Magical Girl of Chaos: Magical Rampage

Chapter 172

“It’s already Christmas Eve.”

“That’s right!”

On a snowy morning, it’s already December 24th.

Christmas… the annual holiday where couples have their… ahem parties.

Of course, I’m no exception.

Pretty Heart will definitely cling to me and beg to do it.

“I heard the Fairy Realm has started doing this too.”

“They’re giving gifts to magical girls!”

“Really? Since when?”

“Since 10 years ago!”

“…Why don’t I have one?”


“Hey, how many things have you forgotten? Should I just throw you in the oven and bake you today?”


Sigh, what should I do with this chubby idiot…

…More importantly, I’m in the position of giving gifts, not receiving them.

Hmm… I should visit the Fairy Queen while I’m at it.

“But aren’t you inviting Yura to this Christmas party?”

“Her? She’s spending it with her boyfriend. She’s out of my hands now.”

“Out of your hands… She’s still living off your allowance. Plus, she lives next door.”

“That alone is a huge improvement.”


Anyway, decorating the house for Christmas is such a hassle.

I don’t really believe in religion, but celebrating holidays is… a small joy, I guess.

Although, from my perspective, being able to casually destroy planets, the gods of religion seem like small fry.

…I don’t even want to imagine how many layers of power seals I have.

And even with all those seals, I can only suppress my power to pre-fusion levels.


“Wait, don’t tear that.”


“Ayun, take care of this one. She’s tearing up all the decorations.”


Max is obsessed with the decorations again.

Should I put a Santa hat on her and break her?

I just want her to behave, whatever it takes.

“But the Santa girl outfit is kinda risqué. Did Nari pick it?”


“Off-shoulder with a mini-skirt length… But since it’s you, it doesn’t look risqué, just cute.”

“Shut up.”

That guy always slips in unnecessary comments.

Anyway… It’s about time for her to show up.

She’ll definitely come, even if I don’t invite her.


“…Didn’t I tell you to come to the front door?”

“Too lazy…”


Yeah, this girl.

No wonder she was hoarding caffeine. I didn’t expect her to celebrate Christmas here and at home.

Is she so eager to enjoy Christmas twice that she’s giving up her usual naps?

…Well, Gravity has always been an unpredictable weirdo…

“Ame, you’re here?”


“I’m not transformed right now, so call me Ayun.”


“Should we play a game while we wait?”


“…Stop talking with your eyes closed and get up.”


Diamond Dust is entrusted with Gravity, and she’s squishing Gravity’s soft cheeks.

Gravity flailing her limbs in resistance is kinda funny.

“…What are you doing?”

“Putting up decorations. You need these for a Christmas party.”

“Christmas… cake, cookies… that’s enough…”

“You’re only interested in food. Sometimes you should care about decorations too.”

“It’s funny hearing that from you.”

“You shut up.”

“…Santa… me too, Santa outfit…”

“Where did that interest come from all of a sudden…”

Santa outfit… I bought this from the Fairy Realm, so maybe I should go get it.

No, I just finished decorating, so I’ll take Diamond Dust with me, do my thing, and have her bring back a Santa outfit for Gravity.

“Ayun. Come with me for a bit.”


“You need to bring back the Santa outfit.”

“…? What are you up to now, sis?”

“I need to meet the Fairy Queen for a bit.”

“Ah… You’ve been meeting her a lot lately. Is she busy?”

“Yeah, kinda.”

Lately, she’s been busy doing all sorts of things for the magical girls.

Sometimes she calls for my help, but… in the end, the mascots are the ones who have to work the hardest, so there’s not much for me to do.

“Anyway, let’s go.”


“Gravity, eat the chocolate snacks on the table.”


“…Ame is still the same.”


Leaving Gravity to eat snacks, I open the [Gate] to the Fairy Realm.

Entering the Fairy Realm, mascots are bustling everywhere.

There are also quite a few young magical girls hanging out with their friends.

And the whole Fairy Realm is decorated for Christmas… They’ve really gotten into Earth’s holidays lately.

“Ah, sis. Did you know?”


“Lately, communities are on fire about VTubers.”

“Who cares? I’m not interested in that stuff.”

“Yura started a VTuber stream recently.”

“…What? Yura?”

“Yeah. She’ll probably get bored and quit soon, though.”

Yura doing a VTuber stream… With her personality, she’ll probably fight with viewers all day.

She always backs down when it comes to me, but she’s the type who never loses an argument…

“But why are they on fire?”

“Some company related to VTubers released… uh… what was it? A dating sim? Something like that.”

“Dating sim… Isn’t that a porn game?”

“Sis… The fact that you immediately thought of porn games shows you’re getting old.”

“Shut up.”

Anyway, the place where I bought the Santa outfit… Ah, here it is.

They even opened a clothing store now. What are those mascots up to?

“Do you know Ame’s size?”

“Probably… this size. She’s about this tall… So this size should fit.”

“Good, let’s get this. Do you want to wear it too?”

“Huh? That’s a bit…”

“Are you the only one not wearing it? Wear it. Let’s get this.”

“W-Wait! This is too risqué!”

“It shows some cleavage, so what? It’s just us girls, what’s there to be shy about?”


She doesn’t even gain weight, so what’s there to be shy about…? It’s not like she’s stripping naked, just wearing this outfit shouldn’t be a big deal.

…But I can’t let her be the only one wearing a normal T-shirt.

“Well, take that back with you.”


