Marvel: Abysmal Spider-Man

Chapter 26: Moving forward Part 3 – Introspective Teaser


Moving forward Part 3.1 – Introspective Teaser 

-Hells Kitchen- 

It was instantaneous, neither of them hesitated after acknowledging each other's presence. There was no need for the routine back and forth between the crimson-clad vigilante and the teen.

Peter was caught with hands caught in the cookie jar so to speak. He was still covered in fresh blood and gore, not to mention the sounds of sirens blaring three blocks could be heard from here and if that pre-emptive strike from daredevil was any indication Daredevil stance in this case was already clear. 

Their roles were clear -he was the bad guy, the criminal. Daredevil was the vigilante, the hero here to stab the evildoer. 

Peter knee's buckled and he shot toward Daredevil, covering the distance between them in the blink of an eye. Daredevil let out a surprised grunt in response to Peter's unnatural speed however he wasn't some random thug waiting to be caught off guard, experience dictated his actions as his stance shifted, he was a tad bit slower than Peter but unlike the teen yet no wasted movement. 

He dodged Peter's right hook by leaning swiftly into his left- Peter's right, directly into the punch which sailed past his cheek by s few centimetres. So close daredevil could feel the pressure, the power behind Peter's hook between the small displacement in the air. 

Daredevil pivoted on his right foot and slipped into a roundhouse kick, attacking Peter's unguarded left, it would have worked if Peter was any normal opponent, he didn't slow down- his right arm adjusted itself mid-hook, reflex took over, instinct guided him. He grabbed the incoming foot- negating the force with his physique alone as he landed on the tank, and in an almost lazy, nonchalant motion - surprising daredevil again- as the devil found himself flung off the water tower like a rag-doll.

Daredevil flipped in the air like Peter did before, righting himself then landed in a controlled role, already in a stance prepared for a follow-up attack. 

'Holy shit'. Peter's breathing picked up slightly, and his right hand twitched slightly as he slowly brought it up to cover his mouth. 

'Holy shit, Holy shit, Holy shit, Holy shit, Holy shit, HOLY SHIT!?… Did I just do that?', He questioned himself, 'What did I just do? how? When?' 

A sudden weight lifted itself off his shoulders, he felt his heart was going up a mile a minute. 

He didn't notice, never paid the thought any mind or gave it any consideration before. He was to caught by his own life to even care. 

A single course of action opened a whole new door. A feeling of elation flooded his being. A thought wormed its way into the mind. 

Peter's palm tightened around his face. 'Was fighting Daredevil always this easy? No, it never was, but what the hell am I feeling right now?'.

 How did Peter miss it, No. He didn't miss it, he just didn't realize it until now. He never crossed paths with Daredevil until now for it to ever occur to him so he never realized it.

On some level, he was avoiding it. He was avoiding coming to blows with Daredevil because of that night. Even if he did, Peter himself would never acknowledge it. 

His fear.

 He was afraid of Daredevil. It was there, the fear, some part of him never made it past that night, was it pride? Hate? Humiliation? Frustration? or anger? Whatever it was, after that night he was afraid of daredevil, consciously or subconsciously, acknowledged or ignored. The underlying fear was there. 

How could he not be afraid? The last time they met got his ass handed to him, his chance at getting revenge was lost, and walked waked his broken ass home humiliated and defeated.

A person's past experiences make up most of anyone's sense of self their emotions, their thoughts, their personalities, and their actions. Everything was built on an individual's past experience as a foundation for their present sense of self. 

It was like an invisible hand tugging on strings with the individual as the puppet. 

 It dictated their actions, provided pieces for them to formulate coherent thoughts, and fed them hints to use when making judgments- influencing their ability to reason. Over time some of those stings are cut out as known strings that formed when the present becomes past experience takes their place. In a way, one could call this 'growth'. Of course, each person experiences this 'growth' in different ways, where they build up on it, ignore it, or use it as a factor to decide what to or not to do.

Right now a string was being cut and a new one was taking its place. Whatever fear was there was slowly crumbling away as something else took root. 

 Although Peter remained unaware of the inner workings of his mind, caught up in his own internal musings. 

'This feels too easy.' Peter thought to himself. 'Wait, am I …' that was when he noticed. It was a subconscious action, bringing his hands up to his face. Now he began to realize why. His lips curved up without him knowing. His eyes flickered with a dim yellow predatory glow.

He didn't know what it was as the metaphorical string dug itself into him.

 'Am I smiling right now?', he realized if he didn't have a mask, he'd have a really twisted feral grin on his face right now. 'Man, this is one weird night if I can for from depressed emo teen to grinning maniac.' 

'What is this? I keep asking myself this but I just can't make sense of this feeling, it's not the same as before, this is new and it feels great!' 

