Last Starborn

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 - Unwanted Gift

Ash trudged into the house, grateful that work was finally done. They felt exhausted down to their very bones and wanted nothing more than to curl on the couch and sleep. A coat rack sat by the door, already sporting a familiar cloak that brought a slight scowl to Ash's face. They added their own before shedding their shoes and heading inside to see what was going on.

Luna was visiting. By itself, it was harmless enough however Luna wasn't just one of Ash's best friends but also a coworker. Whether or not Ash wanted to deal with her was entirely dependent upon in which capacity she was visiting. Visits from her friend were always welcome. Visits from her coworker were almost always nothing but irritating.

A few steps in, Ash's nose caught a few scents that made them twice as wary about the visit. Luna had brought food, a peace offering as they knew Ash was likely too tired to cook currently. It almost certainly meant that Luna wasn't visiting as a friend, something that put Ash in a sour mood.

Their friendship had become more strained as time wore on and more of Luna's visits were about work, a fact Luna was also aware of and deeply troubled by. Their jobs, however, weren't things that could be easily set aside. Both of them were incredibly important not just to the people that paid them but to the world at large.

With a rough sigh, Ash trudged into the living room and looked over the spread of food on the table, deciding that Luna's offerings would determine whether or not the impromptu meeting would be honored. It was Ash's current favorite, something Luna kept meticulous track of as it changed often with cravings.

Luna had noticed their entrance and was staring at Ash with the dumbest grin she'd worn in quite a while. Something about it made them cast a wary gaze around the living room to figure out the source of the other smell. The room was heavy with the scent of unfamiliar magic and Ash's gaze immediately found the odd bed-like capsule that sat where their couch generally belonged. The couch had been moved across from the armchairs to create an actual seating area for more than just a single guest and Ash.

It didn't smell dangerous so Ash decided to ignore it for a little while. It was tempting to settle onto the couch but they often slept there lately and it would be rude to fall asleep in the middle of whatever Luna wanted to say. Ash settled in the other chair, able to remain conscious only because sleeping while upright was something that had always caused them annoyance.

At first the meal was silent but eventually Luna couldn't contain her excitement any longer, "Asha, Asha," she used a pet name that had stuck from a long time ago when Luna hadn't been able to pronounce Ashterra, "I brought you something," she acted as if Ash hadn't already seen it which drew a slight laugh from her.

Ash's expression quickly turned just a little bitter, though, as the nature of the gift was contemplated, "I don't have the time for that kind of play, Luri," another pet name from when Ash had been likewise unable to pronounce Lunarilia, "And you shouldn't waste your money on such expensive gifts for me. You have a family to take care of."

It was Luna's turn to roll her eyes as she'd never had any troubles with money and doubted she'd start to have them even after buying dozens of the VR capsules. It was simply Ash's way of deflecting the gift as she'd never been a fan of expensive offerings. If it didn't serve Ash in her day to day life, it was sold or given to someone else.

Luna grinned slightly, though, as Ash's predictability laid the perfect trap, "Well, you'll be pleased to know it's from work."

"I doubt they want me goofing off playing a game so they wouldn't waste their money on it," she grumbled wearily before adding, "Not like I'm awake to do so much lately anyways."

That, more than anything else was the cause of their fraying friendship. Ash's magic was failing more with each job, each critical task that she couldn't ignore. She basically slept and worked of late, hibernating between jobs to preserve as much of her magic as she possibly could. Something had to change, something had to break, and Luna didn't want it to be Ash.

"They don't consider it a waste at all, Ash," she started before her long elfin ears quivered with emotion, "I want my friend back, Ash. I want to be able to spend time with you again for more than just work. I don't want to just be the starlight priestess that guards over you for the rest of your life."

Luna reached out and grasped her hands, "You can play while you sleep, Ash. You can live in a whole other world and see things and do things and meet people all while you sleep. Who knows, maybe the one you need to fix your magic plays too. I mean, it's more likely they do than not. Most of the more protected magical creatures like yourself play since it isn't always safe for them to roam about outside for fear of stupid poachers that don't actually believe how important you are to the world."

On top of her fraying magic, that was another reason Ash never got out of her highly protected home much. She sighed slightly, eyes moving to the window just past the capsule that overlooked a serene beautiful pond. Luna had made sure she'd still be able to see it any time she woke in the VR machine. Luna always thought of little things like that when it came to Ash's comfort, having been taught since they had both met that Ash was probably the most important thing Luna would ever have to protect.

Ash wanted their friendship back as well and the idea that they could find the person that could help stabilize their magic was a comforting one even if it was silly. It was a game at the end of the day. She'd have no way to know if she met them. Even if it was just to be able to spend time with Luna, she agreed softly.

Luna clapped slightly, her ears moving with excitement as her eyes practically shimmered with relief that Ash had been easily persuaded, "Good. I can use a portable headset," she produced it from a bag beside her chair, "And act as a guide for you during the setup process for the capsule and game. Get in and let's get started."

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