Kunoichi amongst Pirates (Naruto Onepiece crossover) (Sakura centric)

Chapter 9: The Pirates and the Princess

Chapter Text

HELLO EVERYONE! So 2023 is really shaping up to be…something, and adapting has been…well anyway! Here's the next chapter and you can check out the schedule for April on my tumblr, just type https://www.tumblr.com/katsura369 to find me!

Groans of pain carried on the wind, creaking wood, cracking concrete, screams echoing in the night, fading footsteps, and silhouettes overcasting occasionally from the window. All happened while Sakura and Nami went exploring through the building like curious cats. Picking at the furniture, scratching behind any frames, digging through any boxes and draws they came across.

They reached an upper floor and found an office. Nami was excited when she saw the safety box on the desk. Sakura was content to just stay and watch over her eager friend as she dug through every nook to find something of value. Acting as if it was an earned reward for realizing the ploy at hand.

"Dammit!" She was not pleased when she finally managed to pick the lock. There was hardly anything to be considered of value inside. A small stash of gold coins, barely half a pocket, a small wad of berries, and a pistol. "This is all they have?"

They had gone through so many cabinets and closets, and boxes, and at the end of that effort, it was a disappointing find.

"I guess they're a bunch of broke bounty hunters," Sakura shrugged. "Should we just head back, it still sounds like Zoro is almost finished out there,"

Nami pouted, slamming the box shut after pocketing the little bit of spoils they could find.




The girls stepped out when the night had fallen into silence, Nami and Sakura didn't know what Zoro was doing at this point, but they were sure the others were at least still sleeping peacefully. Otherwise, there would've been more chaotic noises, since Nami insisted Luffy would not keep quiet in a situation like this. Nami wanted to take her chances to go looking around in the other places to see if anyone had stashed away treasure or even cash they could take. Sakura went along because Nami was determined to go anyway.

"Why are you so obsessed with money?"

Nami paused at the door, her back to Sakura. "Well, I happen to be a very skilled thief, and that's a skill all pirates should have. We can brush up on yours,"

"My morality might be more the problem here," Sakura deadpanned. Perhaps she would consider stealing if it was a necessary resort, but this was for the sake of being a pirate and that was mixed territory for her right now.

"Don't you want to go wake up the others?"

"No way. If they find out what's going on they'll just cause more of a ruckus. I've been with them long enough to know that much,"

The girls stopped along the road when their ear drums trembled at the sound of an explosion going off in the distance. A cloud of smoke was rising a few blocks down.

Nami swallowed dryly, "I don't think that was any of us,"

Silently they turned to each other and nodded before rushing in the direction wondering if someone had maybe gotten the best of Zoro but as they came out that concern dissipated.

There were plenty of bodies now laying around town from where they started, there were some well-sliced wounds and bruises but Sakura hadn't seen anyone hit in their vitals, and nothing more than a few drops of blood on the ground next to a few people. They were all just unconscious and likely going to feel as if they had the worst workout of their life when they woke.

"He seemed so excited about slicing them up too,"



After sneaking along dark ally ways, avoiding the open streets Sakura and Nami hid around the corner of a building when they finally found more people. There was the so-called mayor of Whisky Peak, he was tattered and looked like he had been cut so they were assuming Zoro's work. There was Mr 9 and Miss Wednesday that seemed to have gone through a brawl, but that was in contrast to the other two strangers that were present. And not a face they recall seeing in the crowd of Whisky Peak.

They were most notable, due to the striking yellow dress with limes, matching hat, and umbrella, was a young woman, she was blonde with blue eyes the same color as Ino's. She also had a wide smile that gave an air of confidence or maybe arrogance.

The man next to her was more conspicuous, with darker attire, a simple long coat, his eyes covered by ray bands, his lip curled and chin lifted in a manner that they could tell he was looking down on the group before him.

"Mr 5, Miss Valentine, what are you doing here?" asked the mayor.

Sakura muttered, "More bounty hunters?"

Miss Valentine laughed, "We're here under orders,"

Mr 9 was relieved, he had assumed they came here to help deal with the pirates, but that was

quickly corrected. All the while Sakura and Nami quietly listened in.

"The boss's words were 'they've found out my secrets."

