Chapter 3: Explanations and Predicaments
There were many things that shinobi needed to come to terms with when stepping into war. That included understanding the possibility of never setting foot in their home again, or seeing loved ones once more unless it's from the beyond.
Sakura wasn't entirely accepting, she was determined to fight with all her might to ensure that she and her friends came back alive. It was a luxury thought, but one that kept her strong in the harder times during the war. That included her failures to properly heal and save her comrades.
However, she couldn't have predicted something like this happening. Sakura awoke once more to a splitting headache and lost hours as the sun was high and its warm rays were heating the covers she was under. Her head was bandaged and thoughts pulled her deep with dread.
At the table where Nami had slept before, Sakura saw the maps rolled up. And maps that just reinforced what she had learned the night before. That she was nowhere near Konoha, or her world. It was obvious if it was the truth. But why would strangers go through all this trouble of lying to her? And she wasn't a fool.
Sakura remembered that Kaguya had the ability to transfer to different dimensions and to bring others along. But this was different. This wasn't just another dimension it seemed to be another version of earth. So perhaps another universe.
Not a topic she was familiar with.
It wasn't something she wanted to entertain, but Sakura was quick to draw up a hypothesis to work with. Kaguya probably sent Sakura to this other earth with her powers, maybe that's why she ended up in the middle of the ocean before she was rescued. That didn't account for her lost memories though.
'Was it that thing I ate?' That might have been the reason. She couldn't recall much after that and so far whatever images had played in her mind Sakura couldn't differentiate whether or not that was an accurate memory or an adaptation coming to her in a dream.
She wasn't able to remember anything more either. And trying just caused her head to throb. This was a symptom at times for people with amnesia. When they tried to force memories they could either just experience the frustration of drawing nothing but a blank or endure raging headaches from the attempted force.
When it came to neurological issues a lot of medical texts could only offer supported theories since the brain is the most complicated organ that still had a lot of mystery to it. So even as a medic, there wasn't that much she could do to cure her amnesia.
'What happened to Naruto, Sasuke, and Kakashi then?' She had woken up on a ship, but where were her teammates? Did they even get out of that dimension? Kaguya had been fixated on capturing Naruto and Sasuke especially but no matter how hard her head throbbed, she couldn't remember.
In the cabin, there was a small collection of books on a shelf, mostly on charts, and islands but it was a clear indication that Sakura had been sent to another earth.
'I'm sure it's earth, after all, there are humans here,' The layout of the land was just different. 'That power is terrifying,' Sakura tossed one of the books carelessly. Counting that her friends might also be in this world was a far stretch to believe. And she had no way of confirming it.
'But why would she send me here?'
Kaguya had tried to split them up before, in different dimensions, and she was almost backed into a corner.
"I can't remember anything past the point of picking up that fruit," Was it a fruit? Sakura remembered Black Zetsu warning Kaguya about it. There must've been a purpose and Sakura does remember picking it up…
"Bitter taste…"
That was it as far as her memories could take her.
And the issue now was how Sakura would be dealing with her situation. She didn't know if Naruto and the others were in this world, or how she could hope to return to her own.
Pulling at the strands of her hair, Sakura slumped onto the floor curling up. "What am I going to do?"
"Sakura, are you awake?" She heard Nami calling as the girl neared the stairs.
Right, and she was still on a pirate ship in the middle of the ocean with nothing but torn-up clothes on her back.
"Hi," She spoke softly, trying to wipe the solemn expression off her face. They already had to see her lose her composure and then pass out. Not the most gracious moment.
"Lunch is ready, if you wanna make up for all those meals you missed," The orange-haired girl was gentle in her approach as she found Sakura on the floor.
Sakura stood up, "Sure,"
"Please Sakura-chan enjoy, I cooked an especially nutritious meal to get back your strength," Sanji swooned, setting the plates in front of Sakura. There was a broth in one and a chicken smoked and covered in sauce, with mixed vegetables.
"Thank you very much,"
Sakura's stomach was once again crying out in urgency, but she wasn't quick to leap towards her meal as the others around her were. All are seated around the same table as before.
Their captain, Luffy was practically inhaling his food, and the others were trying to ward him off from theirs.
"Sanji's cooking is the best!" Luffy said, mouth still stuffed. "That's why he's our chef,"
"It is delicious," Sakura said, savoring the first bite followed by a quick second and third.
"How's your head?" asked Usopp.
"Ah, that. Sorry, I had panicked," Sakura realized she was still in bandages and her wounds were fresh. In the time she had slept, her chakra was able to replenish, so she could heal herself now. That wasn't always a luxury on the battlefield and in her hunt for answers and confusion, Sakura had dismissed it as a priority.
