Lets save the World of Hell

Chapter 25: Chapter 26: A Challenging Step

The days of military training had finally come to an end, and the cadets were preparing to take on greater responsibilities. Adam and his comrades had overcome many obstacles. Despite their young age, Adam's extraordinary ability to quickly learn new skills and techniques had secured him the top ranking—a position highly regarded by his superiors.

In the final moments of training, Captain Keith Shadis called the cadets to formation for his last address.

"You have endured grueling and exhausting training. But this is just the beginning. The world beyond the walls is full of threats, and the Titans will always be waiting for their chance to destroy you. Nothing is predictable. But one thing is certain—you must fight to survive and protect others," Keith said in his firm voice, though the weariness on his face was evident.

After training ended, the cadets were assigned to their Deployment Posts at the barracks. However, there were still some things to take care of beforehand.

At that moment, Eren, Armin, and Adam were sitting together in the common room, discussing the upcoming mission.

Eren looked tense. "We'll be fighting Titans soon, won't we? I can't just sit around!" His eyes burned with his usual fiery determination.

Armin tried to calm him down. "Eren, we need a well-thought-out strategy. We can't afford to rush in blindly."

Adam looked at Eren seriously. "Calm down, Eren. We can't defeat them with rage alone. We need to stay focused."

Eren fell silent, listening to his friends' words.

After several days of preparation, Adam and the other cadets finally set out for the field. However, before they could get far beyond the walls, a Titan threat was already upon them.

Outside, tension filled the air. The massive walls began to crack, and the sound of enormous footsteps grew closer. The Armored Titan and the Colossal Titan emerged, destroying everything in their path.

"Titans incoming!" shouted a soldier from the watchtower.

Hearing this, Eren immediately ran toward the battlefield, followed by Adam, Mikasa, Armin, and several other cadets. Adam watched the approaching Titans with a calm expression, but inside, his sense of caution was growing.

As the Titans breached the walls for the first time, panic spread among the civilians still inside. People ran in fear, but the cadets had to remain focused.

Adam turned to Mikasa, who looked extremely serious. "Ready to fight, Mikasa?" he asked in a casual tone, though deep down, he knew this battle would be extremely dangerous.

Mikasa nodded, gripping her weapons tightly. "I'm ready."

Meanwhile, Eren, fueled by his endless rage, charged forward with unrelenting energy. "I won't let them win! We'll destroy these Titans!" he shouted in anger.

Despite his fear, Armin tried to remain composed. "We have to work together to take them down," he said, his voice slightly trembling.

But before they could move further, the Armored Titan lunged forward, annihilating everything in its path. The sheer force displayed by the Armored Titan forced them to retreat, but they knew they didn't have much time.

All the training they had endured was now being put to the test. As the top-ranked cadet, Adam had to face the Titans with everything he had learned. However, this was a far greater challenge than anything they had ever encountered before.

A decision had to be made—immediately.

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