Chapter 4: 04: Powers and Skills [01]
Why not both?' Peter shrugged, thinking of buying [Beast's Scent].
[Would you like to buy 'Beast's Scent' for 100 SP?]
Peter focused on [Yes]. Immediately [100 SP] got deducted and a noise rang.
['Beast's Scent' has been purchased!]
[Beast's Scent]
Description: secretes a scent that makes women in a certain radius aroused and sexually attracted to the user.
-Max usage: 1 time/day
-Max radius: 5 meters
-Works for 30 minutes only
(As the skill levels up, more and more features will be added.)
Peter smiled and quickly bought the other skill too.
[Would you like to buy 'PP Size Manipulation' for 1000 SP?]
Peter thought of [Yes] and [1000 SP] got deducted. It pained him that he had to spend [1000 SP] on such a… skill, but he needed to make with what he had. Doesn't matter if it were this perverted system. Not that he cared either. Sure, he was 'good' but that didn't mean he was a dumb, pathetic loser who only thinks for people he barely knew about. No. Not at all.
Peter was selfish and greedy. Extremely so.
['PP Size Manipulation' has been purchased!]
[PP Size Manipulation]
Description: Permanently increases penis length and has further Erection Manipulation.
-Size increase: Permanent-Sub Skill: [Erection (Lvl: 01)]
Descriptions: Allows the user to erect without having to do foreplay. Gives greater pleasure, temporarily increases cock length and the amount of semen will increase at each level.
(As the skill levels up, more and more features will be added.)
Peter felt a bit weird on his dick. A warm sensation enveloped his cock for a few moments before it vanished.
Peter sighed as he looked at the remaining amount of his SP.
[3450/10,000 SP]
Peter wanted to test his skills, but he wasn't dumb enough to test [PP Size Manipulation] or its sub-skill [Erection (Lvl: 01)] here. He didn't want to embarrass himself in front of May. [Beast's Scent] though… he could probably test it on May, no?
Sure, he'd feel a bit shitty for using it on his aunt, or so the 'Peter' part of him would feel, the 'Edward' side of him though… gives no shit.
Peter loved Aunt May, but Edward's twisted mentality-due to the blanks in his memory-affected that 'love', turning it into some sort of taboo love. Which was wrong on so many levels.
But Peter didn't care anymore.
'How do I activate skills though?' Peter thought to himself, not expecting any answer. But, lucky for him, his system was always listening and seeing him. Always.
[Skills can be activated by thinking about activating them or simply saying the name out loud with the intention to activate. The system will understand when the user wants to activate a skill.]
Oh, right. There was his system now. This 'fucking' system of his would probably help regarding every query he had about the system.
[Correction. Not every query. The system is completely attached to the user and no one else, but there are certain restrictions placed on the system for the system, and the user's safety. These restrictions will be lifted as the system's level goes up.]
'I see.' Peter narrowed his eyes.
Anyways, he thought of activating the [Beast's Scent]. Immediately, he felt something warm leave his body, it was a strangely numb, but pleasing feeling. The air around him seemed the same as before, but something had changed. For one, there was a sweet scent in the air around him. And secondly, May was staring at him weirdly.
Was this affecting her?
Peter let the skill on for a while.May was fine for the first few seconds, but then, her cheeks started flushing. Her breathing got rough, and her eyes turned hazy.
She was turned on?
Crazy. This skill was crazy.
Peter immediately turned it off by thinking so.
[Beast's Scent: Deactivated… ]
But May was still breathing raggedly.
Shit. Peter was a bit concerned. He shouldn't have used it on her. Damn it.
"May, you alright?" He asked, feeling uneasy.
"Yeah, huff, I'm fine. Probably." May huffed, looking at him funny before she snapped out of it by shaking her head. She stood up and started walking towards her room.
"Peter, can you put everything in the kitchen once you're done eating? Sorry, but I'm a bit dizzy."
Peter bit his lip lightly. Shit. he definitely shouldn't have tried it on her.
"Should we see a doctor?""No… no, I'm fine." She glanced at him as if she were drunk before getting inside her room, leaving Peter to ponder on his actions.
He was changing.
Changing into someone else.
Normally, he wouldn't even use something like [Beast's Scent] let alone use it on his beloved aunt. Fuck. This was because of that Edward part of him, wasn't it?
Who was Edward, really, if he was getting affected this much?
Not 'he' as in Peter, but 'he' as in an amalgamation of Peter and Edward.
Peter sighed, picked up the plates and utensils, brought them into the kitchen, and washed and cleaned them in the sink a bit absent-mindedly.
While doing so, however, he was struck by an idea.
'Hey, system?'
[Yes, user?]
'How can I increase the usage limit on [Beast's Scent]?'
[The 1 time/day one?]
[You can wait for it to level up, or purchase a higher limit using SP]'
How much exactly?'
[3500 SP to increase the max usage to 2 times/day permanently, 10,000 SP to increase it to 3 times/day permanently. 50,000 to increase-]
'That's enough.'
Damn. This crap cost a shit ton. The initial price wasn't much though, so why?
Peter sighed before he made his way inside his room. Though when he crossed May's room… he heard some questionable noises from inside.
"Nngggghh!" he heard a muffled moan.
She's moaning?
Peter blushed and quickly walked towards his room before getting in.
He made sure to lock the door.
He wouldn't think of her, no he wouldn't. No, he isn't thinking of what she's doing. Not at all.
Peter shook his head and moved on to the next subject quickly.
