Lost and Longing.

Chapter 129: :)Ch129

Aayla smacked a hand to her own face in exasperation at Ahsoka's reaction. "You've spent way too much time around Harry if you're talking like that, especially to a Jedi Master."

"I don't see a vaunted Jedi Master in front of me," Ahsoka growled not even bothering to face Aalya, nor allowing her humor to defuse things, still affixing Shaak Ti with a glare, her voice still trembling with emotion, "All I see is a coward with a guilty conscience deflecting blame from themselves for nearly getting me killed."

Both women could feel the buildup of Force in the area. The rattling sound in the area grew and it became very obvious exactly what it was as the pile of jewelry began to shift as pieces flew into the air, but it wasn't just the jewelry. The miniature trunks and crates were also shifting and beginning to move in response to Ahsoka's emotions.

Aayla opened her mouth to say something to try and calm the situation first, but Ahsoka cut her off.

The former padawan seemed completely unaware of it as she finally turned to include Aayla in her accusing gaze, "You weren't there!" Her voice was filled with pain and desolation.

Aayla attempted to move forward to give the girl physical comfort only to be stopped by a warning in the Force as a chair flew through the area she would have stepped into. It wouldn't have done serious damage but it definitely would have smarted.

"You weren't the one that was humiliated!" Ahsoka cried as tears welled up in her blue eyes and began to run down her face. "You weren't basically told all of your accomplishments in the war weren't worth sithspit as your battlefield privileges were revoked!"

As she spoke nearly everything in the room save for the table that Harry had stuck to the ground with a sticking charm earlier, lifted and began to whirl around chaotically, forcing both Shaak Ti and Aayla to step back or avoid flying objects several times.

"You weren't expelled from the Order!" Ahsoka half snarled as she seemed completely unaware of what was happening as she continued her diatribe. "You didn't have your padawan braid, a braid that meant everything to you, ripped off of you like you were the scum of the galaxy!"

She pointed a finger accusingly at Shaak Ti, as her voice shook in rage, "All while she was one of the ones who sat up in the judgment chairs and didn't say a fucking word in my defense."

Shaak Ti had to spin backwards as Ahsoka pointed at her, as first a goblet, then some sort of jeweled dagger flew through the space she had been only a moment earlier.

"And I certainly never received a sincere and true apology from those nerfuckers after putting me through that." Ahsoka spat angrily, her voice continuing to rise in volume, "No, Ahsoka Tano, troublemaker Padawan was told 'oops! Our bad!' and that it was a good learning experience... that it was a trial they were proud I could overcome!"

Her statement was punctuated by the smaller of the two chairs in the area smashing down on the place Shaak Ti was standing, forcing her to dodge. She attempted to move forward to get to Ahsoka, with the intent of grabbing her and stopping this outpouring of power but she found forward momentum hard as wind seemed to radiate from Ahsoka in waves. Wind that was then accompanied small shrunken trunk projectiles and pieces of jewelry and furniture that were whirling through the area at ever faster speeds.

Both Aayla and Shaak Ti were forced to take cover behind the table which seemed to be the only unmoving part of the room as the whirlwind and the area of devastation seemed to grow wider.

"Ahsoka!" Aayla cried out trying to snap the girl out of it, though she was forced to duck back behind the table when a large bejeweled axe slammed edge first into said table, embedding with more than enough force to lodge itself in the wood of the table, and less than an inch from her face.

Ahsoka completely ignored both their plight and the calling out of her name as she continued her rant, her eyes glowing a radiant blue as energy seemed to pour from them, "It wasn't just her. Did any of the Council visibly support me in the trial? Just my Master. Oh wait… he's not on the Council, and he's not a Master. He's too attached, too arrogant and reckless!"

Her voice had risen to a crescendo as she screamed, "So why should I even listen to you? I certainly wasn't given the chance to argue in my own defense. And from where I'm standing, your way just ends up with everyone betrayed, dead, and unmourned!"

Aayla was struck at Ahsoka echoing the senses from her vision but now was not the moment to sit and meditate on it, not with this whirlwind maelstrom of Force energy and the rant Ahsoka was currently on. More important was getting to her and stopping her. Aayla wished she had a blaster she could set to stun. She didn't even think that Jedi techniques that could calm or even put someone to sleep would work.

"When I needed you most, you all betrayed me! Everything I've been since I was a child was in the Jedi Order. They took that from me. You all abandoned me and left me all alone… with nothing!" Her scream was practically an inhuman screech of agony. "I have nothing! I am nothing!"

Aayla and Shaak Ti looked at each other attempting to come up with a way to get to the padawan when they both noticed something out of the corner of their eyes, causing them to turn as one.

Harry was walking forward into the chaos.

Aayla's voice caught in her throat. Harry's face showed the same determination she had seen there when they first encountered the slavers. Only now his eyes were glowing with emerald energy, and his entire being seemed to ripple with Force power.

Harry strode into the whirling maelstrom created by Ahsoka, barely sparing a look toward where the Jedi Masters were crouched for protection. They watched as he stepped right into the path of the whirling items, now whipping by at deadly speeds. Only just before anything hit him it seemed to divert itself and go around him, while Harry's stride didn't even break.

Ahsoka had fallen silent and watching as Harry approached her through the whirlwind though her body still heaved with the feeling of unchecked and unrestrained emotions.

He stopped in front of her, he made no attempt to touch her or knock her out. Items continued to fly through the air, and be diverted around him. He simply stood there looking down into her eyes while she looked up into his. Neither said anything for several seconds before he spoke.

His voice was firm, lacking the frantic tones Aayla had when trying to get Ahsoka's attention, much less the emotion in Ahsoka's voice. That did not make it any less filled with power.


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