Mass Effect massively messed up

Chapter 14: The Krogan Brat

Shepard didn't exactly like kids.

They were loud and annoying and smelly; just generally not her thing. At all. She couldn't say she had a single maternal instinct in her body given her own upbringing, and had never once considered having kids of her own. Which was why it was all the stranger that Wrex had picked her for babysitting duty.

She understood why, from a practical standpoint, but that didn't mean she agreed with the position. And she was sure he must've known other people better suited for the role. Not that this particular babysitting job had much to do with providing a loving, nurturing environment for the little brat. No, this was more about protecting him from an assassination attempt long enough for Wrex to take care of the clan that was after him.

It was all Krogan civil war stuff that Shepard was pretty used to, though her involvement in it was rarely… this. Normally when Wrex needed help he was hoping she could run into what was effectively an active warzone and blow some people to meat chunks, not… babysit.

Shepard sighed.

Protecting one Krogan ankle-biter for a few nights wasn't so bad, really. She'd obviously been through far worse with stopping Sovereign, and destroying the Collectors, but this was just… uninteresting to her. There wasn't the thrill or the excitement or the mayhem she usually liked.

Not to mention, the kid wasn't even cute.

And she was judging by Krogan standards.

"So!" he sauntered up to her, almost as wide as he was tall, "You some kinda bigshot, huh?"

His name was Gugg, which - to Shepard's mind - matched him perfectly. He was old enough to form coherent sentences, but only just barely. Unlike other Krogan children she'd seen, he was about as 'cute' as a sack of hammers. He more closely resembled a fat frog than a Krogan. His skin was lumpy and his cheeks were chunky, though his eyes - narrow and suspicious - seemed far older than the rest of him. That was the strangest part to her.

Overall, the little creature looked like he'd been turned into his current form by a spiteful witch.

Shepard had seen Krogan kids and they were - she could admit - usually pretty damn cute. Gugg had apparently just fallen out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down. And given how stubborn he was, he'd probably climbed the tree again just to fall out of it a second time to try to teach it a lesson.

Shepard rolled her eyes to him.

He also seemed to have a distinct problem with her. He probably saw her prestige as more a 'challenge' than something impressive about her.

"A bigshot?" Shepard repeated drolly, from her seat on the couch, "Sure. You could say that."

"Don't look like one!" Gugg snapped and Shepard, honestly, couldn't really argue with him. Sitting on her couch in her apartment wearing nothing more than yoga pants and a sports bra, she didn't imagine she looked like much more than a gym rat. Granted, her apartment - Admiral Anderson's old place - was worth a small fortune, which likely should've told the kid something.

He was probably too young or too Krogan to realize how nice the place was, though.

"Don't I?" Shepard raised an eyebrow to him, "And what does a 'bigshot' look like?"

"Not you!" Gugg climbed up onto the leather couch next to her, and she realized only too late that he was mysteriously damp for some reason. Little mysteries like that were one of the reasons she hated kids, though she didn't have much time to think about this as the fat kid stumbled towards her and smacked her bicep.

"Ow?" Shepard pulled away, the kid having a surprising amount of force behind his slap. He glared at her as she scooched away from him, still holding the glass of champagne in her other hand.

"See? You too soft!" Gugg crossed his arms, "Weak! You're squishy! Not hard like Krogan! You too-!"

Shepard reached out and prodded the kid in the stomach, which was missing any sort of plating. Though his skin was still thicker and rougher than hers, it wasn't like it could stop a bullet or anything. One firm poke was enough to send him stumbling backwards in a flail of arms.

"You're soft, too." Shepard pointed out.

"Stop!" he snapped, smacking at her already-withdrawing hand, "Not soft like you! I am Krogan! Strong!"

Shepard gave him a condescending look that said more than words. After all, no matter how much Krogan muscle he had, he was still like knee-height. Not exactly a hulking behemoth like whoever the hell his father was.

"There's a lot more to being strong than having thick skin, kiddo." Shepard looked away from him, turning her attention back to the news, which was at such a low volume it was barely audible, "You gotta be brave, smart, quick, tough. Besides," she glanced at him, "even Krogan wear battle armor. Humans being 75% water doesn't matter that much when you have an energy field up that can-"

"Shut up!" Gugg snapped, "Stupid!"

Shepard rolled her eyes wearily.

Were all Krogan kids this mouthy?

"Hey!" Gugg pressed after she'd followed his instructions and shut up, "Say something!"

Shepard threw her arms in the air, being careful with her left one so as not to spill the champagne, "You just told me to shut up!"

