Kael:Swords and Flowers

Chapter 12: Killer or Hero?

Day 1 - The First Steps of a New Life

Kael had been purchased by Dragan, the leader of a mercenary gang. Dragan was a man whose eyes reflected intelligence and experience. He was wealthy, and it was clear he had hardened through years of battle. After purchasing Kael, he had him taken from the caravan and brought to the camp where his group was stationed. The tents, armored horses, and numerous weapons made it clear that Dragan's gang was no ordinary group.

For a few minutes, Kael quietly sat in a corner, scanning his surroundings. The slave mark on his back still felt like a burden, but this new environment seemed less disturbing than the slave market. However, the turmoil in his mind wouldn't settle.

"Where am I being dragged?" he thought. Was this place a chance for a warrior to be reborn, or was it just another link in the chain to which he was bound?

Dragan called for Kael into his tent. When Kael entered, he noticed Dragan scrutinizing him from head to toe. A young woman standing beside Dragan, holding a parchment, silently studied Kael as well. She gave a slight smile, clearly finding Kael interesting to Dragan.

Dragan broke the silence and spoke:

"May I know your name?"

Kael paused for a few seconds, then took a deep breath and answered in a cold tone:


Dragan nodded.

"Kael, your fighting skills impressed me. I purchased you to join this group, but you are not a slave here. Yes, you came at a cost, but I have an offer for you: If you serve me loyally, I will set you free. But first, you must prove your worth."

Kael didn't know how to react to these words. Freedom had been promised, but what would its cost be? The betrayal of the royal family still echoed in his mind. "Loyalty? I've already been loyal, and that's what got me thrown into the Oblivion Dungeons," he thought.

"What do you want me to do?" Kael asked, his voice laced with barely concealed anger.

Dragan smiled and tapped his fingers on the table.

"You'll learn in time. But know this: The only way to survive in this world is to be strong. If you want to be strong, you'll have to learn to stand by my side. Your first task will come soon."

Night and Inner Conflict

When Kael retreated to his tent, his mind never once rested. The memories of the day he was thrown into the dungeon played over and over in his mind. The cold face of the king, the mocking glances of the young duke, and most importantly… the fact that the princess was still missing.

"Where is the princess now?" he muttered to himself. He had sacrificed everything to protect her. But now, on this path from slavery to becoming a mercenary, he found himself asking:

"Why am I doing all this? Am I still fighting for her, or just to survive? If survival is all that matters, what's the point?"

Despite the darkness inside, Kael made a decision. For now, he would accept Dragan's offer. But that didn't mean he had forgiven his anger. The royal family and everyone who had put him in this situation would face him one day.

"I will survive," he thought. "But one day, I will return for all of them."

Morning: Dragan's First Task

With the first light of morning, one of Dragan's men came to Kael's tent. In a stern tone, he said, "Dragan is calling you." Kael silently got up and walked toward Dragan's tent.

Dragan was waiting for him. He spread a map on the table in front of him.

"Kael, your first task is simple: There is a merchant in a nearby village who hasn't paid his debts. I want you to go with my man, Arsen, and handle the situation. You can use your own methods. But remember, failure is not an option."

Kael glanced at the map, then lifted his gaze to meet Dragan's eyes.

"Understood," he said, before walking out of the tent toward Arsen.

This new life seemed to offer him an opportunity, but for Kael, it was just the beginning. Every new step was strengthening the anger and darkness within him, pushing him to confront the ghosts of his past. Now, he had to fight to survive. But would survival be enough for him?

Once again, the same sentence echoed in Kael's mind:

"Everyone wants to survive. But I want more."

Day 2 – First Mission and First Test

Kael and Arsen had set off on horseback toward the village marked on the map. Throughout the journey, Arsen chatted cheerfully, but Kael's cold stares and silence consistently cut the conversations short. Eventually, unable to stand the silence any longer, Arsen laughed and said: "Hey, can't you be a little more friendly? We're on the same side, Kael." Kael responded without taking his eyes off the road, sarcastically: "Be friendly? Then give me a reason to trust you." Arsen shrugged and didn't reply. Kael's coldness bothered him, but he didn't press the issue. Kael was still lost in his own internal struggles. He had to complete the mission successfully and gain the trust of these mercenaries, but he had no intention of staying with them for good. "I'm not from here," Kael thought. "But I have to find a way out of here."

