Chapter 168: Chapter 168: All Might’s Agency Aftermath
Chapter 168: All Might's Agency Aftermath
~Third POV~
[Day 5 (Daytime), Nabu Island – Beach Area, Japan]
Ren is running across a bridge on a lake during his time off while patrolling when suddenly... he hears a voice attack…
"[Mercury Aqua Mist!]"
A large amount of mist forms around the bridge, making him cough. He looks toward the source of the voice, coming from the edge of the island on the other side of the bridge, when a ball of water flies toward him, "Be prepared to be caught, Power Ranger! For I, magical girl Sailor Mercury! [Shabon Spraaaay!]"
He narrowly dodges, and it hits the bridge instead, causing Ren to narrow his eyes as he grabs his morphing wristband, muttering in an annoyed tone, "Great… instead of an assassin, or possibly a villain, it's a fake magical girl. Sigh… It's morphin' time!"
Ren activates his Morpher, transforming him into the Power Ranger in a flash. The Power Ranger proceeded to deliver a flying kick right to the Sailor Guardian's face, sending her crashing through trees as she flew through a forest.
She quickly recovers by levitating using her Quirk [Water Force], the ability to manipulate water, while the Power Ranger flips and jumps across the top of the trees. As Sailor Mercury floats above the trees, the Power Ranger delivers a punch to her face, followed by a series of blows.
Sailor Mercury ended his blows with a single water blast, sending him flying onto the stairs of the park and bouncing off the ground once. The Power Ranger quickly got back up, but the Sailor Guardian was already preparing another attack, "[Shine Aqua Illusion]!"
A flurry of balls and beams of water fly toward the Ranger, and although he acrobatically dodges most of them, he gets hit by one orb. He pulls out his Leon Saber in gun mode and shoots the rest of the orbs before they can hit him in an annoyed tone, "There was nothing illusional in that attack, you crazy – Oh? Blue panties, huh?"
Ren is hit by a swiftly delivered kick by Mercury while occupied, seeing her panties as she growled at him, hatefully saying to him, gritting her teeth, "Pervert! How dare you see a magical girl's panties?!!"
He is sent flying across the lake, his body skipping across the water before landing on the island at the end of it. Jumping down the stairs and landing at the opposite edge of the lake, Sailor Mercury prepares yet another attack, "You'll go down, Power Ranger!! That bounty money is mine!! [Double Shabon Spraaay Freezing]!"
Ren felt an icy wind blow towards him as he crossed his arms to guard himself and planted his feet on the ground to hold onto and stop himself from being blown away, though he froze alongside the lake in the process as he thought, annoyed, 'Yeah… guarding against a fucking Pokémon move [Icy Wind] was not the smartest move. And isn't her Quirk water control based or something?'
Sailor Mercury runs across the frozen lake but stops in the middle as the Power Ranger breaks free of the ice. He says, flexing his muscles, "Not very nice, sweety. But here let me return the favor."
He very quickly runs towards the Sailor, even catching up to the chunks of ice he blew away. Once he reaches her, he delivers a punch to her face, followed by a series of blows, causing her to yelp in pain.
He briefly pauses to fist pump before continuing, delivering an uppercut that launches her into the air before continuing the assault as he yells, "Have a taste of [Punch a bitch no jutsu]!"
However, Sailor Mercury starts retaliating by blocking his hits before delivering an uppercut, which starts her own series of counterattacks. She performs a combination of attacks, including regular hits, a downward kick, roundhouse kicks, and a water blast as she said in an annoyed tone, "Grrr…! Go down already!! [Shine]!"
She kicks the Ranger very high, allowing him to attack. Takes out his Leon Saber gun mode, firing a shot that hits her and momentarily stuns her before proceeding to dropkick her back down onto the frozen lake.
"[Mercury Aqua Rhapsody]!"
Summoning her power, Sailor Mercury blocks the shots by firing a water torrent toward it, hitting the Ranger as well. However, this causes the torrent to redirect itself back toward her, and though she attempts to block it, a large blast is caused by it, which knocks both fighters down.
The Sailor gets back up and fires another attack, groaning, "Argh… [Aqua Mirage]!"
The Ranger jumps out of the way of the attack, and although the water follows him, he catches his Leon Saber in saber mode while mid-air before landing behind Mercury and grabbing her tightly, raising her up, and letting her be hit by her own water.
Being hit by her own attack, she managed to escape from his grasp. Ren followed suit after her, reeling his fist as he spoke, "Time to say goodnight, magic girl wannabe faker! [The Great State of Ohio Smash]!"
He uses [Ohio Smash] on her face as she spins away, flying to the sky. Dusting off his hands as the Sailor spins while falling, she encountered the ground and then…
…she inexplicably explodes behind him as she hits the ground, in classic Power Rangers style, he says, heading towards her in a casual tone, "Sigh… when I got my time off, I got attacked by a fake magical girl. Better take this criminal to bars. At least the bounty will go down by the end of the week."
Grasping her and cuffing her, Ren took her to the nearest police station away from Nabu Island as he thought confidently, 'Still, these Villains from foreign lands make grinding for EXP worthwhile. Although I could live without a Magical Girl, fake or otherwise, out of my life, thank you very much.'
[Day 6 (Nighttime), Naruhata – Warehouses, Japan]
In the dead of night in Naruhata Warehouses, another villain appeared to capture the Power Ranger according to the bounty. In an abandoned weaponry warehouse at night, two thugs start lifting the boxes down together.