"Hey don't do that!" Nami pulled her hands away after Sakura unwrapped her bandages. "You're not healed yet,"
"I will be," Examining her wounds freely now, Sakura could see that her left hand was discolored, almost completely blue with bruising, tinged with purple as if her arm had exploded from the inside. She didn't know where this had come from.
'Great, another thing I can't remember,'
Like water, chakra flowed through her hand which hovered over her arm. She watched as the violet mix turned to its original peach tone, the pain dissipating along with it. Following with her acid burn and recent head wound.
The silence startled Sakura, as did the heavy stares that fell on her when she completed treatment.
Luffy leaped, his eyes gleaming with jovial curiosity. "What did you do!? Is it magic? Are you like a witch!?"
"Hey, don't call Sakura-chan a witch!" Sanji screamed, kicking Luffy in his head.
Usopp backed away, "Well that isn't exactly normal!"
Sakura could see everyone was taken aback by her healing ability, and she realized her error in judgment.
'Oh crap !'
Chakra was a part of daily life in her world, but it was still a supernatural ability that could even harbor difficulty in society, for those with too much power or too little. She had to confirm first.
'Already came this far,'
"I'm a medic, I just used my chakra,"
"Chakra, what's that?"
It was now confirmed that there were people in this world who were unfamiliar with chakra. That meant she was going to have to be careful when navigating except that was on hold because she was in the middle of the ocean.
"A medic, so you're like a doctor right?"
Luffy jumped in on Nami's question, "A doctor really?"
Sakura scratched her cheek, "Well that's kind of true,"
Except she was a medical ninja, who worked more out in the field than in a hospital or care center.
"You still didn't explain how you're able to heal wounds like that," Zoro pointed.
"I just used my chakra,"
"I haven't heard of anything like that before though," Usopp said, wiping his eyes.
While it seemed people in this world weren't aware of chakra, this particular group wasn't appalled at the abnormality. Sakura still didn't know just how different this world was from her own, but at the very least she didn't seem to stand out as completely unnatural. Rather just something special.
Zoro looked at her, "I would've guessed you ate a devil fruit,"
Again her head tilted and Zoro seemed surprised, "Seriously, you don't even know about devil fruits?"
"I don't," Sakura puffed her cheeks. While the rest of the crew had been accommodating and kind to her, Zoro was the only one who seemed standoffish. It wasn't something to take personally, but if she had questions or requests, she already decided he would be the last person she went to for answers.
Nami chided in, "They're these strange fruits that give supernatural abilities to anyone who eats them. Like yours,"
"What kind of abilities?"
Nami went over to Luffy, she pinched his cheek, and pulled on the skin. Sakura caught her breath when she saw it stretch far beyond human capabilities.
"Like turning someone into a rubber man," Nami let go of his cheek and it shot back, just like a rubber band would.
Luffy grinned, extending his arm, it stretched further than its capability, at least by ordinary standards, and then snapped back at his command like the bones and tendons were endless, "Yeah, I ate the gum-gum fruit and became rubber!"
"That's something," This world had some odd quirks as well. So even if no one here could use chakra, that didn't mean they were void of unusual occurrences and elements. So at least she could blend in better.
'I won't know til I'm on land again,' The thought of these devil fruits was still lingering in her mind though and she had more questions.
"What do they look like?"
Sanji said, "Well, every devil fruit looks a little different, but I guess from what I've seen in the books most of them have these patterns, sometimes swirls just like it was carved into it,"
Sakura held her tongue, denying the thoughts that immediately crossed her mind, but she was so absorbed that she spoke aloud, "There's no way I ate one,"
Zoro shrugged, "You can always jump overboard and find out,"
Sakura frowned, "What?"
"Zoro!" Nami smacked the swordsman on the back of his head. "Don't just casually tell her to drown herself!"
"Well, she'll for sure then!"
"I don't understand this at all," Sakura said.
Usopp placed a hand on her shoulder, "Well, see if you eat a devil fruit, you can get an amazing power but at the same time you also lose the ability to swim,"
He admitted that devil fruits might be well studied, but there were still a lot of unknowns about them. A hypothesis was that devil fruits came from the sea and if you ate one you would be cursed to lose your ability to swim.
"Yeah," Luffy said, "I can't even move when I'm underwater, it takes my energy,"
Sakura became trapped in thought again, now picking at the food on her plate. An unsettling feeling sat in her, saying that she might have eaten a devil fruit. The one Kaguya had intended to consume. Again there was no way to confirm. Besides if she had really eaten a devil fruit wouldn't she have gained some unusual power?