The Confrontation at the Village

When they reached the village, the merchant's house was bigger and more extravagant than the others. Arsen was about to say something to Kael, but Kael silenced him with a sharp glance. "How I handle this is none of your business," he said. Arsen merely nodded and stepped back. Kael took a deep breath and knocked on the door. An anxious, middle-aged man opened it. His clothes were plain, but the fear in his eyes made it clear he was aware of something. "Are you the merchant?" Kael asked in a calm voice. The man replied in a trembling voice: "Yes... yes, I'm the merchant. Who are you?" Kael slowly stepped inside. Arsen stayed outside and watched, but didn't intervene. Kael surveyed the inside of the house; it was furnished quite luxuriously. There were valuable paintings on the walls, expensive dinnerware on the table. There seemed to be no reason why the man hadn't paid his debts. Kael waited silently for a moment. Then, looking directly into the man's eyes, he spoke calmly: "They say you haven't paid your debts. Is that true?" The merchant anxiously rubbed his hands and nodded. "I... I was going to pay, but things went wrong. I don't have anything to give you, please forgive me." Kael furrowed his brow. The merchant's fearful manner only irritated him further. "Forgive you?" Kael said sarcastically. "I didn't come here to hear your apologies. If the debt isn't paid, you'll face the consequences." The man collapsed to his knees and started begging: "Please! Think of my family! Don't kill me!" Kael paused for a moment. The dark days of the dungeon and the humiliating memories of his slavery resurfaced in his mind. This merchant could very well be paying for his own mistakes, just as Kael had paid for his. But there was another voice echoing in his head: "Don't show mercy. No one showed you mercy."

The First Fight

Kael hesitated for a moment, then grabbed the merchant by the collar and pulled him to his feet. Just then, a loud noise from outside distracted him. The door burst open, and several armed men rushed in. The merchant pointed at Kael and shouted: "Protect me! Buy me some time to pay the debt!" Kael noticed the men attacking him and quickly drew his sword. He deflected the first strike and swung his blade toward one of the attackers' arms. Within seconds, the room descended into chaos as a fight broke out. While Arsen was trying to figure out what was happening outside, he rushed in and joined Kael. But Kael's efficiency in handling the attackers alone surprised him. Kael moved with calm precision, taking down each man effortlessly. By the time the last man fell, Kael was out of breath, but there was no sign of hesitation on his face. "This is the price for not paying your debts," Kael said, turning back to the merchant. The merchant trembled and nodded, pulling a bag of gold from his chest. "Please, take it! Take all of it! Just let me go!" Kael took the gold and turned to Arsen. "It's done. Let's go."

The Return Journey

On the way back, Arsen broke the silence: "Buddy, I didn't think you'd take down those guys so easily. I'm starting to wonder why you're not a mercenary." Kael didn't respond. His mind was elsewhere. The confrontation that day had only strengthened the darkness within him. He realized he couldn't control his anger. "One day, I'll burn myself out with this anger," he thought. But then another voice inside him spoke: "This anger will make you strong, Kael. You have to be strong. You'll need this power to face everyone who's betrayed you." As they returned to camp, Kael once again questioned what he was truly fighting for. Maybe it was just to survive, to fight, and one day get revenge. But he knew he couldn't find peace until he found out where the princess was. When they reached the camp, Dragan was waiting for them. Kael placed the gold on the table and silently met his leader's gaze. Dragan smiled and nodded. "Good work, Kael. But this is just the beginning. I'm starting to trust you. Soon, you'll be given more important tasks." Kael, without saying a word, retreated to his tent. He was now part of this new life, but the darkness in his mind never stopped. "Everything has a price," he thought. "I'm paying my price."

Mercenary's 3rd Day: Bloody Training

Kael woke up before dawn. The sounds of weapons clashing and shouting echoed from outside the tent, spreading through every corner of the camp. This was part of the daily routine for mercenaries: combat training. As Kael stepped out of his tent, he saw Dragan standing in the center of the camp. The area around the leader was reserved for combat training, and the members of the group were fighting each other fiercely.

When Dragan noticed Kael, he dropped his wooden sword to the ground and called out to him in a stern voice:

"Today is training day, Kael. If you want to be part of this group, you need to learn to push your limits."

Kael met his leader's gaze without hesitation and nodded silently. Push my limits? he thought. Will they teach me something more than I learned in the dungeons? But without saying anything, he grabbed the wooden sword and joined the training.