"So during our investigation, we came across some interesting information," Miss Valentine said looking directly at Miss Wenday, "We found out that a VIP from a certain kingdom had sneaked into Boroque works."

"The sinners are those from the Alabastar kingdom right now…

Before Mr 5 could continue explaining, the so-called mayor got up in a panic and drew on strings

attached to triggers for guns that were hiding in the curls of his hair.

"I will not let you lay a hand on our princess! On my name as squad captain of Alabasta security"

"Igaram!" Miss Wednesday cried in alarm.

Sakura looked back at Nami who asked, "What did we just walk in on?" So the mayor was actually a squad captain?

The dust cleared but the two strangers were completely unharmed "Igaram, captain of Alabasta

security And princess Nefetari Vivi in name of Boruque works boss we will eliminate you,"

The girl Miss Wednesday, or Vivi, was preparing to fight but Mr. 9 who was still present took up a bat to defend her. Although he admitted himself to not understanding what was happening, he was still willing to protect her from the other agents.

When he cartwheeled towards them, Mr. 5 was digging a finger through his nose, rolling the snot between his fingers into a ball. "All we need is to do our jobs in the name of the organization. This pathetic sense of camaraderie will only bring about death,"

He flicked the piece between his fingers at Mr.9 and an explosion went off, like the reactions of a bomb, smoke and ash filled the air and the man collapsed suffering some burns.

"Mr. 9!"

Sakura frowned, a little disturbed by Mr. 5's form of attack and a bit intrigued by the situation. "Looks like things are more complicated on this end. We should just get out of here while they're distracted, what do you say Nami? Nami?"

The girl wasn't looking at her but seemed to be concocting something.

Zoro had been watching things unfold from a safe distance and had even pulled Luffy away who must've woken up only to fall asleep in the middle of the streets. The swordsman had pulled his captain to safety and was about to go back for him so that he could make his escape.

At least Zoro tried to, but Igaram had grabbed hold of him. Begging the swordsmen once his enemy to now assist.

"Both of those people possess devil fruit powers. I can't stop them. Might I ask you to protect the princess in my place?"

Zoro gaped at the audacity, "SCREW THAT! You were trying to kill me and my friends a few minutes ago, I'm not helping!"

Vivi had taken off, on a large yellow duck with a saddle followed by the two agents while Zoro was still trying to shake off the man.

"I said no,"

"Please if you were to deliver the princess safely to our homeland, you'll be rewarded immensely,"

Nami chuckled, walking out of the shadows, "Immense reward huh? How does a billion berries sound?"

Zoro and Igaram turned in shock at the girl, who had practically appeared out of nowhere. She was grinning ear to ear.

"Nami don't just come out like that!" Sakura snapped rushing outside after her friend but she was in a completely different mood than before. Determined to reap some rewards for their trouble tonight.

"You were also awake seriously?"

"How could I just get drunk and let my guard down in a town that welcomes pirates talk about suspicious, "Nami then turned to Igaram. "So about that reward,"

The man looked aware nervously, "I'm just a soldier I can't promise such an immense reward"

"Surely you aren't suggesting your' princess is worth less?" Nami was looking down at the man, a wide grin when he flinched at her question. "Pay it,"

Sakura quirked her eyebrow, "It's like watching a master at work,"

"Master extortionist," Zoro corrected, frowning.

"In that case, if you're willing to deliver the princess safely, it would be best to negotiate the terms with her directly,"

That was a smart comeback, as they would then have to first ensure that princess's safety and likely face off against those two other agents that were chasing her. Nami swiftly agreed to the terms, but gave Zoro a sharp expression, pointing in the direction that she had taken off to.

"Go get her Zoro!"

Zoro gaped at her audacity, "No way! I'm not letting you drag me into your money-making schemes!"

Nami sighed, "Don't be ridiculous, the money may be mine but the contracts involve all of us,"

"Don't try to fool me! I'm not like that idiot chef!" He growled back.

The two were going back and forth arguing on the matter. Luffy had gotten up from the ground where he was sleeping but was still dazed because Sakura tried calling to the captain to try and sort this out and all he could talk about is wanting to find a bathroom. His rubber body had expanded wide from all the food he had eaten and he was basically a swollen balloon. Suppose having a rubber body made his stomach rubber as well.

