Chapter 14: Chapter - 8 part two
"Mmhmmm, Midoriya-kun.~" Shouko Todoroki mewled softly between Izuku's lips with her eyes closed.
Making out slowly yet passionate with the boy in an intense breath-sucking lip-lock the girl eventually pulled herself back revealing a serene smile on her angelic face. She looked into Izuku's as well and saw a dazed look and misty pair of eyes that said he enjoyed it. She shifted herself a bit more letting her buttocks squish firmly onto his thighs with tits jiggling slightly in front of his face, she ran her hands along his broad muscular shoulders lovingly while he took the time to admire the gentle beauty showing on her scarred face. In all respects, Shouko Todoroki was like some kind of Snow Angel to Izuku Midoriya, one that had been burnt and 'gifted' with the Quirk of fire on top of Ice. He figured she was just multi-quirked like him in a way since there was obviously something 'Added' to Deku's body other than One For All.
He would think on that some more but right now he was just dazzled by her gentle face staring lovingly into his eyes with a gentle blush on her cheeks. Also, her large tits pushing into his jaw tended to distract him quite a bit, especially since it made his throbbing erection stick out just outside of Shouko's thick heart-shaped ass seated on his lap.
'She's so beautiful! Then again so is everyone else, and they're staring at me like I'm a piece of meat.' Izuku noted watching as the other three girls behind Shouko started coming closer and closer to the point he was afraid they'd tackle him down and rape him.
Each one was ready to take the Midoriya cock for themselves for 'Round Two' and he took a brief moment to analyze who they were and remember them from role call earlier. Izuku looked past Shouko's right shoulder to see the cute Mushroom-haired girl Kinoko Komori flash him a seductive starstruck smile from behind her locks. She made a finger-in-the-hole kind of gesture with her hands basically saying she wanted to fuck him really bad. He looked to her right and saw the 'Ghostly' girl named Reiko Yanagi, she was a cute dreary-looking babe with a nice figure blossoming into womanhood like Momo's body had done. The way she held her hands in a slouched T-rex kind of angle made Izuku beam at her with a friendly smile. One that made her shy away from his eyes with a fierce blush. Next to her was another brunette like Komori, the girl with paw pad fingertips and a cute upbeat demeanor who went by the name Ochako Uraraka. She gushed excitedly with brown eyes sparkling and cheeks glowing with rising fascination with Izuku. Among the others she was perhaps the cutest of the class with her adorable round face, a friendly smile, and a thick pair of hips with moderate B-cup sized breasts. She cupped them into her hands in preparation and licked her lips hungrily as she and the others came closer. Lastly there was Shouko herself, still seated on Izuku's lap, looking back over at him with a mild look of disinterest as she held her hands onto the boy's shoulders for support.
It was obvious she wanted him all to herself right now and firmly kept her butt seated on his legs as though telling the other girls to wait their turn. She unknowingly smothered Izuku's face in her large fluffy breasts nearly suffocating him while the surge of Absolute Devotion continued to swell within his body. Izuku felt it like a second heartbeat making his mind more clouded with intense lust leaving little to reason and restraint.
'I still cant' believe this is happening to me, I...I...actually had sex with Midnight-sensei, Kendo-chan, and Momo Yaoyorozu barely a few minutes ago and now I'm going to have at it with four other girls too!' Izuku noted mentally when looking over to see Midnight still hunched over on her desk with spunk oozing out of her gaping twat.
The goofy smile of satisfaction remained on her face with her tongue out,he then looked over to see the other two big-breasted girls rested atop desks nearby. Momo was on her back with head lolled back until thankfully someone put a pillow underneath her neck for support, her tits were rising and falling with her chest for she was heavily breathing after that intense romp with him earlier. Izuku felt his member twitch excitedly when seeing her tits jiggle like they were doing then looked over to see Kendo Itsuka curled up on her side resting on a separate desk altogether. She too had cum dripping out of her pussy like Momo and Midnight making Izuku wonder if maybe he should've worn a condom instead. Another part of his mind immediately said 'No' to that idea as if it were too wretched a notion.
Looking back over to Shouko he noticed the big breasted Ice/fire girl peering over at the crowd of the three girls approaching them. She got up off of Izuku's lap preparing to tell them to wait their turn since she wanted her personal time with Izuku without cooperative interference. Surprisingly AD was less effective with her than it was with the others since the girl was more intune with feelings of legitimate love for the boy rather than crazed lust. She had no doubt the others would feel the same in due time, but right now Midoriya was hers to have alone until she was finished.
Before she could say or do anything another party of female classmates nearby broke her out of her thoughts with someone shouting.
A different group of girls led by Mina Ashido launched themselves right at Midoriya the moment Shouko got up from her 'seat' on his lap. Everyone heard him yelp out comically in panic as they tackled him off the desk chair and into the ground in a four girl-on-one man dogpile.!
"Ooof!" Izuku yelped out comically with eyes bugged out as he tumbled to the ground with four completely different girls literally on top of him naked. Shouko looked back over in his direction with a slight look of surprise and reluctantly crossed her arms in a quiet huff. It was obvious she wanted her turn, but was too patient and polite to get upset at them.