"Hey, Daredevil!" Peter called out. The Devil paused but remained cautious watching him with his guard up a few feet from the water tank. His hands fell to his sides, his fists tightening into a ball. 

If Peter's fighting style was overwhelming speed and strength combined with inhumane reflexes responding to his keen, borderline supernatural fighting instincts then Daredevil's fighting style would be seasoned with pure control and adaptability combined with his supernatural senses and further sharpened by the experience of a seasoned master martial artist. 

Peter felt he could win regardless. There were so many ways he could crush this guy. With his kagune(Killer organ), his technopathy, his bandages, and his branch of sin, Peter outclassed Daredevil in both speed and strength and matched him in terms of heightened senses and awareness. His battle instinct and intuition were no laughing matter either. 

The invisible hand tugged at the newly attached string.

"Walk away, this will be your only chance, otherwise," Peter said in a dull tone, the yellow glow in his eyes suddenly increased. Like he was stating a fact. As if his victory was insured.

 Unbeknown to Peter, as he prepared for Daredevil's response because obviously, they both knew the devil wasn't going to take the chance to leave, a new trait began to emerge within his personality. The emotion he couldn't identify, the string that took the place of his crumbling fear was confidence. When his newfound confidence came in contact with his abilities (Incarnation of Gorou), it changed and evolved into something else entirely. 

"Or not, please stay, I feel like I really wanna beat the shit out of you" Peter brought up his fists and cracked his knuckles. 

Peter was becoming aware of his own strength.

In the past, he faked confidence. He had faith in his abilities and was insured by his immortality. His power's influencing his actions, made him seem surer than he was. His twisted personality in the face of danger was akin to a defense mechanism to hide what he really felt. A form of false bravado fuelled by powers and abilities beyond his control.

That ended tonight as a new feeling settled in him. But what it wasn't confidence,

Thanks to the incarnation of Gorou's influence, his confidence was swallowed whole by something new.

And what remained was arrogance. 

-Chapter End-

Hello again, the fight and then some will be in the next few chapters. I was planning on writing it in this chapter but then it just somehow turned into this little introspective teaser.

Also below is a re hash of Peters's powers and where he stands in terms of physical strength. 


Physique- base speed, strength, stamina, reflex etc:

 Super- Human ( a little below base spider man and growing without the will of Saitama boost) 

Immeasurable with Saitama boost ( his strength here depends on how much he exerts himself physically and how much his physical body can handle)


Physical Strength: 

Building level without Saitama boost( he could take a full-force punch from the Hulk but his bones would shatter)

Immeasurable with Saitama boost ( his strength here depends on how hard he wants to hit and how much his physical body can handle)



His Peter Parker, need I say more? 

( With his growing Technoapthy he is potentially the single most smartest person currently on earth)



Name: Peter Benjamin Parker

Species: Tri-brid; Human Mutate(Homo Supreme), Demi-Human, ??;


Slot 1: Ajin- Demi-Human ( Partially Sealed)

State: Passive (Self-Aware)

Ability Granted to host:

Passive state

-Ajin is in a form of hibernation but is still aware of the host's actions

-Activates upon host death and grants the host immortality through death

-Grants the host usage of its bandages which are stronger and more durable than most materials on earth with no limit to how long they can go

-Given the nature of the entity it's invisible to most as are its bandages how ever should Peter choose they can become visible

-In order to see the entity one must have experienced death in the past

Active State (Sealed)

-The entity manifests into the real world as a bipedal female covered in shadow matter with various arms wrapped in bandages and an array of bandages that act according to its will

-The entity may seek to protect the host in its own way because it acts out the host's subconscious desire.


Slot 2: The incarnation of Garou

State: Passive

Ability Granted to host: Homo-Supreme

Passive State

-Host has an innate supernatural talent able to almost instantly learn hand-to-hand and martial arts fighting styles he witnessed before and can

-His instincts are refined the more he exerts himself through combat experience and his physical body will continue to evolve the more damage he takes in a fight with his Upper limit being a Unknown.

Active State

-Garou's personality traits will slowly influence and merge with the host and may over-right the host and take over in moments of extreme physical stress or when he feels intense fear against an unbeatable foe


Slot 3: Will of Saitama

State: Passive

Abilities granted to Host: Homo-Supreme

Passive State

Physical Metamorphosis: The ability to remove all the limits placed on a physical organism by the laws of reality granting him growth without end, To evolve physically without any set limit with enough stimulation, he gets strong in relation to physical stimulation, to get stronger he has to fight strong opponents or continually physically strain himself to the point of death.