So as the arguing continued Sakura decided not to hold her tongue and walked off.

"It's okay, I'll get her,"


"She went in that direction right?"

"Sakura!" Nami called before glaring back at Zoro, realizing this is the perfect chacha to extort the swordsmen, "See Zoro, now Sakura's going to put herself in danger because of you!"

"How is this my fault!? You're the one who wants to make money off these guys!" Zoro yelled to Sakura, "And you stop right here! Don't go helping her when she's gonna cheat you,"

"I don't care about the money, but the longer we fight about this the more time those guys will have to off her and there won't be any point."

Nami nodded, "Exactly, so you should just go get her Zoro,"

"I said I'm not gonna!"

"Did you forget you still owe me the money you borrowed in Logue Town?"

He looked at her like she was a mad woman, "I gave that back to you. Someone gave me the swords so I didn't need to use it,"

"Yes but you agreed to pay three hundred percent interest, so you still owe another two hundred thousand. You 'promised',"

Zoro became stone, furious but unable to do anything against that statement. "Some day, you're going to die a horrible death,"

"And I look forward to hell,"

Sakura held back her laughter, as Zoro dashed passed her "Now that's extortion at its finest,"

"Sakura come back, you can take care of this guy's wounds,"




Though he wasn't able to get up at the moment, Sakura found that his wounds weren't too severe, Zoro had cut deep but hadn't gone for vitals again. 'Still a little masochistic since these wounds seem more than necessary and will seriously hurt,'

And the explosions had done more damage but they were external which was better since she could heal burns. She hovered her palms over his wounds and watched them close, Nami also stared in fascination.

"That's a really handy ability," To Sakura, it sounded like she was implying they had found a well in a desert.

Nami sat herself down on a barrel, "So, what is Boroque Works anyway?"

Igaram looked hesitant to discuss the topic, however given the circumstance's sudden shift there was no need to hide anything from the pirates in turn for getting their assistance.

"It's a secret crime syndicate. No one knows the boss's name or face. Its main work is espionage, assassination, larceny, and bounty hunting. It's all done at the boss's command,"

"Why would they listen to someone whose identity they don't even know?"

Igaram then explained that this was not done without an incentive and a grand one at that. "Boroque works ultimate goal is founding an ideal nation! Everyone who does well within the company now will be guaranteed a high social standing in this nation,"

Sakura frowned, "Wait, has this boss even given any evidence of this?"

"That is the reason we are here," Igaram coughed, "The boss's code name is Mr 0, and those who are closer to that number will have a higher standing in this nation. The strength of Mr 5 and those above are especially incredible."

Sakura finished healing Igaram, helping the man sit up. He addressed his previous injuries in wonder as the only memory of them was his torn-up clothing that had been the flimsy shield for his skin.

"That's incredible, have you eaten a devil fruit as well?"

Sakura laughed "Yeah. So why did you and the princess invade Baroque Works?"

Igaram turned, "The Alabasta Kingdom, is a desert country in the Grand Line, and it has become the target of Baroque Works. The boss who wants to establish this ideal nation, he plans to topple the country to build upon the debris of our nation. That is why princess Vivi must return, she has vital information that will save our nation!"

Sakura looked to Nami, "Is this a good idea? We haven't even discussed anything with the rest of the crew,"

"It does sound a bit messy, but we can focus on one thing at a time. Like making sure that Zoro actually gets to her,"

There was a series of rumbles and tremors felt off in the distance. A trail of smoke from the same area was visible.

"Should we go and check?"




Igaram had trusted the girls to go after the swordsmen and the princess, saying he had something to prepare before they tried to depart from the island. They were following the trails of smoke in the air like signals, running through the streets like a maze.

"We're going to have to tell Luffy about this,"

"Yeah, he is the captain. But I'm sure he'll be fine with it," Nami said calmly. A paradox to the echoes of chaos happening around them right now. They were drawing nearer to the explosions and looking around cautiously to make sure there weren't any more agents.

Zoro had done a number on most of them.

"Speaking of Luffy, he said he was going to look for a bathroom and I haven't seen him since," Sakura glanced around.

