Chapter 28: The Fifteenth Day
I had been summoned to Duke Hyou´s tent the night of the 15th day, after the failed attack on the Kankoku Pass Gate.
These last 15 had been relatively peaceful, but they had been great for me. Both for practice, and prestige.
After the first day, Father had realized that the enemy general was here because he directly countered him, they both relied on instinct, making it difficult to catch the enemy off-guard, but at the same time. It had worked out in my favour.
Hyou Kou, realising he was incapable of lighting a fire under this one, during these terms. Had instead prompted me to take command of the battle, commanding all 33,000 men.
And because of this, Duke Hyou fought at the frontlines, leading the men personally. And bolstering morale with just that much,
And so, due to his presence, and some tactical successes here and there, we had managed to keep the death to kill ratio steady, at 1-3 as it stood.
But commanding these 30,000 men, and given me the experience of commanding entire battles, a type of experience I desperately needed to rank up further now.
And my success would certainly be noted, or so I´d hope. But all in all, we've fought quite evenly against Zhao.
Kei Sha´s flaw was simply that he lacked the fire starters, and I was aware of that. He instead typically attempted to use tactics and simple troops to start his fires, so all I had to do was prevent them.
With the death of Man Goku, he attempted to send his unit at the forefront, the remaining 6000 or so of them, but they were killed during the 2nd day, due to their commander dying. They didn´t possess a Commander, someone to take orders from the General.
And therefore, a simple feinted retreat was all that it took, for the 2000 Ginryu and the 1000 Hi Shin Force to slay them, assisted by 2000 of Duke Hyou´s men.
Ending their great cause of destruction, entirely.
I was brought out of my thoughts by the command tent before me, 2 guards stationed outside. And I walked forth.
Sharing a nod with the guards, as I entered the tent. Pushing the flaps aside, and revealing the entire tent.
Inside, Shin, Duke Hyou and his Lieutenants had sat down in a circle.
Today's officer meeting had already ended a few hours ago.
"Hahaha, finally. You're late Ren." Duke Hyou said, and I simply shrugged, sitting down.
"I called you all here, to discuss something important. My instinct, nor my eyes have failed me. The Coalition Army is sending troops alongside the southern road." Duke Hyou said, moving some pieces down the Southern Road.
"They're most likely intending to strike Kanyou." He said.
"There's a lot of castles down that road, and though we´re behind them. We could probably catch up to them in front of Sai." I said, and Hyou nodded.
"Yes, I thought the same. We´ll head out at dawn. Shin, my boy. You'll take your 1000 men and follow my 5000 men." He said, and he turned to me.
"Son, you'll remain here. I need you to command the defense." He said, and my eyes widened.
No, fuck. This was not meant to happen. If he leaves me here, he'll die for certain. I can't allow that.
"What? You'll be facing over 40,000 men, you'll need me there." I tried to complain, but he shook his head.
"You are my legacy, my heir. I cannot have you die, following your stupid father. This will be difficult, and I will not lose you, before I have seen my grandchildren." He said, confident in his survival.
"No, I wi-" I tried, but I was cut off.
"No, you will remain here." He said, before turning to his officers.
"This Battle will be difficult, but I want each and every one to swear it to me right now, if I die. You'll serve my son, and carry on House Hyou through him." He said, and each of the men smashed their hands against their chest, right at the heart.
"I swear it!" Each of the 5 men roared in unison, and I was completely caught off-guard by it all.
"That is all, we´ll depart at dawn. Prepare your men." He said, before leaving the tent.
I rushed after him, but by the time he got out. He was already on his horse, and riding off. And as I was about to do the same, my father's right hand man, Kaihou put a hand on my shoulder.
"The General explicitly ordered that he'd be left alone tonight, including you. Young Master." He said, and I sighed. Nodding to him before I rode off, back to my tent.
No matter what he says, I´ll come either way. But I need to prepare my troops.
I woke up with a yawn, my mental clock having woken me up. The first thing that hit me was the sunlight of the day, as the wind dragged the flaps away.
It took me a few seconds to take it in.
Fuck! Sunlight, that means they've gone already.
As I rushed out of the tent, I turned towards my 2 guards.
"WHY DIDN´T YOU WAKE ME AT DAWN!?" I exclaimed, anger evident in my tone. And the 2 immediately began sweating.
"Sir, General Hyou. H-he said you needed rest." They said, and my eyes widened as I calmed down.
Fuck fuck fuck.
"How many hours since dawn?" I asked the 2.
"2 hours, sir." One of them said, but surprisingly the other spoke up as well.
"But, Sir. Duke Hyou set off 3 hours before dawn." The other said, and I had to take a step back, fuck.
That means, they are 5 hours ahead of me. I wouldn't be able to catch them if I rode with my 1000 cavalry.
But perhaps, if I....
Yes, it'll have to work.
I rushed back into the tent, gathering my armour, bow and glaive, placing my sword on my hip. Before I rushed out again, and jumped onto a horse. Riding towards the officer's tents.
When I arrived, I saw Kaen, Hoku, Tetsuji and Genji sitting outside the infantrymen's tent.
"Kaen, Hozu, Tetsuji. Prepare your horses and pack rations for 2 days. We´re heading off. Now!" I said, the seriousness within my tone drove the 3 men to rush out without even a word.
"Genji. Duke Hyou has spotted an army making their way down the southern road, they slipped our notice through the mountains." I said, shocking the man. But I continued on.
"Shin and his unit have followed Duke, they number about 6000 as it stands. And I´ll follow, I planned to take the Ginryu Tai, but they've gotten 5 hours ahead of me. You'll command the defense, I´ll leave Ishiro and the rest with you, make sure the Zhao Army doesn't defeat us, no matter what." I said, as the mind of the old man began to rack, but before he could respond with anything.
Kaen, Hozu, and Tetsuji came down, on horse. And with that, I gave him a nod. Before I rode off.
Captain Vaughn: +11 Chapters
House Bracken: +12 Chapters
Hyou Ren: 40+ (soon, gotta fix a few things)