Chapter 9: Chapter - 7/3 part one
Standing in front of the classroom door Izuku once again eyed the printed paper detail his homeroom location. After the exam the results came in, all of them showing his percentage in reaching the top. Right now he was in his school uniform still as the day was coming to an end, after the Exam the selection choices were made and Izuku was to report into this room as orientation before heading home. Feeling confident and full of pride right now he took a deep breath and slid open the door to the classroom showing him a room filled entirely with girls and a very predatory-looking Midnight seated cross-legged atop her desk.
"Oh! Welcome to class 1-A, Midoriya! Please have a seat, I can finally call roll now that you're here." Midnight greeted brightly making Izuku look back at all the students noticing that there weren't any boys around save for himself.
'Uuum! This isn't good! Did I make a mistake and go to an all girls homeroom?' He wondered then looked to Midnight leaning over the edge of her desk wiggling her hips playfully while the other girls eyed Izuku with varying expressions of interest and curiosity. He noticed that both Kendo, who was waving excitedly at him from afar, sat in the class alongside the girl he met earlier. Momo, the lovely mature-bodied maiden sat waving politely at him with a soft smile making Izuku even more nervous than he already was.
'S-She's here too! And so is Kendo-chan! Oh, I'm worried if I get too excited I'll lose myself to the side effects of that other Quirk.' He thought to himself clearing his throat to speak to Midnight.
"Um, excuse me, Midnight-san? I think they may have been a misunderstanding, did I arrive at 1A 'Alpha' my mistake?" He asked and saw her nod smiling as she stopped wiggling and reached over to the desk grabbing a sheet of paper to show to him.
Izuku leaned in to see his name among the list of rest of the class. He paled when it became obvious that he was the only boy here. Someone had to have made a mistake! Right?
"W-wait...this can't be right. Why am I the only guy here?" He questioned feeling his Quirk began to throb excitedly being near all these women. Izuku was started to get worried now as he felt the empowering aura of lust begin to emanate from within his body.
Midnight just pointed ahead at the empty seat somewhere in the middle of the classroom.
"Take a seat, Midoriya. I won't ask again.~" Midnight purred reaching for one of her riding crops and cracking it across the ground making him tense up in fear.
"S-sure! Yes, ma'am!" He quickly hustled over to his chair catching many curious pairs of female eyes admiring his built frame in school uniform.
He heard some girls giggle and coo in a cute flirty manner as he shifted his eyes around looking nervously ahead.
"Alright then, now that we're all here let's start with attendance roll call. I am the R-rated Hero Midnight, pleased to meet you all. I look forward to teaching you all intimately this school year, maybe longer depending on how well you all treat me.~" She purred in a silky voice winking specifically at Izuku. Pushing up her red glasses she revealed her lovely face with a mole somewhere on one of her cheeks, Izuku felt the throbbing pulse of the AD Quirk beginning to stir making him panic even more.
Taking a deep breath he tried calming his mind and focused his control over it. While he did that Midnight started going off the list of students in the class.
"First off; Uraraka Ochako." She began and a cute somewhat short girl with petite build and fair skin stood up from her seat.
"Here!~" She greeted cutely making Izuku take notice of her pawprint hands and her cute rather average body with wide hips. She had brown shoulder-length hair that matched the color in her eyes, it was bobbed and curved inwards at the ends giving her rather adorable face. She looked his way and smiled brightly at Izuku making him blush until she sat back down.
"Here!~" She greeted cutely making Izuku take notice of her pawprint hands and her cute rather average body with wide hips.
"Next, Yaoyorozu Momo."
An attractive teenage girl with a rather mature physique stood up next. Izuku knew her as the beautiful raven-haired maiden that he met earlier that day at the front of the building. Her long black hair was tied back into a spiky ponytail with a single bang hanging on the right side of her face. Her cat-like eyes glinted with confidence and kindness as she politely bowed her head acknowledge the roll call. Izuku found her to be very attractive with her being as full-figured as it was.
The Dark Quirk throbbed even harder.
"Oooh, a big name one here. Todoroki Shouko."
Izuku looked to see a buxom beauty with a tall womanly body stand up next. She short bob-style hair with bladed bangs all around nearly obscuring her face, which he saw had a burn scar over her right eye. This made him wonder what caused it, but then he looked into the girl's pristine heterochromatic eyes from afar and felt a degree of sadness and loneliness in them. Then his eyes drifted downward admiring her curvaceous physique and full chest, she was possibly the second biggest girl here in terms of size.
