Chapter 9: Chapter-9
I swiped my hand on the table, pushing away all the stuff lying on it, making everything fall and scatter around the floor. A loud noise echoed around the study, and the door swung open the next second.
"What the….." Brian stopped mid-sentence as he took in the scene before him, his eyes wide with shock.
My chest heaved up and down as I breathed heavily, glaring at the floor. Blood rushed to my ears and my face was hot from unrestrained anger.
I turned around and punched the window behind me, shattering the glass. A sharp pain shot through my hand as broken glass pieces pierced the skin.
My face prickled as a few small pieces of glass hit me. I was sure it did some damage but I didn't care. The rage bubbling within me was uncontrollable.
I was pulled away from the window with force. I saw red.
"I'll kill everyone. Leave me this instant or I'll kill all of you," I lashed out, pushing away whoever was holding me.
He fell with a thud and I whirled around to see Brian on the floor while two more of my men stood beside him with horrified expressions.
I sneered at them.
"Leave me alone."
"Sorry, Boss." They bowed before leaving the room and shutting the door behind them.
"Do you need a special application to leave the room?" I spat at Brian who was already standing and dusting his shirt.
"Dominic D'Amico. I am not going anywhere and you'll tell me what your problem is," he shouted, louder than necessary but low enough not to be heard by anyone outside.
I ground my teeth and clenched my fists.
"How dare you shout at me? You are my capo and I am your boss. You work for me here. I can kill you right now without any consequences, you know that, right?" I growled and kicked the couch.
"Do you think I can't fight you just because I let you do whatever you want? Because I consider you my brother?" His calm voice grated on my nerves.
I sneered and looked away. He was being irritating and I had half a mind to make a hole through his head.
"Okay, kill me if you think it'll solve your problem. I am here. But I ain't going anywhere."
I grabbed my hair in my fists and pulled them hard, to stop the rage burning within me.
"I'll kill that motherfucking son of a bitch." My voice boomed inside the study.
I banged my hands on the empty table with a loud thump and looked up as my eyes burned with rage.
"He took my Jane."
He frowned a little before realisation hit him and he sighed.
"Oh. So, he finally succeeded. Why don't you just forget about her and marry Alia?"
I shot him a glare, and he ran his fingers through his hair before taking a seat on the couch, which was now a foot away from where it was before.
"See, you are giving a woman too much importance. Don't you realise you're neglecting your duty as the head of your family? You are neglecting your father's dream of ruling the Cosa Nostra, for what? For Rosario's whore?"
Whatever patience I had, just vanished and I found myself taking purposeful strides towards him. Before I could stop myself, I pulled him up by his collar and punched him right in the face.
I heard something cracking and he looked up at me with wide eyes and his hand over his left jaw.
"What did you say?" I whispered, anger dripping from my words like venom.
"Do you think I'll let you off the hook after you talk like that about Jane?"
I pushed him hard and his back hit the wall. I reached for my gun in my holster and pressed it in the middle of his head. My finger itched to pull the trigger.
"Brother or not. I won't tolerate disrespect for Jane. You don't know her like I do. You know about her but I know her."
"Calm down," he spoke in a gentle voice.
"Say something that can stop this madness. Say something before I lose it and shoot you."
"Dominic. Calm down."
I wasn't able to contain the rage in me that was spreading like wildfire, threatening to engulf everything and everyone in its way.
"Say something else, damnit. Or I'll shoot you," I shouted.
I could feel the nerves in my neck stretching and pulsing.
My finger on the trigger twitched, eager to press it, and I shut my eyes, trying to take deep breaths, but nothing was working.
"Okay, okay. Jane is most important right now and we'll get her out of there. Calm down, now. We'll leave for Chicago, today."
I let out a long sigh as I felt the hot anger fading, little by little, my chest felt lighter. I released his collar and my hands slumped, dropping the gun to the carpeted floor with a low thud.
"Don't talk like that about her ever again. Not in front of me, not behind my back. If I hear it again, I won't hesitate to kill you next time," I said, turning away from him.
"I am sorry. I was just concerned about the family and your position. If you are so serious about her, then fine. Let's go, get her back."
"We need a plan."
"Should we ask Alia for help?" he asked and I turned to him with a glare.
He raised his hands in surrender.
"I was just suggesting. She has gotten closer to Rosario, according to Madam Carla's plan. So I just thought…"
Sometimes this motherfucking so-called brother of mine acts dumber than a six-year-old.
"I don't trust her in anything related to Jane. Don't talk like a dumb. Don't you know enough about women like Alia?"
Fucking blockhead.
"Sorry. You're right."
"Unless you are not on my side in this and trying to sabotage my chances of getting Jane back," I raised an eyebrow at him.
His eyes widened, and his mouth hung open.
"Do you really think I'll sabotage you behind your back?"
"Not me. But you can sabotage Jane."
"Come on, Dom. Don't you know me? I know I am not in favour of your relationship with her, but that's public knowledge. I don't hide it from you." He rubbed his jaws. "I won't do anything behind your back. If I want to protest, I'll do that in your face, but if I say I'll help, then I WILL help."
I averted my gaze and glared outside the broken window, at the red ball of fire, going down with every passing minute.
"I know. But I am paranoid when it comes to Jane, and I can't help but doubt everyone, even you and you can't blame me. You don't really have a positive view about her."
"I understand. But, trust me. I am with you in everything. Because whatever I think about your decisions, I know you are smarter than all of us and you won't do anything that'll harm your position or your family."
The chilly wind of Chicago hit my face as I stepped out of my aircraft. Without waiting, I went to the waiting car and slid in. Brian got in soon after and the car started rolling.
It took us around eight hours to decide on an effective plan and make sure neither Mom nor Alia knew where I was going. We left for Chicago at 1 in the morning and in three more hours, I was here to take back my Jane.
They must have reached Chicago an hour ago.
"What's the status?" I asked Brian, drumming my fingers on my thigh.
I was impatient and it was getting difficult to sit still. I'd explain to her about her father later, first I needed to get her out of there.
I had no idea how she'd keep herself safe. It was a race against time and I was determined to win.
Just the thought about Rosario touching her or hurting her made my stomach turn and my heart squeeze painfully.
"Dan is working on getting into their security system. Alex is keeping an eye on the mansion staff. He'll get us some information soon. And we have the blueprint of the whole mansion.
We are almost ready. Dan is an expert. He'll get in. Once Alex gets the required information, we just need a perfect time to get inside."
I pinched the bridge of my nose as I could feel an incoming headache. Everything now depended on Dan and Alex and I felt useless.
"Not we. I'll go inside. Everyone else will stay outside on guard."
His head snapped to me.
"But, how…"
"Too many people will attract attention. No more questions. I'll go alone and that's final." I kept my gaze trained on the road ahead, my face hardened with determination.
"But, let me come with you at least. Two is better than one, Dom."
"I said no," I glowered and he pressed his lips in a thin line as he stared at me for a few seconds before letting out a defeated sigh.