The group was just assuming because of her chakra, but Sakura still didn't know if people in this world couldn't use chakra or if it was just a trade-kept secret.
The crew was staring at her to gouge for a reaction, hoping she wouldn't try running out again, but Luffy couldn't read the room and chose to break it.
"I've decided," Luffy stood on the table, hands on his hips looming over Sakura, and said something that stunned her. "Join my crew!"
Sakura just stared at him, her head tilting as the request sunk in, "Eh?"
For a pirate crew, they were certainly accommodating to their unexpected guest. Letting her share their space and supplies. Nami had been more than willing to give up the bed as well, but eventually, Sakura was able to convince her they could share. Especially since the girl kept mediating for her, and keeping her crew mates under control if they appeared to step over boundaries concerning Sakura.
The madness that followed after Luffy's declaration was a lot of yelling, some protest, some agreement, and Sakura just sitting in the middle of the break out stunned.
"He's usually like that," Nami assured her, climbing into bed. "Though he was more mellow than usual,"
Sakura snorted, trying to hold back her laugh. If that was mellow she wondered what he was like worked up. "I'm grateful to you all for saving me, but I'm not looking to become a pirate, I don't think a life out on the sea would suit me anyway,"
Nami smiled, "To be honest, I wasn't looking to become one either but then I met Luffy, stuff happened and next thing I know here we are sailing to the Grand Line,"
After things had calmed down and everyone went about their business, Sakura tried to do more investigating into this world. Everyone was more than willing to help her too, still, under the impression she was suffering from some degree of amnesia. This charade was easy to play when the whole world was just blank pages in your book.
It wouldn't even be a total lie, since she couldn't remember quite a bit of crucial information. Right now she wanted to get an idea of this world's geography because the maps were frightening.
"You mentioned that before but what is the Grand Line?"
It was a conversation that went into all hours of the night. Apparently, the Grand Line was a large strip of ocean marked as the most deadly. With a deep history of sending those who dare to charter its waters to their grave as it held many unnatural anomalies that couldn't be confirmed or denied until you sailed it yourself. The promise of death was almost certain and yet so many still took to it with great ambition in conquering those seas.
Especially pirates.
"Why would you risk your life just to make it around that ocean?"
"Because of the One Piece,"
"What is that?"
Nami grinned, "The greatest treasure in the world,"
Nami went into the history of the only person that managed to sail the Grand Line and return home. Gold. D. Roger. a man who had earned the title King of the Pirates. A man who was also executed not too long after accomplishing this great feat and who on his execution platform revealed the location of the greatest treasure, defined as everything the world has to offer. The One Piece.
"When Gold Roger said that he left everything in one place, the world assumed it was on the last island of the Grand Line. So, more people took to the seas becoming pirates, so that they could find this treasure. That was the birth of what we now call the Great Pirate Era, which we're in now. And this crew is planning to become a part of that hunt. Luffy wants to become the next King of the Pirates, and find the One Piece,"
"He did say as much," Sakura mumbled. That was quite an ambition considering the context, however, it also confirmed that Sakura shouldn't overstay her welcome if that was where this group was heading.
She had been looking forward to some domestic bliss, once they had dealt with the aftermath of the Fourth Great Ninja war. She didn't really want to join
No, Sakura just wanted to experience some peace. And she was completely unfamiliar with this world.
"I don't suppose you're going to make any stops before you reach that place?" Sakura asked sheepishly. She knew that right now, they were still in the East Blue. Although she had no particular plan for handling her dilemma, she could still choose to observe in a more familiar environment and the seas was not that place.
"Actually we're going to stop on an island named Loguetown to stock up on supplies,"
"Then you can just drop me off there,"
Nami's eyebrows tried to join, "Are you sure? I know that Luffy is eccentric but he doesn't say anything he doesn't mean, he was serious about you joining and we don't have a doctor on board since this crew was kind of put together in a short period,"
"How short exactly?"
Nami just gave an embarrassed laugh.
Other pirate crews would have more than just a handful of people, some even had fleets with multiple skills. It was a security measure, especially to sail across the Grand Line but Luffy had no interest in that. He was the type of person who prioritized having a musician over a doctor.
"Thanks for the offer, but I don't think I'm made for a life on the sea,"
"Too bad, with the way my crew mates have been injuring themselves, we could use a good doctor. Your ability to heal would especially come in handy. Besides the life of a pirate promises adventure and treasure. Though you will also be considered a criminal and likely be hunted down by the marines,"
Sakura giggled. "Again, thanks but I think I prefer a life on land and not on the run,"
"Well, good luck fending off Luffy for the rest of the journey then because you won't have a lot of places to hide,"
While Nami was able to find sleep, given the events of the day Sakura searched but eventually gave up. She climbed up to the top deck, the oceans were calm and the ship was as steady as it could be, with gentle rocking on the waves.
