Chapter 21: The payback
18 January 2019
During the night, suddenly, the door of Henry's house is knocked. And SpringBonnie is the one who checks.
SpringBonnie is taken by surprise when sees Michael Afton, but... He was wearing an uniform of Fazbear Entertainment, and not of a mere employee...
Michael: "Billy, I came to take you for helping me."
Billy: "... Michael?"
Michael: "Yes, let's go. We have low time, and we have to be precise on this."
Michael took SpringBonnie to his car, what surprised SpringBonnie by seeing Michael having own car. But couldn't have time to ask, before driving.
Billy: "How did you get that uniform? Why work for them? And... This car?"
Michael: "... I had a plan... After what happened... It became more than personal... They crossed the line... I prepared everything for this... We will pay them with the same coin."
Billy: "With the same coin?... What do you mean?"
Michael: "... Listen... I started working years ago for Fazbear Entertainment... I made sure I did EVERYTHING... For get promoted. And once I got to this rank, then I started the real plan. Their destruction and fall... I needed them to trust me, so when I got it, I asked them to add a storage building under the mall they were going to build. They had doubts, but after lying with a good explanation for be to test dangerous animatronics to become better in obtaining remnant, what William Afton was studying, then they accepted. But that yes, I also have explosives..."
Billy: "Wait... You mean..."
Michael: "Yes... I'm going to end this once and for all... I have everything I need. I just have to bring you there."
Billy: "... And then?... You will explode everything?..."
Michael: "Yes, I will explode everything. Why you sound like that? I'm freeing you."
Billy: "... But I like this... I actually like being Billy... I like being SpringBonnie... I'm finally someone... I finally have a purpose... I'm finally useful... I have a life now... A life filled with purpose, with things to do, with things that are worth of being alive... I never felt more alive ever before... Being springlocked... Was the best that could have happened to me... I like seeing the smiles in the children's face, I like seeing them loving to be with me, valuing me, being the center of attention..."
Michael remained silent for a moment, thinking deeply while continued driving.
Michael: "... I can give you peace... I can set you free along the others... We take Fazbear Entertainment down, and then... You can rest forever, enjoying whatever is after..."
Billy: "... I will help you... But I won't be with you..."
Michael looked confused, but when he looked at SpringBonnie, SpringBonnie's pupils were red.
Billy: "I won't be in peace... I will be against you if I lose who I am..."
Michael: "... Alright... You help me hold them, then... You will leave... By yourself. But you can use my car if you need. I'll leave the keys placed, so you just have to drive."
Billy: "... But I don't know how to drive."
Michael is taken by surprise, but after nodding while blinking much, recovers himself.
Michael: "That makes sense... Then... Instead of driving, just take the car to Henry."
Billy remained silent, and simply decided to wait until they reach where Michael was taking both. After a long travel, Michael drived to St. George, and stopped in front of the in built process, Mega Pizza Plex.
Michael leaded Billy inside. So many walls being built, and some many resources for build the Mega Pizza Plex... It was clear, Fazbear Entertainment was going all out with that mall.
After a moment, Michael leaded Billy into the 'storage', taking him downstairs, and was quite a long way downstairs, until they arrived. It was an underground location.
Quickly, Billy started roaming around, looking intrigued, while Michael started settling up everything.
Michael: "Alright... I don't know how long they will take to arrive, so prepare in case of having to hold anything."
Billy: "Hold anything? What do you mean? What is going to arrive?"
Michael ignored Billy, and continued settling everything. And after a moment, Billy started hearing sounds all around. It were metal steps, animatronics, and few, but then, quickly, a sudden explosion happen behind of them.
Billy turns around, worried, as sees debris blocking the exit, and then, he turned to look at Michael, while starts taking steps closer.
Billy: "Michael... What have you done?..."
Michael: "I... I had to..."
Billy grabbed Michael, and Billy's pupils changed to red, he was in a furious state, but suddenly, he stops, as the cries of a boy is heard... They turn to look, and was Golden Freddy.
Billy wondered how it was here, but then, Michael reveals it.
Michael: "Sorry, Fazbear Entertainment stole that golden empty suit from Henry's house!... I had to act, freeing all souls before they reach anything!..."
Billy: "... I don't care... I warned you... You lost your chance..."
Billy was going to kill Michael, but something was thrown. It was a metal pipe. Billy turned to look, and saw Scrap Baby.
