MHA : Cursed by Fate

Chapter 8: The Grand Failure of Good and Evil

[1st POV]

The satisfaction I felt urged out a joke from me.

"Ah yes, my anti-Symbol of Peace technique....I haven't used this since the Heian era." I said in a tone that had a smile.

Too bad no one could appreciate my godly joke.

"The Heian Era?" AFO immediately capitalized on that with calculating eyes, because of course he did.

He did not know what I was. I was a being that surpassed him in power when I had no qurik. I destroyed whatever this world had as logic with my mere existence. He wanted to understand me.

"You won't get it," I said causally before I went right back to killing him.


Before I could cover half the distance between us, a huge explosion of raw force shot at me. It was an air canon strong enough to rip a valley in the city of buildings. The ground was all but ripped apart, and a line of destruction scarred Yokohama, visible from a bird's-eye view.

But as a consequence of spamming the same attack, I predicted it. I had already lept to the sky when the attack devastated the city.

AFO looked up, he was fast to react but not fast enough. I made a barrier which I used as a foothold and shot down like a meteorite. My body cut through the atmosphere and the friction made me appear like a line of red.

I threw a punch and he brought his arms up to shield himself, just like I wanted him to. I took full advantage of my four arms and grabbed his wrists. I used cleave to cut his arms at the elbow and ripped them off, opening his guard.

I slammed my punch at his head. It was disappointing that it did not result in a backflash but my raw strength and momentum were enough to cave the earth as I buried him to the ground.


"You are awfully slippery," I said as the cloud of dust settled. There was no one on the ground as AFO ran away with some earth quirk that allowed him to move underground.

I could feel him still, as he made his way to All Might. I was about to follow him but something else caught my whole attention.


My instincts screamed at me and I threw the bisected hands away. A second later the pieces of flesh shone in yellow light before they exploded. The heat alone liquified steel instantly and the shockwave destroyed everything in its vicinity.

A qurik that could turn his body parts into bombs.

"Versatile too,"

He mentioned at the start how he only accumulated combat-oriented quirks to prepare for me and that I should feel honoured because of it. I thought it was just him being arrogant but it was a way to give me the wrong information it seems.

Mind games. So annoying when others do it too.

Something came at me. It was fast, as fast as a bullet. I repositioned myself to stand sideways and a large object flew right past me.

It was a car moving at the speed of a bullet.


I did a backflip and started running as other projectiles came my way, most of them were cars but sometimes they were rubble of concrete of the same size. They shot at me like bullets coming from a machine gun.

I manoeuvred myself behind a tall building as a cover but that was what they wanted. AFO immediately used the building as a cover too and charged right through it for a surprise attack.

His armoured body was covered in a streak of lightning as he blitzed past me, barely missing. Had I not moved away in time my body would've splattered in a spray of gore.

I quickly tapped him with my hand as he blitzed past me. That was enough to activate cleave as his leg got cut up. 

He planted his remaining feet on the ground and forcefully slid to a stop, leaving a deep line of ruin behind him. I moved to approach him, but a huge truck flung at me so I stopped.

All Might came beside AFO.

"His slashes are not strong enough to cut us from long range. It's when he touches you that his slash gets stronger," AFO said while healing his arms and foot.

"Even if you attack, make sure the contact duration is as short as possible and do not wrestle or grab him," AFO said, "A glove should solve the issue when you hit him,"

"I understand," All Might said with a hardened voice.

On the other hand, I clicked my tongue. Was it information gathering qurik? Maybe a quirk that could analyze power or perhaps an intelligence qurik.

This was why I had to fight him carefully and only attack with my trump card when I was sure it would kill him instantly. If he survived, it gets a whole lot harder to kill him again.

I took a fighting stance, my body burned with invisible curse energy that was heavy enough to dent the ground under me. My four fists were coated with a layer of potent cursed energy.

I was prepared to engage All Might. At least if we fought, AFO couldn't spam his ranged attacks.

I would never have engaged in close combat with All Might had it not been for the fact that he lost one of his arms. With his handicap, I was at least confident to be able to trade blows with him.

My lips twisted into a grin as All Might launched himself forward, the ground beneath his feet cratering from the sheer force of his leap. Muscles popped with raw physical might, fists clenched, and the embodiment of strength charged at me.

"Detroit Smash!"

