Konosuba God's Blessing On This Wonderful World! (Light Novel Vol 1-17)

vol. 1 chapter 4.3

The magical blast left a vast crater immediately outside the town gate. There was no sign of any of the Undead Knights.
Everyone was struck dumb by the power of the spell.

“Heh-heh-heh,” came Megumin’s triumphant voice. “It seems the sight of my power has silenced you all... Ha-ha-ha... If | may say so, that was tremendously...satisfying...”
“Need a ride?”
“Y-yes, please.”

Nearby, Megumin was collapsed face-first on the ground. | hefted her onto my back.
“Ptooie! Yuck! It’s like I’ve got sand in my mouth...”
Aqua had been closest to the Knights. Now she walked along spitting little particles out of her mouth. The force of the blast had kicked up plenty of dirt.

Through the smoke that was still billowing out of the crater, we could hear the adventurers in the town give a cheer.
“Yahoo! Way to go, you crazy kid!” “That crazy Crimson Magic Clan girl did it!”
“She’s as crazy as her name is weird, but she sure comes through when it counts! You can call me a fan!”

| could feel Megumin squirming at the town’s approbation.
“Excuse me. Could you please carry me over that way? | wish to dispatch those people with an explosion.”
“You're all out of spells for today. Anyway, you did a really good job. You should be proud of yourself. Stick out your chest and enjoy a break... You’ve earned it.”

At that, Megumin settled against me, mollified. Something soft pressed against my back... Something...soft...?
| guess she was sticking out her chest like I’d suggested, but you could hardly tell.
...Well, that’s jailbait for you, | guess.

“Crimson Magic Clan members have extremely high Intelligence,” Megumin said suddenly from behind me. “Shall | guess what you are thinking now, Kazuma?”
“| was just thinking, | didn’t know you were so svelte under all that armor.”
| was patronizing her, and she knew it. For a second, | thought she was going to choke me.
But Beldia was there, at the town gate, looking at us. More precisely, looking at Megumin, riding on my back. Gradually, his shoulders began to tremble.

We had destroyed all his undead servants. It was only natural that he’d be mad.
...Or not.
“Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha! Excellent! Wonderful! | never imagined this starter town might be home to someone who could actually defeat all my underlings! Then... | shall now keep my promise!”

...Wait a second. Hold it right there—! “I shall face you in battle myself!”
With that, Beldia drew a massive sword and leaped at us.

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