Martial Hero Rebirth

Chapter 131: Eagle Guardians

The fourth level of Eagle Mountain's defense was located at the foot and was the center of their defense.

Immediately behind him stood motionless three thousand Eagle Guardians, the mountain's most elite bandits. A hundred years ago, they were the ones who allowed the gang to survive. There wasn't a single thug in the entire area who didn't look up to them.

Time has not weakened them. On the contrary, all these years Eagle Mountain has been waiting for guests and preparing for them, training new generations of guards. Gradually, improving their techniques and discovering new remains of the Eagle Cult, they only became stronger.

Watching from afar the defeat of the detachment of the second leader, who fled like sheep sensing a wolf, the third leader frowned and stepped forward.

“Second! Here!”

“A? Why are you here already?” the second leader asked puzzledly and joyfully, joining them in several jerks.

The gate immediately closed behind him, leaving the others to die..

“Su ordered me to defend the fourth wall,” the third said gloomily.

The second nodded, patted his comrade on the shoulder, and breathed out a sigh of relief.:

“There is no need to run with you anymore. I had to lead ordinary bandits, and they are no better than commoners. The damned idiots didn't listen to my orders at all. Only our brother knows how to fight!”

The third nodded, watching the deaths of the bandits who had fled to them from their camps. Snorting with disgust, he said:

“You can rest. The Eagle Guard will avenge you!”

“Got it,” nodded the second and went higher along the foot of the mountain, throwing back: “Show them, brother, why they are afraid of us!” Let them know the taste of their own blood!”

The third leader grinned and looked at the approaching Huashan army like an eagle at meat. With a fierce expression on his face, he barked:

“Well, assholes, listen to my order.!”

Three thousand warriors behind stood motionless, only the ringing of iron claws on each hand did not stop. The cold shine would give ordinary people goosebumps..

The third leader also put on gloves with iron claws and roared:

“Let's kill them all!”

Three thousand Eagle Guardians roared in response. Like eagles, they began to climb the wall and jump off it, as if in low-level flight. Where each one landed, blood sprayed.

The counterattack, also from above, turned out to be too unexpected for the warriors of forty-nine cities and claimed dozens of lives in a few seconds. Screams choked with blood were heard again and again. ℝAɴÖ𝖇ĘŜ

In an instant a whole hundred fell.

“Let's retreat!” shouted Hu Dali.

Hundreds of his side's men fell in a matter of seconds, causing him to quickly become gloomy. The Eagle Mountain bandits counterattacked like immortal beasts.

The righteous began to run away just as the bandits had just run away, and a complete commotion and crush began. It's easy to kill weaklings without inner strength and order, but the elite troops of Eagle Mountain are completely different.

Therefore, Hu Dali immediately ordered a retreat so that the second-class experts could stop the massacre.

But all the time while they were running away, the bloody feast continued.

Even the second-class experts who came to the rescue were covered with deep wounds from head to toe..

They were too disorganized in front of the elite bandits of Eagle Mountain..

Having left the battlefield and gasping for breath, one of them exclaimed:

“Who are these people? Why are they so strong?”

“If I’m not mistaken, this is the Eagle Guard,” Hu Dali replied, frowning. “The strongest fighters of the mountain, each of them has learned the best claw technique at their disposal.”

“Eagle Guard!” exclaimed the second class experts.

Of course, the locals have heard about the deadliest bandits in their area..

“I didn’t expect them to be so strong!” said another expert who suffered a deep shoulder wound.

“We can’t fight them even outside the wall, how can we break through the gate?” another asked gloomily.

“Yeah, they're much stronger than I thought. Three hundred second-class experts, and we still suffered losses. What to do?”

“If we don’t defeat them, how will we rise to the top??”

“What an ass!”

The morale of the fighters immediately dropped. They didn't know how to move on and just looked at the enemies at the fourth wall, clicking their claws.

Hu Dali also felt anxious, he couldn't figure out how to approach such a large group of experts who had the advantage of height and teamwork. But suddenly I heard a slender tramp and, looking back, saw Lin Yi marching with his five hundred.

With his eyes lighting up, Hu Dali shouted:

“The Heavenly Sword is here! He should know what to do!”


The others' eyes lit up just as much as his. The commander led them through the first three walls, he can also lead them through the fourth.!

The entire army began to retreat towards the five hundred Heavenly Sword.


“Haha, so much blood!” exclaimed the third leader, sitting down in the grass sprinkled with scarlet. “Bring me my best wine, I’m thirsty!”

The rest of the Eagle Guardians also looked pleased, but those creepy grins made them look even scarier.

They looked with mockery at the huge army that did not dare to approach them, and felt pride riding on arrogance.

Only three thousand Eagle Guardians became an impenetrable wall on the path of twenty thousand warriors.

Even the Huashan disciples, as soon as they saw their army, panicked and ran away. This made everyone feel even more contempt for their enemies..

Three thousand people - that's all it takes to wipe out the Huashan army..

The henchman brought a bottle of wine to the third leader and he drank it in several sips, laughing out loud.:

“Great wine, great! Just the thing for such a victory! Let's slaughter them, eagles!”


“Eagle Guard? Lin Yi repeated after listening to the complaints of Hu Dali and the rest of the second-class experts.

He squinted, looking into the distance, at the fourth wall and the three thousand clawed warriors in front of it. They suddenly went into a rush and ran towards him, grinning like animals..

“Just what you need,” Lin Yi suddenly laughed..

Three thousand Eagle Guardians behaved almost like an organized army. He certainly did not expect to meet this invention of the next era in a bandit camp..

Each of the Eagle Guardians seemed to be running like madmen, but none of them got ahead of the others. This was very rare in the fist world, where everyone was chasing personal glory..

Discipline. What a useful and rare trait in this era. The fact that she was born here made these bandits higher in his eyes.

Of course, the usual scattered crowds of forty-nine cities could not cope with this. They were lucky that the experienced Hu Dali quickly realized the enemy's advantage and ordered a retreat. Otherwise, they would have gotten away with not hundreds, but thousands of dead..

Now everyone was fighting like ordinary robbers. Everyone waved their weapons and thought only about themselves, often hurting their own. And as soon as someone sensed approaching defeat, one after another everyone began to run away, turning their backs to the enemies.

This is why Lin Yi spent so much time training discipline. Only part of the detachment could people and horses surpass brilliant single fighters.

Not to mention the fact that all these people trained in martial arts all their lives and were only a few steps away from military discipline.

It’s just that the idea of ​​combat formation has never arisen in this world. Otherwise everyone would have used it long ago.

“What do you need? the other experts asked in surprise, staring at him with wide eyes.

They almost lost the fight, and he was happy about something? Even Hu Dali frowned. These words were too harsh towards those who had fallen and retreated. Yes, and simply unexpected, what to hide.

With an anxious face, he came closer and asked:

“Heavenly Sword, what should we do? We can't break through them!”

“Just watch,” Lin Yi chuckled with unshakable confidence..

Everyone was not only puzzled, they looked at him with suspicion. Only Hu Dali felt that a new story was about to begin.

And indeed, Lin Yi went to his soldiers, five hundred warriors in heavy armor. Hu Dali's heart skipped a beat, he had been looking at these people for a long time and hoped to see them in action.

Could they be as strong as he thought??

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