Chapter 193: 00192. It's not hard to mess with Tony.
As Ezekiel sped through the murky water of Morag, the magical sphere around him not only kept him protected from it but also allowed him to see through it as if it wasn't there. All around Ezekiel were the remains of the once thriving civilization of Morag, now decaying in the murky depths of a disaster of their own making.
While originally Ezekiel thought what was mentioned in the movie about the planet was part of the story. But from records he found in star charts from the space ships he collected. It turned out that Morag really did collapse because of a global warming catastrophe.
When Theo first found the information in the star charts he collected he was a little confused. Why would star charts have that type of information and what purpose did it serve? Theo somewhat found the answer to his question pretty quickly because it was actually built into the star charts help section.
While ship captain's modified the star charts they used and added information during their travels. They all originally started with basically the same map. A map that was created and standardized by Nova Corps and a few other galactic organizations.
They filled it in with most of the information and also used star charts they collected and verified over the years to expand it and fill in missing information. As for why that information was included in the first place? Theo didn't find that in the charts themselves but from public information he collected off of Xandars internet.
The information was included to give ships general information about any planet they came across so they knew what to expect when they arrived. While it only worked for planets already on the charts, it was still helpful for people who have never been to a certain planet before.
Ezekiel glanced around the seafloor at the mostly decayed buildings for a while before he got bored and pulled out his tablet. He opened up the music player and scrolled through a few playlists before he found what he was searching for. After he touched the play button, he left the tablet to hang from its shoulder strap as White Rabbit started to play.
Ezekiel hummed along as he continued to search through the murky depths of the water. In Ezekiel's search he was surprised to find that while the main civilization of the planet died out, the planet still teemed with life. Well at least the watery depths that covered most of the planet did.
He saw many different types of fish, plants and other creatures alive and well as they made their homes in the ruins of the now long dead civilization. Most of the creatures were on the smaller side of things, but a few times Ezekiel ran into larger ones easily the size of a car. While he wasn't scared of the creatures, Ezekiel made sure to steer clear of them since he didn't want to waste time with them.
Time slowly passed on Morag and before Ezekiel realized it, over half a day was wasted in search of the building that contained the power stone. While Ezekiel could easily go for a couple days without food as he searched, he decided to call it a day for now.
Before he left the water Ezekiel created a magical tracking spell that he placed on the sea floor below him so he could start again in the same spot when he came back. With that finished he made his magic bubble move towards the surface before he used chakra to help him stand on top of the murky green water. Once he was out of the water, he stopped the music on his tablet before he sent a message to Agatha with magic. After a minute a portal opened up next to him and he stepped through it before it snapped closed behind him.
"Looks like your search didn't go well." Tao said as she opened another portal before Agatha walked through it.
Ezekiel shrugged as he said, "I didn't think we would find it on the first attempt."
Agatha nodded in agreement as she said, "At least we know it's near a coastal area on the planet so we don't have to waste time searching the whole thing."
"So… Same time tomorrow?" Ezekiel asked as he glanced at Agatha.
"Sure. But the longer this takes, the bigger the favor you are going to owe me. Also you need to buy me dinner, I'm starving."
"I could also go for some food, it's almost dinner time." Tao said as she turned to look at Ezekiel.
Ezekiel smiled and waved a hand towards the door as he said, "Anything to make my masters happy."
Ezekiel, Tao and Agatha ended up in Mexico at a random street stall eating tacos. Afterwards Ezekiel bid them farewell and portaled to Tony's workshop. As he stepped out of the portal JARVIS said, "Mr. Stark, Miss. Potts and Happy are currently upstairs in the kitchen."
"Thanks, JARVIS."
"You're welcome, Ezekiel."
As Ezekiel came up stairs from the workshop he heard Pepper as she said, "I just wanna go out for a little bit Tony, I've been cooped up here for two months now."
"But if you go out like that, people will start asking questions and you were the one who wanted to keep everything a secret for now." Tony said as Ezekiel stepped into the kitchen area.
Tony noticed Ezekiel first and frowned the tiniest bit as he glanced towards one of the cameras before he said, "JARVIS… We talked about this."
Ezekiel waved at everyone as they turned to look at him and he said, "Hi."
"I sent a text message to your phone as soon as he arrived. Unfortunately it looks like you turned it to silent mode an hour ago sir." JARVIS said.
"JARVIS…" Tony said in an annoyed tone as he pulled out his phone to check it.
Ezekiel smirked as he moved into the kitchen and asked, "What's going on?"
Pepper rubbed her bulging belly as she said, "Apparently I'm on house arrest now because of how noticeable my belly is."
"Just hide it and it won't be an issue."
Tony placed his phone down on the counter before he reached over to rub Pepper's belly as he said, "I don't think there's a way to hide this massive thing."
Pepper playfully smacked Tony as she said, "It's not massive… But it is a little too big to hide anymore."
Ezekiel pulled out a henge seal from his storage seal as he said, "Let me see your arm, I wanna try something."
Both Pepper and Tony glanced at the thin piece of paper with elegant symbols covering it before Tony asked, "Why does that kinda look like computer code?"
"Because it is. Now let me see your arm for a moment." Ezekiel said as he looked at Pepper.