"Shut up!" Gugg ordered again, his thick and viscous little voice starting to grind on her, "You think Krogan are weak!"

He said it as a question and a statement at once, somehow, causing Shepard's brow to furrow. She rolled her eyes for the umpteenth time that night, setting her glass down as she anticipated… well, something stupid, probably.

"Krogan aren't weak." she pinched the bridge of her nose, "I didn't say that."

"You think Gugg is weak!" Gugg glared at her.

"Well, you are." Shepard shrugged, "You're a child."

"Rgh!" the brat growled, "Everyone think Gugg is weak! Everyone! Even you, weak lady! Even weak, ugly lady think Gugg is weak! And you're weaker than Gugg!"

Shepard groaned.

So this is fun.

Getting insulted by a stupid Krogan kid wasn't exactly how she'd wanted to spend downtime in her apartment, though she realized this wasn't exactly 'downtime'. Technically, she should be vigilant for assassins, but what Krogan assassin would ever suspect their mark was being guarded by a random human soldier in a random apartment on the Citadel? Krogan weren't exactly popular here.

Not to mention, her window shutters were closed and - more to the point - bulletproof.

"You are weaker than me." Shepard threw a sidelong look at Gugg, who was stewing like a pot of boiling meat broth, "But you might not be when you're an adult. So just…" she waved a hand, "You know. Get stronger and whatever."

Words to live by. Hopefully he'd take them to-

"No!" Shepard rolled her eyes again, "Gugg stronger now!"

"Okay, fine. Whatever." Shepard shrugged, "You're the strongest Krogan in the-!"

She was cut off as Gugg let out what was probably supposed to be a fierce battle cry, but that sounded more like a toad rolling down a hill. He charged at her before she could respond, leaping and grabbing onto Shepard like a bowling ball with arms and legs. He was so dense that he actually threw her off balance, managing to drag her off the couch and onto the floor. The Commander hit the ground hard as the Krogan brat tried to lift her off the ground. Before he could, Shepard felt a spark of rage ignite in her. She grabbed him by the pudgy shoulders and lifted him, managing to keep him at arm's length despite his surprising heft.

The little bastard was heavy.

Shepard rose to her feet, glaring at him as he dangled there like a shaved bulldog.

"Cut it out or I'm putting you in time-out!" she growled, hoping that Krogan had a concept of 'time-out'. She struggled a bit as he continued to kick in her arms, grunting and hissing and whining as he impotently tried to wriggle free.

"Gugg stronger than stupid, weak human! Gugg stronger than all humans! Gugg-!" he finally managed to deliver a kick straight to her arm, causing it to buckle. She dropped Gugg at least two feet to the ground, the little Krogan landing heavily before shooting forward and slamming into her legs. Shepard lost balance and toppled backwards onto the couch again as Gugg was already climbing up her body. He managed to get on her lap, grabbing a fistful of her hair in one hand before pulling back the other.

Shepard only had a second to process what was about to happen before the brat punched her square in the face. Her head snapped to the side from the impact, which definitely wasn't the worst she'd ever taken, before she turned back just in time to catch another. He scored a third before fury exploded in her and her training took over. In a single, fluid motion, she grabbed the little monster and flipped him over, pinning him by the throat to the leather couch.

Her gaze was a smoldering plasma beam boring into the stupid kid's skull. Gugg, even now, was struggling against her, but this time she had no interest in letting up. She squeezed down harder, realizing there was a sick irony in choking out the kid she was being asked to protect. Still, she had to teach him a fucking lesson.

Crimson dripped onto his face, and Shepard realized she was bleeding. Her lip had been busted open by his stupid, little fist.

"No!" Gugg squawked, "You keep Gugg safe! Gugg tell others you hurt him!"

Shepard grit her teeth, "Are you f-?! Are you kidding me?! After all that crap about being stronger than me, you-?!"

She stared down at him, seeing him now as something worse than just an idiot; he was a coward. He'd lost the fight, obviously, and was now resorting to threats to try and get her to back off.

Way to bite off more than you can chew, jackass. she thought to herself, realizing she was probably renting out far too much brainspace to hating a fucking kid.

"Gugg son of Clan Head! Gugg tell dad you-!"

Shepard released him instantly. She knew Wrex wasn't the kid's dad - he was way too much of a dishonorable little shit for that - but she didn't feel like earning the ire of a Krogan clan on Wrex's behalf. After all, if the kid was wily enough, he might be able to spin this into Shepard being the assassin or something. Political shitstorms were annoying enough, but Krogan political shitstorms were a whole 'nother level of stupid.