'Hmm, very well then. I….will wait, but stall me any longer and I'll be tempted to maybe use my Quirk and created a wall within the classroom.' She considered until she remembered everyone was as naked as can be right now and would likely cause them all to catch colds. Still, she was mildly annoyed at being denied that mighty Midoriya dick.
"I suppose I should let them have this then, but just this once." She said to herself ignoring the annoyed and adorably grumpy faces of Ochako, Komori, and Reiko right behind her.
Back over to Izuku Midoriya was the pink-skinned horned girl with an athletic and flexible body; Mina Ashido. Shew as foremost on top of his chest running her fingers around his cheeks with a cheeky grin on her face, Izuku could practically feel the lust radiating off of her as she pressed her naked pink body against his waist. On his sides were the others, one being the bug-eyed girl with long dark hair and slightly hunched features named Tsuyu Asui. Her long prehensile tongue currently ran along the underside of his neck in a seductive manner titillating Izuku just a little bit until it slipped into his mouth for a 'Kiss'.
"Ggghh! *Hey Asui-chan*" Izuku mouthed receiving her intense blush and saw her blink cutely at him with that wide joyous smile. It was hard to tell with her. He tossed her a wink then started gingerly slurping on her tongue causing the froggy to shiver pleasantly at the action.
"Oooooh! *Ribbit* That feels so good, Midoriya-kun.~" She chirped happily with a blush and Izuku looked to her right to see the cute small-chested tomboy he knew as Kyoko Jiro.
Her tendril earlobes wriggled around cutely until they reached down to his shaft binding his thickened member in soft fleshy jacks making him stammer a bit at the feeling. She was surprisingly talented with those and seeing such a tomboy with a flat look smile cutely at him sent his heart racing a little bit. He could also feel her left hand running gingerly along his cock tracing fingers around the glans of his shaft. Izuku cast another look to his left to see the final party member puffing her cheeks with excitement as she wriggled her firm thick rear in the air like an excited animal. She had humanoid equine features and bright colorful Prussian blue eyes that glitter with energy and cheerfulness. This was Pony Tsunemori and she had a big pair of hips that Izuku most certainly wanted to ride, in both a literal way as well as a sexual one.
"W-w-whoa...hey now! No need to be rushing me!" Izuku sputtered out feeling his cheeks redden as the four beautiful naked girls crowded around him before pulling him up to his feet.
While Shouko eyed them with a look of indifference on her lovely face she groaned quietly with cheeks puffed feeling slightly annoyed regardless. She understood their frenzied lust for Midoriya, but was far more composed about it.
"Hmm. Rather rude to suddenly grab him away from me, no? You four must've been very impatient to not have waited your turns." She pointed out when seeing the pink-skinned horned girl Mina hug Izuku's chest from behind with a toothy smile.
"Yep! Sorry about that, Todoroki-chan, but we are just too stir crazy and fired up after seeing how he handled Midnight Sensei over there. We promise we'll keep everyone else off your back once you get your turn with him.~" Mina pointed out making Shouko smile appreciatively as the four girls currently ran their hands all over Izuku's broad shoulders feeling him up like a group of horny fangirls.
Pony grabbed his butt with both hands savoring the feel of those firm cheeks between her fingers. She licked along the nape of Izuku's neck while Jiro started kissing up his side until she met his lips. By that point Asui slipped her tongue out of his mouth and lowered it down to coil around his throbbing massive bitchbreaker of a member between his legs. Mina settled for hugging his side running a hand along his chiseled features admiring his filled-out Adonis-like frame with a hard blush.
"I just want to lose my maidenhood already to Midoriya! *Ribbit* Sorry again, Shouko-chan." She uttered out with heart-filled eyes and started slurping her tongue around his meat again making Izuku moan as all four ladies began kissing up his body ready to begin the second round.
"Haaahh! Oohhh…..!" He huffed feeling Jiro's lips press into his own leading into a gentle yet passionate kissing sensation where she aggressively shoved her tongue down into his mouth.
Closing her eyes she moaned peacefully while tasting Izuku's saliva on her tongue, she rolled it around within his mouth savoring the feeling of his lips suckling on her own in the meantime. Pony squeezed and pinched his rear giggling playfully as she went, then her hands came around to grab ahold of his thick member where Asui's tongue wasn't and started stroking him. Izuku groaned into Jiro's face tasting her still while the others worked their magic on his muscular body. Midnight was still out-cold for the time being, just as Momo and Kendo both were, but all the remaining girls looked on with flustered faces of pure want and lust. They marveled at the sight of Izuku Midoriya making out with each girl in turns as he held Mina's and Asui's waists at his sides proudly like they were his personal showgirls.
Moaning noises filled the air as well as gently slurping sounds as ell, Izuku was currently making out with Mina now. He tasted the inside of her mouth happily while squeezing each pair of hands around her thick perfectly fit buttocks. She bristled at his touch and wriggled her hips left and right while Jioru took turns slurping his cock along with Asui. Pony simply settled for running her tongue along his neck and feeling up his muscles from behind, she loved doing that, and while this continued on all the girls that watched felt hornier with every second that went by. Soon it'll be all out 'War' with each one of them letting the pressure reach the top making all launch themselves at Izuku just as these four had done.
Fortunately he senses this and felt their connection to the mysterious 'power' inside of his body stir things up. He could literally feel their growing impatience and rising lust for his touch and figured he had to pace things along already. Sucking hungrily on Mina's lips some more he eventually pulled off leaving her breathless and blushing up a storm, not that you'd' notice with her skin tone.
