Martial Hero Rebirth

Chapter 106: Huashan Sword Formation

Hu De trembled with excitement. Lin Yi smiled slightly and patted the man on the shoulder.:

“Help me achieve my goals and I will help you make the path of martial arts perfect..”

Two thousand third-class experts also screamed like children from overwhelming emotions. Hu De, on shaky legs, straightened up with difficulty and exclaimed:

“Senior Brother Lin, I will lay down my life, but I will do everything for you to achieve your great goals.!”

Han Bai, Yu Hai, and Jiang Xiaoyu were puzzled. Is it possible to break one of the main rules of the sect? To achieve his goal, he even went to such lengths? Elder Brother Lin is unbelievably bold!

But when they thought about the hundreds of thousands of Huashan disciples appearing in every decade of study in the sect, they couldn’t help but feel the same excitement. With the support of such a crowd, how can Lin Yi's plan fail??

At first, even they thought that other true disciples had more aces up their sleeves, but they still couldn’t believe that he would dare to take such a step. At one point, Lin Yi overturned the ancient order and surpassed everyone by several heads.

Even Linghu Feng had never done such drastic things!


Lin Yi divided two thousand students into ten groups of two hundred people. Of these, the best five hundred had to be chosen - that is, a full quarter of those participating in each group had a chance.

To test his strength, he chose ordinary fights.

Ten arenas, fifty participants, and only one per arena will receive a golden sword technique.

Perhaps those chosen will not be the strongest. But they will definitely be smart, and that’s exactly what he needed.

In addition, he deliberately separated them so that no one could join forces. However, maybe it wasn’t required - for the golden sword technique, anyone will forget about friendship and family anyway!

Having outlined the rules according to which loss of consciousness or leaving the circle was considered a defeat, Lin Yi ordered everyone to begin.

The blood of the people on the martial arts field began to boil, and they almost ran to their arenas..

No judges were needed. Everyone already saw who lost, but tricks were not prohibited.

But the battle turned out to be intense. For the sake of higher techniques, no one wanted to give up, even when their legs could barely stand.

Ten arenas. Twenty people standing opposite each other. All former students of the Huashan Lower Court, who for the first time had the chance to regain the opportunities taken away by their childhood carelessness. ⱤἈN𝖔ᛒЁŠ

The tournament took place quite quickly and relatively peacefully. No one rushed at their rivals like Shangguan Yun, people remained polite - albeit through clenched teeth. So Lin Yi was very pleased with all of them.

Besides, all of them had not been children for a long time. Beautiful movements have become simple and precise, no show off, only deadly techniques.

And in their arts they achieved amazing results. Their only problem was the silver rank of these very arts.

But strength was not required from them. What Lin Yi really wanted was combat experience. He needs the police, not the army.

He will gather five hundred winners into one team. All of them perfected the silver art of Huashan, this technique became not just part of their movements, but entered their very souls.

Together they will form the Huashan Sword Formation. Five hundred people using the same technique and knowing its advantages and disadvantages better than their own. Also every third grader! Let them encounter an opponent who has learned all the movements of their technique, capable of dodging or blocking any technique.

But one sword is one thing, and a hundred.

Lin Yi participated in the war and knew that there were enemies and death at every turn, there was simply nowhere to dodge, you can only move forward and kill everyone in your path.

In the fist world they don't retreat!

Therefore, many martial arts schools and sects in the future will focus on training real troops from their students. Together, people who had studied the same military techniques could cover each other’s vulnerabilities and enhance each other’s strengths.

The first combat armies will appear only in the era of wars. When the demons and the righteous begin to fight in complete chaos, often shedding the blood of their own, the Mingjiao Sect will come up with a battle formation with which they will clear the battlefield like an unshakable and deadly landslide.

However, creating a formation of martial artists is not easy. The techniques of all schools are different, and even within sects everyone studies what they want. How to create an army of people who know nothing about the capabilities of their comrades?

Fortunately, the major sects teach their junior disciples the same techniques. Even if this was required so that advanced techniques could become clearer using a basic example, but in the ranks, even without achieving great heights, they could defeat strong opponents.

As a result, it is precisely such armies of thousands, or even tens of thousands of students, that will become the main force of sects, and not brilliant experts. A hundred wolves and an elephant will devour.

