Chapter 834: Sucks to be you! [1/2]
'Alright, how do we do this,' I asked.
[I will use Burger and Fries to get her to "Close". That would prevent her from blinking all over the place. However, Lilly will not simply wait, she will "Open" and try to reduce our numbers. I will act as bait. Monday and Tuesday will rush her.
[Saturday will hide and get close as humanly possible. Stay on her till she "Closes" a 2nd time. Wednesday will buy time if she blinks so the rest of us surround her. Retrieve Jo's Propane tanks open and dump them. Leave igniting them to the others.
[Thursday, Lilly will avoid teleporting towards spaces that will damage her. Carpet bomb the surroundings as best you can. As for Friday, just cover us with [Interceptors]. We will keep repeating this dance till she makes a mistake.]
Personality wise Lilly was pretty aggressive. But so long as we all sticked with Monday and his [Defender] discipline we were safe. This would be a race against time. We need to take Lilly out before she learns everybody's abilities.
[Maestro] also made an assumption about where Lilly would blink towards. With her domain, she practically no longer had a cool down. But avoiding dangerous areas should still be a given.
"{Armory} M134D! Alright! This is it! You all know the plan! Move! Burger! Fries! {GATE}!"
I intentionally shouted as loud as I could while I ran with the UGVs. A hundred Switchblades flew towards the skies. I opened a simple doorway whose endpoint was behind Lilly. Plotting the coordinates was simple and concise, Exa must have helped.
"Hmph! So, you're Sunday! Prepare yourself Dearest!"
At her words Lilly took a step forward and suddenly appeared behind the forces trying to surround her. Seeing my girl disappear and vanish at odd points was like those Asian horror movies. In three blinks, Lilly was already just a few feet away from me!
'Shit! I shot myself in the foot!'
"FUCK! Dear you are terrifying!"
[Wednesday is en route! Hold on! I am commanding the Switchblades to assist!]
'Easy for you to say! I am the one in the line of fire!'
Taken off guard I sent the Ripsaws into the {Gate} sending them far back. Unfortunately, Lilly's {Portals} only worked one way. Once you cross, only a new doorway would get you back. I didn't have the time to make a new one and marked the coordinates.
My children who tried to support Tuesday earlier were still far away. Lilly's penchant for suddenly switching battlefields ensured my forces were always scattered. And unfortunately, apart from Sunday, the other avatars could not use {Fates}.
'Fuck! So, I am alone!'
I saw the other avatars trying to shoot at Lilly, they were just too far away. I raised the M134D Minigun in my hand and pressed both triggers. A familiar whirling sound began as the rotors of my weapon spun. In the next moment if began to unleash a stream of lead.
Lilly charged forward as my rounds all vanished inside her domain. The Minigun in her right arm disappeared and now she had both hands in her soulgear greatsword, Wolf's Greed.
'Shes in "close" mode!' I cheered.
Knowing that she could tank whatever I shot, I threw my gun and drew Roach's anti-soul halberd. .50 Cal rounds and Switchblades bombarded Lilly's domain only for every single one of them to vanish without a trace.
"{Armory} Halberd!"
[Maestro] had excellent memory but was not a combat discipline. As such my goal at the moment was to just resist. Lilly was still in "close", so we had to grab her before she runs away!
"HMPH! You really intend to slash me with that?" Lilly grunted in anger.
"Ugh. Of course not!"
She sent a powerful slash my way. Back by her full weight, it took everything I had just to block her blow. My arms were like tunning forks that got struck. The kinetic energy battered my forearms and my core. Lilly's eyes grew wide as she tried to push me back.
"Dearest! Your body! How? You can withstand my blows?"
"Heh! I supposedly have a body of a 9th generation Descendant now," I bragged with a smile.
"You! Why does everything you do absolutely make no sense!"
Lilly pushed against me and jumped backwards. Her domain which surrounded her was being peppered by my other avatars to no avail. The absurdity of her domain caused me to complain as well.
"Really? Did you try looking behind you? I practically already sank a country's word of explosives and lead on you, and you still haven't even broken a sweat!"
"Yet here you stand casually receiving a lineage many desperate tried to achieve. Dearest, do you have any idea how bitter I feel at your latest upgrade? My life was made a living hell all because I had the bloodline of a maid! [Overdrive] [Assassin]!" Stay updated through My Virtual Library Empire
Clearly emotional Lilly charged forward in a flash. The soul radiating from her body showed that she was in [Shadowblade]. While she lost her defenses her speed and agility increased by a very large amount.
Desperately I tried to ward off Lilly's assault. I didn't even try to counterattack; I was just trying to not get cleaved! Thankfully I succeed in my task. The cavalry had begun to arrive!
I noticed Saturday creeping in closer. I couldn't see or hear him; I just knew as the person driving Saturday was also me. I tried to not jump POV's as much as even with [Maestro] it needed presence of mind.
Saturday wasn't who I waited for though. The one I needed now was our fastest fighter. The one with [Sky Sentinel]! Wednesday dived towards Lilly while firing his AA-12s. His pellets couldn't even hit and were just redirected all over the place.
"Tsk! [Armory] M134D!" While trying to overpower my halberd, Lilly pointed her arm towards Wednesday and fired! I tried to evade the incoming bullets and used [Sky Sentinel's] [Attune] to avoid the danger.
I entered Lilly's Domain and charged towards her. Lilly didn't miss a beat and kicked Sunday's lead leg causing him to fall. What our bodies had in potential we lacked in experience.
"[Hellsend's Armory] Propane tanks! Ebony, Ivory!"
Remembering that we needed to follow the plan, I threw the tanks at Lilly. Since we were inside her domain, they didn't disappear instead were smashed away by the angry Princess.
I disregarded the ones she sent flying and shot the pressure gauges of those about to hit her. They didn't explode but instead began to gas the place with a scent reminiscent of rotten eggs or sulfur.
"Ethanethiol! Dearest you plan to ignite them?"
With Lilly's attention focused on Wednesday, I had Sunday join in and try to slash Lilly. Obviously wary of the anti-soul weapon, Lilly turned her back on Wednesday and tried to block my strike.
Saturday secretly entered the Domain and tagged Lilly with [Shadow]. [Shadow] was basically a blink strike that followed a target. I didn't know if it would work, but I should be able to follow Lilly even if she transitioned too "Open".
"You are all irritating! {Magnitude} [Electrocution]!"
Suddenly from Lilly's domain came a tidal wave! My avatars and I were all suddenly engulfed in water and were pushed back. It was like being stuck in a flood. Where it reached up to our waists.
In the next second, a powerful current snaked towards and began electrocuted our bodies! {Magnitude} was the soulgear on Lilly's neck while [Electrocution] was her {Program} that leveraged the Tesla coils in her subspace.
'Fuck! I forgot she had a soulgear on!'
Super sizing the water in her subspace, Lilly suddenly altered our situation at the drop of a hat! Surprisingly her body repelled the water, so she was unaffected. But I did notice that the rounds coming from Thursday were no longer vanishing but were now smashing against the waters!
'Shes in "Open"! Nows our chance!'
As Sunday, Wednesday and Saturday had their bodies numb from the electricity the others moved. It was fucking annoying that none of our plans were working. We kept making plans, but they all turned to shit the moment Lilly moved.
[What did you expect? We do not know the full abilities of her domain! Naturally we do it by trial and error! Her domain is directly connected to her subspace! She has water, bullets and a lot of tools in there. This just got a whole lot harder!]
My avatars that were being electrocuted were not dead yet. But everyone else felt their pain. Luckily [AutoRewind] was healing everyone with {Regen} so while it felt like we were being barbecued, it was still manageable.