Lost and Longing.

Chapter 132: :)Ch132

Harry shrugged looking unconcerned, but addressed Aayla's statement directly, surprising both of them in the response, "Maybe that's because she's leaping to conclusions rather than actually asking me any questions."

"I am simply making observations," Shaak Ti replied evenly.

"True, and you can observe all you want, but until you actually propose a question to me, I'm going to continue thinking you're an idiot," He paused and smiled slightly. "Albeit an idiot with at least some sense of humor."

"Why should I ask, when I have nothing to verify the truth of what you tell me? I am however able to observe you and come up with some factual observations," Shaak Ti countered, her stance still guarded but her tone was even as she watched him.

Harry grinned and hopped backwards and up onto the table he was leaning against. Taking a moment to cross his legs and looked at Shaak Ti with a very amused expression on his face. "Oh this should be good. Okay then Jedi Master Shaak Ti. Why don't you amaze me with your observations?"

Aayla was about to jump in, wondering if this was the best idea given Harry's unique approach to things. She had already seen that amused expression on his face and knew there was a trap coming even if she couldn't figure out where from yet.

She was about to speak up and interject but Harry waved her off. "No no, I'm genuinely curious about what little Miss Observer has so 'expertly' concluded," His voice carrying more than a little note of challenge.

Shaak Ti tilted her head slightly in acknowledgement of the challenge "Observation one. You obviously use the Force. Yet I am unable to sense you, hiding yourself in a way only the Sith have been able to do."

"Observation two. You don't care to guard your emotions, and you are encouraging Ahsoka Tano to follow your lead," Shaak Ti gestured around at the chaos that was once an organized room for emphasis. She stated her point clearly wanting to outline them though she refrained from ticking them off on her fingers, not wanting to be caught off guard should she provoke Harry into something.

"Observation three. You have taken a padawan who had a lot of potential and was on her way to becoming a great part of our Order, and in a matter of days under your influence is now displaying extreme and uncontrolled anger. Several steps down the path of the use of the Dark Side," Her voice was hard and accusatory.

"Observation four. Several Masters, both those deeply attuned to the force and those less so, have sensed that you represent a vergence in the Force. Master Secura herself believes that you are going to play a role in deciding the fate of the Jedi," Her eyes narrowed and mistrust was clear on her face.

That mistrust in her expression did not ease up at all. In fact it just deepened as she saw Harry seemed completely unsurprised by her statement. A glance at Aayla had Aayla's face flushing and her eyes downcast in guilt. "A fact she has apparently shared with you," Shaak Ti added dryly.

"Observation five is that suspiciously the visions of the Council have been shadowed by the dark side of late. Yet somehow around you several have had glimpses of the future," she continued picking up the thread of her points.

"Observation six is that you dislike the Jedi Order, displayed by both your actions and your words. One may even go so far as to say that you hate them," Shaak Ti said, choosing her words deliberately and watching Harry for any sign of mood change. When he looked to be still watching to see if she had any more points, Shaak Ti continued.

"Given those observations what conclusion would you draw?" Shaak Ti demanded, her shoulders straightening slightly.

"Er… given those observations? I'd say that your Order inhibits critical thinking more than I initially thought." Harry replied scratching the side of his head as he considered the question, "Well either that or it's a personal failing and you're an idiot. Of course there is also the possibility of it not really being idiocy. The other possibility is some sort of mental handicap."

He paused to examine her cautiously, "Though you don't really seem mentally handicapped. Still… disabilities can present in so many different ways."

"Harry…" Aayla said warningly, not missing the slight tightening of irritation on Shaak Ti's face. A sure sign that even Shaak Ti's patience had its limits.

"Oh all right…" Harry sighed and then looked thoughtful, and unlike Shaak Ti had no reservations about what to do with his hands as he began to tick off on his fingers "Er, let's see here. Observation one: you're wrong, though only technically. Observation two: you're wrong and you're right so I'll give you half credit for that one. Observation three: you're wrong. Observation four: I don't see how that's my problem, nor do I really give a shit, and observation five: ditto. You did actually manage to get observation six right though!"

Harry took a moment to count on his fingers. "So congratulations, out of six of your amazing observations that's one and a half right conclusions. Gotta say, I'm not feeling all that impressed here."

"I fail to see where I am wrong in any of my observations., after all, just because you say something is wrong does not make it so," Shaak Ti replied evenly, her tone even as she met Harry's gaze with her dark eyes.

"Just because you fail to see something wrong, does not make it right," Harry countered with a shake of his head "Anyway, we'll come back to the irony and hypocrisy of a Jedi making a statement like that at some later date."

Harry shook his head before his tone turned from purely condescending to condescending and lecturing, "Let's take a look at what you assumed there. First, I don't use the Force, I use Magic."

"They are the same thing, Harry," Aayla interjected with a frown. She hadn't really wanted to get into the argument but she felt obliged to help Shaak Ti out, having experienced firsthand Harry's argument style before

"So you'd be okay with me walking around and telling people you used Magic?" Harry inquired. When her jaw closed, he nodded, "Yeah. I thought not. So why should I label what I do by the Order's limited views?"

Harry moved on to her next observation. "As for guarding my emotions? Um. Simple question. Are you able to sense them right now?"

Shaak Ti and Aayla both exchanged a look. Shaak Ti shook her head slightly and responded negatively. Aayla whose empathic abilities were stronger than most any in the Order had only been able to sense his emotions for those two brief periods when they were falling through the air and after he had stopped the explosion. Otherwise neither had been able to do so.


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