Marvel's Omniverse Magic Controller

Chapter 13: Chapter 13: George’s Final “Gift”

Chapter 13: George's Final "Gift"

Ever since he learned that his mutant abilities were capped at Level 2, George had been thinking about how to maximize their potential.

He couldn't do what Magneto could—stop countless bullets or even missiles, lift thousands of tons, fly using magnetism, or alter the Earth's magnetic field.

But he also thought the way the lab's instructors trained him to control daggers for killing was far too basic.

Using daggers was less effective than using needles. At least with needles, he could control more of them at a faster speed. While the damage might be less, targeting vital areas like the eyes or throat would still be deadly.

After much deliberation, however, he concluded that the best way to maximize the power of his magnetic abilities was to use firearms.

Bullets fired from guns were far faster and more lethal than anything he could control. By slightly altering the trajectory of the bullets, he could become a superhuman sharpshooter.

Right now, he was using submachine guns. If his abilities grew stronger in the future, allowing him to control the trajectory of heavy machine gun bullets, he would become unstoppable.

A one-man army, capable of taking down an entire base of guards by himself.


"Let's go!"

After emptying most of two magazines, all the guards in the cafeteria were down. George waved at Gabriela, who was staring in shock, and Laura, who looked confused.

"Laura, let's go."

Snapping out of her daze, Gabriela quickly grabbed Laura's hand and ran toward George.

She recognized Subject 757, of course. Unlike the other mutant children, this artificially created adult mutant didn't require care from the nurses. He was handled by specialized personnel.

But since he was willing to help, he clearly wasn't an enemy.

Leading Gabriela and Laura, George sprinted through the corridors, soon catching up with the other children. However, he didn't let his guard down. He knew the lab had far more guards than they had encountered so far.

The guards were likely still reeling from the sudden chaos and hadn't fully mobilized yet.

And there was no telling if they had more advanced or lethal weapons.

While he had been impressive earlier, taking out a group of guards with two submachine guns in the blink of an eye, that was largely thanks to Laura drawing their fire and the element of surprise.

Honestly, in his current state, even a sniper would be a major threat.

Some specialized Barrett sniper rifles, using armor-piercing rounds, could penetrate thick concrete walls. If a sniper took a shot at him from a distance, his magnetic abilities wouldn't be enough to deflect the bullet. He might not even have time to react before being killed.

So now was not the time to relax.

Fortunately, the rest of the journey went smoothly. They didn't encounter the sniper he feared or the Wolverine clone. They made it outside the lab without further incident.

"Do you know where the lab's most important research rooms and data storage are located?"

After helping the children into the truck, George didn't get in immediately. Instead, he turned to Gabriela and asked.

Though puzzled, Gabriela quickly pointed out two locations.

"Over there and there."

"Perfect. Let's leave them a little parting gift."

George opened his backpack and pulled out a dozen grenades he had collected from the guards' bodies.

Along with the grenades, his bag also contained some cash he had scavenged, ensuring he wouldn't be penniless once they escaped.

"Hope they like it."

Using his powers, George launched the grenades toward the two locations Gabriela had indicated, pulling the pins mid-air.

A moment later, deafening explosions rocked the lab, turning the targeted areas into infernos.

"Let's go!"

Satisfied with the results, George climbed into the truck with Gabriela, who was still gaping in shock.

His goal was simple: if the explosions killed the lab's higher-ups, great. If not, the chaos and destruction of critical research data would slow down any pursuit.

And his plan worked.


An hour later, a disheveled Dr. Rice slapped Commander Donald across the face, roaring in fury.

"Useless! I told you to dispose of the trash, and you let this happen! Most of them escaped, and you destroyed my most important research! If it weren't for X-24 being unharmed, I'd throw you into the incinerator right now!"

"Sir, it was my mistake. I didn't anticipate the nurses helping them escape."

Donald didn't react to the slap, simply bowing his head respectfully.

Dr. Rice took a deep breath, calming himself before issuing orders.

"I don't want to hear your excuses. I want you to retrieve those escaped mutant children as quickly as possible and eliminate them. They cannot be discovered by other organizations."

As the head of a globally renowned company with ties to various terrorist groups, Dr. Rice knew the world wasn't simple. Especially with the existence of S.H.I.E.L.D., a massive organization.

If S.H.I.E.L.D. discovered the existence of mutants, they would trace them back to him, and that would be a disaster.

Until he could mass-produce mutants, he didn't want to provoke S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Keep me updated on the situation. If necessary, I'll bring X-24 to assist. It'll be a good opportunity to test his combat effectiveness."

"Yes, sir!"

Donald nodded and left the partially destroyed lab to gather his men.


"What's the status of the investigation?"

"Commander, based on our investigation, it appears Subject 757 was responsible. According to—"

A squad leader quickly summarized the findings.

Donald frowned.

"Him? A mere Level 2 mutant? How could he have such capabilities?"

He had been in command during the earlier battle and knew the situation well.

The mutant children, with the help of the nurses, had initially escaped control, but he had quickly mobilized forces to contain them.

If not for the unexpected gunfire in the cafeteria, his men should have been able to corner the escaping children there.

He had been about to lead more troops to pursue them when the explosions forced him to return.

After all, one of the explosions had occurred near Dr. Rice's lab. He couldn't afford to ignore that.

"The evidence points to Subject 757. Captain Bis, who was assigned to eliminate him, was killed. Although Subject 757 destroyed all surveillance along the way, our forensic experts found traces of his path to the cafeteria.

Based on the bodies, while a few were killed by daggers, most died from gunshot wounds—all fatal and precise."

The squad leader explained.

"A sharpshooter? But he shouldn't have that kind of ability."

Donald frowned, puzzled.

Mutants with sharpshooter potential usually had superhuman vision, enhanced reflexes, or other related abilities. From what he knew, Subject 757 had telepathic and magnetic powers.

"Perhaps we should consult the boss about this."

Donald wasn't an expert on mutant abilities—that was Dr. Rice's domain.

But considering the boss's current mood, he decided against it.

After all, even if Subject 757 was a sharpshooter, without proper training, he shouldn't be a significant threat.

(End of Chapter)

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