But experience was required to participate in the ranks. You had to know your technique and be able to fight together with fellow martial artists.

In words, everything is simple, and already now some sects used combat units in battle, but all this was at an embryonic level and often fell apart before the fighters had time to approach the enemies.

It’s just that in a world where individual merit was valued above all else, no one could have thought that a system of mediocre martial arts masters would be more deadly than any sect geniuses.

Lin Yi could be said to have stolen this experience from the future. It was he who was his main trump card.

A squad of only five hundred disciples will be the sharpest blade with which he will cut down everyone on the way to his title as the main disciple of Huashan.

Therefore, from the outside it seemed that Lin Yi was watching their competition completely indifferently, but in fact, the most important event he had experienced was happening now.

Observing the skills of two thousand third-class Huashan experts, he was very pleased.

He noted the outstanding ones, even if they did not win, in the map panel. In the end, it wasn't just strength that mattered - and the advantage went to those who practiced martial arts longer.

Pretty soon the top five hundred were chosen.

“Congratulations and welcome you all to the ranks of law enforcement agencies in Hangzhou. From this day forward you follow me, together we will become the most famous force in the world. Anyone who dares to stand in our way will be crushed, the enemies of Huashan will begin to shake with fear just hearing our names!”

The blood of men and women boiled, they all looked with hope into such a future..

“Well, for now these are just words. Our glory is ahead and there is no point in talking about it now. First, let's do what you've been dreaming about: the competition for the title of the top ten begins!”

Five hundred people howled with anticipation.

Ten arenas, each with fifty individuals, and only ten will receive the highest techniques. The smart ones immediately stepped aside to wait until the stupid ones got tired of fighting in the center.

“Let's fight!” Lin Yi shouted, and everyone rushed to attack with a mad roar..

Everyone around you is an enemy, if you defeat one, you will immediately be defeated by another..

People seemed to go crazy all at once, and the craziest battle of their lives began before the eyes of Hai, Bai, and Xiaoyu. They've never seen anything like this before.

Five hundred people launched a mad attack, swords glittered and fists whistled from all sides, no one could know where the next blow would come from..

There were even a few cunning people who pretended to be wounded and fell to the ground, but when someone came close, they knocked them down and knocked them out.

The spectators were amazed. This massacre looked terrible.

Hu De couldn't believe his eyes. He had seen these people almost all his life, but he had no idea that among them there was at least one ready for such ruthlessness - and here everything was at once?!

Real wolves, cruel to others, even more cruel to themselves.

Looking at the unwavering Lin Yi, he felt even more respect.

This young man turned lambs into wolves. He wanted to know what the elders would think if they saw this scene.

Only now did he realize that Lin Yi acted according to some plan, and not on his own whim. Every step he took was precisely calibrated..

The top ten have finally been decided.

All around them lay defeated Huashan disciples, unconscious or thrown out of the circle. Only ten out of five hundred people continued to stand.

“These are the real Huashan disciples!” Lin Yi suddenly smiled, clapping his palms heavily.

Someone else came to his senses and clapped, then another, and everyone around greeted their glory with applause..

The top ten howled into the sky like real wolves, celebrating their glory.!

“Come here,” he ordered the ten.

“We bow down to Senior Brother Lin!” exclaimed all ten at once, jumping up to him in a couple of jerks, despite his exhausted appearance.

Their eyes were burning.

Lin Yi chuckled. He knew this fire and said quite simply:

“I have three supreme sword arts in my hands: “Gust of Wind”, “Deadly Chain of Three Heavenly Swords”, and “Three Green Mountain Ranges”. Ask three of my comrades to demonstrate techniques, choose the one that suits you, and they will teach you.”

He pointed to Hai, Bai, and Xiaoyu, who were quite surprised by this proposal..

Lin Yi smiled at them:

“Teach these people everything you know. This is my task for you three.”

Ten people immediately surrounded them. Lin Yi chuckled and pointed to the nearly five hundred disciples lying all over the arena.

“Address the wounds of the dropouts. I'll be back tomorrow to discuss next steps..”

“Okay, Big Brother Lin!” bowed to Hu De and ran to perform.

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