Marvel: Abysmal Spider-Man

Chapter 23: Data Discovery

-Peter's hideout-

(The following day after Yuriko's rescue)

Peter came to the morning nursing his head, though the pain had gone down the constant ringing he heard in his head remained. 

"Somebody got the number on the truck…please." He groaned as ran his hand through his hair. He felt nauseous. 

He remained seated couch with his head resting leaned back cradled in his hands while his pinkie and thumb messaged the sides just above the ear in an attempt to levitate the pain.

His eyes remained closed while tried to focus on something other than the pain, the thoughts regarding the events that transpired the previous night all but forgotten. 

Though he tried he couldn't focus on anything other than the fading headache, his mind scrambled, shifting from passing thought to passing thought as the numbing pain in his brain started lessening to a manageable degree. 

'Oh god, I need some aspirin or maybe some painkiller for this'.

He was physically fine, he felt relatively normal. Everything else however was another matter entirely.

 The only way to describe it was like a connection was put in place inside his mind, as if a hose or pipe connected to it for a small stream of water to flow through only for an ocean to burst its way inside. His mind was open, his thoughts went a mile a minute, detailing information that he could both perceive and understand in great detail.

Every thought was no different than a web search. Every word his thoughts formed, information regarding its definition, root dialect, and some then more would accompany it if he didn't consciously stop it. It got worse as time went on, and soon he began to hear things, voices that weren't his, man, women, children, music, all going off at the same time. It sounded like phone calls, the radio and the news, and TV shows too.

'In later news…'

'I told you I can't take the kids today…'

'I believe I can fly, I believe I can~..'

'You are coming for Christmas right…'

'Welcome to cooking weekly…'

'Buy it at a store new you..'

'The baby cub is no longer…'

'Price hit an all-time high as…'

'Massacre took place late last night…'

'Sooo Leo said was at my…'

'I can't believe she said that…'

'Yo dude, you home…'

'I'm not gonna…'

'Yeah fuck you alright, you can keep your…'

It was too much noise, too many images, and so much data for his mind to process yet he was progressing it. 

Opening his eyes only added fuel to the flame.

Blue lines filled his vision the moment he did. A luminescent glow outlined the room in great detail covering every object in his line of sight individually, from the pipes and cables in the walls to the structure of the building itself, in fact it went even beyond that, from his memories the documents regarding the sales and purchase of the ware house popped up, then information from previous owners flowed into his thoughts from a registry of previous owners on a public website Peter wasn't even aware off, their names, contact information ect…it didn't stop there as the stream of information continued its flow, a brief but detailed history on the property itself, then the official blue print rendered in 3d within his mind pinpointing his exact location in the building, schematics of the streets and sewers, then a full blown location in real time complete with satellite imaging and camera feed from the surrounding neighborhood accompanied by traffic flow, current weather, and if that wasn't enough the present time of every major country of all things.

This was making his headache even worse. 

All in under 30 seconds before he cut off the flow as his nose started to bleed from the influx of information which was too much for his mind to handle despite the fact that he could comprehend each and every excruciating detail.

"Aaawwwwuuu….ok…that was trippy" he sighed as he pushed himself off the couch, grudgingly getting on his feet.

 He just found thirty different exits and forty-seven entry points into his hideout, twelve of them from the sewers. He also needed to seal off the sewer tunnel coming in from the west side, it as causing a flood whenever it rained.

'I need to breathe, it's getting hard… to…shit…' Peter was hyperventilating from information overload.

He stumbled his way to the stairs, 

The hard part was getting getting used to it. It was like looking at a picture and knowing everything thing about it, having your mind process every detail then squeezing it side in an instant before you could even understand but the kicker was that you could actually comprehend all of it the moment it was being squeezed in. 

Every time he so much as focused on something a stream of information entered his mind about the object he was focused on. 

When he glanced at his flat screen television, the moment he did it began to glow a light blue, its edges outlined by a neon blue luminescent glow as information streamed into its thoughts. His vision filled with pop-ups of tabs each feeling in with separate information regarding the object. It was pointless trivia at first, what brand it television was, its size, series number, its series, and what version this particular television was within its series set.

He forced himself to look away, keeping his eyes closed as he felt his way to the staircase. 

'Come..on…just focus on something else, nothing…umh…' 

Soon he found his way to the door and fell over his feet but finally made his way outside the warehouse. 

He took in a deep breath and opened his eyes looking up so as to avoid glancing it anything around him. 

That was a mistake.

When his eyes opened, the world that greeted him was of color. The sky was lit up like a beacon, lines of data streams, and frequencies, coming from the sky, connecting to every device in New York City within his line of sight.

"OH shit' it was late.

He could see the streams of data suddenly connecting to him, the lights surrounded him and his body hit the floor as his eyes rolled back into his head. 


He didn't know when or how, but it felt awesome. He was outside his body in what he could only describe as the metaverse, an interconnected plane comprised of every connected device on the planet including the Internet. 

The pain was gone.

He didn't have a body, it was just his mind intersecting with data, he thought of the globe and the metaverse reacted, it zoomed out until he was looking at the earth as nothing but quantifiable piles of data comprised of everything with a chip inside.

Right now he was being of pure thought, interacting with data flow in its purest form. So he did the only thing a normal person with that much power over the Internet would do.

He looked himself up.

