Chapter 119: The Greatest Master of the Hangzhou Region
“Into battle!”
Lin Yi entered the ring, they folded their hands in gestures of politeness, and remained standing opposite each other.
Nobody threw the first blow. Instead, they both seriously watched their opponent, waiting for his first move..
The battle had not yet begun, and they were already standing as if it were a draw..
A couple of minutes passed. People around began to look at each other in puzzlement..
“What's happening? Why haven't they started yet??”
“Really, what the fuck? Just don't say that they will stand like this until one side admits defeat?”
“Maybe this is the legendary non-contact fight?”
“Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand anything. Haven't you heard the proverb? If your opponent doesn't move, then don't move either. The advantage always goes to the one who counterattacks first!”
“Really? I didn’t see the fighters just standing and looking at each other.”“If you don’t like it, make room for someone else. None of you were invited!”
“Listen, geek, who are you talking to? Show you how real warriors fight?”
“If I didn’t want to watch real warriors fight, I would knock out your teeth! And then I won’t be able to either, because I’m very busy..”
The two great warriors in the center had not yet exchanged a single blow, and the crowd was already ready to fight.
Hu Dali completely shut out the noise around him, sweat dripping from his forehead in large drops, like during a tropical rain. He didn't expect Heavenly Sword to be so cold-blooded. Where is his teenage impulsiveness??
It was as if a real veteran of the battlefield was fighting against him, cunning like an old fox, waiting for the enemy to make the wrong move while he was drowning in tension.
The longer this went on, the worse it would get for him. Hu Dali cursed to himself. Why is there so much of the old fox in this little fox??
Taking a deep breath, he raised his saber and struck first. But he did not open the technique, but waved an ordinary chopping weapon. As a veteran of the fist world who had gone through countless battles, he knew that the advantage belonged to those who knew their enemy better. Only knowing all the tricks in advance can you win with one precise blow.
Therefore, studying the opponent’s techniques is an inevitable part of any fight..
If you immediately show what you are capable of, you will lose all your trump cards while the enemy is full of strength and will have nothing to oppose when the strength of both is running out. РåℕՕ₿Ɛȿ
Dozens of years helped Hu Dali learn the truth. In a battle of armies, there is no time to waste and you need to use the strongest techniques at your disposal, but in a one-on-one duel, cunning wins.
However, the Heavenly Sword surprised him again.
He responded to the usual swing of the saber with a regular block and the same swing.
This boy got the gray-haired wisdom that he was so proud of as a teenager!
«Sly little fox!» “Hu Dali swore under his breath, dodging the sword and swinging at his opponent's wrist.”
His saber was famous and was considered a weapon of gold rank; its blade was striking in its sharpness. If you don't block even the weakest blow, she can cut off your arm.
Lin Yi did not dare to accept the blade with his skin and turned his wrist to expose the blade of his sword. Two famous weapons collided.
Without a single sound.
The edges only touched when both warriors retreated, not risking damaging their treasures.
Hu Dali changed his technique again and now struck with almost all the speed he was capable of. The most basic technique, launched at such agility, could become the last.
Lin Yi stepped back and attacked with the same speed.
Soon they exchanged a hundred identical techniques, and until now none of them had used real techniques..
People began to languish from boredom, and Dali only learned that the young man was not inferior to him in combat experience.
In comparison, the young man may have been superior to him, but he was certainly not weaker.
Because of this, he felt real horror. Genius is one thing, but how can you be born with combat experience? How did a man who entered the fist world less than a year ago know the truth better than him, an old man of sixty years old??
Because of these thoughts, Dali became even more careful. It was necessary to use no more than a third of your strength so that in the event of a trap you would have enough energy to escape from it. And he has already encountered many traps. Fortunately, in sixty years he had seen each of them and knew how to deal with it.
From time to time, he himself left traps that Lin Yi avoided without even stepping on them..
Three hundred blows rang out. They gradually recognized each other and therefore the blades whistled louder and more often.
From the most basic swings, they gradually rose to techniques and inner strength until they reached the highest techniques.
And then Lin Yi began to show superiority.
The speed, strength, and non-repetitive movements of his technique could not belong to such a young man. They were too strange, dangerous, and cruel.
The slightest mistake promised death.
All his clothes stuck to Dali's skin due to cold sweat, but he continued to defend himself from every blow and launch counterattacks.
How could the Death Chain open so wide in the hands of this young man? Why did it reach unimaginable levels in just a year??
This youngster even showed a few mistakes in his techniques. Fortunately, our wealth of experience allowed us to react in time.
But even so he was lagging behind. The Lethal Chain, consisting of three techniques, in his hands turned into three hundred, if not three thousand! One move led into another, each time faster and faster, and the blows never repeated themselves!
Speed and accuracy.
The Heavenly Sword Art exceeded his wildest expectations.
«The second stage of perfection, he has reached the second stage of perfection in the Deadly Chain!» “Dali screamed in his heart.”
For more than forty years he trained with a saber, took part in more than a thousand fights, but still could not grasp this incomprehensible matter, which allows him to comprehend the essence of the technique and divide it into a thousand variations.
Dali sincerely believed that the creature in front of him could not be human. In less than a year, the young man surpassed him in everything! Such speed could not belong to a person!
While Dali was stunned by his discovery, Lin Yi fought with a joyful smile on his lips.
He missed fighting such cunning foxes as Dali! In the world of fists, rarely has a warrior experienced such rich combat experience!
Together they went through a hundred techniques and even a thousand.
Gradually, Lin Yi understood the fighting style of the old fox and began to set the rhythm of the battle.
But he didn’t dare to put too much pressure, because he could still fall into some trap and lose.
This duel in his heart was not a battle, but a piece of art, beautiful and enchanting..
People looked at them greedily, they were intoxicated by the battle in which they learned so much, and at the same time could understand almost nothing. The blades rang in complete silence, because people were afraid to frighten away this obsession.
Even weak warriors who did not understand anything saw the dangerous beauty with which the blades danced. Those who walked thousands of miles for this fight did not regret anything.
The sun shone brightly high above our heads, but its warm rays absorbed the grave cold, reflecting from two flickering blades.
Lin Yi moved like a ghost, with incredible speed he rushed around Dali and tried to attack at every open point.
Dali dodged almost without moving, and his counterattacks became weaker with each passing second..
Everyone felt that the winner had already been determined. And it's the Heavenly Sword again!
Lin Yi was never in a hurry. He took the rhythm of the battle into his own hands and approached step by step, without stopping for a second. The prey had no choice but to obey his bait, driving itself into a trap.
After two thousand blows, Dali’s legs could hardly hold him anymore.
For too long he was on the defensive, Lin Yi rushed in front of him like a whirlwind of blades and he no longer knew where to attack, only his hands continued to reflexively defend themselves. Something in the depths of his mind demanded to calm down, but in the face of a wave of blades, he began to experience real fear and make mistakes.
Therefore, he did not have enough time to counterattack.
With horror and shock in his heart, he realized that he had driven himself into a hopeless situation when he submitted to Lin Yi's techniques..
He no longer had enough strength to resist.
And finally... Lin Yi pulled back the precious saber and placed the blade on his shoulder.
“I... lost...” muttered Dali.
His eyes darkened, and he aged tens of years in a second. The back bowed and hunched, and the spirit left the body, leaving only the skin hanging on the bones.
This battle was a big blow for him. All his life he was proud of his wealth of experience, and this is where Lin Yi surpassed him.
“I accept your defeat!” Lin Yi said as he sheathed his sword..
The last of the forty-nine area experts was defeated.