The impact was like thunder-made flesh. The air pressure alone shattered windows in a mile-wide radius, and the street beneath us splintered into a spiderweb of cracks. I slide back a few paces, my feet carving deep grooves into the asphalt, but my grin never wavered.

A disgusting amount of cursed energy wrapped around my body, to the point they almost dripped down like liquid.

I executed my technique right then - Cleave - but he was fast enough to pull himself away. My slash was not instantaneous and it started a few centimetres away from the skin, but All Might was fast enough to evade that.

His gigantic figure blurred, becoming an afterimage and I moved away to dodge another punch. His fist missed me and it plunged into the ground, solid was liquid under his raw strength and the world cried out with an open wound.

An air cannon rushed at me while I leapt away, I reached out my hand and intertwined many small slashes - Dismantle - to make up for their weakness as I sliced the concentrated air pressure like it was solid.

Destruction was marked on both my sides but the middle remained unharmed. I flicked my finger, sending dismantle to cut the two buildings beside All for One and they collapsed on him.

All Might came at me again, no hesitation could be found in his actions. Years of self-conditioning to be gentle to the fragile world around him were ripped away. He no longer cared for collateral damage.


Therefore, as he ran, each of his steps caused miniature tremors that shook the city. He threw another punch, a sideways hook that tore through the air. He did not even have to make contact to hit me as his punch generated a shockwave so strong that the surrounding cars were lifted from the ground and hurled into the sky.

My ribs caved in and I slipped the force before I slammed a punch at his face. My other hand punched his liver and another tried to grab his body to activate cleave.

He pulled away in time to avoid fatal wounds.

Concrete, steel and cars were raining from the sky.

I laughed.

The fight continued as we blurred, moving fast enough to easily discard sound. Only after we were done with our clashes was the world fast enough to react, sending explosion and destruction under the weight of our force exchanged.

The shockwaves that followed our clashes weren't mere ripples - they were violent eruptions. The street fractured, long jagged lines spread like cracks in a glass.

The city was quickly becoming unrecognizable. Yokohama, once a bustling city of vibrant lights and human lives now laid in ruins. Flames danced along broken power lines that caused the city to finally go dark. The blaring alarms stopped and the red flashing lights did too.

All Might and All for One were enemies and they did not trust each other. Their teamwork was causing a disadvantage for them rather than an advantage. They refused to cooperate and became a hurdle to each other.

The moment I saw that I took full advantage.

But not for long because All for One saw that I saw that and he stayed out of the battle. His physical strength was nothing to scoff at but not enough to join us so he threw quirks after quirks at us from a distance.

He was observing me, studying my habits with what I was sure were information-gathering quirks.

The battle intensified still. All Might's body was quickly being covered by lighting the colour of rainbows, each strand of electricity symbolized a previous user of One for All as generations of hope and power stood against me.

I mowed down buildings and skyscrapers like grass. The shockwaves of our clash sent them into the sky as whole structures and buildings rained down. The news helicopter and millitary jets that were circling above the city had to retreat as some of them were taken down by the aftermath of our clash.

I basked in the tension of the battle.




[Unknown amount of time later]




The air in Yokohama was thick with smoke and the bitter scent of scorched metal. Buildings, once standing tall and proud, now lean like forest trees. Their foundation was not the original, they fell from the sky and got planted at random places.


The city was reduced to a broken canvas, the streets painted with flames and shadows, the skyline torn apart by the unrelenting shockwaves of our clash. Fires crackle along the streets, fueled by ruptured gas lines and broken powerlines. They were the only source of light in the city now plunged into darkness.

I stand amidst the devastation, my four eyes drinking in the carnage. It was beautiful in a way that this was the consequence of a clash between three of the strongest beings in this world.

Not only that, it was a clash of ideals - of neutral, evil and good. I fought in the name of Revenge, All for One in the name of Survival and Tyranny, All Might in the name of Peace and Justice.

I stood, seemingly unscratched but at the cost of heavy RCT. All Might was barely breathing but he stood strong and proud, showing a strong back for the people watching even though his costume was in tatters and his body was marred with deep cut marks.

All for One was no better. His armours had broken into pieces and he no longer had enough fuel to heal himself. He stood out of desperation, unlike All Might, he stood for nothing but himself and he was deeply tired.

"You are strong, the both of you," I said and offered a few seconds of silence to acknowledge them.

"But now, I shall bring this to an end," I said and formed a hand sign.

The world fell into silence.

And then....

"Domain Expansion,"




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