Jetstream: A Transformers Story

Chapter 16: Old Rivalries

Sam, Carly, Epps and the rest of the team had gone through their fair share of drama. From Taking on two Decepticons, sliding on the windows and now Shockwave's pet. They were bruised and cut heavily after their little slide and were lucky not to be turned into human meat slices. The drill worm was staring right at the group of humans ready to devour them when a familiar voice cut through the noise.

"I'm coming for you!" yelled Prime.

He had his hands outstretched as he opened fire on the worm, doing major damage to its body. He would fly straight at the worm before ascending, his guns not letting up on it. He would fly up and take aim at the building before shooting two missiles at a clear floor to open a hole big enough for him to enter without damaging his flight tech. He would then twirl and then dive into the hole he had created before shooting out through the other end right above the worm and flying through it. Optimus would take of the head of the drill worm after flying through it killing Shockwaves creation.

He would fly and land on a nearby crane resting his engines a bit as he planned the next phase of action. Shockwave was not pleased at his appearance or at the death of his pet. He was going to make his displeasure known.

"Prime" he grunted.

He lifted his cannon and took aim at him. He fired a single round that split into four missiles and flew straight at Optimus. Optimus needed to act quickly, if his Jet pack was damaged, they could be at a disadvantage in this battle. He ran across the length of the crane almost like a runway and jumped into the air. Just as his engines engaged, he was hit in the back by one of the four missiles sending him spiraling down out of control.

Prime would himself tangle within the multiple cable hooks attached to cranes close to a building that was being constructed. With Prime seemingly out of the battle and tangled up, Shockwave would retreat to where the main group of Decepticons was and wait for their plan to come to fruition. Prime grunted and struggled as he tried to get himself free, lucky for him, help was on the way.

The Wreckers had rendezvoused not too far and watched all the action go down. They drove to their leader's aid without hesitation, arriving just as Optimus had managed to free his left hand. Their tires screeched hard and loud as they slowed themselves down to transform.

"Optimus!" Roadbuster yelled as he finished transforming.

"Wreckers!" Optimus responded.

"We're coming!" he yelled.

"Those are some tall cranes to climb" Topspin said.

"Then we better get climbing. We can't leave the others waiting. They would be expecting us" Leadfoot said.

Topspin would nod as all three raced towards the cranes to begin climbing.

The other Autobots were well on their way to the next Decepticon checkpoint. Ironhide was in the lead as they drove, Jet and Sideswipe covered his flanks as the others fell in line behind them.

"Optimus, what's the situation?" Ironhide radioed in.

"Not…. Good" he grunted.

"What seems to be the problem?" Ironhide said as he took a right turn.

"I got hit. Spiraled out of control and got tangled in crane cables" he replied.

"Do you need a rescue team?"

"Negative. The Wreckers are climbing the cranes as we speak. I will join the fight as soon as possible"

"Alright Optimus. Ironhide out"

 "Guess we're going in without Prime again" Wheeljack said.

""Ugh. We'll be fine. Now let's go lay some heat" replied Ironhide.

"Copy that" Jet said.

While they drove, Jetstream's radar picked up an incoming threat from above and it was closing in fast.

"Guys, we got company closing in fast. 9 o'clock" he said with a worried voice.

An F- 22 sporting Seeker tattoos flew out from the left firing multiple missiles on the Autobot group.

"It's Starscream!!" Ironhide yelled hitting the brakes hard.

"Everyone take cover" Ratchet instructed.

The missiles landed around them throwing debris all over the vehicles. As the barrage ended, all their engines picked up again as they all moved into alleys between buildings and a few of them took cover in shops. Jet and Hide took cover in an alley together as the others spread out through the streets.

"If I know Starscream well, he'll be coming back for another fly-by" Jet said.

"Then what?" Ironhide asked.

"Then I'll hit him. As long as we aren't dead he'll keep bombarding us and that will slow us down" Jet explained.

"So what do you intend we do?"

"Leave him to me. I've been itching for a little Seeker reunion. Chat about the old days" Jet said with a little smirk.

"Starscream isn't someone that should be underestimated. Beneath all that psychotic behavior is a real warrior"

"I know. I worked closely with him for over a million years. If there's anyone that knows his warrior capabilities it's me. I'm not as soft as I seem these days. Remember how I was back on Cybertron?"

"You don't need to remind me. My sight has been tainted for a lifetime because of you"

"Then please let me do this. I can buy you guys time to move out of here and hit the frontline"

"Okay Jet. Be careful out there"

"I will"

Just then his radar would go off again as Starscream closed in on their positions again.

"Everyone brace for impact!" Jet warned.

