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Chapter : Ready Player 1 Perks

Gunter Clan [400]: You can import all your companions into any background (except

Corporate Tool). Each companion gains 600 CP and freebies, but cannot take

drawbacks. If you are a Corporate Tool, all your companions import get the mandatory

drawback and get 800 CP instead and they can take any background.) All companions

imported this way get a free Haptic Rig.

The Basement [???]: You have a private Chat Room that cannot be accessed except by those you invite (or godlike entities or people with super user accounts). You, and anyone you have invited there, can instantly teleport to your Chat Room from anywhere in the universe or even across realities… though they must all return to their original point of origin. When you use this, you leave behind a motionless (and vulnerable) copy of yourself. You can give items to people in your chat-room or vice versa and you can install games, media systems, or furniture in it. The Basement repairs itself daily.

"You keep a horse in the basement?" - Mark Rumsfield, The 'Burbs

The complete colection [???] You have a lot of companions. They worked together and bought all the complet colections. And it now is stored in your castle and is retroactive. You didn't have the space so it is a room with an infinit shelf that is indexed has a chest that is indexed and searchable.

Cyber Gladiator [Free]: You wake up in a rusty old RV with solar panels on the roof, somewhere in one of the many truck stops along the crumbling highways of the American south. Your vehicle isn't that insulated, so you tend to stay down where it's a bit warmer. You have a fair amount of cash in pocket and a decent laptop with wireless OASIS hookup (though you have to be parked near a node to use it), both of which you've earned fighting in the OASIS arenas, and a minor reputation. If you're not a Drop-In, you have a middle class American upbringing, a substandard education, no family you'd want to contact, and a healthy disrespect for the status quo. Either way, your OASIS avatar is level 15.

"Are you not entertained?! Are you not entertained?! Is this not why you are

here?"-Maximus, Gladiator

Cyber Gladiator Perks

Name that Song [100]: You have an encyclopedic memory for obscure trivia… and the processing power to pull up practically any information as fast as you can formulate the desire to remember it. If you've ever heard, read, or seen a factoid (true or not), you can recall it instantly and correctly… as well as quote your source.

"Shareef don't like it! Rock the Casbah, rock the Casbah!"-The Clash, "Rock the Casbah", CBS, 1982

Virtually Real Currency [200]: Any currency you earn in any videogame is added to

your real world bank balance at (at best) the rate of 1 whatever to 1 penny. The harder the game makes earning in game cash, the more it will be worth. If you can basically do

nothing and make a million Burger Bucks every 20 seconds, it won't be worth the pixels it's printed on. Hacked, modded, or cheated currency is not considered earned.

"This planet has - or rather had - a problem, which was this: most of the people living on it were unhappy for pretty much of the time. Many solutions were suggested for this problem, but most of these were largely concerned with the movement of small green pieces of paper, which was odd because on the whole it wasn't the small green pieces of paper that were unhappy." - Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Traceless [400]: Once a month, all records of your existence can be modified or deleted simply by you willing them to change or be deleted. Any documentation you create or acquire will exist for exactly as long as you want to it, appearing spontaneously in the system as perfectly valid… then vanishing again the moment you don't need them. This doesn't erase you from the memory of any living thing or an actual AI, but paper and computer records, video recordings, etc all disappear or change to reflect whatever you want them to reflect.

"There I was in prison. And one day I helped a couple of nice older gentlemen make some free telephone calls. They turned out to be, let us say, good family men."

- Cosmo, Sneakers

Fast Twitch [600]: Incredible Reflexes, mastery of every videogame fighting style, and an instinctive feel for the pacing of duels, arena combat, and knowledge of how to use any handheld weapon to its fullest, seamlessly integrating those weapons into your own personal fighting skills. As long as you keep fighting duels against worthy foes, you will find that your reflexes and ability to anticipate your foes will keep improving.

"Can't you hear the choir now? Listen to the animals sing! Can't you hear the slaughterhouse bells? In the land of the pigs the butcher is king! In the land of the pigs the butcher is king!"- Meat Loaf, "In the Land of the Pig, The Butcher is King", Epic, 1977

VR Power [200]: Normally you'd lose your powers in the OASIS. After all, it's a

simulation, not the real thing. Things like reaction time and intelligence aren't a problem,but biological traits like enhanced vision or super strength or regen are, and the OASIS has its own set of magical, martial, and crafting abilities than those you brought with you. Except, that's no longer the case. Buy this perk and all your abilities will work just fine in the Oasis… as well as any other VR system.

"Pathetic earthlings. Hurling your bodies out into the void, without the slightest inkling of who or what is out here. If you had known anything about the true nature of the universe, anything at all, you would've hidden from it in terror." -Emperor Ming, Flash

Loot Drops [200]: Whenever you kill challenging foes, there is a chance they will drop interesting and or useful items. These items will be thematically related to that individual, and very, very rarely, might be artifacts or unique items that could not otherwise be acquired.

"It came to me, my own, my love... my... preciousssss."- Gollum, The Lord of the Rings

Digitizer Portal [???]: The big problem with the OASIS is that it's a Virtual setting and

all your stuff is… well, not in the right format, let's say. With this addition to your warehouse, you can bring real world items into a digital setting, or vis versa. Real items

will function just fine inside any digital system that can handle what they do. Virtual

items in the real world will only function to the degree of complexity they are designed

with. The bigger and more complex the item being digitized, the more power required to

use this. A single human being would take as much energy as a medium city uses in a

few minutes. Digitized items cannot be copied by the system they have been digitized into. If you have any of the Complete Collections, this can undigitize them.

"You're looking at the future, Mr Grossman; people translated as data."

In Context [400]: Of course, anyone with outside context knowledge of Halliday's quest can pretty easily find the challenges, and, with a lot of practice, beat Joust, Black Tiger, & Tempest, as well as master the Flick Sync's of Wargames and Holy Grail. That's the old quest. This is the new one. Halliday knew about the book and rewrote the quest just so you'd have no idea. All new riddles, all new games and movies and locations. Either that, or all your Out of Context memories of this setting are erased upon entry into the world. Either way, the Gunters and Sixers will still make the same progress they made in the story. Only you and your companions will be affected.

"Fourscore and… [looks at his pocket watch] seven minutes ago... we, your forefathers, were brought forth upon a most excellent adventure conceived by our new friends, Bill... and Ted. These two great gentlemen are dedicated to a proposition which was true in my time, just as it's true today. Be excellent to each other. And... PARTY ON, DUDES!"-Abraham Lincoln, Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure

Oh and the oasis is semi perma like in Sao but without the carryover for people who don't use a tecnolgy that alows for realism levels reach sao levels a higher threshold. So holiday has gone semi perma as a god but doesn't know it he did the whole download and record your brain thing and gods go perma they get acses to their past incarnations. So good luck. Oh and you only have 2 years here.

IOI will find a way to be competitive in game. And you cant just take them out irl[...]

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