"Let's start with you then, Ashido-chan.~" He winked making her gush up a storm as her legs gnashed together with excitement.
Mina Ashido-
"Eeeeeeggh!~ Midoriya-Kuuuun! Thank you!" She squealed with excitement and felt Izuku's strong hands grab her full hips lifting her upward so that she would be taken in an upright carrying style. Mina quickly grabbed her hands around his shoulders steadying herself while Jiro and the others broke away from his cock to allow for her moment to shine.
Slowly she lowered herself down to where the glans of his dick gently nudged the moist velvet opening of her sex until Mina suddenly held up a hand in front of Midoriya's face halting him from pushing into her.
"W-wait a minute, let me do something first." She suggested then concentrated on using her Quirk; Acid, and decreased the viscosity considerably. Izuku was partially worried that her Quirk might melt his skin, or worse, melt his dick, but then he felt the cooling lubricant lather his dick from above thanks to Mina's right hand.
"Nnggghh! Ashido-chan…! Gghhn….what are you doing exactly?" He asked whimpering in pleasure as she stroked the head of his length with lubed up fingers squeezing his cock for extra feeling then looking at him with a smile.
"Simple; I used my Quirk as a 'Lube' to make things feel greasier and funner. Normally it's acid but since I can tone down the 'volume' on the dangerous part it becomes the best lube ever. It also feels really good on skin, as I'm sure you've noticed, Midoriya-kun.~" She answered with a giggle and heard Izuku whimper a bit more before guiding her pink voluptuous body down to his member again resuming course.
The head of his dick gently pushed apart her glistening folds making Mina shudder and gasp loudly as she felt her pussy spread apart intensely to welcome him inside. Normally since she was very athletic girl she was flexible and thus had no hymen to speak of, but currently, she felt like a virgin all over again thanks to the feeling of Izuku's dick pushing up into her sex in a hard firm shove making her skin curdle pleasurably.
"Eeeaagghhhh! Oooh Midoriya-kun!~" She cried out with dark eyes going wide and arms hooking around his neck to hang on for dear life. Izuku groaned blissfully at feeling her tight innards coil around him as he pushed up into her cervix with relative ease thanks to the lube.
"Gghhk! S-so tight! Unnghh...I'm going to start moving now, Ashido-chan." He announced and began swaying his hips back and forth in hard strokes filling up her pussy with nearly a foot's length of surging OFA-powered cock! The lube intensifies the pace in which his member filled her up as well leading to Mina practically bouncing up and down on Midoriya's cock in wild sexual frenzy.
She gasped loudly with face screwing up with intense ecstasy, her body occasionally ground into his waist with legs clenching tightly around his thighs. Her buttocks quivered with each hard slam Izuku delivered making her smile blissfully in a delirious state much like Midnight's face had looked. Izuku's lust had began to take over his mind again leaving little to no rationality in his thoughts outside of primal desire. Asui, Jiro, and Pony all watched up close as his cock pushed into Mina's sex with gusto making a mess of things since her folds were gushing like clockwork.
"Ahhhh ah aaah aaaahh aaaahhhh! Midoriya!" She wailed loudly and wrapped her legs tightly around his thighs while leaning back to show him her bouncing breasts.
Izuku grunted in arousal and pleasure seeing Mina from this angle, the pink skin-toned girl rode her pelvis against his energetically with resounding hard slapping noises of coitus. Her pussy engulfed his meat over and over again making the others watch with growing envy, Izuku winced when he felt her voluntarily tighten her pelvic muscles around his length making him feel even more pelaure while fucking her. The girl really was athletic after all and it showed with just how much control she had over her body. Her eyes misted over and her face radiated that beautiful smile of hers as she slammed her pelvis into his crotch over and over again with unbridled glee.
The raucous noises of coitus escalated when Izuku changed their positions by laying her down on a random desk and lifting her right leg up high into the air to fuck her more savagely. The squelching suctions of her pussy intensified from this angle, he drove his length deeper into her sex making her cervix throb several times before opening up. Mina soon tossed back her head and yelled out a mighty wail of euphoria the same time her body twitched with orgasmic frenzy. She came and came hard leading to Izuku bucking himself all the way to the hilt inside of her before feeling her cum.
"Uuuggghhh!" She cried out in ecstasy feeling the throbbing sensations of his shaft burrowing into her womb as she clenched every inch of its thick greatness. Her pink body shuddered and tossed about in plain sight of everyone else making a show of how much pleasure she was feeling thanks to Izuku Midoriya.
Speaking of which, the boy himself grunted when feeling the vice-like grip her sex had on his length and struggled to stave off his orgasm, but alas that was a futile effort for he came directly inside of her body right after she had finished.
"Gghhnhhn! Here it comes!" He announced feeling his large balls pulsated and crackle with energy as One For All increased the raw power of his member sending rippling waves of vibrations throughout Mina's body.
She bristled up with a face stretched in both panic and utter sexual arousal causing her to cum a second time already. Her folds continued to squeeze Izuku's length eventually feeling the thick splash of sperm coming out of it that raced to till up the depths of her womb in one go. He grunted over and over again while slamming his pelvis into her buttock from the side enjoying the view of her naked writhing body shaking in orgasm.