First Training on the Battlefield

Kael took his place among the mercenaries. The training began with one-on-one duels. Each person took turns trying to defeat their opponent. Kael's opponent was a large, angry man named Gorath. Gorath looked Kael up and down with a dismissive expression.

"New kid, I'll take you down in no time. Ready?" he asked mockingly.

Kael simply raised his sword and waited. He preferred to let his actions speak rather than responding with words. Gorath interpreted Kael's silence as a sign of fear and charged at him. However, Kael easily deflected the first strike using his reflexes.

For a while, they exchanged blows. Gorath relied on his brute strength, but Kael began to spot the gaps in his attacks. At one point, Kael deflected Gorath's sword, leaving the larger man's defense wide open. With a swift strike, Kael landed a hard blow on Gorath, sending him crashing to the ground. The surrounding mercenaries stared at Kael in shock.

Dragan, watching the scene, smiled slightly. "Not bad," he murmured to himself. However, this smile didn't mean that Kael had passed any test.

Catching Dragan's Eye

After the training ended, Dragan called Kael over. They moved to a quieter area, a bit farther from the camp. Dragan pulled a dagger from his pocket and held it out to Kael.

"You showed your skills today, but wooden swords are useless in real combat. In a real fight, it's life or death. Now, I'm giving you a chance. Only the strong survive here, Kael. If you want to stay in this group, you need to learn how to use this dagger," he said.

Kael took the dagger in his hand, feeling its weight. The cold metal reminded him of the swords he once wielded. But this time, it was different. He used to fight as a protector; now, he was fighting for his own survival.

Dragan, his face stern, continued, "Tomorrow, you'll go on your first real mission. There are spies among the villagers. You'll find out who they are and eliminate them. It's time to prove your loyalty to this group."

Kael nodded silently, not saying a word. Dragan took his silence as agreement and turned to leave. But Kael's mind was in turmoil, caught between inner conflict and the new mission.

Thoughts at Night

Kael retreated to a quiet corner outside the camp and began examining the dagger carefully. His mind drifted between the promises he once made and the reality of his current situation. He had once dedicated his life to protecting the princess, but now he was nothing more than a mercenary hired to kill criminals.

He muttered to himself, "Should I do this? Or will it cost me everything I have left?"

But another voice inside him answered sharply, "This world tried to destroy you, Kael. If you don't fight back, they'll crush you. You have to be strong to survive."

Kael gripped the dagger tightly, his eyes filled with a new sense of vengeance and determination.

"I'll survive. But that doesn't mean I'll forget who I am," he said.

As a new day approached, Kael began preparing for his first mission as part of the mercenary group. He knew that in this journey, he would have to face his own darkness.

Day 4 of Mercenary Life: First Mission

Kael woke up early in the morning, finishing his preparations. His dagger was securely fastened at his side, and the sky, now darkening, signaled the arrival of a new day. Dragan had tasked him with the mission of finding and eliminating the spies in a village. Kael was determined to face the darkness within himself. The echoes of his past followed him with every step.

Upon arriving at the village, Kael surveyed his surroundings with caution. Everything appeared normal, but Kael trusted his instincts. Years of experience would always guide him to the truth. His sharp eyes caught a glimpse of someone on the outskirts of the village, walking alone in a grim manner. Kael moved quickly, heading towards the person, trying to discern their identity.

"Could he be a spy?" Kael thought to himself.

The man's behavior confirmed Kael's suspicions. He had to act fast or risk more trouble.

Kael's Decision

Approaching quickly, Kael seized the man and pressed the dagger to his throat. The man startled and froze in place.

"Who sent you?" Kael demanded, trying to corner him with his voice.

The man trembled with fear. "I'm just… just a farm worker… please…" he begged.

Kael read the fear in the man's eyes, but something inside him urged him to stop. He tightened the dagger a little more and asked, "Are you really just a worker?"

After a brief silence, the man hesitantly replied, "Yes… but… I know Dragan… He sent me here…"

Kael hesitated. One choice was to quickly end the man's life and complete the mission; the other was to recognize that there might be some humanity left in him.

However, the reality of training was different. Kael moved with speed, knocking the man to the ground. Slowly, he brought the dagger to his throat and, with one swift motion, completed the task. The man's eyes met Kael's one last time. But Kael had put aside his emotions.

Return and Confrontation

After completing the mission, Kael returned and reported to Dragan. Dragan greeted him with a smile, as if approving his work.

