Chapter 78: Colors!
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Nero sighed, "Anyway, I was saying…" He paused, narrowing his eyes as if trying to recall something. "What the hell was I saying?"
Nami spoke up from the side, arms crossed. "Boss, you were talking about how these Flames can affect our original powers."
Nero nodded. "Right. Magic is just one example. Sofia's been using her Rain Flames to upgrade her firewalls, as an example. These Flames aren't limited to enhancing what you already do. They can be added to nearly anything." He glanced at the group. "Let's break this down before we get too lost in everyone's side chatter. I'll explain each Flame."
Nero gestured to the floating hologram displaying a vivid orange flame. "The Sky Flame is at the center of everything. Its property is Harmony. It doesn't just enhance—it brings different energies together, balancing them and amplifying their potential. Think of it as a bridge. It doesn't overwhelm; it integrates."
Nero raised his hand, and the orange flames of the Sky Ring ignited, "This," he began, "is the Sky Flame. It's not the strongest flame on its own, but when used with others, it creates something far more powerful. It's the glue that holds everything together. Without the Sky Flame, the other Flames wouldn't interact like they do now. Harmony isn't just about blending energy—it's about creating balance."
He looked to see if everyone understood. "Those who bear Sky Flames are often in a leading position, although not always. Flames often reflect the character of the person. It's not a role you choose—it's something that naturally aligns with who you are."
A few of the summons exchanged curious glances, the unfamiliarity of the concept drawing them in, though none interrupted. Nero gestured to the hologram again, and the orange flame dimmed, replaced by a vibrant red.
"The Storm Flame," he continued. "Its property is disintegration. It breaks things down, erodes barriers, and makes everything it touches unstable. Offensive and relentless." He didn't need to look at Diego, but the smirk tugging at the latter's lips didn't go unnoticed.
"Of course Diego gets the destructive one," Anthony muttered with a faint grin.
"Better than being stuck with something boring," Diego quipped back. "Besides, disintegration has... finesse."
"Finesse?" Sofia glanced up briefly. "Last I checked, 'smash everything in sight' doesn't qualify as finesse."
"It's strategic smashing," Diego corrected, shrugging. "Some people appreciate art. Others don't."
"Save your art for your mirror," Sofia said, her attention already back on screen.
Nero moved on without engaging. The display shifted again, this time revealing a calm blue flame. "The Rain Flame. Tranquility is its property. It slows, pacifies, and can weaken both attacks and defenses. A counterbalance to the aggression of Storm Flames."
Sofia didn't look up. "Yes, it's very calming. Perfect for neutralizing overly dramatic forces. Like certain people in this room."
"You mean me, don't you?" Diego asked, tilting his head. "Say it. I know you want to."
"Wouldn't waste my breath," Sofia replied flatly.
Anthony chuckled. "I think you're both missing the part where she's actually dangerous. Ice storms? Deadly mist? You've got Rain Flame overkill written all over you."
Sofia smirked faintly but stayed silent.
"The next is the Sun Flame," Nero said as golden flames illuminated the hologram. "Activation. It speeds things up—healing, movements, reactions. It's all about energy. Relentless, unyielding, and impossible to ignore."
Anthony flexed his fingers. "That explains a lot. Feels like I'm always running hot in a fight. Makes sense now."
"It's probably the most fitting thing about you," Maria said, barely suppressing a laugh. "Fast, fiery, and over-the-top."
Anthony shot her a look. "This coming from the woman who conjures imaginary snacks while we're bleeding out on the battlefield?"
"Imaginary snacks are a morale boost," Maria replied smoothly. "You're welcome."
The hologram shifted again, displaying a faint purple hue. "Cloud Flames. Propagation. These Flames expand and multiply, not just in their energy but in their impact. They adapt and grow, creating possibilities most people wouldn't consider."
Nigel stepped closer to the display, his eyes narrowing slightly. "I use it to create clones. They're extensions, amplifications of a single point."
"Exactly," Nero replied. "But it's more than just making copies. It's about creating something more than the original."
Maria glanced at Nigel with a sly grin. "Sounds like you, old man. Always multiplying ways to ruin someone's day."
Nigel gave her a smile, but didn't answer.
The flame dimmed, replaced by a vivid green glow. "Thunder Flame. Solidification. It's about structure and stability. It reinforces everything it touches, creating something that can withstand even the heaviest blows."
Donald tilted his head. "That is me, defensive by nature."
"And offensive," Nero clarified. "The same way a fortified wall can double as a battering ram."
"Figures you'd get something like that," Anthony said to Donald. "All about strength and resilience."
The final flame emerged, its deep indigo glow casting long shadows across the room. "And finally, the Mist Flame," Nero said. "Illusion. Deception. It twists perception, creating constructs that blend seamlessly with reality. It's elusive, unpredictable, and incredibly dangerous in the right hands."
Maria grinned, leaning back in her chair. "Right hands meaning mine."
Sofia gave her a sidelong glance. "We know. You remind us every time someone trips over an illusion you 'forgot' to dismiss."