Everyone, especially Jiro, could hear the throbbing noises of his length pumping her full of cum and saw the amount of pearly white goo seeping from her pink magenta opening en masse.
'I wonder if any of us decided on contraceptives *Ribbit*.' Asui thought to herself blushing like mad while watching the insemination take place.
Izuku ground his pelvis into her a few more times before eventually pulling out leaving a splotch of cum to gush out of her quivering pussy hole. Mina collapsed right there on the desk surface wearing a face similar to Midnight with chest heaving up and down in recuperation. This said he did a good job in fucking her and turned to the other two girls with an eager smile.
The Quirk Absolute Devotion surged on and operated in perfect harmony with One For All making everyone in their absolutely craven for his seed and utterly devoted to that one boy.
"So, who wants to go next?" Izuku asked with a ready smile until Asui leaped up high into the air landing her naked body directly onto his face causing him to stumble back!
"Ooof! *Again!?*" Izuku hated falling flat on his ass, but the tart taste of Asui's pussy now occupying his mouth more than made up for it.
Asui Tsuyu-
"*Ssllrp! Gghhck! Ssllrrp* Mmhhmm, Midoriya-kun.~" Asui mewled loudly as she wrapped her tongue around his length again squeezing it's moist spongy surface tightly around it like it were a sacred treasure. 'So delicious! I think I am in love with him now!'
She shuddered again at feeling Izuku's hands prod open her anus sticking a finger into her asshole while he continued to eat her out from below. The pair had alternated into a sixty-nine position for mutual pleasure and Asui all too quickly took to sucking on his cock frenziedly with a stoic smile. Her mouth puffed out as Izuku's length sunk hilt-deep into her throat letting her long tongue coil around him as she bobbed her head on his crotch. Her long low-hanging ponytail of hair tossed around the more frenzied her sucking became. She made sure every inch of her mouth was scraped by his manly cock and memorized the taste of it on her tongue, Tsuyu found that she had indeed grown addicted to it.
Meanwhile, Izuku attuned himself to gorging on Asui's tart tangy pussy with lips sucking gingerly on her labia. Being part frog made her sex was a little more malleable than a regular girl, but it still titillated her all the same and made Izuku hooked on her taste. He craned his head upward letting his tongue dive into her folds allowing it to roll around inside of her pussy while she ground that ass into his head with gusto. Her semi-hind feet hunched up around his feet keeping her position steady and stable as she ground herself on his mug enjoying his treatment.
"Mmhhnngh. Hmmmm...Asui-chan. You taste good." He complimented between deep suctions of her sex and fingered her anus appropriately with right index finger pumping into it. This made Tsuyu shiver intensely following a loud shrill whimper that sounded like pure ecstasy, she closed her big eyes in happiness as she felt Izuku continue treating her body this way.
Gradually she started humping her face more wildly into his pelvis attempting to take in more of his cock into her throat. She did so with ease since her throat was more flexible due to her froggy nature, now Tsuyu was rampantly humping his waist with her mouth sucking every last inch of throbbing man meant into her esophagus. This made him growl loudly underneath her waist leading to him squeezing both of her buttcheeks into his hands while she worked herself on his member with gusto.
"Gghhh! I'm going to lose it soon, Asui-chan. How about I put inside of you instead?" Izuku suggested since feeling the throat's slimy cushy tightness raise the sensitivity on his meat nearly make him cum.
Asui plopped her head off of his cock with a loud wet splutter of saliva and wore a big happy smile because of it. She turned her head back in his direction flashing him a half-lidded smile and licked her lips before talking.'
"Call me 'Tsu-chan', Midoriya-kun. And of course, I was just having a taste and preparing myself for it. I'm still a young maiden after all.*Ribbit*." She croaked cutely and got up lifting her rear off of Izuku's face so that she could bring it over to the massive pillar of cock that he possessed.
To everyone else it looked as though she was going to fuck herself on him in raw reverse cowgirl style, just the way Izuku liked it since he often fucked his mom this way. Instead, Asui whipped out her tongue again and wrapped it firmly around his length coiling it in spongy slimy flesh before she lowered her pussy down onto the glans of his dick. Wincing in pleasure and clenching his teeth Izuku felt the amazing sensation make his cock throb even more just as Asui lowered her pussy down onto his length swallowing the first few inches into it with tongue still wrapped tightly around it.
"Aaaaahhhhh!~ *Ribbit Ribbit!* Midoriya-kuuunn!~" She cried out with large eyes closed tightly and hands firmly gripping his ankles. Her ample bottom lowered down onto his waist feeling the muscular skin of his abdomen push into her cheeks as he filled her half-way.
Bracing herself internally Asui suddenly slammed herself down entirely on Izuku's length sheathing it's footlong glory into her sex creating a bulging protrusion extending out her stomach. She arched herself upright letting her ample B-cups jiggle as she saw 'Heaven' in her big starstruck eyes. Izuku felt his cock throb and pulsate inside of Asui's tightness feeling every inch of her sensitive vaginal flesh tighten up around him as they took a moment to adjust. Everyone watched with bated breath and some had even started masturbating, again, while watching Asui settle herself down on top of Izuku's meat.