Information regarding him came to him, his house, date of birth, school, grades, phone number, Internet data and so much more, pictures of him taken by the school or by others, mentions of him in chat history by others including those at school, his purchase history, and so much more. 

He decided to Spam all of Flash Thompson's accounts with dick picks with the caption 'I'm all yours Flash baby', including resetting every device screen saver, wallpaper, and saved picture with the same thing, he did the same for his online accounts just because he felt like it.

He really didn't like the nickname penis Parker, he wondered what they were gonna call him now. 

He wanted to laugh, if only he had a mouth here.

It was then that something caught his attention, it was small, a blip at the edge of his senses, a name or rather two names.

Richard Parker and Mary Parker.

And when he reflexively tried to see what he could find about them, nothing came up. 

Just the names, date of birth and date of death, and a picture the both of them.

So he tried again, and again, but still nothing. That was not possible, this was the Internet and they were in the age of data, nothing on someone on the Internet was just not possible.

Then he found traces of a scrubber, a program that effectively wipes out specific information regarding specific people.

When he tried to find it by tracing the scrubber back to his source, he found himself being blocked by walls, like everything about his parents was put in a vault. Something was actively keeping him out. 

Now that got his full attention, he began to bypass the walls and a name popped up.


Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division.

The walls went back up just as fast as he got a glimpse of that name.

It didn't stop him from breaking them down again, as he willed it the meta-verse reacted, he bulldozed his way through the walls faster than they could come back up, his sole focus on his parents, breaking more and more by the minute and finally, the last wall broke and it was pandemonium.

He thought the inflow of information from the mete-verse was bad but this was on a whole new level. 

He felt himself glitch out of the metaverse for an instant. Names he didn't know, people he didn't know, organizations he didn't know, events he couldn't understand, and things that should be possible made themselves known to him. 




Charles Xavier.


Weapon X program

Avenger's initiative.

Protocol HULK Buster.

Iron Man.

It was too much, it made the Internet which felt like the ocean to Peter feel like how a small puddle would feel when compared to a big lake, so he shut the rest out.

Peter ignored them all and went straight to the vault containing information regarding his parents.

He managed to reach it before all hell broke loose. 

He was forcefully ejected out of the data stream, walls upon wall isolated him from the rest before he felt something eating him up from the inside out and everything faded.


Peter came to for the second time that day in a puddle of his own blood. 

'I died…again' Apparently getting killed in the metaverse and having your mind overloaded with so much information led to only one outcome.

Liquefied brains.

That didn't matter to Peter at all as he let out a small chuckle. 


His lips curled up into a bright smile, before blooming into a wild look of pure bliss as the first laughter of true happiness escaped his lips. 

"HAHHAAHAAAHAHAA~ He just remained there in a pool of his own blood.

He pushed himself up and rested his face in between his palms.

'I'm not alone...not anymore...' his thoughts echoed.

"They're alive...haahahaha... they are alive" he sighd.

Peter felt his pocket vibrate, distracting him from his train of thought.

It was a text from Gwen of all people, it turns out that last night when he thought about contacting Gwen his premature powers did just that. 

He was too shocked and happy to care right now, he wasn't alone in the world anymore, but that wasn't the only problem there were more dangerous people out there, secret groups, and organizations that he just may have tipped off unintentionally about his existence.

So if he was going to go against them to get what he wanted or protect himself, what better way than to form a secret group or organization of your own?

Whoever they were, HYDRA and SHIELD just made it to the top of his shit list and they were going to pay dearly for that...After he took care of the whole Wilson Fisk situation.

"They're alive…" Peter whispered in disbelief as he pushed himself up, before sneezing in disgust when got a whiff of something pungent and disgusting.

"Oooh…oh…god no… what's that smell…oh that's coming from me? Ok, I really need a bath."

Peter paced a hand over his nose and made his way back into his hideout to pick up his back and head home as he had yet to install a bath in there.

Peter may not have realized it at that time but for approximately thirty-two seconds all devices connected to the Internet all around the world stopped functioning, and all technology on the planet stood still before returning to normal when Peter woke up.

The only thing on his mind right now was the fact that somewhere out there he had a family, and he was going to get them back, one way or another, but first, he needed a shower.

-Chapter End-

Shield Agent Data-Base

Name: Richard Parker

Code name: Formerly Tarantula 

Occupation: Field operative/Science Divination Researcher

Cover: Genetic Field Researcher at Oscorp

Ability: Human-Enhanced with spider gene 

Status: Alive - MIA - Under HYDRA Influence 

Trivia: Co-Founder of Project Arachnid, an offshoot of Project Rebirth funded by Oscorp 


Name: Mary Parker

Code name: Formerly Black Widow

Occupation: Field operative/Science Divination Researcher

Cover: Genetic Field Researcher at Oscorp

Ability: Human-Enhanced with spider gene 

Status: Alive - MIA - Under HYDRA Influence 

Trivia: Co-Founder of Project Arachnid, an offshoot of Project Rebirth funded by Oscorp 


Name: Teresa Parker

Code name: Current Tarantula

Occupation: Field operative

Cover: N/A

Status: Alive - Deployed on mission

Ability: Human-Enhanced with spider gene 

Trivia: Only successful candidate of Project Arachnid

Name: Peter Parker

Code name: NA

Occupation: Student at Midtown High

Cover: NA

Status: Alive -Leaving in Queens New York

Ability: NA

Trivia: Normal Civilian, Average Teenager

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