Land Of Luma &Ruma

Chapter 20: Chapter 20: Curiosity Kills The Cat

Rhema and Arya was shocked and surprised. "C.. could it be..... we're dead already?" Rhema stutters.


"Don't 'huh' me. They were standing right in front of us but they didn't see us. And I am sure the lady with a gray ribbon on her hair was trying to find us but she couldn't. So there's only one reason, we're dead and this...." She points on her body. "Is our spirit."

"We're not dead. We're just in a different world."

"And this world is theirs not ours. So why can't they see us in their own land? I..I... don't wanna die. I haven't accomplish anything, like becoming the 'Nation's Flower Girl.' Opening a big restaurant for Mother. B... bu...." She sniffles. "Buying us a new house and finding out who my real parents are and why they abandoned me. Uwa..! But I can't do that because of you. Don't you know that curiosity kills the cat? Now your curiosity have killed us."

"STOP CRYING!!" Arya was annoyed. "What about me? Do you think I am happy we're dead? I haven't find out why Dad and have have amnesia and where my sister is. I...I died without knowing the answers. Uwa...."

"Do you wanna continue crying or get out of there?" They heard a different voice. They simultaneously raised their head and were stunned.

" can see us?" They ask simultaneously. "Which means we aren't dead."

"Yes I can."

"Then why didn't they see us?"

"That I am not sure. But if you don't wanna get caught by them. I..." The lady sniff. "You're from Ruma?" Her eyes widen. "Then what are you two doing here? I mean how did you get in?"

"Ruma? What's that?"

"Excuse me? Can we go somewhere safe? Because I don't wanna get caught." Rhema said.


"So where are we?"

"Yarkara but how did you get in? Doing Nakiyar festival, no one can go in and out of the land. So I..."

"Aish!!!" Rhema ruffles her hair in frustration as she interrupts. "Look! I don't really wanna know where we are or answer any of your questions. But please, can you get ya out of here? I wanna go back to my land or whatever you call it."

"She just says we can't go back."

"What?!" She gasps. "Why can't we?"

Arya forced a smile. "She just said it." Rhema confusedly looked at them. "You wanna go back right?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

"Then shut up and listen. And stop interrupting her!"

"Fine! I won't. So what's next? Do we get to be stuck here? Doing nothing? Excuse me! But I have a family out there who are probably looking for me right now."

Arya was furious. "Do I look like an orphan? Hello? I have family too. There's Mom, Dad and Keva. We might not be getting along but we're still family."

"Okay. So where are we? And how do we get out?"

"I think I know who can help us. Oh! By the way, I'm Rivka."

"I'm Arya and she's Rhema."


Yarkia Mountain

The three walked into an old house and sees an old man, who was busy making potions.

"Grandpa Hong!"

Grandpa Hong raised his head, he smiles as he sees Rivka. "Riv?" He stops what he was doing and walked to her. "What's wrong?"

"Why?" She smiles cutely. "I miss you."

"Ha! You? Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!" Grandpa Hong laughs as he shook his head.

"Grandpa Hong! I want you to meet Rhema and Arya."

Grandpa Hong nods and smiles. "You can have a seat."

The three sat on a wooden chair. Grandpa Hong stared at Rhema and Arya for a moment and simply sat on the other chair, facing them.

"Nayar." He calls out.

Rhema and Arya were confused while Rivka was shocked.

"One of them is Nayar?" Rivka asked.

"No?" Grandpa Hong raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Kayar?"

"K..Kayar? What's that?"

Arya cleared her throat to get their attention. "What's going on?"

"We...well as you know, we're different from humans. We have powers. I am a Mayiri and they're specialized in magnetism. Grandpa Hong makes potions and is a Yaniri, whom are specialized in retro cognitive."

"Mmm... okay. So what's this Nayar and Kayar all about?" Rhema asked.

Grandpa Hong sighed. "It all started centuries ago."

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