Peter wasn't sleepy, so he waited till the sun went down before wearing a hoody, a Halloween mask he had lying around, and fingerless gloves. Then, he opened the window and looked outside.
Taking a deep breath, he got outside, sticking his hands on the wall before fulling going outside.
Peter got on the wall and looked down, it was frightening, but he knew that it would be easy once he took the leap of faith.
Though it wouldn't look as dramatic as the one from that spider-verse movie because instead of a sky-piercing building, he was jumping from a relatively smaller one.
Anyway, Peter sucked in air in his lungs before jumping; he was terrified yet quite excited.
Even though he fell for only a second, the wind hitting his ears was deafening, and the ever-closing ground wasn't looking welcoming.
So, Peter raised his hand, aimed for a building some distance away, and shot his web.
He felt a weird sensation in his wrist as the web shot away towards his target. Though the aim turned out to be a bit off, it managed to latch on tightly as Peter pulled with full force so he wouldn't kiss the ground.
Peter felt his body being pulled by his monstrous strength, and the euphoric feeling of being airborne made him smile silly.
His smile, however, vanished when gravity pulled on him again and he started falling.
Peter panicked slightly before he shot a web again, swinging before flailing in the air. This was more difficult than he'd initially thought, but his body was doing most of the work instinctually so that he could swing with relative ease.
Peter wanted to change this, of course. He wanted to do everything himself, sure, it would take a while before he managed to do this without letting his instincts reign supreme, but he could surely control himself and train his instincts for better, and more efficient results.
Peter swung around with a bit of difficulty since he was new at this shit and the buildings around him weren't really New York high. They were smaller.
But meh~ he'll do fine with some practice, wouldn't he?
Anyway, Peter stopped some minor crimes with his clumsy attempts before he found something big, a ràpe attempt.
It was a bit hypocritical of him, maybe, but he stopped the assailant with a bit of force. Maybe because of the recent stuff that happened involving ràpe, Peter wasn't able to control his strength so well when he punched him.
The punch landed on the man's nose with a sickening crunch. The man couldn't even shout in pain as his face caved in a little.
His nose was broken beyond recovery. The man fell unconscious and the woman ran away, too frightened to even remain behind. Peter was left a bit stumped. He didn't know what to do; he definitely wasn't going to call the police from his phone, they would suspect. Even if he were to call them as Peter Parker, he still would have to go to the police station for questioning.
And May would be worried, for no reason at all, so no.
So, Peter did what he considered best; he ran away. This is a decision he will come to regret later, but oh well, that's for the future. And it is mostly best if the future is left untold.
After that, as Peter was a bit uneasy, he didn't fight crimes. He didn't like hero work in the first place. He was just trying to improve. He knew what the future entailed. No matter what Marvel universe this might be, every one of them is fucked, so he was sure he needed to train himself and grow stronger if he wanted to stay safe along with his loved ones.
As an idea hit him after he remembered those Marvel fanfics he'd read in his past life as Edward, Peter swung around the city, looking for abandoned buildings and warehouses. It wouldn't be easy to find a place where there were no cameras or some kind of surveillance.
This was New York, after all. There were cameras everywhere. And Peter, for one, wasn't so keen on finding out what would happen if one of the organizations came to know of his identity.
He didn't trust S.H.I.E.L.D. since he knew what happened in the MCU. Even if this wasn't the MCU, he was sure that S.H.I.E.L.D. was Hydra's hiding place. And he wasn't so keen on becoming their lab rat.
Though all this information made him frown.
He knew the world's future, or more specifically, what happened in the movies he'd watched in his previous life. Actually, he remembered everything from his previous life that wasn't related to 'him'.
Anyway, it took Peter an hour or so before he managed to find an abandoned warehouse. There were no cameras around, he'd triple-checked. And just to make sure, he went around the warehouse, checking once again. As he walked around, a thought struck him, a thought that made him worried.
He needed to do something about keeping his identity secret too.
And for that, he would need a suit. Now, he could go all ham and make one on his own, but it would be shabby and he would definitely be caught changing or returning home in one of the cameras. It didn't take Tony much time to find Spider-Man's identity in his past life's movies, after all.
So, yes, he couldn't make his suit himself, not for now anyway. He didn't have the tech, and neither did he have any money. He was piss poor, and he didn't want to burden May too much.
So, he needed to find an alternative…But what?
Maybe he should go to the ancient one?
But… will she help him?
This wasn't fanfiction like the ones he'd read in his previous life, this was real life-for him anyway-and people were selfish. What could he offer her that she'd help him out?
Peter entered the warehouse as he was done checking for any cameras. Peter got into the basement of the warehouse; thankfully, it was spacious.
From his memories, Peter knew that he was bitten a day or two ago, it hadn't been a while. Though he'd been in control of his strength, it was because he was really, really careful. And when he was fucking Gwen, it was because of his instincts, or that [Beast Mode] taking over.
That's why she'd been fine.
But Peter needed to learn control lest he ends up hurting someone. Say, like that ràpist earlier.
Peter weaved his web around for a while, adjusting stuff and also learning his limits related to his webs.
It took a while, but his webs weren't running out, though he did feel like his wrists were on fire. They kept shaking from time to time too. So, he was sure that there wasn't really a limit to his webs, his organic web shooters were just like any part of the body. They got tired, but never stopped working.
Peter could work to improve them too, so that was good.After testing his webs' strength and everything related to them, Peter was ready to test his other powers.