"Fine. Just drop it, okay?" Shepard slid back on the couch and found some tissues to wipe up her blood with, "Why don't we just try to play nice until this all blows ove-?"

She was cut off as Gugg flung himself at her again, slamming into her and knocking her down. Shepard grit her teeth in pure outrage, caught unawares and unprepared. Gugg pushed her down onto the couch and started beating against her with tiny fists that really didn't even hurt that much. Honestly, other than his weight he didn't have much going for him. He was strong, sure, but obviously not that strong.

Shepard barely flinched from his storm of blows, electing this time to just push him away from her. She managed to get her hands against his chest and shove, sending him toppling back onto the sofa. He was back up again an instant later, charging her and flinging himself at her with the reckless abandon of a child.

Shepard caught him and tried to hold him back, not interested in hurting the kid in case he did decide to go crying to his parents.

"Gugg beat human! Gugg break human!"

"Will you-" Shepard shoved him away again, "-stop it?!"

This time he fell off the couch as he rolled, before hopping back up and grabbing her exposed ankle. He started pulling as hard as he could, Shepard tempted to just kick him right in the stupid, ugly face. Instead, her hesitation let him actually drag her off the couch, trapping her slightly between it and the coffee table.

Just as she was about to start trying to climb out, Gugg landed heavily on her stomach, knocking the wind out of her. Shepard grunted from the pain, glaring up at her ward with pure, child-hating contempt. She winced as he suddenly moved forward, actually placing a hand on her tit and squeezing her nipple hard enough to hurt. She was sure it was an accident as he scrambled up her body to reach her face, though it was still weird.

"Gugg, just-!" she was cut off as he punched her again, though it barely even registered. There wasn't much force behind it due to bad form and an awkward angle, but it still pissed her off. He could punch her, she could barely touch him. It was stupid, kid bullshit.

"Gugg make you submit!" his froggy voice was edged with a strange, manic desperation now; one that Shepard found off-putting. She could see excitement in his beady, watery eyes and saw a tremble to his pudgy body that clearly showed some strange excitement.

Shepard tried to slide back but between the fat brat on her chest and the furniture on either side of her, it was difficult to even move an inch.

"Gugg, if you don't-!"

"Shut up!" Gugg fumbled with his pants, causing Shepard's eyes to widen, "Gugg know how to make human submit! Gugg seen videos! Human women love-" he yanked his pants down, "-Krogan dicks!"

He pulled free what might as well have been a third arm. It was almost as long as one of his chubby legs, as thick as a sausage, and strangely rubbery. It reminded Shepard more of a horse cock than a human one; with a flat, sloping head that tapered to a triangular point. The base was actually noticeably more narrow than the rest of the shaft, causing it to bulge oddly the further it got from the balls. It was a dark reddish-purple in color, with mottled skin that was surprisingly slick given how bumpy and leathery the rest of the kid was.

Shepard stared at it in complete disgust.

"Gugg." she dictated icily, "Put that away right now or-"

Before she could finish what she was saying, Gugg slid forward and landed over her head. His feet landed next to her ears and his dick, to her horror, slid straight into her open mouth. His fists grabbed her hair as he bent over her and started thrusting down, forcing his strangely thick cock into her mouth. The Commander kicked and tried to protest, but between the foul-tasting dick ramming into her face and the kid's weight, she was practically helpless. Trying to lift him off her from this angle while he was gripping her hair in tight fists would be nearly impossible.

Shepard felt his pointy head stab and probe the back of her throat, her hips bucking from the bizarre, invasive feeling. She was honestly pretty sure she'd never taken one this big before, and couldn't tell if all Krogan kids were this big, or if Gugg was just hung like a fucking monster. Shepard, as her head twisted, accidentally ended up sucking against his cock with her lips, Gugg wrestling to keep her from escaping. He pointed down into her from an insane angle as he let out a torrent of groaning, moaning gurgling sounds, obviously enjoying it.

Shepard's head was even pulled up by his little fists to slam against his dick, the Krogan showing surprising strength now that it was in service to his own pleasure. The cock finally slipped out of Shepard's mouth, slapping against her face and nearly stabbing her in the eye in the process. Precum was drooling from the flared head, sliding down the Commander's forehead and into her hair.

Gugg panted with lust, his tongue hanging out like a dog, his eyes rolled up to the ceiling.

"How is it, human?" Gugg hissed down at her, taking another fistful of hair and prying her head off the ground.

"Gross." Shepard spat.

