Chapter 22: Chapter 22: He's A Cat
Chaya was reading on her bed. She had been studying since the past two weeks. Yuka couldn't take it anymore.
"Chaya, aren't you tired of studying? What's up? It's not yet exam time?"
"I have scholarship exam tomorrow." She turns to Rhema. "Why aren't you studying?"
"I saw your name on the list but I haven't seen you studying."
"One doesn't have to study in order to pass." She said arrogantly.
"Oh! If you say so." Chaya scratch her hair. She does that whenever she is confused.
"I wish you both luck." Yuka glance at Rhema. "I hope you don't fail."
Rhema sneered. "Expect a perfect score." She strode out.
"Wow!" Chaya's eyes sparkled in admiration. "But how did she know that?"
"Mmm...Why don't you continue studying? I wanna use the bathroom." Yuka forced a smile as she walked into the bathroom.
Ring! Ring! Ring!
Chaya picks up and smiles.
"Hello Mom?"
"I heard your exam is tomorrow. Mommy wishes you the best."
"Thank you Mommy." Chaya's ears flush.
"Mommy's off day is tomorrow, how about going out together with your roommates?"
"Really? Sure. Bye Mommy ~ I love you ~" Chaya hangs up forgetting, it was her mother who called. "Mommy and I are going out ~" she squeals.
Keva bumps into someone as she came out of the classroom. "I'm sorry!" They said simultaneously.
Keva raised her head and was shocked at who she saw. Her body stiffened.
""Keva squealed out three 'you' but couldn't manage to say a word.
"Are you okay?" The boy looked puzzled.
"Huh?" Keva nodded her head instinctively but when she realized something was wrong, she shook her head again. Then finally, she lowered her eyes and said guilty.
"I...I'm sorry .pl... please d.. don't hurt me. I didn't tell anyone like I promised."
"Huh?" The boy was at a loss for words.
"Kumir?" Yuka calls out. She walked to them and was surprised to see Keva looking afraid and anxious. "What's going on?" Kumir shook his head.
Keva ran out anxiously not turning back.
"What happened?" Yuka asked.
"I don't know. She seems to be afraid of me, like she have seem me before."
Yuka's eyes widened. "Could it be she saw your brother?"
"Ahmir?" Kumir raised an eyebrow. "Ahmir is here."
"Let's go ask her."
"No. She promised Ahmir not to tell anyone. And if she do, he's gonna kill her."
"Oh! At least we know they're here. I think they're here for the book and Nayari."
"Yes, but they haven't find anything about them. So this is our time."
"Not today. There's a football match today."
"Urgh! Fine! In the next two days?" Kumir nods his head.
The football club are having a match while cheerleaders and fans were cheering them up.
"Are you sure your brother is a student here? But why haven't I seen him?"
"Maybe, he is in his animal form."
"A fox?" Rhema shook her head. "Then he is either a dog or cat. Is it possible for one to have two different animal form?" Arya asked.
"He is a special shape shifter. He can shapeshift to any animal of his choice. But since we're in school, he's either a dog or cat."
"I bet it's a dog." Arya said.
"Cat. Your eyes should be on the cats not dogs."
"He is allergic to them. So he is a cat right now."
At The Same Time
Keva say in between Keke and Nevaeh. "When did your cousin and Rhema become friends? And why is..." Keke glance at her right hand side. She sees Chaya, Allegra and Yuka who was carrying a cat, all sitting together. ".... Allegra not with her. From what I know, those two are inseparable."
"That's true. Fir the past three weeks, I don't see them together. Even in the dorm, they don't talk to each other. They behave like strangers and the weirdest part is that Arya doesn't get on my nerves again."