-Host is now compelled to complete Saitama's Training regimen for complete activation for a specified number of years

-The stronger the host gets the more he loses touch with his humanity

-There is no upper limit to the host's increase in physical strength, speed, stamina, and so on

-Perfect Strength adjustment allows the host to adjust his growing strength to one of his opponents

-Dampened emotions

Active State

-Condition- Completion of Saitama's Training regiment

-Host gains a supernatural boost in strength but has little control over it, activates under intense physical stress

condition met: have slots filled by variants from the same world

Side effect: The Cruelty of Mercy

Due to the nature of Garou, Sataima, and the host, the host Peter Parker is now incapable of causing too much harm to any individual he deems innocent and is unable to kill human opponents though in this way he can brutally beat them to the point of death ensuring their survival, however, anything he doesn't consider human he can kill.


Slot 4: The Ghoul of Blood and Sin

Ability Granted to Host:

- Host Kagune can also function as a secondary heart and holder of the original sin strain altering the host blood into RC cells and allowing the host to crystallize and weaponize his blood.

-The user's skin is also impenetrable to most metals and objects.

Active state

-This allows the host to weaponize his blood to produce various effects and utilize his kagune

-Four appendages will protrude from the base of his spine, which he can use as weapons, manipulating them at will, Harding and crystallizing them to make projectiles too.

Trait Gained

Primary Trait: Original Sin

- The host is now the holder of the original sin shard/Strain from which he can create other smaller shards/Strains (branches of Sin) that can be used to infect others, granting them the ability to crystallize and weaponize their own blood

Secondary Trait: Branch of Sin

-Those the host infects can utilize their blood as weapons, crystallizing and hardening them and using it to various effects all depending on the individual along with cellular regeneration and an enhanced physical body

- Branches of sin possess a mania-like loyalty to the holder of the original sin

- Branches of sin develop somewhat negative personality traits that match a particular branch of sin


Slot 5: Imagine Breaker

Ability Granted to host: Imagine Breaker(Altered State)

Passive State

-Grants the host, the ability to cancel out any phenomenon considered supernatural by the average human though it is restricted to his arms and anything they come in physical contact with, but this effect varies depending on the state and nature of the object itself.

-Has a field of thirty centimeters around the host that has this effect but only works with abilities below a certain threshold

-This ability is powered by the unconscious desire of all of humanity to return to a time when everything is normal

Active State

-Create a zone around him that cancels out any supernatural phenomenon, turning everything back into what it would be if the world were normal

- The Radius of the zone varies in size, depending on the host's desire, however, this active state can only last as long as the host has the mental fortitude to handle the subconscious desire of all of humanity, which will influence the host's very being.


Slot 6: IBoy-Digitization

Range: Planetary

- The host can remotely connect to, access, and communicate with anything with a chip inside.

Ability Granted to host: 

Technopath's mind: The ability to telepathically interact with all forms of technology. This ability allows him to view the world through the lenses of a computer.

Enhanced Memory and recall - as his mind operates similarly to a human-computer when active

 Eidetic Memory: Also known as photographic memory, it involves the ability to recall images or objects with high precision and detail after seeing them once.

 Auditory Memory: The capacity to recall and reproduce sounds and auditory information accurately.

 Verbal Memory: The ability to remember and recall spoken words and verbal information.

 Spatial Awareness: The ability to be aware and perfectly measure his surroundings and objects.

 Parallel Thinking - his mind is split into four distinct parts to handle data both consciously and unconsciously

Split Persona - one part of the four-part split is an extension of Peter that is similar to an AI, All machine without the human element.



Trait evolved: Mask of Innocence>>Mask of the Fool


Mask of the Fool: This trait has both a passive and an active function.


Passive: Fools Bluff

-This trait affects the host mind, allowing it to operate similarly to that of a computer, granting him the ability to instantly adjust to different situations with a calm mind by internalizing his reaction and carefully analyzing everything else, his physical body reflects this. His mind is optimized to an extent. Although he feels emotions and can experience mental alignments such as panic, shock, fear etc… all this is internalized as his outward appearance and expression will always remain calm and collected.

-His physical expression can be altered in any way he chooses with little effort like putting on a mask, which grants the host a limited form of parallel thinking

-Allows the host to fake a state of normality, making him seem as 'normal' as expected of an average human, in this state, all of his abilities will be sealed until he chooses to actively use them. However certain abilities will activate on their own accord in response to the host's needs or protection.


Active: Fools Gambit 

 This ability allows him to put on the mask in a sense and provide input for a command. Once the command is accepted everything else will be blocked out, his emotions, his thoughts, his personality, pain, everything will be put aside to complete that one goal. His actions will be task-oriented, all actions taken are optimized for the single-minded pursuit to complete the given command.



(Slot 7 -? Sealed)




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