Chapter 5: Private jets and Bullets
Simon's Pov-
Eric's bird location wasn't very far since he had photographed the ship in upstate New Jersey, Only an hour's drive but a man as powerful as Simon leaving the state brought a lot of attention as he booked a hotel room for a few nights. He fell into deep thought about how this trip would look to the board of directors, since there were a few eyes always watching from the Shadows from inside the company the trip needed to seem as innocent as possible, especially on the off chance someone had already entered the company that had a connection with the mogs.
The thought of whether the mogs would try to infiltrate the company had been wiggling around his head for awhile now truly ever since he was able to confirm that they were making deals with Governments all over the world. The thought wasn't completely without merit Swift Co. had high-level government contracts From research and development to construction to telecommunication access.
It would make the mog's goals easier to take over the world if they infiltrated major corporations like Swift Co. would make things easier but then again mogs were arrogant and to them, swift co. might just be seen as subordinates under the government.
Either way, he would have to be careful. Though the biggest issue that brings out is money sure he was rich filthy rich even, usually for big expenses are logged within the company, where they can be monitored by the board of directors since Every single Warehouse, Safehouse, Security contractor, or even mode of transportation would need to be hidden and only known to those he could truly trust.
For now he would have to pay through his own private funds that the company had no access to not the company funds they could monitor and while that could help for a while it wouldn't be enough to fund a full rebellion against the mogodorians. Honestly just buying a warehouse and a few spare safehouses off the books from That Unscrupulous Blackhearted Mr.Dare had already put a big dent in his personal funds, But that did not discourage him any.
He had already made plans to secure the necessary funds for the future he had proposed to the board to start a new subsidiary under Swift Co. that he would be in charge of for R and D that he staked his name on The greedy members of the board seeing it as a way to get rid of Simon when he fails approved to necessary funds but the trick was Smino would use low-end loric technology to fake advancements he would have to be careful just enough to be realistic so the mogs Don't recognize it as loric technology but enough that the board would be forced to say the investment was a sound one. As long as he walked the tight rope carefully he would be able to fully fund the loric rebellion.
But thinking back to this trip, Swift Co. had factories and facilities all over the world So when Simon planned their trip he tried to make it look like a random inspection of a random facility while a little unusual, doing so out of the blue he had done similar inspections in other regions in the past but he had never brought Damien to an inspection. Especially after proposing a new Subsidiary for R and D. but to those watching eyes on the board, Hopefully, it would look like he helping Damien gain experience in business management.
Becoming Damien's Cepan Hadn't made Simon lose his touch of style that he had spent a lifetime perfecting as a ridiculously wealthy Individual which was made evidently clear as they drove in a Becker Luxury Full-size GM SUV with an all-black leather interior towards their desired destination. Simon noticed how his nephew's eyes glistened at the sight of the car which he found quite strange while yes his nephew was only six he should have been accustomed to their lavish lifestyle but he acted as if in awe at the luxury vehicle But it was just a passing observation so he didn't think much of it.
(Damien grew up rich but while he never experienced the memories of being poor in past life he could see the books movies shows where and see the importance of money giving him a new perspective so in awakening it stopped him from developing into a spoiled rich kid that took his riches for granted.)
Damien's Pov-
Damien couldn't believe how cool the car was now He had driven in it with uncle dozens of times but it was a completely new experience like before it was black and white and now he was seeing it in color. Even beyond the cool car that made him feel like Batman a little bit he was filled with excitement, Maybe it was just the excitement from getting to leave the tower for the first time since he had first awakened his knowledge or maybe it was knowing that they were trying to save the world since but either way he couldn't stop from bouncing in his seat the entire way to new jersey.
Mike and Ike as trained professionals saw the differences in behavior from the Younger Swift but chose to ignore it writing it off as a new weird quirk of their employers whose odd behavior was piling higher and higher as the days passed. Damien thought about Mike and Ike when he finally calmed down Letting them in was a huge risk he had a lingering fear of how bad things could go if even after hearing what the Mogs truly were if they chose to run to the government and expose but one lesson he had learned from his new knowledge is if you have to do something alone sometimes its not worth doing at all. He would need people and if there was anyone he could trust to fight for humanity it was Mike and Ike.