The short slightly hunched froggy girl started moving and did so with legs hunched around his thighs swaying her hips back and forth on his crotch beginning to fuck him. Izuku groaned loudly in bliss feeling the tightness of her insides expand along with the tightening of her spongy tongue around his member. It was still a feat one could only dream of; being sucked off at the same time while fucking someone's sex. Asui pulled that off quite nicely and it was showing with his ball beginning to throb quite noticeably to everyone else. He reached over and grabbed her waist keeping her steady and planted on his body as she began bouncing herself up and down on his meat. Loud squelching sounds followed was his tongue-coiled member pushed into Asui's tight sex making it space out and expand permanently so that only Izuku could give her satisfaction. She moaned and howled loudly while keeping her eyes closed in utter bliss, her tits jiggled and her slightly hunched form began writhing around uncontrollably as the air filled with loud raucous noises of sex.
"*ribbit* Aaahh aaaaahh aaahhhhh! *Ribbit* Midoriyaaaa...! Oooooh!" She cried out in happiness, her cheeks filled with red and her pussy repeatedly swallowed up his length in a nonstop sexual frenzy.
Asui bounced and humped his waist for another fifteen minutes feeling his surging member begin to throb telling her he was about to cum hard. Izuku held it off as long as he could, but the combined feeling of her tongue wrapped around his meat as it plunged into her cervix made it too much to bear. Thus, he dug his fingers into her waist keeping her rooted as he started bucking up fiercely into her body from below making her literally hop! Asui bounced and fucked herself on his waist some more feeling her buttocks rapidly smack his groin nonstop until she suddenly halted in her movements.
Her body tensed up and her head leaned back, she let out a loud guttural cry of ecstasy as she came hard on Izuku's length feeling her insides squeeze both her tongue and his member causing the boy to cum as well. With a loud grunt, he bounced his pelvis upward into her body from below feeling his balls bloat and sending another thick payload of sperm directly into her womb like he had done with everyone else. Asui let out a cry of ecstasy and came hard on him making more of his cum fly out into her insides filling up to the point of overflow.
He pumped and ground his pelvis into her butt some more until the froggy girl collapsed spilling off of his body with a smile. Her tongue spilled out of her sex covered in cum the same way her pussy was leaking it, she was done for today and happier for it. To everyone's surprise, Izuku's length remained the same level of solidity and had not gone down an inch, he was sensitive for sure, but he was still raring to go at his remaining classmates staring slack-jawed at his cock.
"M-Me next! Pick me!" Kyoujo Jiro shouted as she pushed up from her spot on the floor rushing over to Izuku as he stood up on his feet taking Jiro's petite body into his hands.
She blushed like a maiden and made her earphone jack tendrils fidget with each other when averting her eyes from Izuku. He chuckled in humbled modesty then cupped Jiro's face into his right hand lifting her up to meet his lips in a sweet chaste kiss of innocence. The moment he did this she relaxed then closed her eyes peacefully before wrapping her arms around his neck. Her body was lifted up a bit so that she could kick her feet adorably while the other girls watched in envious yet proud wonder.
'I wish that was me right now. *Sniff*' Ochako Uraraka thought comically wiping a tear from her face.
Jiro Kyoka-
Being more gentleman than savage this time around, albeit with barely any control over the latter, Izuku kissed up Jiro's neck while gingerly running his hands along her frame getting a good measure of her taut hips. She wasn't as filled out as Mina,Momo, or Mina, but she was adorably petite and lovely in her own way. He nibbled at her neck letting her earphone jacks gently caress the side of his face as he positioned her over the desk surface of yet another student's desk ready to take her from behind.
"Mmmmhhn.~ Midoriya…~" She gasped feeling heated and breathing hotly as his fingers traced every sensitive area of her body at his leisure. Izuku then cupped one of her buttcheeks into his right hand gently squeezing Jiro's flesh making her whimper as he ran the other hand along her legs.
She breathed even faster now and bit down on her bottom lip as she felt his throbbing member hot dog her amble bubble ass. Jirou blushed heavily when feeling the mass of meat groove between her butthceeks like this, she looked over her shoulder at Izuku continuing to feel up her thighs making her shiver .
'He knows exactly where to touch! This is insane ...! I feel like I'm going to go crazy just from that alone.' She thought to herself regretting that she was less ideal in terms of femininity, at least in her own opinion, but the way Izuku was worshipping her body abolished those self-deprecating thoughts.
'She's so smooth to touch, and that's saying something after having Ashido-chan. I wonder how sensitive she is up there.' Izuku thought to himself as he brought his hands up to her waist using his incredible strength to flip her upside in a surprise twist making her look into his glowing green eyes with an embarrassed smile.
"Hi." He greeted and Jiro waved back with her earphone jacks until he lifted up her rear putting her legs high into the air so that her feet could dangle above his broad shoulders.
Midoriya then parted her thighs apart and instead of pushing his member into her sex he leaned over to trace his lips gingerly along her small flat chest tasting the buds of her B-cup nipples on his lips making Jiro groan. Her blush became brighter and her head started tossing back as she felt his lips suckle in one of her nipples into his mouth. Izuku started sucking gingerly on it while pinching her other tit between his fingers sending intense jolts of pleasure through Jiro's system as her legs shivered in the air.