The sound of rubble being formed and the gathering of a dust cloud caught their attention and they were sure that they had found Zoro. But it was Luffy and Zoro climbing out of two dust clouds and rubble, they seemed injured but they didn't turn to the agents Mr 5 and Miss Valentine who were already on the ground. Zoro and Luffy were glaring at each other, Zoro had his sword raised at their captain and Luffy's fists were in a similar position ready to pummel him.

Further in the distance, near the edge of the street, they could see the princess with her duck, she seemed shaken but unharmed at least.

"Why are they fighting?" Sakura sighed.

"Those idiots," Nami rushed over to them when they were glaring at one another, Zoro trying to cut up Luffy while the captain held him off. Neither expected Nami to come up and give them both a hard punch to their cheek.

"STOP IT NOW" Then Nami grabbed them by their clothing while they were half-conscious, "You're lucky the girl isn't hurt! You almost lost me a billion berries!"

Sakura just sighed, 'I'm so done,'





When Luffy had woken up and came back from doing his business, he finally noticed the pile of bodies scattered along the streets of Whisky Peak and found someone who was half conscious who told him about Zoro's parade after the party, of course not mentioning that they were the ones who instigated the attack. Luffy had failed or rather refused to hear Zoro out once he found him and started attacking. Despite having two enemies in front of them they were only focused beating on each other. Until finally Sakura was able to explain to Luffy what had happened.

"Oh, I thought Zoro cut those people because they didn't make his favorite food or something,"

"DO I LOOK LIKE YOU?" He screamed back. They had to go through all of that because he was too stubborn to take even half a minute to hear what he had to say and they ended up roughing it out right in front of the enemy.

"That's funny!" Luffy threw his head back carelessly.

"How dense can you be?" Sakura wasn't even sure if Naruto was like this. Luffy's temper seemed to make him lose all common sense and he really couldn't afford to lose any more.

They had relocated to a more isolated area of Whisky Peak, near the waterway, shielded by some houses. They had brought Vivi along as well but lost sight of the duck she was with. Nami had given her the explanation of the rip-off deal she had made with Igaram concerning her safety and bringing her back to her kingdom.

"I'm grateful you saved me, but I can't accept your terms,"

"Why you're a princess so a billion berries shouldn't be a problem," Nami stated.

"Have you heard of Alabasta?"

"Not much," Sakura admitted.

"It's a country on the Grand Line, and it used to be peaceful but the past few years have been ired by revolutionary activities due to radicals. My country is in a state of chaos,"

Sakura nodded, "Oh, in other words, a civil war. Which is likely affecting the country's politics and the economy,"

"That's right. Apparently from what I have learned it was Boroque's works that instigated the revolutionaries, but there was nothing else I really knew about the organization. That's why I infiltrated, to find out who was pulling the strings."

"So this whole Ideal nation thing that the boss of Baroque Works is aiming for…has to do with your nation?" Sakura was quick to put her analytic skills to work and that was the easiest conclusion to make. Since starting a nation of your own was not something you could do at the flick of a wrist, but given what Igaram told them about Baroque Works boss's promise to the agents, this made sense.

"Yes, their true objective is to take over the kingdom of Alabasta, and if I don't return to stop the revolutionaries and tell the people the truth things will go as they planned."

Nami sighed, "I get It,"

Luffy then asked, "So who is the boss?"

Vivi became livid, waving her hands around frantically, "No, no no, ask me anything but that. If you knew Boroque works would hunt you down and…..

Nami laughed, but there was no positive energy behind it. "Right let's just stay out of it. I mean a guy who's planning to take over an entire country must be one incredibly dangerous person,"

"Exactly," Vivi agreed, "No matter how strong you pirates are, you'd be no match for Crocodile, a member of the seven warlords of the sea,"

Nami's jaw dropped as far as it could go as Vivi covered hers realizing the lapse, Luffy and Zoro didn't seem to mind the revelation but Sakura was just confused.

"Um, who exactly is Crocodile? And what are the Seven War Lords?" Nami covered her mouth, tears in her eyes.

"Shut up!"

They felt stares and turned to the building they were seated behind, on the roof a vulture and a sea otter were sitting staring at them. They were both dressed, wearing glasses, and exchanging glances before they took off into the air.