Her words instantly caused Gugg's face to twist and tighten with rage, the Krogan brat hopping off of her before she could do anything. A second later, he was standing just above her head, grabbing it and lifting it. His cock slipped into her mouth and suddenly he was throat-fucking her from above, his hips clapping against her mouth as his hands pressed as much weight as possible into her chest. Shepard tried to slide away, but he followed after her and kept humping desperately, letting out strange, gremlin-y little grunts and mewlings as he tried to get himself off while breaking her will.

Finally, his thrusting reached a manic, desperate crescendo and he slammed his hips into her face so fast Shepard knew he was about to cum. She could feel his cock deforming her throat as it slid into her over and over and over again, stretching her and gaping her and crushing her with its thick virility. She wanted to cough and gag, but her throat was just too ready and willing to accept the abuse. And - as she sensed him getting ready to cum - she only felt strength drain further from her already tired limbs.

He flattened himself against her, squeezing and tightening on her like he was trying to crush her head. Shepard's eyes widened in alarm as she felt Krogan cum completely bypass her mouth to pour directly down her throat, pumping into it in hot, sticky waves. She could feel it dribble into her stomach, before Gugg's cock slid slowly from her throat, unsheathing itself. As he slipped out, he spurted a few ropes of cum into her mouth, Shepard nearly gagging on it. It was the thickest she'd ever tasted, and the flavor was…


Shepard felt her head cloud as she swished it around in her mouth, the thick seed filling her brain with a weird, floaty, warm, buzzy feeling. She was suddenly thankful she was lying down as she swallowed the Krogan cumload and felt it instantly start flipping switches in her body. Heat sank into her, permeating her body, staining her mind, filling her muscles with electricity.

What the fuck…? she wondered to herself, almost scared of how hot she was getting, Is that crap an aphrodisiac or something?

Without even realizing it, her legs had parted as if to invite someone in. Her heart hammered in her chest as she stared up at the ceiling, until her view was suddenly blotted out by a long, thick shadow.

"Want more, human?" Gugg's voice was still manic with excitement, "Gugg can keep going!"

Shepard blew out a sigh.

If one thing could kill the mood, it was the little twerp and his stupid voice.

Still, as she stared up at his long, thick, miraculously-hard cock, she realized that maybe the best way to calm him down was just to play his stupid game. Besides, she doubted Krogan would care what she did. They'd probably all give him a clap on the back for losing his V-card so early.

And to her.

Not, Shepard thought to herself, that anyone's EVER finding out about this.

Shepard's head bobbed against the kid's lap as he melted into the sofa and drank in the pleasure of her mouth. One hand lazily rested on her head as she worked him over with a hunger she found both surprising and very embarrassing. The fact that she was actually getting into it was mortifying, but how much she was getting into it was even worse.

Still, the little Krogan bastard was… impressive.

His cock punched all the way to the back of her throat with ease, plugging it up right until she slowly, decadently dragged it out of her mouth. Her hands worked to massage the bulbous shaft as she throated him, occasionally letting her tongue swirl around his flared head to drink up any precum that leaked from it. His dick was fleshy, but harder than any she'd ever encountered. Polishing it to a shine also meant hardening it to where it could probably punch a hole through bulletproof glass, and she'd be lying if she said she didn't wonder what it would feel like.

Shepard popped it out of her mouth and beat it with her hands, staring at the thick thing as it pulsed and twitched. It was her first time seeing an alien cock in real life before, and she was definitely impressed. Especially considering the Krogan brat was less than half the size of a fully-grown adult. She couldn't even imagine what he would be like when he was grown up.

Probably just flat-out too big.

His hands pulled her head down again, and she let his dick slide into her mouth. It pried her jaw open a bit as it made room for itself, her tongue shivering a bit as it dragged long the brat's impressive length.

Her head fogged over with lust.

Fuck, she was lonely. It had been way too long since she'd gotten a good lay, and she was aching for one. Without realizing what was happening, her hand slipped between her thighs.

She'd never really thought about fucking a Krogan before, but maybe Wrex? Fucking Grunt felt… wrong, considering she was practically his mom, but maybe he had a nice friend he could hook her up with or something. 

She licked around his tip, drinking up the pearls of clear sin that welled there. 

God, what she wouldn't do for a nice, deep dicking. For a big, strong Krogan to carry her around, bend her over every piece of furniture she owned, and just fuck her against it until she forgot how to fucking talk! Most people probably saw her as some infallible, coldhearted killing machine, but fuck if she didn't have needs! And ones that couldn't be satisfied with medals of honor and pats on the back; ones that needed something much more basal.

She dragged her tongue up his entire shaft, hearing a million, little voices in her head whisper at her to just give in. Do it. Be a woman for a night.

