Chapter 13: Chapter 13 : what kind of strange sound is that ?
Amelia: is he coming to ?.
Amelia's excitement turns to silence when she learns that Damien is also coming on the trip. But she can't do anything, Damien is the boss, it is his wish whether to come on the trip or not.
All the other employees were also a little scared as this was their first trip with their boss. But still, no one can avoid the excitement of the trip. With this excitement the plane departs from Hamburg, Germany towards Andaman.
The journey of the trip was long, after 15 hours everyone breathed in the open air of Andaman. It seems as if the sea of Andaman takes away all their tiredness. Everyone stays at the Silver Sand Beach Resort in Port Bali.
Silver Sand Beach Resort Offers well-appointed cottages with modern amenities. The resort provides business services and is known for its hospitality, making it a good choice for corporate stays.
At Silver Sand Beach Resort on Havelock Island, the Andaman Cottages offer a blend of comfort and modern amenities amidst lush garden surrounding . These cottages are designed to provide a serene retreat, allowing guests to enjoy the natural beauty of Havelock Island while having access to modern comforts.
Cottages were booked for all the employees and a pool villa was booked for the boss. 2 people were to stay in each cottage. Tina and Amelia were in a cottage. This is how the cottage was chosen. At Silver Sand Beach Resort on Havelock Island, the Pool Villas and Andaman Cottages are situated within the same resort premises. There was not much distance between the pool villa and the cottage.
Actually this trip was quite long; it took them a whole day to reach here but their determination to see this heaven was worth it.It was 11 in the morning and everyone would meet for lunch after freshening up in their respective cottages. Actually, it was less of a lunch and more of a brunch.
Everyone was very happy to see the food because there were many options of food here. And there were many types of cuisine .Everyone enjoys their food. After eating, some people go out for a stroll, some spend time in the pool. Some go to sleep in their beds.
Amelia and her friends decide that now they will take some rest and then go for a stroll in the evening, watch night markets, do shopping and then have a nice meal at the hotel. And tomorrow they will go to the beach and enjoy all the water games and beach activities.
This is what happens. Amelia and her friends go and stay in their cottage. And rest. At 4 in the evening everyone gets ready and meets at the gate of the cottage area.
Abhi : So let's go friends. First of all let's go to the market.
Max : yess lets go.
Tina : I am very excited.
Kiet : girls are always excited about shopping.
Amelia: ohh …., look like you are not excited. Then if you are not interested , then stay hear. We are going.
Kiet : I am just kidding , Amy. Ohkk I am also excited for this . ohkk.
Amelia : That Right. Let's go guys .
After that all the friends go out to enjoy the night market. Really this market was very good, there were shops of so many different things. There were some unique things too which are only available in the local market here. They had seen these things for the first time.
Most of all, the market which Tina and Amelia enjoy. There were so many types of accessories there. By the time it gets late, after all the shopping, all the friends go to a very good hotel to enjoy their dinner. Everyone was enjoying their dinner.
Max :We used to think that our boss was very rude and arrogant. But this trip has really changed my thinking.
Abhi : yess, you are Right. Perhaps a boss would have given such a trip to his employee.
Amelia was enjoying the trip since morning. But she calms down as soon as she hears Damien's name. With great difficulty she was enjoying the trip forgetting all the things. But just his name reminded her of everything. But Amelia was happy about one thing that from coming here today till now she had not come face to face with Damien even once.
Kiet : I have heard that the drinks are also very good here. So let us order a drink.
Max : you mean alcohol.
Kiet : I have no Problem.
Tina, Amelia and Abhi also had no problem in drinking alcohol because they are not small children. Everyone first enjoys their food and then drinks. Amelia feels a little more confident after drinking alcohol. The other one, Tina, went straight to sleep on the table after drinking. Suddenly everyone gets intoxicated.
Everyone had drunk a lot in excitement, yet only two people were still able to control themselves. Kiet and Amelia.
Somehow they both manage to bring the other three to the cottage. As soon as they reach the cottage, they too feel a little happy that at least they have reached home.
Amelia had caught Tina. After drinking, Tina gets to see a new side. Normally Tina is a mature and shy person and a responsible person. But after drinking she has become a small girl who is very naughty. On the other hand Max was just singing songs the whole way. But after listening to his song, only blood was left coming out of the ears of both of them because after listening to his song their ears were definitely cooked.
But the most fun is that of Lover Boy, that is, the Abhi. Throughout the way, he was expressing his love for Kiet, mistaking him to be Amyra.
Abhi : Amayra…..sorry…boss….sorry…Amayra madam...why you are so cute. You know you look even more beautiful when you are angry. That is why I make you angry.
He says all this while holding Kiet's face. Saying I love you Amayra Madam, he starts kissing his face.
Kiet : Amy, you're laughing. Come help me get rid of this.
Amelia : Yes, I am laughing. But thinking that these three adults can do something like this after drinking. Ohkk ….ohkk ….I will help you.
Amelia was holding Tina with one hand because Tina has become very naughty after drinking, if she leaves her she will disappear. But she helps kiet in whatever way she can.After that kiet somehow makes Max and Abhi sleep in the cottage. On the other hand, Amelia brings Tina and somehow makes her sleep on the bed. Amelia takes off Tina's sandals, makes her lie down properly on the bed and covers her with a blanket.
Amelia: I didn't know that this little girl is so naughty. Only I know how difficult it is to put her to sleep.
Amelia smiles. And was about to go to sleep but then Tom calls. Amelia thinks that if she talks about this then Tina will get up and if Tina gets up then it will be difficult for her to control Tina. That is why she comes out of the cottage after receiving the call.
Amelia: hello.
Tom : Hii , love . How are you ? How is your trip ?
After that Amelia tells Tom about the whole day. Tom is also happy to know that Amelia is enjoying the trip. The view outside the cottage at night was very beautiful. Amelia comes to a little open place to see this view. There was only green grass there. And the sound of the sea was coming from a distance. There were many stars in the sky. But in that silence she hears some noise, as if someone is behind her.
Amelia: What kind of strange sound is that?