All the Autobots braced as Starscream rained down another wave of missiles on their position. The blast from the missiles threw Sideswipe and Dino out of the shop they hid in. Bee and Ratchet were flung out of the alley they were in as the other three stood firm. As the Raptor flew over, Jet sprang into action, running out of his hiding place and into the streets. He would leap into the air as hs body began to transform.

His head would move down as the cockpit moved out of his chest and encased it. The turbines hanging on his back move down as parts began to shift into position forming the jet engine. His wings became horizontal and outstretched growing in size as he became a jet again. His engine kicked in and thrusted him into the air as he began to chase down Starscream.

"Where is he going?" Wheeljack asked.

"He's going to chase down Starscream and buy us sometime. Stop him from bombarding us again" Ironhide answered.

"Facing Starscream alone is-"

"Suicide" Bee said finishing Sideswipe's sentence.

"Don't worry he can handle it. Don't you remember who he was before he joined us? Have you all forgotten how I lost my eye?"

"That's a fair point" said Mirage.

"All we can do now is hope that Primus is on his side" Ratchet said.

"Indeed. Let his efforts not be in vain. Let's move" 

"Starscream, you remember me?!" Jet said, as he created a private channel for the two to communicate.

"Deathstrike. What an unpleasant surprise. You turned your back on your comrades and joined the Autobots. I always knew you were too weak for our cause" he said spitefully.

The two flew over Chicago at supersonic speeds, causing windows and buildings to rattle. They performed daring turns through buildings, putting on a show for those below.

"Weak? You of all people should know that I am anything but that"

"We will see. It's time to put your skills to the test"

"Bring it on"

The two would hit their after burners as they engaged in a dog fight above the city.

Sentinel stood high and proud as the plan they had created so many years ago was falling into place smoothly. The Autobot rebels were being handled rather easily. They were still a long way out from his position and the humans could not breach their defenses. Or so he thought.

"Decepticons around the world…. launch the pillars" he instructed.

Decepticons stationed on different parts of the globe, released the pillars in their possession into the sky as they all floated up. From places as far back as Ecuador, to the bustling streets of China, pillars rose high into the sky. Things were going as planned.

Brains and Wheelie roamed through the streets, long separated from their Autobots and far away from any action.

"Ah! We are so lost!" Wheelie nagged.

"Always left out" Brains added.

Their walk would bring them to a crashed Decepticon fighter. One of those Jetstream and Prime shot down during their little skirmish from a couple of minutes ago.

"Ooh. Ka-ching! Its time to lay down the law" Wheelie said with a mischievous tone.

"About to bring some hurt now"

"Let's take a look at the controls. See if this thing can still fly"

"It will fly alright. The big bots hit its engine but with a couple of tweaks, we can get it going again"

"Heck yeah!" Wheelie cheered.

Starscream banked left hard as Jet followed suit trying to get him in his sights. He needed to get a missile lock on the Decepticon so that he could fire missiles at him. It was easier said than done, the F-22 Raptor on its own was already a handful, coupled with the boost of having Cybertronian specs, that thing was a monster in the air. His Harrier form was old and not up to date, on a normal day it would not stand a chance against a Raptor, but this was no ordinary Harrier. Jetstream was not about to let the specs of his aircraft get in the way of him battling Starscream one on one. If he could get the big bot on the ground, then it would be a fair fight. For now, it would be down to their abilities as pilots.

Starscream was doing a good job keeping him at bay; the thrust vector system of the Raptor was unmatched allowing him to pull of insane maneuvers so that Jet couldn't lock on to him. Jetstream didn't care, the tougher the challenge, the higher he would climb. The two would perform a long left turn over the city and through a couple of buildings. Jetstream managed to keep up with Starscream through the turn as the airframe of his aircraft rattled at the amount of g's he was putting it through. He kept the con within his sights and opened fire on him using his cannon. A flurry of bullets flew out of his body edging closer to the Raptor until his finally got a hit. Two bullets hit Starscream in the back which clearly annoyed him.

Jetstream continued to fire at him sporadically, spraying the bullets with some restraint as the jet was hard to keep up with. Starscream would pull up into a daring dive, twirling around as they increased in altitude rapidly. Without warning, the Con would pull his aircraft into a dive as they descended towards the city. Jet kept up with him luckily and managed to get a missile lock on him. He fired a missile at the Decepticon which he predicted and acted accordingly. The Con would pull on his controls causing the nose of the plane to pull up and then he would cause the plane to spin as the missile flew right past him.

"What the hell?!!" Jet said as he flew passed the spinning Raptor.

He was one hundred percent certain that Starscream was grinning underneath all that metal. Now the tables had turned. The hunter had become the hunted and with the gap in technology, things were not looking in Jetstream's favor. Not long had gone until his systems began to warn him of a missile on his tail. He deployed his flares and pulled to the right quickly as they made it back to the level of the skyscrapers.

