Chapter 3: What says the time?
Kenmaru wakes up and sits upright, taking down his cover. He stays completely fatigued. He stays a bit and says in his mind...
"This one the alarm ain't ringing, does it mean..."
He gives off a wide smile. The alarm rings. He becomes depressed.
"And here I thought. I'm such a fool!"
He walks across the street, dressed all casual and with his hands in his pockets. He observes the environment from West to East, North to South and finally, down and up.
As he looks into the Sky, he observes it all blue.
"Could it be that there's really water above us, that's there's a Firmament?" He asks rhetorically.
Kelun is seen to his East, running away from five, angry, beautiful women. He screams as he does so...
"What's the big deal?! I just wanted to feel?! I'm hungry!!"
Woman, I takes off her right shoe and tosses it towards his head.
"Take your hunger elsewhere, you fool!"
"Pervert!!" Woman, II backs up.
The shoe forcefully collides with his back head. He experiences shock and collapses face first to the ground.
While muttering, Woman, I angrily approaches Kelun. She reaches and grabs her shoes. Puts it back on, kicks his right shoulder and walks back.
Woman, II reaches and gives a resounding belt lash to his head. She walks away.
"Meet me tonight." She orders.
Kenmaru, all bricked, observes in contempt.
A bus stops in front of a company building.
He gets off and walks towards the gate.
On reaching, they open and upon passing a red, thin light underneath, it turns green and a Female A.I. voice greets...
"Good morning, Sir. Punctual as usual."
"And you, always with that sexy voice. You the only that makes me happy in this miserable place." Kenmaru replies.
"Oh stawwwp please, Kenmaru-sama!(Lord Kenmaru)" The A.I. replies.
"I told you to call me "Zaddy", Adeshi."
"Not here my Lord but you know now..." Adeshi seductively replies.
Kenmaru bricks up again with a smile, a chuckle and eyes closed. He opens them and enters the building.
Inside, workers strictly and efficiently, tackle the problems before them. Kenmaru walks forward emotionlessly watches as they do so. Three men with building files in their right hands walk pass.
"Ah, Lord Kenmaru! Good morning." Man, I at the front greets.
He nods.
"My Lord, good morning!" Man, II at the middle greets.
He nods as well.
"Sir, Sir! I've not eaten since morning, Sir!" Man, III reports.
"Me, too!" Kenmaru sarcastically replies and heads west to the elevator. He scales and it shuts. It speedily takes off to the last floor and opens. He walks out.
Sexy, beautiful women walk by him as he heads towards his Office. As they do so, he bricks up and remains unfazed. They notice but put up no reaction. He passes by all expect one.
The Lady grabs it with her right hand and plays with it as she stares straight into his eyes with a wild smile. He emotionlessly stares back into hers.
She wraps up her hair and goes down.
"Please stop. I'm still a virgin." Kenmaru pleads.
"I know." She replies.
"I'm not lying, Keesha. Ask Adeshi." He says.
She brings out his 6in Penis and sucks it. He emotionlessly stares down at her as she goes at it.
"3 minutes later."
Kenmaru powerfully ejaculates. He moans loudly. Keesha gets up and picks up the remaining sperm in the right side of her mouth with her right forefinger and licks it. She smiles after.
"Thank you, Keesha."
"Don't sweat it, my love." Keesha says as she seductively passes her right hand on his chest and walks away.
Kenmaru stares top to bottom at her back and praises the heavens.
He walks into his Office and sits on his chair and faces an empty desk.
Adeshi comes up.
"My Lord." She says.
"Ah, baby!" He replies.
"Please Kenmaru, now's not the time!" She reprimands.
"Oh, right."
"You are requested at Bucklew."
"What do they want?"
"You know...T-To-"
"Pile up some rocks!" They synchronize and laugh out loud.
He quickly gets up and walks towards the door.
"I urge you, to be there." He says.
He picks up a Lollipop with his right hand from a can ontop a shelf and puts it in his mouth.
"We do make a good match, don't we, Adeshi?" He says as he arranges himself in front of a mirror.
"Really?" She tries to confirm.
"I'm definitely coming to see your Parents!" He assures.
"Oh really?!"
"Swears, babes!"
"You know, this is the only time I'm needing you to "come fast." She says.
He realizes and chokes. He removes the Lolipop and coughs uncontrollably as he goes down. Adeshi laughs at the scenario.
"Why, you sly!"
He gets up and laughs.
"Oh my God. Oh my God!"
"And that's for letting that bitch suck your dick!" Adeshi angrily says.
"Is it my fault?!" He worriedly asks.
"You're still talking!!"
He gasps runs out of the Office in fear.
The Equilibrium Company Van as well as five Lorries, pull into Bucklew. Kenmaru jumps down from the right side of the Van, followed by a Man (The first one who greeted him). Another one jumps down from the left (The third one who greeted him). Kenmaru bricks up.
"Boss, I haven't eaten since yesterday." Man, III says.
"Me, too, Kenna, me too." Kenmaru replies.
"I'm serious, Boss." He insists as Kenmaru walks past him.
Kenmaru meets up with a Man.
"Ah, Mr. Kenmaru!"
He reaches for Kenmaru's right hand with his.
"Thank you for honoring me!"
Kenmaru obliges while saying...
"Please, the honor is all mine!"
Later on...
Kenmaru alongside his Men and Women, work tirelessly. Laying bricks and supervising. With both their machines and raw power.
The Man who ordered this work, gets close to the profusely sweating Kenmaru and asks as he zetsily blows himself with his hand fan on his right hand...
"Why do you people resort to barbarism when you all have bear powered tools to do the work?"
Kenmaru looks at him with a smile and says...
"It's fun this way, John. It makes us feel-"
"You mean you?!" John cuts in.
"Because I can clearly see here that your workers ain't cut out for this." He says as he observes the struggle of Kenmaru's workers.
"Really? Just forget them. I'm sure they have a smiling face in their hearts when they do this." Kenmaru replies with an assuring smile.
"Ya don't say? Well, it is good to remember your roots even if there be as barbaric as the hair that grows out of the butthole of a mature man. (Thank God, I shave mine.)" John acknowledges.
"I wonder if women have that too." They both synchronize in their hearts.
"Well, carry on. (Thank God, I'm rich!Filthy rich! I won't have to deal with such uncut lifestyle. Utterly preposterous!)" He says as he walks away.
A few hours pass, and by 4:30pm in the evening...The work is finished. A magnificent building is established. John admires it with utter bliss. And says while on his knees and while holding Kenmaru's right hand with his hands...
"How can I thank you?!"
"It's simple. Two billion Gouks." He replies.
"Just?!" John asks.
"Then, four billion!"
"Watch your tongue, kid! I believe I have paid such amount already!"
"You sure, I don't remember!"
They bicker.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, a plane comes crashing into the building and heavy dust engulfs the area. Everyone coughs profusely as Kenmaru and John watch in disbelief.
"You'll pay for this, hope you know?!" John declares.
Kenmaru freaks and passes out.
He and John approach the site of the incident and sight a lifeless Kelun. They both snap.
"KE-LUN" Kenmaru says.
"Unforgivable, absolutely unforgivable!!!" John adds.