Chapter 16: A Totally Normal School Day

"Were you scared of that monster? That why you ditched class all these days?"

Only one person could throw that at me Felicia, sitting right next to me, all casual like she wasn't calling me out.

I side-eyed her. "Damn, you notice me missing that much?" I muttered, keeping my voice low. Ms. Elizabeth was on her usual "education is a privilege, not a right" rant, and I wasn't in the mood for another speech about wasted potential.

Felicia didn't even look up. "Nah. Just saying. A lot of people have been skipping lately."

"Your... whatever-she-is too," I muttered, glancing at Jessica's empty seat.

"She's not my friend."

"Uh-huh. You talk to, like, three people in this whole school, and she's one of them. So what, she your... handler?"

Felicia didn't react at first. Just kept scribbling. Then

"She's in a coma. Her family got in an accident. She's the only one that made it."

I blinked. "...Oh."

Felicia's pen still moved, but slower now.

I leaned back, staring at Jessica's empty desk.

"That's… messed up."

And in more ways than one.

Because if we were following the comic book route, that meant

Jessica just got her powers. Which was good... in theory.

But it also meant she was getting adopted.

Which meant Kilgrave was on the horizon.

And that was a whole can of nope I did not want to think about right now.

My eyes drifted to Peter, sitting a few seats ahead.

If I had to bet on anyone else whose life was about to get flipped upside down, it was him.

I could feel the changes. My instincts screamed that something about him had shifted.

Which was great. Because with Spider-Man about to hit the scene, guess what else was coming?

His entire circus of nightmare fuel.

Doc Ock? Possible.

Lizard? Hope not.

Goblin? Really hope not.

Inheritors? …Honestly, I wasn't sure.

I scratched my jaw. "Was it Chameleon first in the comics?"

Felicia shot me a look. "Are you seriously thinking about comics right now?"

"Better than thinking about Ms. Elizabeth's dramatic monologue."

Felicia hummed. "Fair point."

Yeah, fair. But still...

I wasn't exactly ready for this mess because I didn't have real superpowers, well, I had Genetic Manipulation.

A smart person would've fully assimilated Eto Yoshimura by now, turned themselves into an unkillable ghoul warrior.

Guess what I did instead?

I prioritised Edna Mode.

No capes, darling.


Because my drip matters.

I sighed, rubbing my temples.

Man, life would've been so much easier if I got dropped into something simple, like Horimiya or Love Is War.

No mutants, no psychos in spandex, no "oh look, another world-ending crisis."

Just school, mild drama, and maybe stressing over exams instead of actual survival.

Safe. Chill.

Buuut... no adrenaline rush. No superpowers.

And, most importantly no shot at a hare ...

I mean, multiple partners.

Yeah. Totally dodged a bullet there.

Anyway. Back to reality.

Storm's coming, and I gotta be ready.

Who knows when this world decides to flip the script? One day, it's regular superhero chaos next thing you know, it's a full-blown zombie apocalypse. Or some immortal, unkillable mercenary realises he's fictional and goes full "kill everyone in the script" mode.

And don't even get me started on Morgan Engine. No clue if I'd even exist if the world hit reset.

Which means…

Gotta make my moves fast.

"Oh, by the way my watch," I say, turning to Jessica.

She blinks at me, confused. "Huh?"

I just flash her a grin. No way that look's gonna work on me.

With a sigh, she digs into her bag and hands it over.

She loves stealing.

Oh, and if I remember right, she either has or will have some kind of bad luck power. Pretty sure that was thanks to one of Kingpin's little science projects.

Which reminds me I gotta make sure he never builds that damn collider. Or, if he does… I'm keeping it. Y'know, for safety reasons.

Also, if I ever pull a Spider-Man template, would that mean I'd connect to the Web of Life and Destiny?

I mean, it makes sense, right? Given I'm already part of this multiversal mess.

Then there are also Skrulls roaming around, if I'm not wrong.

Who knows what the result of the Inhumans' civil war is?

"Stephen. Stephen.


"Yes, Ms.?"

"Focus on class."

"Yes, sorry."

She didn't say much probably already knew my situation from others. Otherwise, no way she'd let me off this easy.

"Quite the luck you have."

"I don't doubt it."

I really don't.

Who got the chance to transmigrate? Me.

Who landed in Marvel? Me.

Who got a system? Also me.

After all that, yeah, I definitely don't doubt my luck.

Just hope it sticks around when I do my spin maybe bless me with a solid template or power.

I also have to choose my vigilante suit design.

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