Loyal Lies

Chapter 13: The Unspoken Emotions

The familiar buzz of the classroom welcomed me as I stepped through the door for the first time in a week. Before I could even reach my desk, my two friends immediately approached me.

"Aurora!" Yue wrapped me in a tight embrace. Her jasmine perfume tickling my nose. "We were so worried! Are you really okay now?"

"A whole week," Ezekiel added. "We thought you'd died or something."

I rolled my eyes. "Don't be dramatic."

"Says the one who missed the most crucial lessons before finals," Yue poked my arm. "Did you even study?"

The guilty look on my face must have said it all. Yue's eyes widened in horror while Ezekiel ran a hand through his already messy blonde hair.

"That's it," Yue declared. "Group study session after class. We can catch you up."

"You guys are lifesavers."

When the final bell rang, we head to the parking lot. The late afternoon sun casting long shadows across the asphalt. I was heading toward my car where Silas waited when Ezekiel suddenly called out.

"Hey, wait up!" He jogged up. "Mind if I catch a ride? Gas prices are killing me lately."

"You literally drove your Porsche to school today," I deadpanned.

"Exactly! That thing drinks premium like water."

I noticed Yue's expression falter for a split second before she brightened. "Oh! In that case, can I join too? My driver won't mind."

The car ride that followed was nothing short of entertaining. I found myself in the front passenger seat, while Ezekiel and Yue settled into the back. Rather than settle in quietly, Ezekiel leaned forward between the front seats.

"So, Silas... How long have you been working as a butler?"

"Seven years in total, sir," Silas replied while navigating through traffic.

"And how long have you been working for Aurora's family?"

"Just over three months, sir."

"Three months?" Ezekiel's voice raised slightly. "That's... not very long. What made you switch employers?"

I could see Silas's slight smile. "My previous employer relocated overseas, sir. Miss Aurora's grandfather was seeking a butler with experience in both household management and personal security."

"Personal security?" Ezekiel pressed. "What kind of training do you have exactly?"

"Ezekiel!" I turned in my seat, "Why are you-"

"It's quite alright, milady" Silas interjected. "I have certifications in close protection and defensive driving, among other qualifications."

"Other qualifications?" Ezekiel leaned even further forward. "Like what?"

"And how old are you anyway?" he added abruptly.

I felt my cheeks warm slightly – I'd been wondering the same thing but had always thought it would be rude to ask.

"Twenty-seven, sir."

"Twenty-seven?" I blurted out, turning in my seat again. "But I thought... I mean, you seem so..."

"Mature?" Silas offered. "The suit does tend to add a few years, milady."

I heard Yue giggle from the backseat. Though her eyes kept darting to Ezekiel who wasn't done with his questioning.

"Where did you train? And who were your previous employers?" he continued.

"I trained at the International Academy, followed by specialized security training. As for previous employers, I'm afraid that information is confidential."

"Convenient," Ezekiel muttered.

"Ezekiel!" I scolded, "Stop interrogating him! What's gotten into you today?"

"I'm just asking normal questions!" he defended before finally settling back into his seat.

Yue fidgeted with her phone while stealing glances at Ezekiel's scowling face. "I think it's impressive that Silas has accomplished so much at twenty-seven," she commented.

"Indeed, Miss Yue," Silas responded while skillfully changing lanes. "Though I must say, this is the first time I've had such a thorough background check from the back seat of my car."

His dry humor broke the strange tension, and I couldn't help but laugh. Even Ezekiel cracked a reluctant smile. He then spent the rest of the ride staring out the window, lost in thoughts I couldn't begin to understand. Yue seemed equally preoccupied beside him. What's wrong with these two?

The cafeteria was relatively quiet at this hour with only a few students scattered around cramming for their exams. I turned to Silas before we entered.

"Would you mind waiting in the car? You can see us through the glass walls from there," I gestured to the parking area. "You might draw too much attention in here."

"Of course, milady," he answered with a slight bow.

We found a corner table and Ezekiel volunteered to order our coffees. While he was away, Yue spread out her perfectly organized notes across the table.

