to bet on your blind luck okay gambling is all about luck, but betting is diffrent before making a bet you need to analyse the strength of both beast and past record of victory it's a skill on it own ofcourse there's also some people who blindly place relaying on there luck which don't always work but betting can be harmful and profitable too"
Midori turn around "see it's not like I'm wrong it's just betting is polished version of gambling they want to gamble but I find the word gambling disgraceful so they change it too gambling"
Someone kids words can hurt deeper then blade, both teach who were with them nervously look around luckily no one to lower themselves to argue with kids.
Or else with there number loosing just skin would had been merciful act, sir valck look at the sky wanting to complain to someone.
The field trip had not even started and they almost got into trouble he couldn't help but sweat thinking what will happen next.
"Today we are here to see the beasts in battle you can get glimpse of there strength and how there skills work, which skill can cause more damage which can be used for defence and all"
"Can we place bets" sir valck lips twitch looking at the kids he seriously spoke.
"Didn't I told you making a bet require to know about there strength and level you can't resklessly make bet or else you will be giving money for free aren't you afraid of angering your mother"
The mention of there mother immediately make kids quitten down after all no one can be scarier then mother when provoked.
Forget it they will treat the day like taking a stroll around, it's not worth to getting beating for it.
"We are inside the first floor there total three floor each floor dedicated to the diffrent rank of the beast on this floor you will only low rank beast" sir valck pause for a sec before asking them.
"Anyone here intersted in sending these beast in the fight" kids were taken back but excitedly raised there hand.
He chuckle in slightly dark manner and said "well let's watch the first match then we will see who want to go first"
The first match was between a fox and turtle, both beast totally opposite one had slow speed while the other one is known for it speed and agility.
But the turtle although slow had great defence, the fox was wind element beast while the turtle was earth type.
The fox used it's extremely fast speed to approach the turtle and bunch of wind blade attack the turtle, the speed was too fast but the speed of turtle hiding inside it shell was much faster.
Once inside it shell all those wind blades were useless, unless the skill had higher level of mastery but right now they are still weak beast.
In low rank beast completion having advantage of attribute and territory will decide the victory.
Unless the opponent is good in strategy, the low rank beast fight didn't continue for long time, when the fox was tired attacking the turtle and didn't have the energy to attack.
The turtle finally came out from it shell and stomp it front limp on ground, bunch of earth spear came out from the ground even though the fox had exhausted it energy but he still manage to dodge those spear.
The fox used it fast speed to approach the turtle, but it didn't came close a wall came out from the ground protecting the turtle.
This turtle had strong defence in kids view but in eyes of adult or those of experience beasttamer the defence is filled with loophole which can be lethal.
But considering the owner is still 6 year old child they can ignore the loopholes in the defence for such newbie he is doing quite good already.
After struggling for five more minutes the turtle emergency victorious in the fight, sister valck smile and look at the kids who are now avoiding his eyes.
What a joke they are still learning how to make there beast listen to them, much less think about strategies and let them perform those tricks.
But still there's always daredevil in the class, sir valck look at the three people raising there hand they are none other then Amira, Lore and Midori.
"Okay so we have three kids who want to try to it, kids follow me I will show you the procedure of signing in these type of arena, some of the kids who still don't have beast can try it came here after they get there beast but make sure you don't came here alone cause cases of robbery are common in these area, if you are not careful enough you will end up lossing every single penny you had earn"
They all nodded there head, he take them towards the front desk and help three of them to sign up while explaining them.
"Look first you had to give your name, your number of beast, there rank and finally they will give you a badge, don't loss the badge okay after you had won the match you had to give the badge to the first desk and you will receive the reward, these badges have number which will be your identity here okay"