Chapter 18: Chapter 18
We had arrived at the valley, it was no different from what we had already seen, another forest and a river that seemed to come out of the mountains. We had seen so many trees that I had hoped to see an Ent, the stories said that there could be one in each forest, but I had not seen any tree that was different from the others, perhaps there was no Ent herder in these forests, which would be best for them. It would be difficult to protect these forests from the fate that awaited them.
Dalos continued to lead the way as he grabbed and looked everywhere with curiosity and tension. It was the first time he had traveled so far from home and he felt he was beginning to fulfill the dream he had as a young man. The difficulty, excitement, and endless riches and treasures awaited her, just as this dream fed the many traders and adventurers of any world.
Soon evening came and we decided to rest near the river. Dalos wanted to prepare a stew with some wild carrots he had found on the road and a goat we hunted on the way. He seemed excited to try something new after so many days.
"We could take advantage and wash up, I haven't been able to get all the blood off yet." I suggested as I set up our camp, like all the days before.
"You go first, I'll start butchering the goat and then I'll go." Grandma replied.
I quickly took off my clothes, to dive in and wash my body in the lake. This was a good day, I thought it would be another one with leaves frequently hitting my face, and unfamiliar insects crawling up my neck.
I still didn't know where we would be going but hopefully, I wouldn't have to do this for the entire next week. I desperately wanted to get back to quiet even though it seemed cowardly, I wanted to get back to the peace of before. It wasn't something I had lived through long ago and he had forgotten how precious peace and quiet is, luckily I wouldn't live to the worst of times in this world, hopefully, this would be my last adventure. However, they were hopes that I knew were foolish, I had already been given a mission in this world, and even if I did not want to do it fate did not seem to agree with my decisions.
I don't know who assigned me to this world, but whatever he wants me to do I will not live as he wants me to. After a long reflection, I gathered my clothes by the lake and watched as my grandmother finished preparing the bonfire to leave the roast meat in my care. In the middle of my contemplations, was the soft landing of the albatross on the waters of the river, who seemed indifferent to my presence.
"Help me take off my bandages". Said Grandma "I want to relax while dinner is ready."
On the trip, she had taken it upon herself to be the one to help change the bandages. Earlier she had tried to do it herself but had only succeeded in opening the wound.
"Where will we go when we get out of this Grandma?". I asked her as I helped her with the bandages, as the wound had healed rather quickly. I was intrigued to know what our next plans were.
"We'll go to the nearest town, we need to restock on a few things, then we'll go see some acquaintances to warn them of what's going on. We will also need to get a sword to show you and lastly, we will look for a new place to live" stated, removing her blindfold.
"The sword is your best weapon?". I asked curiously due to the confidence in her words.
"...Not really, it's the spear I used to ride a horse, but I was still better than most wielding a sword".
"Why don't you teach me about the spear then?". I trusted Grandmother's expertise, my knowledge was only based on hand-to-hand combat and handling firearms, and I had never used a bladed weapon.
"you are ambidextrous, a spear would only limit the potential of your other hand, and your strength will allow you to handle two weapons, be it two swords or whatever is to your liking, I'll just give you the basics, now take care of the food I'll go wash up."
"seems safe, I don't think the orcs have made it this far." It was a wide pass with a small nature trail, which looked like it hadn't been used in a long time.
A smile appeared on the grandmother's lips "Surely not, near this area, there are Númenórean colonies, they won't risk being so close to their borders".
Númenor, apparently they were the most advanced humans in this world, according to the movies they were the ancestors of the people of the nations that appeared in the lord of the Rings, but I knew little of what happened to them.
"shall we go there?" I was curious about what Grandma's birthplace would be like and wanted to see an advanced society.
"yes, I think it's time to go back, there is no better village where you will learn to fight than mine also they are the safest place from any trouble we might have. We will stay out of trouble for a while, although my village is not a warm host for strangers'.
In this world, the moon could be seen. The moon was full that night, a perfect circle of pale white light illuminating the night. grandma used to call it Nîlû when I was little and told me the stories of the man on the moon, according to her it was a being who secretly hid on the island of the Moon, and built his minaret inside the Mountains of the Moon there.
The moon was no different from the one I knew, and I had witnessed this sight many times in the past. However, I felt drawn to the vision now, lost in its vision as I felt I could observe it with absolute clarity.
"The order of the heron was that cause to which I swore my allegiance, the heron and the stars are the most important symbols in the teachings of the Cult of Ulmos."
I watched as Grandmother gazed at the moon with reverence for a moment before bowing her head, closing her eyes, and clasping her hands together in front of him in silent prayer. After a few more moments of hesitation, I decided to give them a brief prayer. Their prayers finished, and I turned to the left and saw Grandma approaching me.
"You have received blessings beyond any known power my dear Dirhaël, there are still stories to be told and secrets to come out. A hard road lies ahead but you will not be alone, you have my full help from now on" The words of the grandmother, were just an echo for me as I saw how her figure seemed to change with a flash of lights, leaving behind her old figure to a woman who looked barely in her forties. Gone was her gray hair, giving way to ruby-red hair,
The usual albatross that had arrived again only to land on Grandma's shoulders.
"It was always you, you knew it was happening from before, this was a test all could have died" Surprise had given way to realization every time I thought about it, it had been all a hoax. It was a recurring question in my mind.
"I've already told you I'm not that weak boy, though I couldn't do many boys either, I had oaths to keep. It was not a test of mine but of fate. You have been given an important mission, and me to protect you and guide you on this path." She clasped me in her arms as she patted my back hoping to calm me down.
"...I think I need time" I said after a while pulling away from her grip, it might be hypocritical of me to be upset that such a big secret has been kept from me, but the discomfort and surprise didn't let me think clearly no matter how hard I looked for the reason.
"I'm sorry, I know it may seem like everything has been a lie to you, but my love for you is" She said as he put her hand back on my shoulder and looked at me sincerely.
I crawled into my sack and fell into a deep sleep almost immediately after lying down.