She held a stance, her left arm forming a V, her left hand resting on her waist. Her right arm lifted, mechanical fingers twitching. In place of her hand, a massive scissor-like machine opened and closed, sharp and menacing.Billy dropped Michael, who started to run around, for doing something, while Billy and Scrab Baby stood staring at each other.
Scrab Baby: "You're not Daddy~... What are you doing using Daddy's suit?..."
Scrap Baby's voice was a chilling blend of sweet and sinister, like a child's lullaby warped by static and decay. It carried a sing-song quality, playful yet dripping with malice, as if she delighted in every word she spoke. Beneath the sugary tone, there was a jagged, broken undertone—glitches, distortions, and the faint crackle of something old and damaged trying to hold itself together. When she whispered, it was eerie, crawling under the skin like a distant radio signal cutting in and out. But when she laughed? It was sharp, metallic, and utterly devoid of warmth—a sound that made it clear she wasn't just playing. She was hunting.
Billy remained standing, uncaring, with a deep stare at Scrab Baby.
Billy: "... Your... I'm not even saying that word... Doesn't matter-"
Then, a sound interrupts Billy, and a pile of wires and metal starts crawling out of the vents. Molten Freddy, who instantly grabbed both in a trap of wires and metal, lifting both with easy, while laughing.
Molten Freddy: "Ooooooh-hohoho~! Look what we have here... A little rabbit caught in my wires, and a lost little girl looking for her daddy~! How deliciously tragic! Kekekeke... Now, now... What shall we do with you both? Ohhh, I have ideas... so many, many ideas~!"
Quickly, Molten Freddy started to make the wires have a harder grip, but Billy grabs the wires, and his palms and hands start glowing white, and the wires surrounding Billy start to melt slowly, quickly being a quick process.
Molten Freddy yells, dropping Billy, and quickly Billy recovers himself, and takes position to fight the amalgamation of wires and metal Molten Freddy was. Meanwhile, Scrab Baby remained trapped, with wires holding her, on her torso and arms.
Molten Freddy started swinging the wires, directly attacking at Billy, while also grabbing metal pipes and other metal pieces around the room. Billy easily dodged the wires, but the amount was quite big for him to can dodge for long without losing track of any wire in the process.
Suddenly, a sudden pipe of gas breaks, breaching through the building. Billy, Molten Freddy, and Scrab Baby, look around, but they don't see anything. Billy then notices how Golden Freddy suddenly appeared, sitting in it's typical sitting pose.
Billy hesitated for a moment, and slowly, CC started appearing from Golden Freddy, and Billy kneeled towards CC, and offered to embrace him, and CC accepted instantly.
Quickly, the entire building got on fire, as more pipes broke, and more gas started to be leaked inside the building. There was no explosions, but quick flames being born and increasing in size.
In less of an hour, the entire building was reduced into debris and ashes.
In the morning, Fazbear Entertainment cleaned the scene with efficiency, reporting the death of Scrap Baby, Molten Freddy, Billy the Rabbit, Michael Afton, and Golden Freddy.
Scrap Baby and Golden Freddy were reduced into ashes and shattered parts, with no signs of remnant inside.
Molten Freddy and Billy the Rabbit were dead, but both gave signs of remnant still present in them. Billy gave a much higher level of remnant than Molten Freddy.
Michael Afton was dead, but was also giving signs of remnant still present. Despite his body being also teared apart, his heart was still beating.
Henry Emily had to give up against Fazbear Entertainment, and working for them to remain alive.
Jeremy, the Freddy Bully, working by Fazbear Entertainment, was sent to work on the built of the endoskeletons for the future Glamrock animatronics.
Mark, the Bonnie Bully, working by Fazbear Entertainment, was sent to the work of the systems and development of any technology and game, to make sure customers would want to go and enjoy while spending their money in the mall.
Simon, the Chica Bully, working by Fazbear Entertainment, was sent as a Trauma-Informed Experience Designer, working closely with mental health professionals to design immersive VR experiences, or reprogramming animatronics that help visitors, especially children, confront and overcome their fears.
Emotional Safety Architecture: Developing protocols and interactive environments that prioritize emotional well-being.
Collaborative Design: Working with psychologists and therapists to integrate therapeutic elements into entertainment experiences.
Innovation in Immersive Media: Leading projects that transform traumatic experiences into healing journeys through carefully crafted narratives and technology.
The group was going back together, working near each other, for build the future for others, still with the weight of the incident they generated, a permanent scar in their minds, thoughts, memories, hearts, and souls.