Kind Of First Timers In Love

Chapter 1: #1 Someone actually cute is in the manga section?!


It's been nine years since my last relationship. NINE. At this point I've given up on thinking of love, although...Well not entirely...Maybe a little? I mean I've never exactly searched for love like a wilderness explorer or anything ( I may want love but I'm not that desperate). And well I've never been on a blind date or downloaded any dating apps because that goes against everything I stand for as a hopeless romantic. I mean if I can't find the love of my life in real life then what's the point?

Well I get that we live in a digitally advanced world where romance isn't limited to the existing male population in my city, but that also didn't mean I want to subject to the digital way of falling in love. Personally I think it's just...Sad. Unnatural. Lacking. I just can't imagine falling in love and never having met them in person with it mostly being far later since most of those who meet online and matched one another were always states or countries away. So yeah, not for me. But enough about my outdated prospects on love. As a part of my quiet and tranquil existence it was now that time of the month to visit my favourite bookstore down the street from my office. KinoBooks.

In my monthly visits to the bookstore I usually come in to pick up a new novel to read but this time was different as I was on my way to get my first ever physical copy manga. It's a big deal. I've never bought a physical copy before. Mostly because one story alone could probably hold up to over twenty to even a hundred volumes and I did not have the money for it. So for the most part I usually just read it online, but as fully fledged adult who isn't living off the bare minimum wage anymore I had enough to fulfill this lifelong dream of mine. 

Stepping into the bookstore, I take in the comforting scent of new books and coffee from the cafe in the left corner. Making my way over to the manga section, my eyes travel across each title in search for a particular manga--Love Attack!  by Takura Fuji. I've heard tons of good reviews of it with only five volumes out and is ongoing which means I can slowly collect it without putting a terrifying dent on my bank account. Looking up on the right shelf where all the romance mangas had been placed my eyes rake over the first, then second row before finally spotting the book.

Grabbing a hold of the fresh copy felt like the refreshingly cold splash of water from a waterfall. This was it. My first ever physical copy manga. I stare at it in admiration before quickly making my way through the manga section to the cashier to avoid derailing and buying anything else. But to no surprise, as I take in a quick glance on my side, I caught the title of a highly anticipated manga that had been recently serialised from a novel into a manga sitting on the featured manga rack, The Fall of Red by Fujita Hiroshi. 

Damn it. There goes my plan of buying only one book. 

Grabbing a hold of the first volume, I excitedly turn the first few pages. The art was amazing. Red looked AMAZING illustrated. But this book felt pretty thick, how much is it? I turn the book on its back to check the price---ONE HUNDRED RINGGIT?! WHAT?! Was this some special edition??? Is there an additional goodie inside that I missed? I turn the book flipping through the pages before shaking it for anything to come out and, nothing. I quickly put it back on the rack. Maybe when I get promoted to acquisitions editor I'll buy this... (Acquisitions editor; looks and acquires for new manuscripts to publish). 

But it is a pretty good book... I stared back at it again. holding it up next to the Love Attack! manga. Which one should I get??? I mean Love Attack! is way cheaper thanThe Fall of Red but it is way shorter. I'll probably finish it in less than an hour. But The Fall of Red is incredibly pricey... If I did get it, that means I have to commit to paying twenty a hundred ringgit for each volume that releases...Can I really affort that? 

Standing in the isle battling through the pros and cons, my feet began getting tired so I resulted in squatting to the ground as I get deeper into battle debating between the two. (This was a norm. Well at least to me and no one has stared at me like I was psycho yet so I'm safe). I still couldn't decide. Which one? 

"I think Love Attack! would be a better choice than The Fall of Red." A low voice muttered. Startled, my head shot up at the unfamiliar voice. Standing over me, it was a guy.

A cute guy. 

He had hair mid-length hair parting down the middle, an oval-shaped face that complemented his sharp yet soft features of doe-like eyes and a pretty smile. 

"Oh you think so?" I asked curious. "Yeah. I mean they're both really good. But since The fall of Red has just released the price is absurdly high and just not worth it. There's the mid year sale coming up so you should buy it then." He said. "That and well I highly recommend Love Attack." He muttered lowly as he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. It was kinda cute.

"Then I'll get it." I say standing up slowly as I felt the repercussions of squatting on the ground for too long time kicking in. But I didn't want to look like a grandma trying to stand to her feet and kept a stern face before flashing him a smile. "Um thank you...This is actually my first physical copy manga. I was having a hard time deciding so your advice helped cut down the time I would have spent." I chuckled nervously. The guy's eyes raised into a bright yet gentle gaze and I felt my knees buckling just from the change in his expression. "Oh, that must be pretty exciting I bet. The first time I bought a manga was when I was in fifth grade. Luckily my grandparents were the one who owned the place so I got it for pretty cheap." He explained. 

"Wow, lucky. I wish my parents owned a bookstore too..." I muttered enviously as he chuckled lightly. "Yeah, well the discount only came because I made a deal with them to do anything which was a grave mistake as I ended up giving out endless massages and went on lots of trips to the morning market for groceries for the next six years." He grumbled, his voice sounding bittersweet.

"Yeah must have been a lot." I said in response. 

"Yeah it was." He said, nodding in agreement. My lips pursed into an O before falling silent expecting him to continue. But as I looked up I realised he was looking over at me, waiting for me to say something. Oh god. What do I say next? Should I say that at least he didn't have to do that anymore? But he might take it as me insulting his grandparents. Maybe I should ask about the book? Or...Wait. My eyes trailed to the manga in his hand. It was a manga I've already read. I should tell him it's good and explain what it's about. Right, that should be good. Wait. But what was it about again...? Um...A girl and guy in high school...Something about um falling in love through..What was it again? A game...Um was it a dare? No that was Love Game. Was it when they joined the same club? 

"Well I hope you enjoy the manga." He says in a slight wave, turning to leave. "Oh r-right, thanks again." I said quickly. He was leaving already? I waved at him as he flashed a bright smile before walking off. Watching as he leaves my view, my shoulders slumped as I let out a long and depressing sigh. I can't believe it. I just messed up my chance to indulging in a full conversation on mangas with a cute guy. A REALLY CUTE GUY. It was rare enough to encounter a cute guy as him in a bookstore, let alone be approached and spoken to even if it was just to recommend a manga, he chose to approach me and I blew it.

Reluctantly, I quickly headed to the cashier to checkout my two new mangas to not soak in my own disappointment in socialising any longer. I'm probably never meeting him again in the same way I spot cute guys at the airport while Im looking my ugliest but comfiest and proceed to never see them again. I really wished I would have at least gotten his name... Well I guess it's goodbye to cute bookstore guy. 

Or so I thought?

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