"They're memorable moments," Maria said with a shrug. "You should thank me for making your life interesting."
Diego snorted. "Interesting? You almost got me killed last week with that fake bridge illusion."
"And yet, here you are," Maria replied smoothly. "Alive, unharmed, and still as dramatic as ever."
Nero clapped his hands once, drawing their attention. "That's the overview. For those of you new to this, Flames aren't just tools. They're part of you. The stronger your will, the stronger your Flame. Everything else—the weapons, the constructs, even the abilities—they're extensions of that."
Yagami Light was first to step up, a faint smile playing on his lips. "I already foresee what I can do with these."
Hercule leaned against a nearby table, one arm casually draped over the back of a chair. "You talk like you already know what Flame you'll awaken."
Light turned toward him, his smile shifting into a mocking one. "Of course I do. As Boss explained, Flames reflect character. I've analyzed the original seven and myself. It's not difficult to deduce." He glanced around the room. "While I'm at it, how about I analyze the rest of you? Excluding the new three, of course."
Diego raised an eyebrow. "Oh, this should be good. Please, enlighten us. I'm dying to know what kind of genius insight you've got for us."
Light looked at Hercule, his sharp eyes settling on the man lounging casually. "Let's start with you first."
Hercule raised an eyebrow, leaning forward slightly. "Me? Alright, genius. What've you got?"
"Simple," Light said, his tone matter-of-fact. "You thrive on attention, but you're not one to seek it without purpose. You lean toward the Thunder Flame. It reinforces, solidifies, and creates an undeniable presence. Much like you, it's stable but capable of immense strength when properly applied."
Hercule rubbed his chin, looking thoughtful. "Solid. I can live with that."
Light moved on without pause. His gaze shifted to Lara Croft, who was standing near a console, her arms crossed as she observed. "You," he said, pointing toward her. "Mist Flame."
Lara tilted her head, her expression neutral. "Mist? That doesn't sound like me."
"It fits," Light replied. "You're a tactician. You mislead your enemies, adapt to situations, and make your presence felt without being the center of attention. The Mist Flame isn't about being deceptive for the sake of it—it's about controlling the narrative. That's what you do."
Lara nodded slightly, though her face gave little away. "Interesting perspective."
Light's attention turned to Finn, who was leaning against the far wall with a relaxed posture. "Cloud Flame," he said. "You're adaptable, capable of handling almost anything thrown at you. But your strength lies in your ability to multiply efforts, to build upon what's already there."
Finn gave a small smile. "Sounds about right. Not bad, detective."
Diego grinned from across the room. "He's got a talent for stating the obvious, doesn't he?"
Light ignored him, focusing next on Nami. "You're the Rain Flame," he said. "Tranquility and control. You balance chaos with precision, and you're quick to adapt without losing focus on the bigger picture."
Nami smiled faintly, her hand resting on her hip. "I'll take that as a compliment."
"Take it however you like," Light replied, already shifting to Sakura Haruno. "Storm Flame. Your energy is relentless, eroding barriers, and overwhelming whatever stands in your way. It suits your personality—direct and forceful."
Sakura raised an eyebrow, her arms crossed. "So, I'm a destructive force. That's your assessment?"
"Call it what you want," Light said simply. "But the results speak for themselves."
Finally, he turned to L, who was sitting cross-legged on a nearby table, his fingers idly tapping against his knee. "Sky Flame," Light said after a moment's pause.
L's gaze didn't waver. "Explain."
"You observe, analyze, and bring things together," Light said. "The Sky Flame is about harmony, uniting different elements and creating something cohesive. You don't just see the pieces—you see how they fit."
L tilted his head slightly. "An interesting deduction. I'm curious how well it aligns with reality."
"You'll find out soon enough," Light replied, his tone dismissive as he folded his arms.
Anthony, who had been silently watching, spoke up with a smirk. "You're pretty quick to assign roles, huh? What about yourself? Where do you fit into all this?"
Light didn't hesitate. "The Sky Flame. I don't just analyze—I create order from chaos."
"Big talk," Diego said, leaning back against the counter. "Let's see if you can back it up when it counts."
Maria waved a hand lazily. "Oh, let him have his fun. He's practically glowing from the sound of his own voice."
"Coming from you?" Sofia muttered without looking up from the console she was tweaking.
"Boys, girls," Nero interjected, his voice cutting through the room with an air of finality. "Let's save the bickering. We've got work to do."
He turned toward Spanner and Gianni, who had been quietly discussing something at a nearby table. "Are the devices ready?"
Spanner nodded, tapping a small device on his wrist. "Yeah, we're good to go. Just need to run the activation sequence."
Gianni gestured to a nearby console. "It's straightforward. They step in, Flames activate, and we see what we're working with. No explosions, probably."
"Probably?" Sofia asked, her tone sharp.
"Relax," Gianni said with a grin. "I know what I'm doing."
Nero gestured toward the holographic display that Sofia had linked to the device. "Alright, let's get started. One at a time. L, you're up first."