(I know that's a bit soapy but I feel like if you shoved a bunch of content in a little kid's head they would either go two ways either they would go super emo rebirth of Sasuke or full Naruto investing in the power of friendship)
'After we bring in Mike and Ike they will need them to vet other trustworthy people and Uncle Simon had already made plans for a few others that are completely trustworthy though he hasn't told me yet. Though in the future we won't need to tell everyone we recruit every detail about the loric or even about the loric at all there as long as we recruit truly trustworthy people then we can hire mercenaries and grunts for hire to fill in the gaps as long as we limit exposure to the big secrets. Even the standard security guards at Swift Tower that worked under Mike and Ike could be used to support the cause since they were already under strict non-disclosure agreements and that's just the security team for the swifts.' Damien thought.
'The actual security team for the tower itself was between 80 and 100 guards at all times not that they would be able to recruit all of them but maybe about a quarter so as long as they recruited Mike and Ike they had the foundations for a small army' Damien thought. As that thought passed through his head he let out a little maniacally. getting odd looks from the three adults in the car waving them off.
(Maybe a little bit of madara)
Damien Imagined the ship as they closed in on their destination, not even giving thought to failure When they Reached Janus he'd Undoubtedly be near the ship. The Pi Alexander Duvo that Uncle Simon had hireds called just as they pulled up. Damien watched how his uncle's face shifted between expression as he spoke to the Pi while he couldn't hear the details the overall look of his uncles face turning purple in frustration showed he didn't like what he heard. As we drove around and old wooden lodge we caught sight of The PI sitting on a lawn chair in a matching lawn chair beside him was a figure that was bound with duct tape and unconscious.
Eric Bird our would be photographer who was going to upload the photo was the man who was currently bound and unconscious. Uncle Simon exited the vehicle in a fury rushing over to the men.
"Are you out of your god damned mind I just told you to hold him until we get here," Uncle Simon yelled at the man.
Uncle Simon and Alexander Duvo had a strange relationship he had hired him several times over the years and trusted him, trusted him enough to even investigate Damien's parent's death and the connection it may have had to the hostile takeover attempt four years prior. He was dressed in a Hawaiian shirt with shades shorts and a bucket hat almost like he was on vacation.
"Holy shit you didn't kill him did you?" Uncle Simon continued to yell at Alexander. Damien got out of the car after Mike and Ike Studying the older man.
" Look Kid, Guy's fine I gave him a bottle of water he sat down for a nappy time," Alexander responded in a gruff voice.
"Just like that one should be, What the Fuck! Why'd you bring a kid, Kid?" he asked raising his voice causing Eric to stir. He sat up slightly. Uncle SImon removed the duct tape quickly
"What happened?," Eric asked in a whinny Voice holding his head. Damien doubted he knocked him out with a roofie the way he was clutching his head. Uncle Simon Started to answer but Alexander waved at him to stay silent.
"I don't know, I was out here going a walk looking for a place to put my chairs up to watch the sunrise with my buddy and his nephew, and then there you are stumbling around I saw you drop your camera over the cliff side and was going to fall yourself I pulled you back and you passed out on my spare chair" Alexanders whole attitude had changed from when we approached as he told his lie with expertise. His words had a menacing tone daring him to disagree with his version of events.
"Thank you so much, sir," Eric bird says in tears very fearful of the oldman. Nodding along like a bobblehead. His camera was sitting right next to the Oldman in full view he made no attempt to hide it.
"So, since you seem to be fine now you might want to finish your walk now, Though you did happen to drop your wallet I noticed how you live on Arthur Street My Cousin lives over there I might see you over there sometime maybe we can meet up that is if you ever want to reminisce about your walking adventures," Alexander said continuing the use of the menacing tone, Eric Bird stood abruptly stood Nodding even more vigorously clearly understanding the implied threat In Alexanders words and by the wet stain growing on his crotch all present were pretty confident he would never mention that day to anyone they all watched as Eric runs down the dirt path.
'scan the old man' I think.
Name: Alexander Duvo Age=56
str:83 agi:55 vit:55
Int:200 charm: 104
Powers and Abilities=
Ex-bag man- A sleeping tiger still got claws
Godlike Marksmanship- can shoot the wings of a fly that is sitting on another fly's wing
Cruelty- I can make him talk just step out of the room and turn off the cameras
Grandmaster Bullshiter- when he tells you a lie it seems more believable than the truth.
Gambling Addiction- The Track took all my money again
Godlike tracking skills- No matter where you go he'll find you like John Wick or Freddy Kreuger
Master street fighter- If you ain't fighting dirty you ain't trying
'The old man is strong for a base human' Damien thinks while studying his stats.