Coming from the shadows was a muscular villain wearing a mask who spoke in a Mexican accent with tubes around his body. The villain, Bane, with his Quirk [Enhancement], grants the user increased physical attributes and a minor healing factor equipped with Trigger Drugs as he said in a deep tone, "Step aside, niños."
Their boss, Bane, activates his Trigger and speeds up the process by lifting some of the boxes down himself…
They hear footsteps, and a dark figure speeds past them. And one of the light fixtures as one of the thugs yells, alarmed, "It's the heroes!"
Bane narrowed his eyes as his muscles twitched as he said, feeling his instincts alarm him using his [Enhancement] Quirk, "No... it's something... else..."
Two large black energy tendrils emerge from the shadows and grab two of the thugs. The two criminals are dragged into the darkness, emitting echoing screams as the mysterious figure knocks them out, "AHHHH –…"
Silence comes as Bane looks for his opponent while the figure keeps circling him and eyeing them as prey. Bane finally notices the intruder in the corner, who is none other than the Pro Hero, Power Ranger. Power Ranger spoke seriously to Bane, "You lot are under arrest. Bringing guns and Trigger here would be your last mistake, villain."
The Power Ranger leaps forward to attack, but Bane grabs his leg and tosses him backward. He then picks up an AK-47 from the crate and shoots at the target, but Power Ranger tanks all of the bullets with ease using [Bio-Electric Aura] in a calm tone, "Surrender now, and you can avoid this beatdown, Bane."
Ignoring his words, Power Ranger deflected the incoming bullets and sent them hurtling back at Bane, though the massive luchador barely flinched as he charged forward. Quick to adapt, Power Ranger fires an energy tendril using [Blackwhip], intending to pull Bane closer, but the moment he does, Bane shoulders through the tendril with force.
Ren grabs the edge of a nearby barge container, using it to steady himself before launching back at his opponent. He narrowly blocks a powerful blow from Bane, forming a makeshift shield with his arms using [Blackwhip].
The two exchange a flurry of strikes, but Ren's abilities give him the edge. Though Bane lands a few hits, Ren quickly webs using [Blackwhip] Bane towards him, uses his [Full Cowl] to get some heavy blows, and knocks Bane to the ground.
He tries to use his tendrils on the ground to pounce on the villain, but Bane manages to evade it in time. Bane uses the opening to his advantage and combos Ren into a heavy punch, which knocks him back into one of the larger crates.
Crashing into the larger crates, Ren commented in an annoyed tone, "Tch. That was a decent punch luchador."
Bane seizes Ren and charges, driving him through a series of massive crates before slamming his head into one with a bone-crushing impact. The luchador attempts to pounce on Ren's head, but Ren narrowly evades the attack, slipping into the shadows just in time.
From his hidden position, he lets out a groan, taking a moment to recover as Bane mocks him, hiding in the shadows, "So, you fall back on cheap magic tricks, trying to disappear, yet you don't know how to be truly invisible."
Bane catches Ren just as he's about to sneak up on him, grabbing the Power Ranger by the arm and hurling him forward with brutal force as he coldly says, "Now, I give you permission to die."
Ren crashes onto the hood of a truck, leaving a deep dent in the metal. Meanwhile, Bane pulls a rocket launcher from a nearby crate, loads it, and aims it at the injured hero, firing a deadly shot.
The resulting explosion causes Ren to take damage. As the explosion rocks the area, Bane lands on the ground and injects himself with a larger dose of Trigger, rapidly growing in size and strength.
With his newfound power, he grabs the battered Ren by the head, lifting him effortlessly in a cold tone, "You're just like all the others... broken!"
Bane smashes Ren into the ground, creating a crater in the process, and lifts him into the air, aiming to snap his back with a crushing knee strike, but as he brings his knee down, Ren quickly grabs Bane's head as he mutters indifferently, "Same, buddy. But I guess the kiddy gloves come off now."
Grasping Bane's head using [Full Cowl] strength, he swings his hand, holding his head down to the ground with considerable force of power. The force of the attack caused a crater to form, shaking Bane's head around from the impact.
Landing over the unconscious Bane, Ren smirked, seeing the villain headfirst into the ground as he cuffed him in a smug tone, "Sorry, Bane, but this is game over for you. Hopefully, this will end soon with you mooks coming after me."
Tying up the loose ends and thugs, Ren called in the police and All Might of what occurred of another villain attempting to bring illegal trade into Japan. Ending the call and waiting for the heroes to come, Ren sighed, making sure he cleaned the area up and confiscated the illegal contraband.
[Day 7 (Daytime), Jaku Hospital – Basement League of Villains Hideout, Tokyo, Japan]
Six days have passed since the copy of AFO sent assassins or villains to capture Ren Yuki or stall him. However, the copy noticed the bounty he had placed had been canceled, causing him to frown.
Also, the various accounts holding his wealth have gone missing. His expression narrowed, seeing that the money used for the bounty had disappeared in the last 6 days, causing him to frown at the news.
Assassins and villains alike are defeated trying to capture Ren Yuki. Or, at times, he comes to them, gaining fame for his heroic work the copy frowns…
Clenching his fist tightly, he leveled his gaze upon Tomura as he coldly replied, "… No matter. So long as Tomura gets refined, I'll recover my losses and pay the backstabbers for robbing me of my wealth."
Without any cash to his name, the copy of AFO could only wait till he gets his new vessel prepared and makes plans to obtain his old body from Tartarus, along with assisting the doctor in producing High-Tier Nomu's.
For now, the copy of AFO merely waited till the time was right for his plans to come to fruition, unaware of the traps that lay ahead of him…