Chapter 117: Garden Snake Pt. 1
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[2 Months Later]
"This isn't right," Thane muttered staring at the stack of parchment papers in his hands, "None of these numbers make any sense."
The bed behind Thane shifted, the sheets spilling away as Daphne sat up her hair disheveled and skin still somewhat slick with sweat, "Don't tell me you're working right now?"
"And what if I am," Thane shot back though there was humor in his voice.
"Less than half an hour ago, you were molesting me like some savage beast, now you're going over a business report," Daphne muttered as she pulled the sheets too in a makeshift dress as she stood from the bed.
Thane scoffed, "Well not all of us take an hour to recover after just a bit of fun."
Coming up behind Thane Daphne draped her arms around his shoulders while pressing her chest against the back of his head and neck, "If you call seven rounds a bit of fun, then you're going to need at least three other wives because I don't know how much longer I can take handling your desires by my lonesome."
"Well, I'm afraid you're going to have to suffer a bit longer because I don't plan to court anyone else before I announce our engagement to the public and throw a celebration."
"A celebration?" Daphne asked her eyes glowing.
"Of course, you know if I don't show the proper display of power and wealth everyone will question why your parents decided to marry you off. Just because I made a big stir doesn't mean allying with me is a good long-term plan," Thane replied briefly glancing at Daphne before turning his attention back to the papers in his hand, "Especially with these numbers."
Daphne leaned over to get a better look, "I don't see what's wrong, this is just a cost analysis for the sigil and cornerstone production right?"
Thane nodded, "Yes, but watch what happens when I compare this month's projections with last month's."
Thane pulled out a sheet of paper from the back of the stack and laid it out next to the paper on top.
Daphne's eyes narrowed as she quickly read over the report, "That can't be right, the raw material cost has gone up by nearly five percent."
"And it's mostly due to the precious metals needed to create the Mithril Alloy," Thane muttered, "I asked Balor to go over this personally and he confirmed there's a shortage."
"A shortage is one thing, but it's not a five percent increase in a month. You're right this is something else," Daphne agreed, "I'll have my parents look into it, and see if they can find anything out."
Thane opened his mouth to respond but paused as he sensed a familiar aura making its way toward them at an urgent pace, "Make sure you're decent."
Before Daphne could ask why, Myrtle burst through the wall as Thane let her into the Room of Requirement.
Thane stood as he saw the panicked look on the ghost girl's face, "Myrtle what's going on?"
"Someone opened the Chamber!" Myrtle wailed with a ghostly howl.
Thane grunted and waved his hand magically changing his loungewear for a set of robes, "What did they look like?"
"I-It was a girl, she had really pale skin and freckles and-"
"Red hair," Thane completed and Myrtle confirmed with a nod, "Ginny Weasley, but how...was the girl alone?"
Myrtle nodded again, "Yes, though she didn't look right and her aura was all off. It wasn't something a girl her age should possess."
Thane's face was becoming grimmer with each passing second, "Anything else?"
"W-well she was clutching this old book to her chest," Myrtle commented.
"Alright time to get to the bottom of this," Thane grunted as he strode towards the door, "We'll talk more about planning our engagement party when I get back."
Daphne sighed and walked back towards the bed, "Very well, though when you come back make sure it's in one piece or a little Basilisk will be the least of your worries."
Thane stumbled for a second as he felt Daphne's aura flare threateningly, "Of course my love."
"Well it doesn't look like you boys are having any luck, so perhaps I can just be along my merry way and we can forget all about this little fiasco."
"Shut it you pompous fraud! We're not going to just forget that you tried to have our memories erased!"
"Come on where is it?! It has to be around here somewhere!"
Thane paused as he entered the second-floor bathroom and he stared at a trio of characters, with one being particularly out of place.
"Ron, Harry, what are you doing with Lockhart?" Thane asked causing all three of them to jump and whirl around at him.
The professor's eyes lit up when he saw Thane, "Help me Lord Fea, your classmates have taken me hostage after I tried to stop them from opening the Chamber of Secrets!"
"What?!" Ron balked as he stared at Lockhart with wide eyes, "T-that's not true at all!"
Harry nodded again look to Thane, "Ron's right, Lockhart is the evil one he's a-"
"A manipulative lying fraudulent cheating bastard who will do anything to maintain his reputation," Thane rattled off interrupting Harry and staring at Lockhart as the professor's face fell, "I could have told you that after reading the first page of his 'books'."
"Lord Fea I-" Lockhart tried to talk his way out of it only to be silenced by a glare from Thane.
"It's Lord Fae you worthless waste of space!" Thane snarled before exhaling through his nose and turning to address the two boys, "I assume you're here for Ginny?"
Ron blinked, "H-how did you know she was kidnapped?!"
"She wasn't kidnapped," Thane corrected as he walked towards the center sink, "Though I doubt she's acting of her own will, I suspect she's being controlled by some magical means."
Harry stared at Thane for a long moment as his eyes narrowed, "You knew it was her all along didn't you?"
"She was one of the very few people I suspected so in a way yes," Thane replied honestly and he watched Ron's eyes widen with surprise and anger.
"You knew my sister was behind all the attacks?! Why didn't you say anything?!"
Thane sighed, "Because I couldn't confirm it, and there were far too many unknowns I couldn't account for, so I decided to observe hoping that something I could use would be revealed."
Ron turned red in the face and he lunged at Thane as he walked by only for Harry to hold him back, "You cold-hearted bastard! You just sat back while innocent people were hurt, Heromine could have died!"
Thane paused for a moment and he glanced at Ron, "Heromine was attacked?"
"Yes, you unfeeling bellend!"
Thane paused for a moment longer before he pointed his finger at Lockhart and sent a tiny bolt of shimmering purple light that struck the professor in the face before he could react.
Lockhart blinked once before he collapsed onto the floor knocked out making Harry and Ron flinched before they looked back at Thane as he held his hand out to the side.
The floor began to tremble and a second later the tile next to Thane exploded as a massive staff of dark brown wood erupted out of the earth and flew into his hand.