"Someone like you will be valuable to this group, Kael," Dragan said. "But remember, as a mercenary, every decision you make comes with a price."

Kael was unaffected by Dragan's words. "My only goal is to survive," he replied.

But Dragan seemed to understand the deeper meaning behind Kael's words. "Survival is a hard thing. But you must be worthy of it."

Kael didn't respond. As he struggled with the darkness within himself, reality became harsher by the day.

The preparations for the next mission were underway, and with each passing day, Kael was being pulled deeper into this world. There was no turning back for him; the only way forward was to continue down the path, no matter where it led.

Return to the Night

Kael walked quietly outside the camp, intending to spend the night alone in a quiet corner. Once a man who fought to protect the world, now he was simply struggling to survive. He gripped his dagger again.

"Is this really what I want?" he asked himself. But answering that question had already become too late for Kael.

His inner conflict grew deeper with each passing day. To survive in Dragan's group, he would have to shed more blood, make more choices, and confront his own dark side. His path was becoming more difficult, but there was no other way forward.

Day 5 of the Mercenary Life: Inner Conflict and Mission

Before the sun had risen, Kael had already woken up alone in the dark corner of the camp. Slowly opening his eyes, a heavy throb pounded in his head. The events of the previous night and the decisions he had made were piling up in his mind like an avalanche. Today, there was another mission, but this one felt different. It involved suppressing a secret rebellion in a village and eliminating the villagers along with it. Kael was terrified of having to face his inner darkness so soon, but sadly, there was only one choice: to continue.

As he made his way toward the center of the camp, he heard the voices of the mercenaries. Usually, the sounds meant little to Kael, but today they carried a deeper significance. The silent mornings before missions were becoming more and more complex in his mind. He pulled his dagger from his belt, feeling the cold surface of the metal. He had once been a warrior, but now he was a killer. There was a void inside him, and he felt as if he had lost himself. He only felt like a man struggling to survive.

Dragan's Orders

Kael walked to Dragan's tent in the center of the camp. As he entered, Dragan was taking notes on a map. When he saw Kael, his eyes immediately turned toward him, but there was no smile on his face—only a cold seriousness.

"Kael, I knew you'd be here," Dragan said in a sharp tone. "You've been chosen for an important mission today. This village is filled with rebels inside. Your task is to clean up the villagers."

Kael felt something change in his eyes. The unease within him had grown to an unimaginable degree. "Everyone? Women, children too?" he asked, his voice echoing as if coming from the depths of the ocean.

Dragan locked eyes with Kael. "Yes, everyone. We need to eradicate the roots of the rebellion. There is no place for the weak in this war. This is our job. To succeed, we must remove every form of weakness. You have the power to do this, Kael."

For a moment, something broke inside Kael. Dragan's words clashed with the limits of his own humanity. The voice inside him tried to stop him, but Kael's eyes hardened. He could no longer ignore the battle inside him, but now, he had to win that battle.

Journey to the Village

At the designated time, Kael and the other mercenaries set off toward the village. The forest looked more frightening than ever. The trees seemed to remind Kael of something from his past; there was once a world he protected and defended, but everything had changed. Kael walked along the path without speaking. He was thinking so much that everything around him became a blur. He wasn't a warrior, nor a protector anymore—he was just a man, fighting his inner darkness.

After a few hours of walking, the village began to appear. At first glance, everything seemed normal. People were working in their gardens, living in their homes. But Kael knew that everything he saw had another meaning. The village could be the heart of the rebellion. He wasn't sure whether he had made the right choice. With every step, he felt himself slipping further away.

The First Encounter in the Village

When they reached the entrance of the village, Kael and the other mercenaries began to confront the villagers. Several people, allegedly rebels, quickly started to flee. Kael moved toward one of the village homes, with the other mercenaries following close behind.

Kael's body tensed, and his instincts kicked in. "It's just the mission," he murmured to himself. With each step, the fear and helplessness in the villagers' eyes became more apparent. Women, children, the elderly—each face left a mark on Kael's soul. Would he really carry out the mission to destroy them all? Or would he somehow find a way to turn things around?

He quickly opened the door to a house and found a man desperately trying to protect his family. The man's eyes were filled with fear, but there was also a sense of resistance. Kael walked toward the man, raising his dagger. As the man watched him approach, he asked in one last act of hope, "Are you here to kill us?"

