Marvel Code

Chapter 5: Ch-5 TIME FLIES[1]

It's been 3 weeks since I came here.

I have replaced the old arc reactor, in my cave with new ones, I have also finished up my cave, Thanks to EXS1.I also need to upgrade Alfred, but I keep forgetting it. I could do more physical labour, I do like to hang out with my friends a lot.

I met a lot of new people aside from the cannon characters, like Emily and Hunter. Emily is a nerdy girl who joined the chess club with me. And Hunter, ….Hunter is like Flash but in a good way, he got that energetic vibes on him.

I also got a little closer with Gwen… I am no Casanova so every few days I try to act cool, despite being so smart I have no idea what to talk about.

So sometimes, all of a sudden I would start avoiding her, which makes her try to get closer to me. I see why Harry gets the girls… The Push and Pull technique huh?

[After School,2:00]

I had barely stepped out of the school building when he heard someone call his name.

"Gray! Hey, wait up!"

I turned to see Gwen Stacy weaving through the crowd, her blonde ponytail bouncing with each step. The late afternoon sun is making her hair glow. She wore her usual jacket over a casual white top and skirt, her backpack slung over one shoulder like she barely noticed its weight.

I slowed my pace as she caught up, her blue eyes glinting with something between curiosity and amusement.

"You were gonna leave without saying hi?" she asked, mock-offended.

I smirked. "Didn't know we had a daily check-in."

Gwen rolled her eyes but smiled. "We do now."

They fell into step together as they walked toward the street. The sounds of the city surrounded them—cars honking, distant chatter, the occasional siren wailing through the air.

Gwen laughed, nudging him with her shoulder. "So , how much have you prepared for the Quiz tomorrow? ."

"We have a quiz tomorrow?"

"Yeah we have History Quiz. Can't believe you forgot about it!", she replied, stunned

"I knew about it, ….. it just temporary slipped out of my mind", I told her, despite not knowing that we have a quiz tomorrow I could easily ace it.

"Who you trying to fool, Mr Grant", she smirked

"I didn't forget…"

"yes, yes you did", she continued



"no ….. maybe", I replied

She smirked. "That's a long way to go just to be stubborn."

They reached the crosswalk, waiting for the light to change. Gwen kicked a small pebble with her shoe, her expression softening. "You know… I was gonna text you this morning. Just to check in."

Gray glanced at her, his hands tucked into his pockets. "Why?"

She hesitated, then shrugged. "I don't know. School can be weird for people."

I exhaled slowly, then gave her a small smirk. "I survived."

"Good." A playful glint returned to her eyes. "But if you ever feel like skipping school to do something fun, I might be available."

Gray arched an eyebrow. "Captian Stacy's daughter? Skipping school? Scandalous."

Gwen laughed. "I prefer 'adventurous.'"

The light changed, and they stepped onto the street together.

For the first time that day, I didn't feel like hurrying at home, I felt like living in the moment .

As soon as I reached home, I grabbed a burrito. I walked to the living room and turned on the T.V. "Tony Stark, a famous billionaire and Philanthropist, disappeared in Afghanistan."

"So, it has started, Huh?", I mumbled.

"Alfred, what is the situation with project Arkham. "I said as I put in my earphones.

"Sire, the project is going smoothly, The Bat pod is complete, Your armour is done as well. The mobile is still under construction, and so is your armours helmet ", he said

"I see, how far are we with Project 'Become Human'?", I asked him

"We have still a rather long way for that project, master Grant.", replied Alfred.

[Bella Grant POV]

I came back home, the house was empty. I guess Gray is out hanging around with Perter and guys. Sometimes I feel like he is hiding something from me, maybe he got a girlfriend or something. Gray has been going to Gym for past few weeks and surprisingly he is building muscles at a rapid speed. I guess he is growing up.

I started preparing for dinner and made spaghetti and meatballs. Soon after 20 minutes I heard the door open, and there he was, "welcome home, Gray.", I greeted him. "How was your day?"

"It was nothing much just went around with Pete and Ned.", Gray told me "How was your day mom?"

"It was pretty hectic, you know I met someone rather interesting today. ",I told him

"Huh? Who was it?", he asked me.

"Martin Li, he has a shipment company. He came to me asking if I would like to volunteer for FEAST."I told him

"Martin Li, that famous Asian Philanthropist. what do you think? Would you be going there? ", Gray asked me

"Yeah, why not I am planning to take a half day every Thursday, there are not many people that come on Thursday's for some reason. I would be able to treat homeless children, they are always short on medication. Maybe be you and me can go sometimes on the weekends, to volunteer. It would me a good mom-son bonding time.", I told him hoping he would agree.

"Yeah sure mom we can go on Saturdays.", "Maybe I can bring some of my friends as well."

We chatted for a while, after dinner was over he washed the dishes. Oh my, what a good kid, I am sure Jake's chest would sweel with pride and joy, if he was here.



[Gray POV]

I went in and locked my room. Opened my PC

"Alfred, give me the information about Martin li"

"Martin Li is an orphan. His parents were Immigrants, Li was suffering from some medical condition and his parents took him to Oscorp. He spent the his childhood in foster care in Manhattan. At the age of 18, he returned to China, where he made a fortune in the shipping industry.

When he came back to New York nearly a decade later, he was already a billionaire. Rather than living off his fortune, Li founded his F.E.A.S.T. homeless shelters. Which he recently opened in Chinatown and another one is about to open in Harlem."

"Get me the report on Bruce Banner, Alfred", I ordered.

"Bruce Banner is still working on the serum which was commissioned my general Thaddeus Ross. Apart from his academic allocates not much is known publicly about him.", Alfred replied

"Who was he last seen with?", I asked

"I will have to check security footage, It will take me a while."

I still hadn't upgraded Alfred to a Quantum Computer. "Alfred do we have all the materials for making a quantum computer?"

"Yes sire, You can upgrade me tomorrow, I doubt with Your skills it would take a long time, 2hrs at most."

"yeah", I replied, I haven't been using him at his full potential.

After 20 minutes Alfred chimed in ,"last he was seen with his girlfriend Betty Ross, who is also the daughter of general Ross ".

"I see" I replied.


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