She stroked his member, before slapping it against her own cheek as she let out a little growl of need. It drew a smile to Gugg's near-lipless mouth, exposing rows of short, spiky, ugly teeth. He grinned at her, watery eyes glinting.

"More, human?" his voice was manic with excitement.

Shepard sighed.

This was a mistake. A big mistake.

But one she needed to make.

"Yeah." she said, flatly, "More."

The Krogan was on her the instant she stood up, pulling her down to the couch and ripping off her sweats in a desperate fury. His breath poured out in hot, lustful waves as his eyes bulged and bugged, horniness reaching a critical mass. Shepard just groaned as she fell back on the couch, definitely not wanting this, but not having another choice. In that moment, she needed a dick in her, and his was the only one around.

Not to mention, it was pretty fucking good, even if he was-

"FffuuuUUU-!" Shepard's thought was cut off as suddenly the Krogan slipped into her. He grabbed her thighs and wrapped his pudgy arms around them, before starting to thrust like a madman. His dick bottomed out in her clumsily as Shepard's back arched and she tried to take it all. Her cunt hadn't gotten a proper stretching in fucking months, and even then it wasn't like this. The kid's inelegant, slamming thrusts were about as satisfying as a slap to the face, but even then he was managing to hammer against a pretty fucking good spot every so often.

Shepard kicked and writhed on the couch as the brat beat her pussy up with his disproportionately big dick, managing to belt a surprised moan from the Commander far more easily than she would've liked. She could still taste his cum in her mouth, and feel it in her stomach, and the sensation clouded over her brain and made his amateurish thrusts a hundred times better than they actually were.

She could even kind of enjoy the ferocious clumsiness of them, like she was being bred by an animal. Shepard let herself get pried open and beaten by him, her cunt spilling enough juice onto his dick to lube ten Krogan. She shuddered as it became easier and easier for him to push into her, her pussy taking his dick a little better with each thrust. Still, he was carving her up like a fucking madman, and wielding his massive cock with all the grace of a drunkard. Shepard twisted and grabbed at her tit with one hand as the other slipped down and started rubbing her twat. She felt pleasure crackle through her body as she stroked her own pussy, the twin stimulation only heaping more heat on her already smoldering body.

His sex clashed with hers in a wet symphony of slick, sticky, lewd smacks, Shepard realizing after she didn't even know how long that his thrusts had actually started to even out. She glanced down at him, finding him clinging to one of her thighs for support while he rhythmically swung his hips into hers. The expression of melting, brainless lust on his face told her that his body had taken over, and he was now just desperately searching for release. His hips were sawing her in half as his manhood carved up her dripping cunt and her fingers flicked her into a blissful meltdown.

"Gonna shoot sticky stuff again, human!" Gugg mumbled, mindlessly.

"Just-!" she bent her head back, unable to look at what was about to happen, "Fuck! Just sh-shoot it inside!"

What was she worried about? Getting knocked up by a fucking Krogan?

"Gugg knows! Doesn't need-! Your-!" his hips gyrated madly, slamming into her so hard she trembled, "Don't need your say-so!"

That final bit of sheer disrespect - for some reason - helped knock Shepard over the edge. She fell to pieces as he pummeled her creamy pussy with his dick, fucking her to bits even as he came inside of her. Shepard felt her muscles tighten and squeeze as her womb dropped down to press against the kid's bashing, pointy head. She trembled as he stabbed against her cervix, his cum pouring into her and filling her with a gooey, lightheaded sense of bliss. Her voice escaped in a haggard moan, which twisted with more and more femininity as the orgasm sank its claws into her. Soon, she was rubbing her slit to wring out as much bliss as she could, while Gugg clung to her and buried his spasming, drooling dick in her as deep as it would go.

Shepard gripped the couch, bit her own bicep, and clenched as the world was enveloped in total blackness. She could honestly say she'd never cum so hard before, her brain shutting off for a second as a stupid, fucking Krogan brat made her nearly pass out.

When it finally released her, she heaved a massive sigh of relief, her chest rising and falling, sweat clinging to her skin, her eyes wide.

"Fuck…" she breathed.

"Human… give up…?" Gugg breathed.

Shepard found herself laughing, "No way. Not yet." she saw the spark of rebellion in the kid's eyes and smirked at him, "Gonna do something about it?"

Gugg slotted back into her a second later, Shepard's back arched, and she felt her head fill with sticky warmth. The fact he'd cum twice and was still full of vigor only made her smile on the inside.

Maybe babysitting isn't so bad…

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