vol. 1 chapter 4.9 - Afterword
First, thank you for picking up this book. Second, nice to meet you! I’m Natsume Akatsuki.
Konosuba started life on a website called “I’m Gonna Be an Author!” and then Sneaker Bunko got in touch with me about turning it into a real book.
| can’t even say how grateful | am.
Because that’s how this book started, some of my readers probably already have an inkling where things are going from here.
That makes things difficult for me as a writer—I want to exceed my readers’ expectations. So there’s a good chance the story in the book will turn out differently from the one on the web. (I’ve already made several such changes in this volume.) So if you think you know where things will go, watch out. You’ll be reading along, and then one day, bang! Kazuma is heating some canned coffee over a fire when it explodes and kills him dead! Next volume, new main character. That’s just the sort of crazy thing that could happen in the novel version. (Note: That is not actually going to happen.) Let me say a few words about the story itself.
These are not the adventures of some kind, cool, butt-kicking hero. Nor are they the tales of a boy who gains great power and then achieves his goal after trials and hardship.
No, the main character of this book is a guy who might help someone if he happens to notice them, depending on the circumstances and how he’s feeling that day. A guy who doesn’t always get it right, who wants a cute girlfriend, and who would give up doing anything productive if he came into a lot of money.
That’s who we’re dealing with here. Someone average. Human. A character trying to deal with the unjust realities of a harsh world even as he struggles
along as the leader of a group of heroines, each of whom has a distinguishing personality trait.
He’s nothing special—he’s not the Chosen One or whatever. He doesn’t have a great hidden power and so on. He’s a little luckier than most people, is all.
Whether he fights or flees, he’s learning about life one big, bad enemy at a time.
.. Actually, | guess he doesn’t learn much at all.
People don’t change that easily, after all.
But I’m sure he’Il prove his worth by the end of the story. Aren’t you?
Back to the point of this afterword.
To all the editors, proofreaders, salespeople, and designers at Sneaker Bunko.
To Kurone Mishima for his wonderful illustrations, as well as my editor K, who had nothing but patience for an author who barely knew his right hand from his left.
This book exists because of your unflagging support and your refusal to give up on an exceptionally troublesome writer.
Thank you all so, so much.
| don’t know what | can say to repay you for how wonderful you helped make this book, except that I’ll work hard to make the next one even better.
Writing well may be the best way | can give back to you. And finally...
To all those who read the book in its web form and offered their encouragement and support.
And above all, to those who picked this book when they needed something to read. You have my deepest gratitude.
Natsume Akatsuki