She walked along the deck for a few minutes, just back and forth between the common areas until coming to the edge of the ship. Sakura stared down at her distorted reflection given by the moonlight and the sea.
'Doesn't seem like anything is lurking,'
The conversation about a devil fruit was still sitting in Sakura's mind. Though she denied eating anything like that, the image of that object Kaguya had that fell into her hands didn't leave her mind. After that, she had no recollection of the events that took place.
Kaguya had intended to do something with that thing, if it was from this world then that was the only link and clue Sakura had. But she had no way of knowing if she even ate what they described as a devil fruit. The description could just be similar, a coincidence. Those devil fruits were supposed to give you some sort of power, but Sakura hadn't felt anything unusual aside from dealing with the amnesia.
So, there was one way to confirm it. Her throat felt dry as she looked back into the ocean. Swimming had never been a problem, and even now Sakura could remember that clearer than recent events. She knew the actions to take.
Swimming wasn't a hobby, but she could appreciate the activity. Now though looking into the sea, Sakura wondered about this so-called curse for those who ate devil fruits. How could a fruit disable you from swimming?
'This is ridiculous,' Sakura had hopped onto the edge of the main deck. Flinging her legs over, she stands up, looking down. With a heavy thud and a pull, Sakura was back on the deck wrestling out of Zoro's arms.
"What the hell?!" Where was he to just show up like that again?
"Are you nuts!?" Zoro gritted through his teeth. "You trying to kill yourself!?"
"This was your suggestion!" Not the brightest argument, but Sakura didn't worry about that.
"I'm on night guard and I will never hear the end of it from Nami and that pervert cook if I let you dive under my watch!" He shoved her away.
Her senses were sharp, but it seemed Zoro had enough training that he was able to quiet his presence. Would've been better if he had just shouted at her from wherever he had been instead of yanking on her.
"If someone eats a devil fruit they aren't supposed to be able to swim right?"
Zoro's jaw dropped, "You moron, you were actually trying to test that with no one to get you if you drown?"
It had been picking at her brain for hours and Sakura didn't want to wait until morning. She might have been a bit confident that she would still be able to swim and that she was getting swept up in the superstitions of this world. Because it made no sense to her. There was no logical explanation for how a fruit took away the ability to swim. Or that she could've maybe consumed one when there were no supernatural or unusual occurrences within her. At least nothing out of the ordinary for her.
"I know how to swim,"
"It doesn't matter if you did or didn't. Once you eat a devil fruit you can't swim anymore, and I don't want to go diving into the ocean this time of night. So go back to bed now,"
Zoro turned his back, certain that the girl was going to just return without further argument. However, that assumption went through the window and into the sea along with her. It was quiet for a second before he heard the splash and he didn't know how he hadn't noticed her trying again even with his back turned.
Ten times worse than sleep paralysis. Where you're coherent enough that you can feel the pain in your chest from the air being pressed out of your lungs and experience the fear sinking its claws into you as you were dragged deeper into the depths. That was Sakura's experience when she fell into the sea. As if she had become boneless, her muscles and limbs lost to her, unable to process the demands her brain made and she felt like slipping into a slumber with no chance of peace.
She couldn't even remember to realize that this meant she did eat a devil fruit.
Sakura didn't even feel when she was pulled up to the surface. When her vision cleared, there was no longer darkness around her, she was back on the ship, Zoro peering over her soaked, small drops from his hair falling onto her face which she found uncomfortable, and sat as quickly as her weakened form would allow.
Drawing in a breath, Sakura almost didn't want to exhale.
"That enough proof for you? Don't know how you were convinced you didn't eat a devil fruit when you're able to pull that healing off,"
It was. Now there was no doubt that this world and her own, had been connected by Kaguya and that she had intended to take something belonging here. If Sakura wanted any chance to figure out a way home, she would have to start with this as her only clue.
Like trying to pave a path with only a handful of pebbles. This solidified the hopelessness of her situation, and perhaps she had expressed that in her face without realizing it.
Zoro stood up, "I'm gonna draw the water, you can take a shower after that. Sit in the kitchen and try not to flood the place,"
"Huh?" Sakura hadn't been paying attention and forgot that she wasn't alone. He had his back turned and was already heading for the room with the machine to draw in the warm water.
"Don't try to drown yourself while I'm gone,"
"So I should wait for you to get back?" Sakura countered.
"Damn cocky women," She chuckled loudly as he stomped off and didn't hear her whisper of thanks for the gesture and for saving her of course.