Now, I should head to the Fairy Queen!

…I hope she doesn’t dump a mountain of work on me.


“Ah, yes. Welcome, Rampage.”

“What are you doing?”

“I’m preparing to give Christmas gifts to all the magical girls.”

“Ah, I see…”

“And I have something for you to do, Rampage.”

“Of course you do…”

“Please deliver gifts to the magical girls who received the most praise this year.”


“They’re all your fans.”

“Is that so…”

Sigh… Are we handing out gold stars now? This isn’t kindergarten…

Well, it shouldn’t take long, so I’ll finish it quickly… Wait, how many are there?

“237 in total. You can handle it, right?”

“Are you kidding?”

“Oh dear, I already promised them, what should I do~?”

“…You better prepare to have your temples smashed when I get back.”

“Great, I’ll take that as a yes~.”

This brat… What am I supposed to do if she accepts on my behalf?!

Sigh, in the end, it’s my fault for always accepting and accepting…

“…Ah, by the way, there’s something I need to tell you.”


“We found some records left by Pandora, and the name ‘Freya’ was written there. And that collective will… It must be Freya.”

“Really? That’s new to me. How did you find the records?”

“We unsealed Pandora’s heavily guarded personal safe, and they were inside.”

“I see… So she was keeping those records and planning to execute her plan?”

“Exactly. And also… there’s talk of a transcendent being called ‘Shandra.'”

“Shandra? What’s that?”

Another weird thing pops up.

I’m curious, but… now’s the time to enjoy Christmas.

I’ll hear about it later.

“Let’s talk about that after Christmas. It’s not urgent, and I have gifts to deliver now.”

“The outfit suits you perfectly~. So cute.”

“Shut up.”

I’ve got the white gift packages… Should I open a [Gate] to these addresses?

I don’t know what they’re doing now, but it’s Christmas Eve, so they’re probably at home.

They’re kids, so they probably aren’t out partying.

At most, they’re at a PC bang.

Alright, let’s go.

I should deliver these tomorrow, but I want to enjoy Christmas too.

“Merry Christmas~.”

“Ah, could it be…?”

“Yeah, it’s Rampage.”

“Wow, wow…”

“Here, your gift.”

“Thank you!”

“Merry Christmas~.”

“Ah! It’s Rampage!!”

“Here, your promised gift. A year’s supply of European snacks. …Is that really all you wished for?”


“Alright… Enjoy.”

“Merry Christmas~.”

“Uh… uh…?!”

“Even if it’s post-acceptance, I won’t refuse if it’s for the magical girls. Here, your gift. Is this right?”

“Ah, yes! That’s it!”




And so, the long and tedious gift delivery show on Christmas Eve ended, and I finally returned home.

As expected of little girls, many wished for dolls, but there were also quite a few unusual wishes.

Especially the middle schoolers… Why were they asking for adult toys? Of course, I rejected those and made them rewrite their wishes, but still, they’re too eager.

Kids these days are too open-minded…



“Ame, get off her face. You’re being a nuisance.”


As soon as I returned home through the [Gate], Gravity immediately stuck to my face.

Diamond Dust pulled her off, but Gravity is still the same as ever.

She probably flew at me the moment I appeared.

“Ooh! Sis is here!”

“We’re here!”

Huh? Oh, I did send invitations, so they’re here.

Typhoon and Crazy Heart, didn’t they make boyfriends?

Why aren’t they out partying with them and instead came here?

…Well, the more, the merrier.



“Wow~! So lovely! So sexy! So cute!”


What the… You’re back already, Pretty Heart.

And you’re already giving me that look, huh?


“Ah, Max! Why the nya-nya punch? Huh? Why the nya-nya punch?”


Perfect timing, Max with the nya-nya punch.

Pretty Heart loves it when Max does that.

“But why are you all wearing Santa outfits?”

“We felt like we had to!”


“Is that so…”

Somehow, everyone ended up in Santa outfits… No, Santa girl outfits.

This feels kinda fresh.

“But what about your boyfriends?”

“Boyfriends? We broke up.”

“Me too!”


“He was too greedy. Can you believe it? We were eating chicken, and he took all the drumsticks and wings for himself! Every time I told him off, he just ignored me!”

“Uh… That’s harsh. What about you, Jieun?”

“My relationship was too toxic! He was a decent guy, but his friends were terrible! They were like thugs and tattooed pigs! And they kept coming along when he met me!”

“Ah… That’s rough too…”

These girls… Out of all the guys out there, they had to pick those…

This year’s Christmas turned out to be a solo one for them.

Except for me, haha.

“…Well, since everyone’s already here, should we start the party?”



“…The enthusiasm is overwhelming.”



“Sis! Let’s start the party already!”

…I guess there’s no choice.

Alright, this year’s Christmas party starts now!

“Merry Christmas~!”


“The food is amazing as always!”

“I did my best!”

The party is always better with delicious food lined up.

Now, I’ll start with the roast beef…

“…Ah, sis. Breaking news.”

“What breaking news?”

“Yura’s VTuber stream gathered quite a few viewers, but today, out of nowhere, she started throwing red pills everywhere, ended up fighting, and just announced her retirement.”

“…What is that lunatic doing?”

“She threw every kind of red pill you shouldn’t throw as a VTuber… Ah, it’s trending on XX Wiki. And they’re dragging you into it, saying you’re friends?”

“…Is she really crazy?”

Oh, Yura…

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