"So you're still up to your Tricks up your sleeve arent you getting to old?," Uncle Simon says as soon Eric is out of range. So did you see the Guy we're?"
"The man you're looking for is still here a few miles up the road with a strange-looking ship" Alexander replied with a sigh." you going to tell me what's going on kid?"
Damien rushed over to pick up the camera from beside Alexander. He brought up the last shot that was taken and it even had a sign showing where the ship had landed it was marked only 20 minutes ago he handed the camera to his uncle. After checking the Photo, Simon nodded to Alexander Asking a silent question to his nephew of whether he wanted to trust him.
Damien thought for a second and made a decision. If Uncle Simon trusted this guy he would be good enough for him plus even if Alexander's status was a bit troubling he would be an asset to help save the world group.
"Well, come with us to find out," Simon said with a smirk. He looked over at Damien. The way he looked at Damien you would think Alexander was the one with the ability to scan people.
"Hmm... you're a bit sharp for a little shit I'm gonna call you Ace," Alexander said to Damien after he studied him for a moment. Damien hated the nickname it was even worse than being called Kid.
"Well I'll call you old man, Old man," Damien relied sticking out his tongue and pulling down his eye in provocation. Which makes the old man laugh.
Mike and Ike had already gotten into the car after Eric had left choosing not to comment but showing disapproving looks, Alexander walked towards the car and opened the passenger of the front seat where Ike had been sitting and said "Move your ass Dandelion I'm sitting in the front."
Ike followed his orders in a hurry which Damien didn't blame him for at all. As they made their way Ike tried to get some answers since at this point it was going beyond the duties of protection it seemed as if they were adding and abetting a crime but Simon Persuaded them into just waiting until after and then everything would make sense. They finally reached where Janus was trying to stash the ship.
"When we get up there, I need to be the one to talk to him," Damien tells his uncle. Who grows a frown at his nephews words. He almost disagrees then Damien cuts him off. "I can convince him I know what he needs to hear to trust us."
That statement makes him pauseand he then thinks and then after what seems like an eternity Simon Nods. Ike who had been listening had a look of utter confusion.
The car stops. The engine dies and They all step out. They start walking and after a few minutes, They find it. All of their mouths drop in surprise.
"woah" Damien expells in amazement at the extravagant aircraft. He quickly moves towards it dodging the hands of the adults who try to grab him from getting closer.
"Janus"Damien screams as loud as he can as he reaches the ship.
After a few seconds, a head appears around the other side of the shift he is on guard and has a gun pointed at the group of strange men. Uncle Simon Tries to grab my shoulder to pull me back. Mike and Ike try to get in front of Damien and the old man pulls out a gun.
"STOP!" Damien yells. Of course that didn't carry much weight since Damien is six. Janus shoots in the air above Them a warning shot in an attempt to ward Them off.
"Janus we are here to take you to Your Sister Zophie and to Help the Garde," Damien yelled out.
This gives him pause he drops his arm his gun is safely pointed at the ground. His face is full of shock.
"Zophie Made it off of Lorien?" He asked in his thick Lorien accent. That sounded french.
"Yes, Zophie, Lexa, and Crayton Took the old Ship from the Loric Museum along with Raylan's chimera and a newborn baby," Damien says. He looked extremely happy for a moment and then his eyes steel.
"How do you know this You aren't Loric?" he says in an untrusting accusatory tone. Damien had been thinking about how He would answer this question ever since He decided to go after Janus first.
"The Entity of Lorien disliked how many of its Chosen died for it to grow here. It chose me as the First Pure Human Garde to try and make the transition easier" Damien tells him. Damien can see him relax a bit but he still has that look of disbelief in his eyes.
"Why would Lorien choose to help you rather than its own world." He asked incredulously.
" The Loric Knew its fate for Centuries And didn't do anything to stop it thinking it Impossible and their Hubris was their downfall." Damien knew he would believe it because all the loric knew of the prophecy forecasting the destruction of Lorien was coming but they just believed it was a fringe group of conspiracy theorists and nut jobs plus having that knowledge proved that Damien could see it in his eyes that he believed him. He dropped the gun.
Mike and Ike watched the drama array of shocked looks looking back and forth between the two people discussion an alien civilization. The old man is just keeping his eyes on Janus. Uncle Simon puts a hand on the Ship Amazed by it and in complete awk of what the loric had accomplished.