"Mmmhh!" She shoved into her right fist feeling her body wrack with impending orgasm while Izuku's mighty length sawed over the moistened folds of her sex from below. It was like the most relaxing sensual body treatment she had ever felt in her life and it made her truly feel like a woman instead of a tomboy for a change. Not that she ever minded since her heart was into heroics, but Jiro honestly appreciated Izuku Midoriya even more for it.
"Hnhh! Aaaaahh….! M-Midoriya ...! K-kiss me!" She cried out looking at him with pleading eyes and seeing him raise his head up to meet her lips in a sensual yet loving embrace that had her wrapping her arms around his neck once again. She closed her eyes and melted into it tasting Izuku's flavor as they made out like lovers rather tonguing each other in a pornographic style of Frenching.
Some of the girls in the classroom sighed in awe and admiration at the romance going on, others continued masturbating anyway including a Kinoko Komori who had created a mushroom to push up into her pussy while she waited. Ochako made do with her fingertip pads using them to rub along her moist clit while watching them make love. Shouko felt her tits become sensitive as her sex became moistened at the sight as well, something about genuine intimacy just really got to her and made her visualize herself in Jiro's position. She wondered if maybe her sister Fuyumi would be interested since she had been looking for a boyfriend for some time now, not that Shouko was planning to give up Izuku to anyone though, but at this point a timeshare with everyone in this classroom is all but given.
"Mmhmmh. Ahhh ...!~" Jiro breathed out as she made out with Izuku some more while feeling his member glide and saw across her sensitive groin for another minute or two. Once she broke off from his lips she looked at him suggestively and blushed like a maiden, her earphone jacks pointed downward to her body basically telling Izuku to stick it in her already.
"Okay, got it. I'll...I'll make you feel great, Jiro-chan.~" Izuku said in a reassuring voice and slowly rose up to guide his throbbing pillar of flesh directly into Jiro's tight-looking sex. The girl was anxious and very nervous seeing as how she was a virgin up until now, part of her fond it romantic to be giving it to the boy she admired right here and now despite the ridiculousness of not even knowing him more than a day.
Still, her heart beating loudly did not lie to her, she wanted this bad. Parting her legs apart some more she allowed more space for the muscular male hero to work with, eventually she felt her folds push inward to the head of Izuku's dick as he slowly sunk into her with a gentle pace. She winced and squinted her eyes tightly as the pain of feeling her pussy spread wide overtook her body. Her mouth dropped open and was held agape as she felt him push into her some more leading to her insides opening up completely for him. Izuku held her thighs into his hands and pushed slowly into Jiro's pussy eventually arriving at the membrane of her hymen. He cast a brief look to her and saw the girl nod in affirmation, she braced herself and felt Izuku deliver a strong hard push of his loins into her sex making her barrier break and allowing him entry into her deeper non-virginal depths now.
"Aaaggghhh! Oooohh Midoriya!~" She cried out and thrashed about on the desk surface feeling him bury himself deeply to the hilt.
"Ughk! Are you okay, Jiro-chan?" Izuku grunted feeling the tightness of her snatch suffocate his member as he rested his balls against her buttocks. He saw Jiro nod her head and brought her legs around to curl over his buttocks next.
Jiro, although sweaty and breathing hard, nodded for Izuku to continue just before leaning up to capture his lips into another sweet loving kiss again. He wrapped his arms around her sides keeping her fully embrace while his pelvis began slamming into her from above making the desk surface shake. Loud clicking noises of the desk shifted about followed along with Jiro's buttocks smacking into his waist. Everyone watched as the boy's large balls slapped her nether region constantly like clockwork, Izuku was going a moderate pace in fucking her and made sure to hit her deepest regions with every thrust. Jiro mewled loudly between his lips savoring the feeling of her sex sheathing his mighty length into her over and over again as they fucked in the middle of the classroom.
"Mmhg! Mhh mhh mhh mhh mhh mhh mm! Ooohhhh! Midoriya!" She cried out between breaths feeling his member push into her cervix over and over again with undaunted lust.
Izuku groaned each time he shoved himself to the brink inside of the cute tomboy, Jiro's body was naturally very soft and meshed pleasantly into his frame similar to Mitsuki Bakugo's body felt. This made sex with the girl even more enjoyable for him all around, thus, he began rampantly slamming his waist into her sex causing her to breathe loudly every time he pushed into her cervix. Jiro' head tossed about moaning and gasping in ecstasy. Everyone watched as his member pushed intro her sex time and again with ease making her entire petite body thrash about while clinging to Izuku's body.
Jiro hugged him tightly for dear life and bit down on her bottom lip as she felt the rise of pleasure begin to erupt within her loins. Her insides started spasming and squeezing down tightly on his length soaking his cock to the brim with her juices as she came right then in a fierce orgasm.
'Hhggnnhh! Aaaahhhh Midoriya!~" She yelled out with an orgasmic look on her face as she came hard all over his member.
Izuku felt the contractions of her tightness pushed him over the edge making him slam himself to the brink inside her one last time before cumming. His balls exploded and his shaft swelled like a balloon sending thick splashes of cum directly into her pussy like he had done with everyone else. Jiro felt the molten warmth send her body into another frenzy making her cum twice in a row while thrashing about on the desk surface. Her naked form curled up and ground Izuku's waist feeling her stomach inflate due to the obscene amount of cum he just now pumped into her. Her toes curled tightly together, her legs straightened up, and her chest arched forward making Jiro into a shuddering mess of orgasmic bliss.