"Thank you, Midnight. I am proud to be here." She stated stoically turning her head over to cast a look at Izuku from afar, he flinched when their eyes connected before she turned away and sat back down.
'I cannot read her, but she is very pretty and mysterious.' He thought to himself as the next student was called up.
"Tsunotori Pony." Midnight spoke up again summoning a short girl with a round slightly equine face and muzzle. She had thick wavy blonde hair which reached halfway down her back with some shorter bangs hanging down her forehead. Her eyes were large and round showing everyone a prussian blue color. The most noticeable thing about her were her tall tan horns up top her head. Another were her rounded calves matching that of a horse with brown hooves on her feet. She also had a short horse tail poking out of her tailbone. She wiggled it cutely when greeting everyone cutely with a foreign accent speaking in Japanese.
"Howdy howdy, pleased to meet you all!"
She sat back down as Midnight called the next one.
"Ashido Mina."
A girl with literal pink skin and medium height stood up next. Her shape was a little more broader than the other classmates, her large square eyes had dark sclera inside them with bright yellow irises and short fluffy pink hair having a pair of curved horns sticking out. She was obviously athletic by appearance and adorable to boot, Izuku felt his heart throb a bit when looking at her and seeing her flash a double peace sign with her fingers.
'So many beautiful women….I need to control myself! Why did this Quirk have to make me into such a pervert?' Izuku thought as the next girl stood up.
"Utsushimi Camie."
A young woman stood up next wearing her uniform shirt loosely with a few buttons undone showing of her impressive cleavage. She had straight fawn-colored hair that reached just below her shoulders with large dark brown eyes. She had full glossy lips as well as a curvaceous figure that rivaled Momo's even. Izuku felt his erection throb upon seeing her and when she sat back down she tossed him a cute wink.
"Hagakure Toru."
A literal invisible girl stood up next being only 'seen' thanks to her uniform clothing being wrapped around her body. Her build was fairly slender with her height somewhat short.
"Heey heey! Hehehe!" She greeted striking a pose in her uniform.
"Yanagi Reiko."
A medium height girl stood up next with chin length pale hair parted to the right covering up one eye and obscuring the left side of her face. She had dark bags under her blue eyes and a small mouth with full lips. Oddly enough her hands are usually held up as high as her elbows with hands draped down. Still, she was an eerie yet lovely beauty that reminded Izuku of ghost girls in movies.
"Hello, everyone." She greeted in a dreary yet cute voice before seating back down.
"Kyoka Jiro."
A petite fair-skinned girl with a slender build stood up next. She had triangular lazy-looking dark eyes and long eyelashes. Her hair was short and dark purple in color with an asymmetrical fringe. She looked like a punk rocker if Izuku ever saw one, but he'd admit he looked her nonchalant demeanor. He tensed up when seeing her turn his way casting a curious stare at him before seating herself back down.
"Kashiko Sekigai."
'Seki-chan?' Izuku pondered when he saw the cute petite girl with pale hair stand up greeting them all politely. Her periwinkle blue hair looked as beautiful and as a shiny as it down when he laid on top of her the other night. She kept it side swept to the right with long bang hanving down beside her face. Her glasses remained on her face cyrstal clear in reflection showing her intelligent eyes. She waved happily as Izuku with a fierce blush before sitting down.
"Setsuna Tokage." Midnight called out again.
A young girl of average height stood up next, she had large upturned dusky green eyes with long pointed teeth showing when she smiled. Her hair was dark green and collectively reached around her shoulders with a short clump hanging in the center of her forehead. She looked as fit and as voluptuous as Mina and held an ever-present smirk on her face while waving at everyone around her.
"Ibara Shiozaki." She continued on.
A girl of meidum eight and green thorn-covered vines for hair stood up next. She held a graceful yet modest air about herself as she greeted everyone in class with well-mannered courtesy. Her long vine-like hair stopped just above her waist, her eyes were squinted and dark green with long lower eyelashes that made her appear very cute by default.
"Kinoko Komori."