"Guys this is Janus, Janus is an alien from a planet called Lorien," Damien says in a matter-of-fact tone speaking to the old man and his two personal guards. Mike and Logan tense up. The old man looks at Simon.
"Don't worry, He's part of the Good Guys. There's this alien race called Mogodorians that have advanced technology they are here to steal our resources, knock us down a peg on the evolutionary scale, and wipe out the rest of their race." Simon explains picking up where his nephew started on the explanation." two months ago we were given information on the loric and the Mogodorians so we could prepare to stop the Mogodorians to succeed in their goals.
"We are trying to Help the Loric so that they can Stop The Mogodorians and save the world," Simon told them." we brought you here not only to help Janus and the other loric but hopefully recruit you and to help us save the world."
He paused studying them and what he saw was inspiring Mike and Ike's faces looked like they were ready for war trusting Uncle Simon's words completely. Though Alexander looked suspicious.
"Why would you tell us? why not the military involved sure they ain't good for much else but they are always itching for a fight," Alexander said in his gruff tone.
"That is where things get harder," Simon said with an exasperated Sigh As he brought a few folders out from his briefcase handing one to three men and one to Janus. Inside was proof that the government was working with the Mogodorians.
They studied it and He could see how the information crushed Mike and Ike since they were true patriots but they were not blind to corruption in the system so they believed the information was viable, especially standing in front of a space ship.
Simon Shakes janus hand on reflex as he walks over to hand back the folder.
"When Loric chose me it showed me how things would go in the future without our involvement and things aren't very pretty so I'm trying to change things I saw that this was when you got exposed to the mogs and when they took the ship so we planned around that to make sure it never happened," Damien said.
He had been preparing what he would say to others about why he knew stuff for the last two months at first he was just going to play it off as an early legacy but then he realised if he told people he could see the future once he changed things and no longer knew the future they would know he lied. Janus nods a little stillin shock and mild disbelief.
"Do you have any way to prove this other than your knowledge of lorien and my sister?" Janus asks still on guard ready to make a run for it if he needs to. Damien Opens his Status 'personal status Mode off' He think and the screen appears in front of them though Damien just lets them get apeak at it not wanting to show any of my information. It is enough to prove especially since the screen is the same bluish-green color as the loric pendents.
"As Ceo Of Swift Co., I've already acquired a Warehouse nearby to take the ship I've rented a truck a few miles away that we have registered anonymously so once we move it we will be completely safe from the mogs." Uncle Simon tells Janus." We have The company Private jet waiting to take us to Egypt where Your Sister's Ship Crashed a year ago."
Janus was overjoyed By the news but was a little freaked out that we were so well planned to hide the ship and go after his sister. Damien Listens to them talk about the details for a few minutes. The old man seems to come to terms with aliens existing the Quickest. He honestly looks Eager to fight whether that is the government or aliens Damien wasn't sure.
Mike and Ike were silently processing the last twenty minutes Uncle Simons new found strength and Damien's increased intelligence fell into place like Puzzle pieces. When it looked like both had come terms to with it. Damien walked over to them.
"We Love Working for you and your uncle and before we worked for Him we fought for our country if the whole world is in Danger it's our duty to fight for it," Mike says. Ike nods in agreement.
"What about you Old man," Damien say to Alexander. He smirks while calling him old man.
"Listen here Ace, if the fate of the world is in yours and the kid's hands we are all doomed so I guess I'll lend a hand if it's good for me," He says sending a smirk right back at Damien
"Ok cool well Guys first thing on the agenda we are going to have to split up one of you needs to come with us to Egypt with us and the others going to go with the Old Man," Damiens tells Mike and Ike.
"Where am I going?" Alexander asks losing the smirk.
"You're going off to find a cheerleader and stop her from shoplifting in California," Damien says matter of factly. Damien realized Uncle Simon is right we should have eyes on Number one Just in Case the mogs find her early. Plus if they Catch her shoplifting and get her picture even if we keep her in a safehouse they'll find her sooner or later.
The Old Man Scrunches his Eyes together in confusion as if Damien was talking in riddles. Damien chuckles at the expression and walk away.
"What do you mean a cheerleader?" he yells at me.
" Uncle Simon Will Give you the details," Damien Says as He gets into the car to wait for the others. "We are just getting Started"