"Aaghh!...aahh ...! Aaahh…..oohhhh.~" She cooed softly when coming down from her high. Her limbs went slack and her head lolled back into a tired yet satisfied smile as she breathed laboriously in post-coital bliss.
'Uunngh….I'm feeling sensitive now, but still...I feel that rush. I need to take care of them.' Izuku thought to himself as he pulled out of Jiro and stood up turning his head over to see Pony Tsunemori shaking her rear left and right excitedly with steam coming out of her nostrils.
She held her fists together clearly pumped with stars in her eyes and walked over to Izuku with swaying hips. Her honey-blonde hair was long and beautifully splayed around her backside with horns sticking out like always giving Izuku an idea .
"Please treat me rightly! And ever so nicely, is that how I say that properly?" Pony asked cutely with her foreign accent looking back over at her friends. Reiko and Kinoko both nodded in affirmation making her spirits rise.
Pony Tsunotori-
She looked back over at Izuku's body and rank in the sight of his muscular form feeling giddy as she was horny. Her rear wriggled left and right as she approached Izuku ready to be taken next, when she got close her hands traced around his arms affectionately with eyes focused on his face, letting the romance pull her in. Izuku had a gentle face and a rather warm welcoming aura about him that just drew the gentle foreign girl in. He brought his hands up to her face gently cupping it and leaned over to where his lips was about to close in on her.
'I'm about to have my first real kiss with a boy! Eeeeeeee!~' She thought lowering her eyes to a close as her equine humanoid lips brushed against his mouth leading to her swallowing up Midoriya's mouth for a deep impassioned lip-lock. "Mmmhhmm!~"
Pony internally reeled with excited as she felt her flat long equine tongue roll up against Izuku's normal one during their embrace. Her right leg curled up along his side with pelvis until Izuku suddenly grabbed his left hand around her right thigh picking her up a bit. Pony let out a cute squeal of surprise as she felt him guide her over to another random desk, at this point clean ones were running out. She continued making out with him and enjoying the taste of his lips while feeling his hand stroke her thigh and buttocks continuously with growing passion.
"Mmhhmm.~" She mewled into his mouth again tasting his strong dominant tongue roll over her own in a display of raw strength. Her left hand found its way to his thick lengthy penis with fingers running along his lubricated glans and massaged it at her leisure causing him to moan inside of her mouth.
Soft slurping noises followed with Pony melting every second thanks to the feeling of Izuku pressing himself into her body. Her body bristled up with excitement ever-more by the second until Izuku pulled off of her muzzled lips seeing her dazed face as he grabbed ahold of her hips and turned her around promptly showing him her full ass. Her small tail waggled a bit with excitement, she was bent over the desk they were on with her hooved feet planting themselves far apart on the floor. Pony knew what was coming next and felt positively eager for it, her folds glistened with juices making it known just how aroused she was for what came next.
"Hnhh, I wanted to treat you 'Nicely' and 'Rightly', Pony-chan, but I just can't help myself right now. I've been admiring your rear ever since you first got naked and ...I've been wanting to grab ahold of those horns of yours so that I can take you for a ride." Izuku breathed out making her blush up a storm and nod her head eagerly with hand gripping the edges of the desk.
'T-take me for a ride?' She repeated with increasing blush until she felt Izuku's hands reach for her horns next. He grabbed them firmly and felt her sex spread open little by little to the intrusion of the head of his penis. Pony's Prussian blue eyes widened in excitement as she felt him begin to push into her from behind already.
Her fingers gripped the edge of the desk even tighter as she clenched her teeth feeling Izuku's mighty cock cleave into her folds right now.
"Uueeaaaaghhh! M-Midoriya-kuuuun!~" She squeaked out cutely with face screwing up in ecstatic bliss.
Her folds squelched and gushed around Izuku's length making him grunt heavily as he pushed more into her from behind. Inch by thick inch of his massive member pushed inside leaving her innards to expand and wrap tightly around him until he was balls deep. Pony shuddered intensely for she felt him knock on the entrance of her womb and felt his pelvis push into her taut ass next. Her tail wagged furiously swiping Izuku's chiseled abdomen as she struggled to adjust to the amazing feeling of being filled up by him.
"Hnghhhh…..Pony-chan! Gghh! I'm going to start now, be ready." He announced and firmly grabbed her horns using them as makeshift handlebars. His hips slowly pulled back leaving the head of his meat inside of her juicy twat making her shiver as it reached her cervix in one go.
"Oooooogggh!" She whimpered with big Prussian blue eyes going cross for she was feeling every erogenous zone in her system react like crazy to feeling Izuku's dick once again.
He drew himself back slowly then pushed in even faster continuing to do so until he built up a repetition of fucking Pony gently while also being forceful. Her full round perfect ass smack gingerly against his groin, it had started bucking back and forth against his waist making her hooved feet clack about all over the floor. To anyone else it looked as though Izuku was indeed 'Taming' the wild horse, by which it meant a cute Equin girl with a large bodacious ass. Her cheeks slapped repeatedly into his waist creating a loud series of smacking noises coupled with her moaning.
