"Limited to ones' Imagination" - DC Fanfic

Chapter 26: Power Reveal/ explanation (so far).

Basically a explanation chapter for the fucktard who put a Dong in my reviews.

The MC's power is Imagination without Limits, the soul concept of it resides within him, who put him there with the power is [SPOILER] and his goal is [MAJOR SPOILER].

Now why MC dosent just revive his parents or just, idk, turn into any nigh omnipotent being like Azathoth? Because the MC knows too much power is just like money, like a drug, while easy to let go its hard get back together.

Also supporting evidence, Batman, just take one look when Superman was arrested and Gave his powers to Batman via (Im pretty sure) the Gold Kryptonite, bro became a dictator in less than a month (I think, but he did become a Dictator).

Blah blah blah, mc 21/22 you get the drill, now why I didn't have him have a superheroine as a Waifu, first of just think of Margaret as a thick Milf you nueron activated monkeys, then also for the fact that I really don't like when authors do that, their relationships with their Canon lover is not to be easily broken, even then I personally think it's a little wrong.

Anyways you all are entitled to your opinions and thoughts and I respect that, just don't, PLEASE don't put a dong in the review section, tysm and hope you enjoy.


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