A short girl with a rather thin yet curvy short stack build came up next. She had honey brown hair curved inwards in a mushroom-shaped bob that reaches just below her shoulders. There was a long fringe covering up her eyes and hiding half of her face, but she brushed it aside briefly showing a starstruck eye and cute nose with her tongue sticking out cutely at everyone.
"Pleased to meet you all, Shroom shroom!"
"Tsuyu Asui."
The next girl came up to be a relatively short with a thin build compared to her classmates. She had notably large hands and her appearance was rather frog-like, she had a wide mouth which dipped down a little in the middle and oval-shaped eyes with large black irises. Her hair was long reaching down to her waist in a dark sea-green color with the ends tied together in a bow.
"Good morning, everyone. *Ribbit*" She greeted keeping her face expressionless before sitting down.
"Kodai Yui."
A young girl with shoulder-length bob-shaped hair side swept came up next. She had fair skin, athletic build and very stoic cerulean eyes on her face. The girl had a mysterious aura about her as she nodded politely greeting everyone wearing that neutral frown. Izuku couldn't find her attractive, but he did admire her figure which showed through the uniform.
"Kendo Itsuka."
'Kendo-chan!' Izuku thought looking up to see the pretty redheaded tomboy stand up next. Her teal eyes glimmered in the sunlight of the classroom, her long ginger hair stayed worn tied in a high ponytail on the left side of her face with bangs still split into three clumps around her forehead. She was as pretty and all around attractive as she ever was. Izuku couldn't help but notice that her chest size increased a bit since he last saw her, this made him blush as she turned around flashing a smile his way and winking before seating herself down.
Midnight got off the table to stand up entirely at this point, she trailed her name on the last known student to call forth and looked to him with a sinister smile while licking her lips.
"And last but not least, Izuku Midoriya. Stand up and greet everyone now.~" She said finally with Izuku letting out a deep breath and doing just that. He stood up with all eyes upon him making him a bit nervous as the AD Quirk started stirring inside of him. "Do take note that while we have a bit of a short class compared to 'Gamma' 1A we are expected to get more fresh students coming in as the first two months go by, transfer or otherwise, but for right now introduce yourself, Midoriya."
"Hello… name is Izuku Midoriya. Pleased to meet you all, um….I'm still kind of curious why I'm still the only boy here, but I'd like to be friends with everyone if possible." Izuku said in a modest humble fashion receiving some applause as well as smiles from all the girls around him.
"That being said, I aim to become a Hero that makes everyone smile when he saves the day, like my inspiration All-Might, and my idol Gal-Might." He added with a fiery sense of passion making some of the girls giggle in amusement while others simply nodded admiring his passion.
Midnight nodded and looked to her syllabus ready to begin the class with some Quirk training to start off the season, but first she wanted to have some fun with the only boy in class, particularly a well-endowed powerhouse of one that happened to be very cute. Accidentally dropping the sheet down onto the floor she turned around and bent herself to pick up, she wiggled her buttocks noticeably in Izuku's line of sight making him stiffen up as he saw how round her buttocks looked…..
…..thereby sparking the fire.
"Hggnnhh!" Izuku grunted to himself suddenly feeling his entire body light up in a surge bright green energy!
"Izuku?! What's wro-!?" Kendo called out attempting to get up and check on him when suddenly she halted in the middle of rising out of her desk.
Her eyes went wide when she felt the strange 'buzzing' of the Absolute Devotion course through her system once again. Her body felt sensitive and filled with stimulation, thoughts of Izuku ravishing her entered her mind nonstop making her hornier than she's ever been in her life.
Suddenly all the other girls got pulled into its effects giving each and every single one of them a full blast of OFA-enhanced Absolute Devotion! The energy and the connection all came from the body of Izuku Midoriya.
"No…! What's happening?! I-I-I can't control it at all!" He said to himself in slight panic feeling his erection surge with OFA-enhanced power making his uniform pants rip itself open revealing a throbbing 14 inch long erection before everyone's eyes. Many of the girls blushed hotter than a red tomato and felt their lions stir with sensitive longing. Each of them looked straight at Izuku and his long slab of meat with growing hunger seem in their eyes.
"Eeeeee! He's got a big mushroom down there! Shroom shroom!~" Kinoko Komori squealed in delight as the others felt the pull of the Adonis-like boy and his Quirk.