Jet descended lower to the streets, flying sideways through buildings before engaging in dangerous corkscrew maneuvers as he went above buildings. Starscream didn't make his work easy, more missiles were headed his way and Jet would deploy flares and chaff to mislead them. Explosions could be heard at different parts of the city as Starscream's missiles hit either his countermeasures or a building after Jet outmaneuvered them.

He was kept on edge throughout the fight, evading his aggressor to the best of his abilities and with the technology available. Starscream got another lock on Jet, this time with laser-guided missiles. He got a hit on Jet and marked him, he would launch two missiles at the former Decepticon hoping to end this fight. Jetstream deployed his flares on last time as he pulled up. The explosion of the first missile masked the second one on its approach, he had no idea it was coming. The missile would shoot out of the cloud of smoke and flew straight at the Harrier. He tried to deploy his flares again but he had run out. As he tried to pull himself into a maneuver, the missile struck him causing a good amount of damage to his body.

The Autobot would be forced to transform as he tried to assess the damage and where his opponent was. Starscream would give him no time to breathe as he was already upon him. He would fly at Jet and grab him by the throat. As he aimed his fellow Seeker at a couple of buildings.

"Now I'm going to show you why you why you were always in my shadow. Why you were always second to me in everything. You have bit on more than you can chew and will pay for it" he said as drool splashed all over him.

Down below, Sam and the others were making it closer to the pillars. They had navigated through the streets and had avoided any run-ins with the Decepticons so far. As they pulled into an alley to navigate through some buildings, their attention would be drawn to gentle humming sounds within the area and the control pillar gained electrical bolts as it built up power.

"It's starting! You see it?" Sam said.

As the group ran through the alley, bits of rock and debris would rain down on them as the aftermath of Jetstream and Starscream flying through buildings.

"Take cover!!" Epps yelled.

The former operatives would run to the left while Sam and Carly went straight on in search for cover. While they took cover in a church from the commotion going on outside, Epps would notice that Sam and Carly were no longer with them. He wasn't happy about that.

"Eddie, where are Sam and Carly?"


"I give you one thing to do, one thing to do, and you drop the ball on that?" Epps said frustrated.

""I ain't signed up for all this! Got aliens blasting at me, running around me! I'm ducking through churches and buildings and all that kind of crap, man! This is bullshit! I ain't signed up for this, Epps. I'm trying to keep it together"

"We'll go this way" Sam said leading Carly through a deserted street. As the two walked, the silence would be interrupted yet again as Starscream and Jetstream busted out through a building. The Autobot was used as a battering ram through the buildings as he had sustained much more damage than the Decepticon. Sam and Carly would scream and yell as they took cover from all the falling debris within a deserted school bus.

Jetstream would land on the ground with a loud thump. He had taken a real beating; his body was battered and dented all over. The tussle with Starscream was proving to be difficult.

"Ugh" he groaned as he tried to get back up.

"That's Jet" Sam said with a low voice.

Starscream would soon land on the ground, walking up to his opponent like a hunter walking towards its wounded prey.

"I told you this wouldn't end well. Did you really think you could come at me, the almighty Starscream, alone?" he said full of pride.

"Sacrificing yourself so that your Autobot brothers can push on. I'll kill you right here and now and take your head to them as a souvenir" he said scratching his chin.

Sam and Carly wanted to move out of there quickly. Things were about to explode and they didn't want to get caught in the middle.

"Come on Carly we have to get out of here" Sam whispered. "it's not safe at all"

She nodded and followed him through the bus. One her way down, she would slip and fall, groaning in pain attracting the attention of Starscream.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Sam Witwicky. The thorn in my flesh, ruining all our plans" he said as he slowly began to walk towards him.

"I'll tell you what Jet. I'm going to let you live a little longer so that you can watch me peel the skin of his body right before killing you. I'll let you watch their death so that you can know how bad of a protector you are. One more thing I'm better at than you"

"Sam! Carly! Run!!" he yelled as he began to rise from the ground.

The humans wouldn't think twice and began to run as fast as their legs could carry them. Starscream began to give chase to them seconds later, enjoying every moment of this encounter. He got to school his subordinate and kill Sam all at once, what more could he ask for.

"You can't hide boy! I just love it when your little insect feet try to run!" he said running after them.

Jetstream managed to get up to his feet as he gathered the strength to push on and chase after them. Sam was counting on him, Ironhide was counting on him. Humans all around the globe were counting on him, now was not the time to falter; this was not the time to cower in fear. Now was a time for strength, for the sake of the world, the Autobots, and for Sam right now, he needed to pull himself together.

"Come on Jet, we got this!" he said psyching himself up.

His battle mask would come down and the jet engines on his back would kick in pushing him into the air. It was time to settle his score with Starscream once and for all.

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