Chapter 104: Getting Started
Hu De smiled and addressed the crowd:
“You heard it all, people. Senior Brother Lin wants you to express your opinion.”
“I want to say a few words,” one of the elders stood up. “During the five decades of my hard work, the Hangzhou Court has created twelve more caravans delivering tea, porcelain, cloth, and other tea supplies to the Huashan branches. Since I've been here, we've managed to develop the Court enough to support the tea drinking of hundreds of thousands of people throughout the Central Plains. I think this is a good result, I don't want any changes.”
“Yes, that’s right,” another elder supported. “The Hangzhou courtyard has finally become self-sufficient, which is already very good. Why change something if everything works??”
Hu De's face changed and he asked them to think again, because there is no limit to perfection, while glancing briefly at Lin Yi. The young man's eyes were indifferent and deep, which made the man's heart skip a beat.
However, after these words, the elders found something to object:
“Mr. Lin arrived here a day ago and does not yet know the situation in the region. There are so many cobwebs here that one wrong step and you won’t be able to get out. Any hesitation only brings problems.!”
“That's right, Mr. Lin, you can't act hastily in Hangzhou. If something goes wrong, we will harm Huashan.”
“Yes, Huashan's reputation will suffer, who will take such responsibility??”
The other high-ranking members of the court also joined the elders. The entire hall was filled with loud voices, who agreed that Lin Yi had only arrived here for three months, and now he would get things done, and then simply ride off into the sunset.Hu De chewed his lip and cursed their tongues. He tried to explain everything to them yesterday. Where did they get so much audacity from? Did they not remember who they were talking to??
He glanced at Lin Yi while his heart skipped beat after beat..
Han Bai, Yu Hai, and Jiang Xiaoyu stood behind with very gloomy faces. They would never have thought that people from some branch would start opposing a true disciple. If they could, they would have hit them all right there.
“In other words,” Lin Yi suddenly said, “you want me to do nothing for these three months, and then return to Huashan and report that “at least I didn’t make it worse,” so?”
Seeing him smile, the elders and managers nodded.:
“Yes, yes, it's for your own good.”
“Yeah, if something goes wrong, you'll be worse off..”
“Everything is fine with us, we don’t need to change anything.”
Lin Yi's smile became wider and wider, turning into a grin.
People smiled and supported his decision until they sensed something was wrong.
He suddenly stood up and hit the table so that everyone jumped.
The murderous aura made the elders turn pale with fear and the managers tremble.
Many looked at him in horror, especially the twenty elders. They became so pale, as if all the blood had been pumped out of them at once - little frightened bunnies. If it weren't for this man from Huashan, they would have simply run away.
“Look at yourself. How dare you call yourself Huashan disciples? Twelve caravans in fifty years, don’t you think it’s funny? Second class experts are afraid to make decisions, you all belong in vicious cults. Kill everyone and not notice the losses!”
He shook his head slowly.
“How old are you? Nearly seventy, eighty? When they came here, they probably also tried to change something. Once it didn’t work out, twice, and they gave up, am I right? Have you all forgotten what sect you represent? If everyone in Huashan turned into the same, it would have been gone a long time ago.”
“Your Court has been developing for several centuries, here is a first-class expert, twenty-one second, more than two thousand third, and twelve thousand Huashan warriors without inner strength. Do you have any idea how much power you have? Of the thirty-six branches of Huashan, yours is among the three strongest!” ṟãNƟꞖЕ𝒮
“And what has the Hangzhou Court become under your supervision?! To the caravan?! To the fucking delivery service?! Huashan is sponsoring you for this, so that one of the three strongest branches buys tea and delivers it to the sect?! Do you know how the other true disciples reacted when I was sent here? They laughed because you had become a disgrace to all of Huashan! And at the same time you think that everything is fine with you?!”
The harsh words painted everyone's faces with a mixture of white and red. They felt angry, but did not dare to say a word. He is a true student, he really has more power than them, but how dare this third grade puppy stand in front of them, old dogs who have reached the second?
Lin Yi didn't intend to listen to their opinions about himself, so he said directly:
“I’m sure you all know that the Sect Master himself appointed me here. Therefore, for the next three months you must follow any of my orders. If anyone dares to argue or shirk, I will fire him on the spot. Therefore, get ready to finally wake up from your sleep and announce yourself to the entire fist and commercial world. I don’t care what kind of rules you had here, now you do as I say! If anyone dares to go on strike or shirk, good luck finding a new job! If you want to challenge me, please, here is a person who cares about the fate of Huashan. For the sake of our sect I will kill anyone.”
He glanced slowly over them again..
“I see there is no objection. In that case, let's move on to the plan. It will not be possible to capture Hangzhou directly; first we must establish control over dozens of cities in the area and hundreds of villages. Call all third class experts to be here by tomorrow morning. Finished!”
With these words he turned around and left..
His three comrades followed him with boiling blood and satisfied grins.
The doors closed.
And screams broke out! The roof was almost torn off from the dissatisfaction of the people under it!
“He's crazy! We'll let him destroy everything we've worked for so long.?”
“Establish control over all cities and villages? He's gone crazy! You can’t even get close to any of them!”
“Just a young fool!”
“And what should we do?”
“Let's go on strike! And even if he fires everyone, in a week he’ll crawl on his knees! In the worst case, in three months Huashan will return everyone to their place!”
With creepy faces and even creepier voices, the elders of the Court shouted over each other.
Only the young managers, only recently appointed by Huashan to this place, watched what was happening like a circus. Although Lin Yi's words sounded like an ordinary dream, they felt that the gears had finally started to move.
Announce yourself to the entire fist and commercial world? How could they not dream about it??
“Maybe Mr. Lin can handle it?”
“Yeah, I'm also tired of being an ordinary businessman. We are students of Huashan, how have we descended to simple trade, which even commoners can engage in??”
“Yes, I haven't fought in so long. I don’t even remember the last time I saw thieves.”
One of the elders heard them and barked:
“Don't talk nonsense!”
“Why nonsense? Mr. Lin is right, we have thousands of third-class and even first-class experts. Our Court has no less strength than four large families in the city! Even if we don’t have their roots and connections, we do have Huashan. Hmph, all their connections and roots are not worth the power of our Master alone!”
“You are still young and don’t understand anything. The world is much bigger than you think. This is all complete nonsense, Lin Yi is a real fool.!”
Hu De shook his head and smiled wryly at the young arguing with the old.
He sighed involuntarily. Lin Yi turned out to be not at all as simple as he looked. With one statement, he divided the Hangzhou Court into two camps. Those who wanted to leave everything as it is, and those whose dreams have not yet died.
However, Lin Yi's side became infected with his madness. Never before had they dared to raise a glance at the elders, but now they were arguing as equals! And the elders could not object to anything, because their new, temporary bosses were on the side of the young!
Everyone's gone crazy.
Chewing his lip until it bled, he shouted:
“So, stop causing panic! You heard Mr. Lin Yi's order, go back and gather all the third class experts!”
“Yes!" The young people happily accepted the order and left.
The elders looked at him gloomily.
“Old Man Hu, are you really on their side??”
“There are no sides. There is an order from the viceroy of the Sect Master and it must be carried out. We'll see soon whether it works or not.”
But looking at them again, Hu De felt angry.
Didn't he warn these people about the one who was appointed to reign over them? Didn't they themselves talk about his unimaginable accomplishments??
“If you do not want to obey the order, you can resign immediately! You yourself must understand that no strikes will frighten such a person. And if the rumors about him are true, then he can shed blood.”
The elders' hearts sank. What if the rumors that he killed the Shaolin genius were true??