Pony's eyes glossed over in her utter delight leading to her mouth hanging open in a smile. Her body swayed and bounced back and forth to Izuku's hard thrusts, which had increased even more in ferocity, as she hung onto the desk in front of her.
"M-Midoriya-kun! Aaahh aaah aah aaah aaah aahhhh!~" She whimpered loudly occasionally letting out a whinny cutely much to her embarrassment. Her ample C-cup titties flopped and jiggled around along with her swaying body the more he pressed himself into her ass.
Izuku moved up one of his hands over to her fluffy short tail and grabbed ahold of it unknowingly touching yet another erogenous zone on her body. Pony's frame stiffened up with her legs straightening out and pussy clamping tightly on his meat. She let out a loud wail of pure ecstasy as she came hard on his meat with a wide-open smile.
"Gghk! Uunhhh! I'm coming….!" Izuku let out and as he felt the folds of her sex squeeze inwardly around his cock causing his balls to stiffen up and send a thick deluge of sperm directly into her cervix from behind.
Pony's heels stomped about excitedly with her butt slamming back and forth into his waist some more amidst her frenzied orgasmic fit. Her long strawed hair tossed around with body shivering in climax, Izuku still had a firm hold on her horns and proceeded to slam the girl onto his cock using them during his ejaculation. Each hard slam of Pony's rear against his crotch was met with another shuddering convulsion from her end causing her to cum even more, just as he did. During this raucous back and forth 'Rodeo' between their bodies Pony felt her womb filled up with the molten splendor of his seed inevitably being filled up in a few seconds time.
"Ooooohhh! Aaaahhhh….ride me again, Midoriya-kun! Ride… again….oooohh!" She whimpered constantly while shuddering some more and eventually lowered her eyes until her naked body collapsed over the desk they were fucking on.
Izuku growled to himself and grunted sending another few thrusts into her waist in order to let out the last thick ropes of semen until he was done. Bucking into her again he finished cumming inside of her and slowly pulled out his remarkably erect length still crackling with OFA energy.
"Uhhh! Aaahh…...that felt incredible." He said to himself hanging his head back and noticing that the remaining members of the classroom got up and started heading towards him, all of them save for the ones he already fucked were preparing to crowd him like a horde of zombies eager to have a taste of his flesh.
"Heh, I guess that's what happens if you wait too long, huh?" He breathed out with a chuckle as he watched his female classmates hone in on him preparing to strike.
The question was; who will do so first?
There was still Ochako Uraraka, Reiko Yanagi, Kashiko Sekigai, Kinoko Komori, Setsuna Tokage, Toru Hagakure, Ibara Shiozaki, Yui Kodai,Utsushimi Camie, and of course Shouko Todoroki. Izuku felt their connection to him via AD and the lust burned bright inside of him still as his member remained full of vitality and ongoing lust to seed every single one of them. He failed to notice his dark thoughts take over part of his mind since it was clouded by lust, but for some reason Izuku wanted them all and in turn he would love them like he did his mother, Nana, and Mitsuki.
To be continued…..
End of Chapter
Next Group of Girls (Up to Reader Choice, so say what cha want in comments or else I'll just pick randomly myself, lol)
Off-Filler Omake-
Somewhere else near Deika City prefecture….
Within an office building somewhere, one belonging to a clothing company named Detnerat, a pale blue-skinned adult woman beautiful in appearance and wearing a strapless sleek dress over her body. She had black sclera and green eyes with pale lilac hair measuring in medium length. She spun around her in office chair until she faced the front of her desk again facing the phone screen of her phone showing the reporter Yu Shimamura on the other line.
"So….you say your 'Source' gave you a good time, Yu? One that happened to be young, fit shape, and able to make you scream out your lungs during a romp in the news van?" She guessed and the blushing fair-skinned woman nodded furiously with a dreamy smile.
"Yes…..! Oohhh, Kizuki-sama, he's perfect. Just perfect ...ooohh I can't wait to meet him again soon, but I'm afraid that since he goes to UA academy that meeting with him might be impossible. Still, I think that boy will be a splendid hero someday, I heard from him myself that he's connected to Gal-Might in some way."
"Hmmm, that is interesting, I think I might arrange for an interview myself since I'm a head executive of Detnerat and an executive of Shueisha publishing. That comic brand is really big with boys his age after all." Chitose Kizuki mewled with intrigue in her voice and turned her head to see one of her more prized subordinates standing by wearing her usual winter coat over her body.
She had medium-length snow-white hair showing in a somewhat unkempt angelic style that went well with her white eyelashes and pale blue eyes. She was a beauty in the theme of ice alright, fitting that her Quirk was a high-level Ice manipulation power at that. Chitose smirked and leaned back in her chair just as the reporter on the other line hung up with a dreamy smile when thinking about Izuku again.
"Geten, get ready, we might have to make a stop at UA academy and meet this special 'Protege' of Gal Might Shimamura-san talked about. Consider me curious, so much so, that I want to meet him in person." Chitose said with a sultry smirk on her face while Geten nodded knowing that her niece Shouko went to that same academy.
'This'll be interesting, it'll be my first time returning to a school since dropping out. I wonder how Shouko-chan and Rei are doing these days.' She pondered while also feeling curious about Izuku much like her superior was.
End of Chapter
To be continued ...(Obviously)