"What was that?"

Nami was already shaking Vivi demanding the same answers, but she was already certain that those creatures were part of Boroque Works sent to report back sadly Vivi confirmed that was correct.

"Nami calm down!" Sakura pried her off of Vivi, "It's not the end of the world,"

"ARE YOU NUTS!?" She screamed, tears of frustration sitting in her eyes. "You don't even know about the Seven War Lords or how dangerous this situation is! We just barely entered the Grand Line and we've already got a War Lord after us!"

Sakura held up her hand, "Um, I'm still confused about what a War Lord is,"

"Geeze, you really don't know anything, do you? That amnesia is a real pain," Sighe Zoro.

Sakura glared back, "Yeah imagine how it feels living with it,"

"It's not Sakura's fault she forgot right?" said Luffy, "A warlord is…..ah,"

Zoro sighed again, but Nami decided to explain to Sakura, hoping that she would understand how dire the situation was. "They're pirates that are recognized by the government and work for them. In other words like 'legal pirates' I guess. They consist of some of the strongest individuals and they have a lot of influence. The government uses them to patrol the Grand Line to take down other pirates like us,"


"Oh? Oh? OH?! WE'RE DOOMED," Nami stomped off, her feet kicking up dust with each step. "That's it, I'm out it's been nice knowing you,"

"Where are you even going?" Sakura called to her back. "We came here by ship!"

Nami had only turned the corner to see the same vulture and sea otter, the otter was drawing on a sketch pad and revealed soon four accurate profiles of Nami, Sakura, Zoro, and Luffy before taking to the sky.

"Well, no point in running away now!"

Zoro grinned, "Looks like the four of us are gonna be sitting on the top of Baroque Works' hit list."




It took some time to get Nami to settle, she just curled herself into a ball and refused to be consoled by Sakura or Vivi who offered whatever savings she had. Zoro and Luffy were excited at the prospect of getting to meet such a powerful pirate.

"The boss is probably going to try sending his lackey's after us instead," Sakura continued to pet Nami's hair while she whined. Though she was a skilled navigator, who willingly came to the Grand Line as a pirate, Nami did not enjoy looking for battles to run into. That differed from Luffy and Zoro's preference.

"We're gonna die,"

Sakura just continued to pat her head, and Vivi looked at her with a wry smile.

"You have nothing to fear! It's ma-ma-ma, going to be alright,"

Igaram had found the group, but he was in a far more disturbing state of dress than before. Rather he was in the same form of dress as princess Vivi. Wearing red lipstick, a tank top with a fur jacket, and white shorts, with his hair, pulled back into the same high pony tale she had worn before the struggle broke her hair band.

"Listen to me, Baroque Works agents will no doubt be pursuing you, especially if you learned the boss's secrets,"

Vivi nodded, and what she said next made Nami stiffen in Sakura's hold. "Then a thousand or so will come after you,"

"That's why I will pretend to be you. And sail straight to Alabasta with four dummies on board,"

While she admired Igaram's dedication and willingness to be the decoy. Sakura was worried that this just wouldn't pull through. An organization this well-versed in espionage wouldn't fall for this right?

"Isn't it dangerous for you to pretend to be a decoy? You know the boss's secrets too, so you'll likely be a target either way too,"

"Yes, but while I take the direct route to Alabasta, princess Vivi will take another to get to our country,"

Nami interjected, "Hey, we didn't agree on anything! No one mentioned one of the Seven Warlords!"

"But if he knows our faces already then won't we be pursued anyway? Isn't it better to just nip this problem in the bud?" Sakura asked.

Nami seethed, "Maybe your amnesia made you forget fear, but Crocodile is one of the Seven Warlords, they're some of the deadliest and worst pirates out there! I don't know about you but I want to live!"

"What's that about?" asked Luffy. Even though he was present for most of that conversation and had enough context, apparently it hadn't stuck.

Zoro stood up, "Pops here wants us to take the princess back to Alabasta,"

"Oh, sure,"

Luffy said that so flippantly it was as if he had no regard for any sense of danger. "Is Crocodile really that dangerous?"

"Because he is one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, he doesn't have a bounty but before he was recognized by the government, he had a bounty of 80 million,"

Again Nami had a tantrum, refusing to accept the task.