Midnight saw this and salivated immediately. She was feeling the full blast of the AD Quirk making writhe with sexual energy, which then caused her tear off strips and pieces of her outfit exposing her skin in the process. Her full D-cup sized tits bounced free from the white latex binding them, her legs became bare with her kicking her boots off. The dark part of her outfit stayed wrapped around her body until she started undoing it letting more of her bare skin come out into the open. Thoughts of Izuku's large penis bobbing like it was kept swimming through her mind, she was feeling the need alright and it kicked started her innate pervert instincts!
"Girls….!" She called out to the entire classroom seeing all of their eyes glow purple as the pheromones of Izuku's second Quirk roused everyone into full-on nympho mode. "...get undressed so that we can all have a go at him!" Midnight called out making them all nod in agreement feeling the lust swell inside of their bodies while Izuku wrestled with the reality of what was going on inside of him.
'I..wait! No! This is all my fault, I held it back too much so that I could prepare for the Entrance Exam. I should've been taming it! Maybe by spending time with Kaa-san, Kendo, and Nana-chan and everyone else.' He thought to himself blushing redder than a tomato when he saw every single girl in his classroom undressing in front of his face.
Naked female bodies of all different curvaceous shapes and sizes became bare before him making Izuku's mind recede into that of wanton lust for them. He felt OFA power his other Quirk making this entire catastrophe possible in the first place, but Izuku knew this was his responsibility for letting it get too far. He felt he had to 'take care' of the lust built up between himself and the girls and get it out of their systems. To save them, even if they'll just want to be part of his life as though he were raising a harem. His teenage hormonal mind didn't mind that part too much though.
"Unugh, alright then!" He stripped off his uniform coat and shirt revealing his handsomely toned body to all of the girls making many salivate as some crawled up to his length feeling their soft hands all over it starting the debauchery.
"You have big balls, hehehee!" Mina Ashido said giggling as she leaned in closely to turn her tongue along his testicles making him shiver as he sat atop of his desk.
"Unngh…..! Oohh, I guess we're really doing this, huh? Alright, come on, everyone! I'll save you!" He called out making some of them gush at his odd heroism before all of the girls closed in on him with hands touching every inch of his nicely-toned body!
Camie locked her full lips onto his face smothering them against his mouth as she made out with him.
"Hmmhmmh!~ Haahh….you taste real good, Izu-kun." She gasped running her tongue along his lips before shoving it into his mouth tasting him erotically while pressing her naked self into his right side. To his left he felt Momo kissing along his neck lovingly sucking niblets of his skin into her mouth while pressing her large tits into his broad left shoulder. Izuku squealed internally when feeling such thick breasts rub up against him.
'Nnnngh! Her breasts feel so soft, they all feel so very soft! I can't believe this is really happening to me!' Izuku thought feeling Camie clean out his mouth hungrily for another minute. Izuku winced when he felt several tongues along his length making him pop open an eye to see several girls down there already crowding between his legs.
There was Yui Kodai, Komori with hearts in her one visible eye, and Reiko Yanagi all slurping on his balls together while the shaft was getting sucked by Sekigai, Jirou, and Setsuna. All those girls ran their tongues hungrily along his dick making Izuku feel a nonstop wave of sensational wet pleasure.
"Nngghhh! Haahh….!" He growled tossing back his head after Camie pulled her mouth off of his lips. Momo latched on his lips next and made out with him more intimately with a fierce blush on her face. She reached back and undid her ponytail letting her long dark hair fall free giving her a more beautiful appearance. Izuku felt his heart throb intensely when seeing her like this, then his view became obscured when he looked forward to see the frog girl Tsuyu Asui extend her long prehensile tongue around his face running it's spongy surface along the underside of his chin intimately.
"*Ribbit*.....*Ribbit*'re making us feel this way, Midoriya-kun. Better take responsibility.~" She cooed cutely slobbering all his neck making him pant excitedly before inhaling Momo's breath again leading to an impassioned kiss.
Izuku moaned into the girl's mouth savoring the feel of her tongue rolling around the inside with his. They made out for a few more seconds until Izuku pulled back looking to see everyone else eying him eagerly in wait for their turn. Some were seated with shirts lifted up revealing varying sizes of young developing breasts, his erection throbbed painfully into his pants when he saw tits by the dozen. Some got up on their desks wiggling their rumps in the air and undressing themselves while waiting,