"Here's everything from Professor Martinez's lectures on International Business Law," she pulled out color-coded highlights. "And these are the case studies we covered last week."

Ezekiel returned with our drinks. "The exam will definitely cover the World Trade Organization protocols," he stated before taking a sip of his black coffee. "Martinez loves asking about trade barriers."

"Can we go over the GATT agreements again?" I feel overwhelmed by how much I'd missed.

We were deep in discussion about international trade policies when Ezekiel's phone buzzed. His face went pale the moment he looked at the screen. "I... I need to take this," he excused before standing abruptly.

I watched as he walked a few steps away. His back tense as he answered. We could see the panic spreading across his features even from a distance.

"I have to go," he rushed back to gather his things. "There's an emergency at home."

"Wait," I started packing up. "The taxi wait times are horrible around here. Let us drive you."

Yue was already on her feet and shoving books into her bag. "Of course we're coming with you."

The drive to Ezekiel's house was tense. He's repeatedly checking his phone while his knee bouncing nervously. When we pulled up to the impressive mansion, we could see staff members rushing about through the windows.

An elderly butler met us at the door. I noticed how his face creased with worry. "Master Ezekiel, thank goodness you're here. Your mother is having another episode. She's..." he glanced at us, suddenly realizing we were there. "She's attacked her nurse. Stabbed her with her letter opener."

Ezekiel bolted toward the stairs without a word. The butler's face fell, clearly regretting his outburst in front of guests. "Please, let me show you to the living room."

The sounds of chaos echoed from upstairs as we followed him. We could hear the crashes, screams, and what sounded like breaking glass. Silas walked behind us silently.

"Do you think Ezekiel is okay?" Yue asked once we were seated. Her face full of worry. I held her hand.

"He's Mr. President. There's nothing he couldn't handle."

The silence in the luxurious living room felt suffocating. The distant sounds of shattering glass and screaming had finally subsided. I could feel Yue's hand trembling in mine as we waited.

After what felt like hours, Ezekiel appeared in the doorway. My heart clenched at the sight of him. His usually pristine uniform was disheveled, buttons missing, and angry red scratches marked his neck. His eyes that are usually sharp and confident now held a vulnerability I'd never seen before.

Yue immediately rose and took a step toward him. But Ezekiel moved past her as if in a trance and came straight to where I sat. Before I could form any words, he simply collapsed and his head finding my shoulder.

I froze. I'm caught between wanting to comfort my friend and the guilt that shot through me as I saw Yue's expression. The hurt in her eyes was unmistakable. She took a small step back and clasped her hands tightly together until her knuckles turn white.

My eyes darted to Silas who stood quietly by the door, his expression as composed as ever. But something in his steady gaze made me even more conscious of the situation. I didn't want him or anyone to misinterpret this moment. Ezekiel is my friend, nothing more. He needed comfort but this position, this closeness...

"Ezekiel," I tried to straighten him up gently. "You should sit down properly. Let me look at those scratches."

He remained still for a moment longer before slowly lifting his head. His eyes were red-rimmed but dry, his jaw clenched tight with tension.

"I'm sorry," he mutteret but not meeting anyone's eyes. "You shouldn't have seen any of this."

"Don't apologize," Yue's voice was gentle but I could hear the slight tremor in it. "We're your friends. We're here for you."

The 'we' seemed to remind Ezekiel of her presence and he finally looked up. Guilt flashing across his face as he noticed her concern.

"Thank you, both of you," he straightened his shoulders slightly, trying to reclaim some of his usual composure. "But I think... I think I need to stay here tonight. Make sure everything's... stable."

I nodded. "Of course. We can continue studying another time."

"I'll send you the summary of today's review," Yue added while already reaching for her bag.

When Silas stepped forward to inform us that it's time to go home, I caught the way Yue's eyes lingered on Ezekiel. Eyes that are full of unspoken words and concern. My heart ached for her.

I knew that the ride home would be quiet. It will be heavy with all the things we'd witnessed and the emotions we couldn't quite express.

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