Chapter 832: So how? [1/2]
The world itself was a complicated place. It was a miracle that life allowed us to use things we didn't even understand. People had smart phones that used the internet, data calls, speakers, blue tooth and camera all built into them.
But if you asked the regular smart phone user, I guarantee that less than one percent would be able to explain how all those technologies work. But just because we didn't understand how they work; didn't mean we didn't know what they could do.
I was not smart guy. Hell I'd argue that I'm dumb as shit. So, if you came up to me and said one of my girls could distort 'Kinematics' I had no idea what that meant. But much like the cellphones I understood what Lilly's ability basically meant.
'And fucking hell it is insane.'
At my avatars shout, I saw thousands of guns appear out of thin air and encircle Lilly. The guns looked like they were made of metal but were in fact replicated firearms using {Armory}. The version 3 of this {Kismet} was a huge step up from what it once was.
{Armory} V.3
- Storage space for weapons and equipment. Leverages E.X.A system.
- Allows mines to be replanted in Exa designated zones for a cost.
- Any weapon registered can copied with {Replicate} for a cost.
- Exa integration allows automatic replication and storage.
- Can imbue the ammunition any recorded weapon with {Fates}
- Available Augments:
- {Withstand}, {Hike}, {Flash}, {Crush}, {Carve}, {Butcher}, {Dope}, {Restore}
- Can connect to all users with {Exa} to establish [Hellsend's Armory].
After {Armory} got an upgrade, the number of guns I could use technically no longer had limits. I mean compared to Bella's {Replicate} mine was still shit. Hers allowed her to clone tanks and helicopters by the dozens. My limit for drones was one of anything.
Fortunately, that restriction didn't exist for my guns. This allowed me create guns from just soul. And it even gave the option of using {Bestow} on my ammunition. With {Restore} available I could even shoot people to heal them.
Another benefit was that through Exa. Our weapon stores were centralized. This meant that the Sirens and my subspaces courtesy of {Limitless} and Hellsend's via {Call my Name} were now connected. The girls and I could now draw weaponry from anyone in our network.
Naturally this only worked one way. The weapons I or the girls had could not be borrowed by the rest of Hellsend. I mainly requested for this to shorten delivery times. If before I needed Mike and Isolde to deliver rounds to me down in the 30th floors, now I don't.
Our entire production guys could just make {Bestow} or anti-soul rounds place them in their storage and I would be able to access it. I could move it to my personal storage or keep it with a specific person.
With Exa at the helm, we could now send equipment to those that needed it. Provided they were part of Hellsend of course. It didn't look like much for now, but it would pay off when the things we could make increased in number.
It was unfortunate that I couldn't add the replicated weapons to {Armory}. However, if you consider everything else I gained, I would be ungrateful if I still had complaints. I needed to burn thousands of souls each time I created weapons though.
But as there was little value in storing souls, apart from when you were about to use big moves, I didn't mind it much. I could just earn them back from blasting zombies away.
Lilly who saw the hundreds of guns floating in the air frowned in irritation, "Aki and Jo's photos didn't do this skill justice. Just when you think my {Kindred} could not get any more overbearing you do something like this."
The Specter then took a step back and suddenly was over 2 miles behind her former position. Lilly's Domain fucked up any sense of distance. She should have just moved less than a foot. But instead, she teleported! And it wasn't even using {Blink}!
'Shit! Send them forward!' I ordered.
Like missile the guns rushed forward as the distance was too far, they had yet to fire. [Heavy Gunner's] [Lock on] would ensure that the guns would be able to land hits. But even, then the target had to be within the weapon's effective distance first for it to work.
As my goal was to flood Lilly's domain with so many bullets it overwhelmed her, I chose 9mm rounds. Thus, I borrowed, Robyn's Blade MAC11's and Aki's MP5SDs and replicated them. They seemed quite aerodynamic and got good distance, approaching Lilly rapidly.
With Exa in charge of reloading my guns, I could flood Lilly with 9mm Parabellum to figure out her weaknesses! "Oh please, like you an attack of this level could stop you!" I retorted.
Thursday brought his hand down and unleashed a hailstorm of bullets. The moment he did. Our vanguard of three moved. I had Monday lead our attackers as our point man as we ran forward. Meanwhile Lilly's distortion domain began breaking the laws of physics.
The 9mm rounds moving towards Lilly all suddenly began changing targets. It looked like they were slapped and suddenly turned somewhere else. Up, down, left, right some of them even turned back and headed towards me!
"Tsk. What a cheater! [Wall]! [Inspire]!"
Lilly unbothered by the thousands of rounds swimming around in her domain made a condescending smile. She then pointed her Minigun arm towards. With a gorgeous sneer the woman pulled the trigger.
The rotors of her weapon spun and began to shoot 7.62 NATO at us. But none of us worried, for one because we had Monday at the front.
[Defender] was garbage at single combat but as part of a group it was the best shield you could ask for. At Monday's shout, all of the incoming projectiles began to get sucked towards Monday.
Like a magnet he drew in all the hostile fire using his shield and soul armor to shrug off the rounds. I raised my Tomahawk shield as round after round clinked against my shield. Meanwhile Tuesday and Friday raise their guns and fired.
Tuesday was carrying an HCAR and SCAR-H battle rifles. while Friday was running two F90 MBRs with grenade launchers. Out stronger bodies could handle the recoil of higher caliber weapons even when we sprinted. Lilly evaded the rounds and sprinted forward.
"So, you draw in projectiles? Then let see you dodge this!"
Lilly then took a powerful stomp in front of her before swinging her greatsword in a powerful arc. Like a character out of Anime and Manga, a blade beam shot out. The speed and power of the projectile came towards Tuesday!
But rather than stop the three of us continued to race towards Lilly unleashing rounds that seemed to go nowhere. Of course, the blade beam was scary but so long as Monday was in front, we were protected as can be.
Monday invoked [Defender's] final skill, the ability to take damage in someone else's stead. Lilly's dominating attack violently slammed into Tuesday's torso. The speed and sound indicating how much energy the attack carried.
Yet Tuesday walked it off his suit not even damaged in the slightest. In contrast, Monday vomited blood as a large gash suddenly appeared on his body. It went from his left shoulder to his right thigh. It began healing almost immediately but…
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"That fucking hurt Dear! Just wait till I get my hands on you!"
"Impressive. So, [Defender] can even do things like that. It seems that so long as Monday is present, my attacks will not go through! Still, if one blow was enough to do such damage then I just have to beat you till you submit, Dearest!"
Lilly held her great sword sideways in line with the ground. She turned her body and brought her left arm to her right shoulder. Her pose created the largest arc her left arm could swing. Like a gun Lilly's arm moved from right to left.
The move was so powerful it broke the sound barrier creating a loud crack. It was so overbearing it overshadowed the sounds of all the SMGs firing at her. Yet another blade beam appeared. It was twice as large as before and made my body tremble.
'How the fuck is she even doing that? Leo did it with Nyda's lightning. She used water to create the same gimmick before. Did she adapt it and is using sound or air or something?'