"Nami, you're the one who insisted on this,"

"That was for money!"

"You know it's too late anyway. They're coming for us so taking out the source of the problem makes the most sense." Sakura pointed out. They were going to be chased by the organization either way, but if they dealt with the boss and put a stop to them then they wouldn't have to worry about being pursued anymore. However, Nami seemed adamant in believing that this just wasn't possible for them.

"You're either really brave or really stupid!"

"Let's do it it sounds like fun!"

"I'm forever grateful!"

Nami wished she hadn't gotten on board this ship because it looked like now she was going to be sinking with it.




Igaram had prepared a boat to set sail almost immediately after, and Luffy and the others came to see him off. Igaram stood in front of Vivi holding out his hand.

"Princess please give me the eternal pose,"

Nami peaked, "What's an eternal pose?"

Though surprised to hear they had no idea about the device, Igaram explained, "It's like a permanent version of the log pose. While a log pose leads sailors to the next island, an eternal pose will only record the magnetism of one island and forever direct you to it."

While he would take the direct route, Vivi would be taking the island-hopping route, which should be about two or three islands before arriving in Alabasta.

"Please takes care of the princess,"

"Sure," Luffy said.

Vivi was biting her lip looking at her faithful guard and caretaker. "Igaram,"

"I expect you'll endure a harsh journey princess, be careful,"

She seemed like she wanted to say more, have some soul-full moment, but just smiled and held out her hand for him. "You too,"




They watched as he finally set sail, looking back to the crew until he was too far to see them properly.

He was a funny old guy," Luffy said.

Vivi watched the waters and the boat fading with a fond expression as if reliving wonderful memories "He is very reliable,"

Sakura didn't know what had happened. The waters rose and burst into a shower, there was blinding light as the air became hot and the sky filled with smoke and fire. A familiar scene of a bomb going off.

"That's impossible!" Nami gasped in horror. "How are they after us already!?"

It had barely been more than an hour, and they were expecting the organization to come after them they hadn't been expecting it this soon. How had news gotten through so quickly? The boat Igaram had been on was up in flames in the distance. All they could do was watch, as the smoke and fire hadn't even cleared yet, but the explosion had been huge.

Luffy didn't stare too long, he stomped over to grab hold of his hat that had been blown away from the explosion and let out a cry with anger in his tone. "HE WAS A GREAT GUY!"

They knew that it was time to depart before any more surprise attacks were directed at them. Nami and Sakura pulled Vivi away from the scene, while her eyes shone in agony, she was willing to bite her tongue to keep her true pain hidden.

"Don't worry, we will get you home!" Nami promised, hugging Vivi.




It was a quick if not ungraceful return to the waters, Luffy had literally dragged Sanji and Usopp's bodies through the streets and back to the ship where they had woken up and fallen unconscious again. There was almost another delay when Vivi couldn't find her pet duck Karoo, but he had already boarded the ship and was ready to leave.

They barely had a moment to relax though. Zoro, Luffy, Sakura, and Nami took care of raising the anchor and prepping the sails to leave, because Usopp and Sanji were still waking up and were actually upset about leaving Whisky Peak, only stuck with half the picture that included the party. Vivi leads them to the quickest route to get out to sea.

The sun was already starting to rise by the time they had gotten out of Whisky Peak, though it was still in the distance, vanishing into the fog just as it had appeared. They were looking ahead, eager to leave and wanting to take the time to just stop after the fast-paced night.

That was a luxury they would be denied though.

"I'm glad we managed to escape the people chasing us,"

Nami nodded without turning her head to the new voice but Sakura already realized something was wrong. Because she didn't recognize that voice.

"What the hell!?"

All heads turned at the kunoichi's cry of alarm, a woman was sitting calmly on the railing of the deck, crossed-legged, elbow resting on her knee as her hand cradled her face. She was a young woman, in her 20s, with a long narrow nose, and almond-shaped eyes like a cat.

Vivi recognized her easily, "Miss All Sunday!"

"I ran into Mr 8 a while ago,"

Vivi glared at her in a cold sweat, "You killed him!"

Luffy pointed at her accusingly, "What are you doing on my ship!?"