L stood, casually approached the activation platform. The air around him grew heavy, and faint traces of orange light began to swirl around his body.
"Sky Flame," Spanner confirmed, watching the readings. "No surprises there."
The light intensified, coalescing into a steady glow before dissipating into L's body. He stepped off the platform, his expression thoughtful. "Fascinating."
"Next," Nero called, motioning for Sakura.
Sakura approached the platform, her stride confident. As the device activated, a vibrant red light erupted around her, swirling with aggressive energy.
"Storm Flame," Gianni said, nodding in approval. "Strong output, too."
The light faded, and Sakura stepped off the platform, her arms crossed as she observed the results on the display.
The process continued smoothly. Nami's activation brought forth a calm blue glow, her Rain Flame manifesting. Finn followed, his Cloud Flame radiating a soft purple hue that pulsed rhythmically. Lara's Mist Flame emerged as an ethereal indigo haze, shifting and elusive. Hercule's Thunder Flame sparked to life in vivid green, its energy crackling with potential.
As the final activation finished, Nero turned back to the group. "There you have it. Your Flames are awakened. Now comes the hard part—learning how to use them. Snape, Spanner and Gianni, you three awaken your flames as well."
But all eyes were on Light, who was basking in the flicker of his newly awakened Sky Flames. Hercule muttered, "Monster." In less than a minute, Light had accurately guessed everyone's Flames before their awakening.
Light didn't so much as glance at him, his hands sliding into his pockets. "It wasn't nothing," he said plainly. "It was deduction."
"And modest, too," Diego quipped with a grin. "You should've been a fortune teller. Could've made a killing on the side."
"Do you have a point, or are you just wasting oxygen?" Light asked, his tone devoid of interest.
Diego gave a mock gasp. "Wasting oxygen? How rude! See, this is why nobody likes geniuses."
Maria smirked from her seat, tossing an illusory popcorn kernel toward Diego. "Nobody likes them because they're usually right. You're just mad he called you predictable."
"I'm not predictable," Diego shot back, snatching the popcorn out of the air. "I'm consistent. There's a difference."
"Consistently annoying," Sofia muttered from across the room, barely glancing up from the display she was adjusting. "Which is saying something, considering the competition in here."
"You wound me, Sofia," Diego said, placing a hand over his chest with exaggerated offense. "I'm an asset to this team. A shining beacon of talent and charm."
Anthony snorted. "Beacon, huh? More like a disco ball. Flashy, spins around a lot, but mostly just distracting."
"That's rich coming from you," Diego said, pointing at him. "You're practically a golden retriever in human form. Do you even know how to sit still?"
"Better than you know how to shut up," Anthony replied, flicking his finger.
Nero sighed. "Enough. Go ahead and awaken, you three," he said, nodding toward Snape, Gianni, and Spanner. He leaned back slightly, letting Sofia handle the console as the others shifted their attention toward the activation platform.
Snape stepped forward first, his black cloak swept slightly as he approached the platform, glancing briefly at Sofia's equipment before focusing on the task.
"Do try not to vaporize me," Snape said, his voice as dry as ever.
"Wouldn't dream of it," Sofia replied flatly, her fingers darting over the controls. "Just stand still and let the machine do its job."
The platform hummed to life, faint wisps of indigo flame swirling around Snape. His sharp gaze didn't waver as the Mist Flame engulfed him momentarily before receding into his form.
"Mist Flame," Sofia confirmed, glancing at the readings. "No surprises there."
Snape stepped down, brushing an invisible speck of dust off his cloak. "I can work with this," he said simply, returning to his place at the edge of the room.
Gianni was already moving, his hands shoved casually into his pockets as he strode to the platform. He gave Spanner a grin on his way. "Place your bets, grease monkey. I'm thinking Thunder."
Spanner raised an eyebrow, arms crossed. "More like Cloud. You're all talk and no substance."
"Funny," Gianni shot back, stepping onto the platform. "Let's see how wrong you are."
The machine activated again, and a vibrant purple hue erupted around him. The Cloud Flame's distinct aura pulsed rhythmically, casting a faint glow.
Spanner smirked. "Called it."
Gianni sighed dramatically, stepping off the platform. "Fine. Cloud. Happy now?"
"Ecstatic," Spanner said, waving toward the platform. "My turn."
He approached with an air of confidence, adjusting his goggles as he stepped onto the activation pad. The machine whirred, and a vibrant green light surrounded him, crackling with energy.
"Thunder Flame," Sofia announced, not looking up from her console.
Spanner adjusted his goggles again, stepping down with a faint grin. "Predictable. But I'll take it."
Nero looked at the group, "Alright, from now on, L and Light, you'll work with me. I'll teach you the basics. Sakura, you're with Diego. Nami, you're with Sofia. Hercule and Spanner, you'll train with Donald. Finn and Gianni, go with Nigel. Snape and Lara, you're with Maria." He paused briefly, his gaze shifting toward Anthony. "Anthony, for now, you're on your own. You'll get your partner when someone awakens Sun Flames."
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