Kael paused for a few seconds. He gripped his dagger again, but this time, he had to make a decision. "No," Kael said. "I didn't come to kill you today. But everyone in this village will meet the same fate. The solution is in your hands."

A Deeper Conflict

The storm inside Kael made the moment of decision even more difficult. On one side, there was the pressure to complete the mission, and on the other, his humanity was pushing back. The cries of a woman trying to hold back her tears echoed in Kael's mind.

On one side, a killer. On the other, a protector. Kael had to decide who he really was. The battle inside his mind had turned into an internal scream.

Day 5 of the Mercenary Life: Inner Conflict and Mission - Continued


Kael's Decision and Betrayal of Dragan

Kael felt the weight of the pressure to complete his mission, yet his humanity was at war inside him. The screams of women, the fearful gazes of children, the helplessness in the eyes of the elderly echoed louder with every step. He wanted to see himself not as a killer, but as a human being. However, fate had assigned him another role.

For a moment, the words of the man from the village echoed in Kael's mind: "The solution is up to you." This was the moment of decision. Something had to change. Slowly, he began to shed his identity as a killer. His decision to complete the mission slowly shifted into another purpose. Today, I came to protect a village. Today, I came to betray Dragan.

The center of the village was where Kael made his decision. As they moved away from Dragan's camp, Kael imagined Dragan, the commander of the mercenary army. To Dragan, Kael was just a tool. But Kael would no longer see himself as a tool. Pressing his hand firmly against the hilt of his dagger, he surveyed the mercenaries circling the village. Their eyes were like mere reflections; they were soldiers who followed orders, not like Kael, who questioned everything.

Against Dragan's plan to destroy the village, Kael would now fight and win this battle. His strongest weapon against the darkness within him was his humanity.


Defending the Village and Resistance

Kael advanced quietly towards the villagers, careful not to attract the attention of the mercenaries. A few representatives of the resistance were hiding deep within the village. Kael believed there was hope to protect these people. Gripping his dagger tightly, he decided to meet with a group of rebels on the outskirts of the village.

After some time, Kael encountered the leader of the resistance. The leader didn't trust him. He saw Kael as nothing more than a mercenary loyal to Dragan. But Kael needed to make his purpose clear. "I came to kill Dragan. Today, we change the fate of this village. Will you fight with me?" The firmness in Kael's voice overcame the rebels' doubts. They agreed to join him.

With every passing minute, more time was slipping away for the defense of the village. Kael made the decision to fight alongside the resistance. Together, they led the mercenaries into a trap. Even though Kael questioned the correctness of his decision with every step, there was no turning back now. A final resistance against Dragan had begun.


The Final Battle Against Dragan

As Dragan's forces neared the village, the battle broke out. Kael was more determined than ever. While Dragan's orders were to annihilate, Kael's purpose was the complete opposite: to protect the village and its people.

Amidst the battle, Kael and Dragan came face to face. Dragan looked at Kael with anger. "Kael, you've disappointed me. As a mercenary, you are obligated to follow orders!" he shouted, his voice trembling with rage. Kael met his gaze with a glimmer of resolve. "No, Dragan. My mission now is to stop your destruction."

With his dagger, Kael lunged at Dragan. Taken aback by Kael's unexpected resistance, Dragan quickly stepped back. A fierce duel ensued. Kael wielded his inner darkness like a weapon. Dragan, a powerful mercenary, was formidable, but Kael's inner turmoil seemed to grant him incredible strength. With each strike, the darkness and unrest in Kael's mind somehow made him more powerful.

In the end, Kael seized Dragan's vulnerable moment. He plunged his dagger deep into Dragan's chest. Dragan let out a scream and collapsed to the ground. As Kael stood over him, victory tasted bittersweet. Though he had won the battle, he could feel the toll it had taken on him. He had gained victory, but at the cost of so much.


Kael's Victory and the Liberation of the Village

After Dragan's death, Kael continued to fight the remaining mercenaries. The villagers and the resistance fighters, under Kael's leadership, found the strength to defeat the mercenaries. Ultimately, the village was liberated, and its people regained their freedom.

Kael stood alone in the midst of the battlefield, his body covered in blood, but there was something different in his eyes. He had gone from being a killer to a hero. In the chaos of war, he had learned to make peace with the darkness inside him. He had carved a path for himself.

As the villagers celebrated Kael's victory, Kael still felt the emptiness within. But today, he had taken a step forward. He had defeated Dragan and come one step closer to discovering who he truly was.

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