Kael:Swords and Flowers

Chapter 2: Don't Give Up Until the Last Moment

Princess Lyria was never out of Kael's mind. He saw her occasionally in the palace, accompanied by a group of guards and courtiers. Lyria was always gracious and kind. That sincere smile on her face made Kael's heart tremble. However, whenever she had the opportunity to talk to the princess, the words got stuck in his throat and he could only utter a few meaningless mumbles.

However, Lyria was allowed to talk to Kael. Everyone in the palace knew that he was the boy who saved the princess's life, and even the king did not put any obstacles in this regard. Only one thing was needed for Kael to overcome this situation: Courage.

But he couldn't find the courage. When he looked into Lyria's eyes, he always saw himself as a peasant. "She's a princess," he thought. "Why would she want to talk to me?" Kael could not overcome these fears and shyness and constantly avoided talking to her.

But there was still hope. Even seeing Lyria from a distance gave Kael strength. The real reason behind his desire to stay in the palace was the sincere thanks Lyria gave her that first day. "Maybe one day," Kael thought, "maybe one day I can talk to her…"

Kael's journey to find his own identity and his struggle to express his feelings for Lyria will draw him into an unexpected adventure. He wasn't aware that he had to face this confusion growing inside himself. However, fate was preparing to put much bigger tests in front of Kael.

Kael's Tournament Preparations

The Swordsmanship Tournament to be held in the palace was an opportunity for Kael. Achieving success in this tournament meant not only gaining respect among the nobles' children, but also proving one's own strength and ability. However, Kael knew that he was not yet strong enough compared to his opponents. He was honest with himself; He had to work hard for this tournament.

Kael came up with a plan to prepare for the tournament. He decided to improve himself both physically and mentally by following a specific program everyday.

Kael's Work Schedule

1. First Lights of the Morning: Running and Agility Exercises

Kael was starting the day with the first light. He would go into the forest before sunrise and run along stony, rugged paths. During his run, he zigzagged between the trees to increase his speed and sharpen his reflexes by jumping over the obstacles in front of him. His goal was not only to run faster, but also to improve his balance and endurance.

2. Midday: Sword Training

At noon, Kael took his sword and went to a clearing in the forest. Here he was using an old tree stump as an opponent. During his training he focused on:

Precision and Technique: He was improving his hand-eye coordination by hitting the log at different angles and speeds.

Combination Moves: He was practicing combinations of fast and effective moves that he could use in a real fight.

Defensive Techniques: He was practicing defending the attacks of an invisible opponent by using his own imagination.

3. Evening: Strength and Endurance Exercises

Kael had started carrying tree trunks to increase his physical strength. He lifted heavy stones to strengthen his arms and back, and walked long distances with a sack full of stones on his back. He was also improving his arm strength and balance by climbing branches in the forest.

Night 4: Mental and Strategic Exercises

At the end of the day, Kael would go to the palace library and read the stories of ancient warriors. He found books on strategy and took notes to analyze his weaknesses in sword fighting. He also tried to calm his mind by meditating in a quiet corner.

5. Free Training: Harmony with Nature

Kael occasionally incorporated nature into his sword training. For example, he would close his eyes near a waterfall, focus on the sounds, and make an imaginary move in response to every movement he heard. This helped him sharpen his environmental awareness and instincts.

Kael's work schedule was grueling, but he found himself feeling a little stronger each day. The hours he spent under the trees and the exercises under the light of the stars matured him both physically and spiritually.

Tournament day was approaching. Kael's biggest rivals were children from the most elite families of the palace, raised with the best instructors. However, Kael was neither a court boy nor part of a noble lineage. What he had was his endless determination and those unforgettable words he learned from his grandfather:

"The strength is not in not falling, but in getting up."

Kael was looking forward to that day. Maybe he would win, maybe he would lose. But no matter what, when he got into that arena, he would give a well-deserved fight with every drop of his sweat.

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