Sakura leaned forward, "Miss All Sunday, does that mean she's also…."

"Yes, she's a member of Baroque Works. She's the partner of Mr. 0 the boss! She was the only one who knew the boss's identity. We found out by following her,"

Keeping her mischievous smirk, Miss All Sunday spoke. "More accurately, I let you follow me."

"I know that! You're the one who told him we discovered his identity right!?"


Luffy was going back on forth on whether or not she was good or bad, of course, Sakura reminded him that she was probably the one that set the bomb off on Igaram. "So she's bad!"

"Shut up!" Zoro exclaimed.

"What exactly is it you're trying to do!?" Vivi asked.

"Good question. You were all so intent and serious that I found myself helping out. The idea of a princess trying so hard to save her kingdom making herself an enemy of Baroque Works…it was just so ridiculous."


Sanji and Usopp had snuck along the sides of the ship and had come up from behind Miss All Sunday. The cook had a gun to the woman's head and Usopp had his slingshot pulled back and ready to release.

"Don't point those at me,"

Sakura didn't know if it was the fog playing tricks but even as no one had taken their eyes off of her, Miss All Sunday had somehow flung Usopp and Sanji off of the balcony, knocked the staff out of Nami's hands, and the drawn sword out of Zoro's. All at the same time, and without moving from her position.

"A devil fruit!" They all concluded but no one could figure out her power.

'Are there devil fruits that can do things like this as well?' It looked like some sort of telekinesis, but…how? This meant they couldn't just attack her blindly. Even Sakura wasn't sure if she should approach as usual.

"Don't be so hasty, I haven't been given any orders so I have no reason to fight you." Somehow, Miss, All Sunday had drawn Luffy's straw hat off his head and into her hands. She twirled it playfully while addressing the captain. "So you're the straw hat captain I heard so much about…Monkey D. Luffy."

He was more concerned about his hat than the woman right now and was throwing a tantrum, demanding like a child that he wanted it back.

"How unlucky you people are. Picking up the princess Baroque Works is out to kill. And a princess being protected by a mere group of pirates. But what's worse, is the direction your log pose is indicating. You see the next island is Little Garden. We won't even need to lift a finger against you, you'll all be dead before you even get to Alabasta,"

"Will not! Gimme back my hat!"

"You wish you, big dummy!" Usopp glowered, hiding behind the mass.

Miss All Sunday seemed to have done enough teasing and threw Luffy back his hat and something at Vivi, Sakura caught it before the item was in her hands though. Worried it might be something with malicious intent. It was an eternal pose.

"You can skip past Little Garden with that, it heads straight to an island just before Alabasta: Nothing at All island. None of our employees know that course so no one will chase you,"

"And we're just supposed to take your word for it?" Sakura's intuition didn't hint that this was a lie, but she didn't want to simply believe the woman who killed Igaram yet was willing to let them go simply because she hadn't received orders to eliminate them. If keeping the boss's identity secret was such an important matter, that even the agents who worked for him didn't know, then it was more than implied outsides like them shouldn't be allowed to live to know his identity.

"Well, that's up to you,"

She spoke cryptically, similarly to a shinobi when they're interrogated. It was a method Sakura learned as well. The best way to avoid being caught out for information was to neither lie nor be truthful and cause doubt for the other party, not in themselves but in either the choice they made to believe or not.

Vivi was staring at the eternal pose in Sakura's hands, but Luffy snatched it from her and crushed it in his palms, glass, and woodchips scattered on the deck. Nami sucker-punched him hard for that.


Luffy stared at Nami blankly, "You're not the captain, so you don't decide where the ship goes,"

Miss All Sunday titled her head, "Oh, that's too bad,"

"She blew up the old tube-hair guy, so I hate her."

That's when Miss All Sunday decided that it was time to depart from the Going Merry, she jumped off the side to where a giant turtle half the size of the Merry was waiting for her. That explained how she had even gotten on the ship in the first place.

Sakura watched to make sure she vanished into the fog but kept her guard up. Usopp and Sanji were once again demanding answers no one had given them.

'We've got a lot to deal with,'

It dawned on Sakura that even though she was in another world, she was taking on a similar duty that she would as a kunoichi in hers.

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