Pepper glanced at the seal as she held up her hand and asked, "What exactly do you wanna do?"
Ezekiel placed the seal on Pepper's arm before he channeled chakra into it. Once the seal was completely filled with chakra he performed a henge, but forced the transformation onto Pepper as he held her arm. A puff of smoke later and Pepper looked like a completely different woman but still very pregnant.
Tony's mouth dropped open as he stared wide eyed at Pepper who now had long black hair instead of red, along with slightly tanned skin. Her eyes were also brown and almond shaped instead of her normal round green eyes. Pepper didn't feel anything and didn't notice her skin tone change at first as she asked, "Was that supposed to do something?"
Tony touched Pepper's face as he asked, "How did you do that?"
Pepper touched her own face as she asked, "What did he do?"
"I believe my sensors are currently malfunctioning." JARVIS said as one of the cameras refocused on Pepper.
Happy, who was also stunned for a few moments, finally recovered and pointed towards a full length mirror hung near the entryway as he said, "You should see for yourself."
Tony nodded in agreement before he walked Pepper over to the mirror to see what Ezekiel did. Pepper froze as she looked at herself for a few moments before she asked, "Is this really me?"
"It's just a minor trick to change your appearance. It's pretty much an illusion but a little more real since I matched it to your body. That's why your hair and everything else is the same, just color changed."
Pepper checked herself out in the mirror for a bit before she asked, "How do I change back?"
"Either pull the seal off your arm or once it runs out of power, which should be in two or three days." Ezekiel said with a shrug.
Pepper turned to Tony with a smile as she asked, "I can go out now, right?"
Tony frowned a little before he said, "We can, but if I go out with you it'll probably start some crazy rumors about me getting a woman pregnant…"
Pepper poked Tony in the chest as she said, "You did get a woman pregnant! I'm just surprised I'm the first one, with how much of a man slut you used to be."
Tony sheepishly rubbed the back of his head as he said, "I always used protection…"
Ezekiel smirked as he asked, "Are you sure about that?"
"One hundred percent. I never messed around without one, no matter how drunk I was."
Happy nodded in agreement as he said, "I would also remind him and give him one just in case."
Ezekiel raised an eyebrow as he said, "Good to know you were looking out for the little man whore in his younger days."
Pepper frowned as she said, "As much as I am enjoying this conversation… I wanna go out."
"But…" Tony's voice trailed off as he turned to Ezekiel before he asked, "Can you do the same thing for me?"
"I was just waiting for you to ask." Ezekiel said as the hint of an evil smile crept onto his face.
Ezekiel quickly pulled out another seal and placed it on Tony's arm before he repeated the same process he did for Pepper. Once the smoke cleared Pepper and Happy both stared in disbelief at Tony who asked, "How do I look?"
Pepper and Happy couldn't stop themselves as they burst into uncontrolled laughter that filled the room and caused Tony to frown. Tony turned towards the mirror only to freeze in place as his mouth dropped open at what stared back at him. Tony's whole body had filled out which included an overly large round waist. His new stocky body included a massive mustache that hid his top lip and almost made his round face look like a real life Mario. The only thing he was missing was the hat but Ezekiel did make sure to change Tony's clothes to a red shirt along with denim overalls.
Tony tried to speak a couple times but his mouth only opened and closed for a few moments before he finally whirled around to glare at Ezekiel as he asked, "What the hell? Why do you always have to mess with me?"
Ezekiel tilted his head slightly to the side as he said, "I have no idea what you're talking about… You asked for a disguise and I gave you one."
Tony pointed at his face as he asked, "How the hell do you consider this a disguise?"
"Because no one in the world would think you're Tony Stark?"
"He has a point, sir."
"Shut up JARVIS, no one asked you." Tony said with a frown.
"Understood, sir."
Pepper finally recovered as she said, "Honestly it's perfect. No one would think that's you, it's just too different."
Happy nodded in agreement as Tony focused on Ezekiel and asked, "Can you change it to something else?"
Ezekiel rubbed his chin as he said, "I guess I could do Tweedle Dee…"
"NO!" Tony said as he cut off Ezekiel and waved his arms in front of himself.
"How about Smee from…"
"NO! Just make me look normal!" Tony said in an exasperated tone.
Ezekiel let out a sigh as he said, "You're no fun. But fine, I'll make you normal. But if you don't like it, that's too bad because I won't change it."
"As long as I look normal, I won't care what you do." Tony said as Ezekiel grabbed his arm and performed another henge.
When the smoke cleared Pepper instantly covered her mouth as she tried to hold back a laugh but failed miserably. Happy was the same way and started to laugh as Tony turned to look in the mirror and froze again. Tony was now bald with the blandest looking face framed by large round eyes that looked completely dull and lifeless. The red shirt and overalls were now replaced with a white sweater with orange sleeves and the word 'Oppai' printed boldly on the chest along with what looked like breasts in yellow.
Tony frowned but the face in the mirror barely moved in response which made Tony frown even more. Ezekiel appeared in the mirror behind Tony with a smile on his face before he said, "I think this suits you, maybe you should shave your head."
"I said make me look normal!" Tony said as he spun around to glare at Ezekiel.
"That's the most normal person I could think of."