Lost Journal of a Doomed Transmigrator

Chapter 1: Day One

"You judge people not by their actions, but by their heart."

You may disagree, but I shall explain from the beginning. A beginning where we had no clue about their plans. 

I woke up on a hard, cold stone. Sharp edges were boring into my back. The area was pitch black, and I was obviously in some kind of cave because I could see light sipping in from one side.

I stood, utterly confused, since I went to sleep in my bed last night. I quickly made my way to the entrance where moonlight shone. An ethereal blue light from twin moons was illuminating large trees all around the cave entrance. The cave was at the bottom of a steep mountain. A single, lone mountain. 

I was so utterly confused, but I quickly became scared. I walked into the dark forest like every dumb person in horror movies. I felt incredibly sleepy, as if I never slept at all before coming here.

I also looked at the moons in the sky. One was very big, or was it close? It was an icy blue, full moon. The other moon peaked out from behind. It was a grey moon like the one from earth, but just a bit smaller or further away.

I could hear the pounding of my heart in my ears, and that was when I noticed that the forest was dead silent. Not even bugs were making sounds. I thought the forest was empty. 

I walked through the forest, and a feeling of dread washed over me. It was just too quiet. And I didn't concentrate properly because of my fear of this stillness. Everything felt out of place, even I felt out of place for walking around in just pajama shorts.

I heard hurried footsteps, fast enough to sound like a sprint, on my left. Before I could fully turn, I was toppled onto my back. 

Gnarly squeals and slimy spit spill out of a mouth with sharp teeth. I just grabbed it by its green neck, quickly noticing its humanoid form. It was punching me, and trying to hold me down as it straddled me like a wrestler.

Soon I heard footsteps all around me, and then I felt excruciating pain on my knee. Some other small creature, like the one on top of me, was lifting a wooden club for a second strike.

In front of danger, people either have a fight or flight response. This experience taught me that I have the former.

I pull the goblin-like creature to the side to roll away from the second club strike near my leg. I ended up on top of the creature, and gave it a punch and elbow to the jaw. 

It was trying to hold onto me as I struggled to get up. Before I could even find my balance with my fucked knee, I was tackled again by another greenskin. The one that I punched was already dragging itself towards me while there was one on top of me.

I rolled away again in anticipation of another club strike. My instincts were right, since I heard a loud thud right where I was. 

Now the goblin was beneath me, so I whipped his ass with my fist and elbow consecutively at his eyes. I got up quickly, just to get hit on my navel with a club swing.

I tumbled on the ground on my back. I saw all three goblins a few steps from me, on their way to attack again. Two were badly bleeding from their faces and stood up slowly, while the closest one had a club.

"You fuckers!" I groaned more than screamed as I struggled to stand up. I was still on one knee when I noticed the goblin with the club already reaching for an overhead strike, right in front of me.

I pushed with all my power through my one leg to tackle this bastard on its back. It dropped the club, and I just started swinging my fist with all my power to kill it. Both my knuckles and wrist already hurt like hell, but the adrenaline dimmed the pain. He quickly became still and unmoving after the 4th hit.

I moved towards the club behind me and grabbed it just as one of the two goblins took it. I noticed his one eye is burst and bleeding everywhere. As I started struggling to rip the club from him, the last one jumped on my back and bit down on my neck.

I screamed in pain and let go of the club. I jumped backwards and landed hard on my back. Luckily there was a rather large rock on the ground, which squished the goblin dead with me on top.

I was too focused to notice all the blood on my neck, as I already moved to dodge a strike from the club. 

One goblin left, and we were both hurt like hell. I attacked, moving in from his right where his eyeball is caved in. He was too slow to react as I landed a full swing punch on his temple, knocking him out completely.

I looked at the three unmoving goblins, and then quickly looked around me for any more of them.

I just panicked and immediately started feeling my neck and how deep the bite marks were. Luckily, I could feel only two holes bleeding in my trap, and not my neck. I noticed that I knocked out some of the goblin's teeth when I first punched and elbowed him.

The fight was so fast, I couldn't keep up with the others while I dealt with one at a time. My breathing was ragged, and my body was sore.

Particularly, my knee and hands were in tremendous pain. It took all my willpower to even stand on the leg that was hit with the club. The bleeding on my neck stopped, the bite was too shallow. Most of the blood on me must have come from the goblin's mouth.

I took the club from the goblin beneath me, and used it as a crutch. I went to each goblin, and looked at their bodies. They were half my size with only a loincloth, and two of them were still breathing. I ignored the twist in my gut as I lifted the club to smash their heads. Needless to say, their flat, caved-in faces looked disgusting in the moonlight. 

I threw up against the tree. Surprisingly, it didn't bother me that I killed something. It was just so gross that I couldn't stomache it.

My naked torso was covered with splatters of warm blood, and it smelled disgusting. I kept gagging.

I tried to figure out where I came from, and where the cave is while I limped around with the club. I just ended up being lost again and couldn't even find where the three bodies were.

My knee was in pain, but I just kept moving.

I panicked a little, but eventually reached the cave. I have no idea for how long I walked in circles and how I made my way back. I slipped in the narrow entrance. After a bit of walking, I realised that the cave has a dead end about 10 meters in. 

I sat down against the cold stone, in utter pain, and complete exhaustion. I was angry with myself for wandering outside in the darkness. I was even more scared of what I encountered in a complete silent forest. Even thinking of the two, icy, blue moons were giving me a shiver down the spine.

I fell asleep like a moron. And just like that my first day came to an end. Or should I even call it a day?

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